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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11610267 No.11610267 [Reply] [Original]

Still don't have Staff.

FAQ: http://old.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Previous Thread: >>11594887

>> No.11610277

Maybe someone else is playing it with your phone? Sleep playing? It shouldn't be possible for two device to play the same account at the same time.

>> No.11610283

So sickle vs staff

Have one HSR Joker and a sickle right now should I shoot for the staff instead?

>> No.11610294

If you must choose, Sickle is better. Dark Healer are extremely rare. It's good for all Dark element team so if can get another HSR joker + Staff, get it.

Also >>>/g/37964315 Free $25. I haven't test it yet.

>> No.11610299

Used the code to get $75 however it seems to be fixed now no one is getting emails... :(

>> No.11610303

Harariel is so cute.

>> No.11610307

I feel your pain, I'm at 5-4 trying to get a fucking cane.

>> No.11610311

I have 2 shoes and 25 light shoes. Waiting for panic mode.

>> No.11610326

Same here, as soon as 24-12 hours remains, those shoes will be goners.

>> No.11610330

Finally got my Scythe. Now I just need one more Joker so I can make both.

>> No.11610340

In case you don't know, you can spend maiden tickets to get even more full shoes.
Just saying this because two seems like a really low number to have.

>> No.11610341 [DELETED] 

Why do you guys play this game? It's not even fun.

Carrot-on-a-stick syndrome?

>> No.11610345

Why do you browse /jp/? It's not even fun.

>> No.11610347 [DELETED] 

Yes it is.

>> No.11610349

>Log in
>Instantly level up from building completion

Thanks for the wasted vitality, nubee.

>> No.11610355

I already used some shoes. Hoping to not have to use the rest.

>> No.11610351

Holy subjectivity, Batman! It looks like we have a difference in opinions!

Fuck off.

>> No.11610359 [DELETED] 

VC is objectively not fun. It's a pure time waster.

>> No.11610356

Do you call shitposting in a thread fun? How horrible your life must be.
I fucking hate that, make sure next time to level up before logging out for long time if you think your building will give you enough exp to lvl up.

>> No.11610368

I find it fun and enjoyable, eat a dick.

>> No.11610366

And so is the internet, your point?

>> No.11610371

I have 2 HSR Jokers and a Staff.


>> No.11610380 [DELETED] 

The internet has productive and fun uses. VC is worthless timesink shit.

>> No.11610383

It has waifus.

>> No.11610390 [DELETED] 

They're cards......

>> No.11610391

Are you saying cards can't be waifus?

>> No.11610401 [DELETED] 

I'm saying that you're mentally unfit if you make a CARD your "waifu".

>> No.11610409

Guys ignore him, he's just spouting some obvious bait and you're all failing for it.

>> No.11610405

Conveniently enough, I have a Galaxy tab. E-mail took a while, and appeared under my Promotions tab in gmail, but got my 25bux. Thanks!

>> No.11610446

Some guy mentioned Chaos Drive in the last thread.
I tried it out. Art is more "detailed" than VC but not very moe. More like MTG type art.
Also the "gameplay" is brain-dead. Just hit buttons and battles auto-resolve, even raids. It's even more of a numbers game than VC.
I do like the skill and guild battle system though, but that's it.

>> No.11610527

So, I've got $350 in Google Play due to the Samsung promo fiasco.

How many gems can I buy?

>> No.11610534

A lot.

>> No.11610540

I would hope you don't have any personal details associated with your account, so all they can do is close it.

>> No.11610550

Enjoy getting arrested for stealing $350 big ones.

>> No.11610579
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That's why I'm too scared to cash it out.

I want to spend at least a bit of it before they remove the credit, though. Not so much they bother taking legal action, though.

Amazing how the bug is still working even now.

>> No.11610584

A lot of gems.

I already bought a bunch, you guys weren't joking. All these terrible Rs...

>> No.11610585

I'd hang on to it until 6 months after news breaks and they shut the thing down. Gives them enough time to do a post-mortem and correct any mistakes. If you still have the money by that point, dump it on something.

>> No.11610597

So what are the lewdest cards in the game?

>> No.11610599

I keep getting error code 3 when trying to start the game. Google isn't helping either. Any suggestions?

>> No.11610600

The money is only good for a month.

>> No.11610602

Settings > Apps > VC > Force Close > Restart

>> No.11610605

restart vc, that is

>> No.11610611

Nope, still getting it. I've tried moving it to the SD card and back. Force closing, hard resetting, soft resetting and force closing. i'm too scared to uninstall it because i'm scared that it'll delete my profile. Any more suggestions? I really can't miss out on the casino event.

>> No.11610613

Profiles are paired with devices server-side. It's safe to uninstall.

>> No.11610616

Turn off your phone? Also to unistal safely go to the bee icon in the menu and associate a twitter/facebook/whatever account to your VC account so you wont miss your data, I've done this recently so I can vouch it works.

>> No.11610646

Uninstalling still doesn't fix it!

>> No.11610659

Use bluestacks meanwhile then if you care that much for the event

Also I got a dam Scythe when I just want a cane, fuck everything.

>> No.11610681

I found something in google that says to adjust/change your date in your phone, might help.

>> No.11610713

Thanks guys. Although now my phone is one day froward from now on...

>> No.11610717

Just change it back tomorrow to it's original date around this hour, it might work.

>> No.11610774
File: 98 KB, 501x398, 666666666666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have have 10,000 gems thanks for Samsung's free money give-away courtesy of Indian programmers.

Dare I buy more?

>> No.11610782
File: 45 KB, 383x462, 777777777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare.

>> No.11610817

Buy Ygg trees and max out your magic school before you buy cards. There's a guaranteed SR promo in that 10-pack going on now. good luck, lol

>> No.11610827

I wouldn't fall for that, you'll probably end up with an awesome SR like Archangel ...

>> No.11610834

You know you could do that yourself. Samsung STILL hasn't fixed it after all these hours.

There are people with about $10,000 in Google Play.

>> No.11610835

Does great success from slime stack with the arcana? I just got my fully evolved Ratatoskr and I want to get her to level 50 as quick as possible.

>> No.11610839

So let's hear it. How many new Lilim owners are there?

>> No.11610859

Slimes at lvl 27 are good enough, not maxed is required actually.

>> No.11610942

Alright. But what exactly do I need to max my HR Ratatoskr? The minimum.

>> No.11610970

I'm on iOS.

>> No.11610973

A lvl 27 slime and a x2 exp arcana + great success arcana. That's it.

>> No.11610993


>> No.11611061

Tell me more about this free money thing gais.

>> No.11611092

Because I don't have a droid phone.

>> No.11611115

Why can't I use my premium summon tickets?

>> No.11611137

Select Summon. You can use them once the Select Summon is over

>> No.11611221
File: 57 KB, 459x276, aya sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get ton of credit
>Make a new US google account to redeem it
>The ingame jewel purchase is bound to non-US account

M-maybe someone got solution ?

>> No.11611372

I am over 2000 VIT wasted with 4 extra jokers and 2 spare scythes and still no cane.
I just want a dark healer... It is just not meant to be.

>> No.11611390

What do I do with my 99 leftover red chips and other items too.

>> No.11611393

Don't give up anon, I just got my cane a little while ago too. Was starting to give up and then boom, Joker's cane landed.

>> No.11611401

>mfw 100,000 gems

This just seems excessive. But I do enjoy spending Samsung's money on pixels....

If these orders get cancelled I wonder what they'll do to my VC account.

>> No.11611403
File: 231 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2013-11-10-09-49-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will appear when you least expect it.
(Worked for me though.)

Is this card any good guise?

>> No.11611405

Teach me how to spam gift cards pls.

>> No.11611407

Max her friendship points. It's very worth it.

>> No.11611415

Does it still work?

>> No.11611417

At least you have money... I'm not even getting an email.

>> No.11611422

This crap has been all over the place for half a day.

And yes, it still works to my knowledge. Go look at /g/'s threads so you can join the 20 billion other people doing this.

>> No.11611457
File: 3 KB, 913x65, Untit7897897led.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 minutes of sitting on my ass.

I wonder if anyone else is buying hundreds of dollars of gems.

>> No.11611481

Just created 5 accounts. Going to wait to see if it works before making more.

>> No.11611524

How long did it take for you to get the emails? I've been waiting for a while now...

>> No.11611527

Did you read his post? It implies it.

>> No.11611588

What is this about this samsung offer?
Can't find anything on /g/ about it and the thread isn't very helpful either

>> No.11611602 [DELETED] 

Read >>37973779. It's not working for me, maybe because I'm not in US right now. As for code, you can change the "B" to Z then it will work. Add some space at the end of the code. Just change some letters if you need a new code.

Also >>37974462 $6200.

>> No.11611612

Read >>>/g/37973488. It's not working for me, maybe because I'm not in US right now. As for code, you can change the "B" to Z then it will work. Add some space at the end of the code. Just change some letters if you need a new code.

>> No.11611623

I got it to work by copying this advice.
>Quick guide for non-americans
>go here: https://wallet.google.com/
>open settings and change your homeaddress to something random in america from google maps.
>Done. Redeem to your hearts content.

>> No.11611635

I am using my 2nd Gmail account to redeem codes but VC won't switch which account to use to pay the jewels. wat do.

>> No.11611642

Restart phone? Reinstall VC? Reset phone

>> No.11611646
File: 80 KB, 398x440, 1382987769272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good team for taking on archwitches at around level 35? My only notable rare cards are a fully evolved Ratatoskr and Bingo, Shaman, Android, Colonel, Trickster, Sage, Gladiator, Farmer and Oracle. Normals aren't a problem.

>> No.11611654

At that stage, don't worry about killing AW. Just poke on all AW and get those event SRs. I wasn't able to do decent damage to AW till I was level 64 and that was due to Auxo event.

>> No.11611671

I know, but when you've got more than a 110 Joker victories this event and still nothing good you kind of start to wonder. How much does acing increase your chances?

>> No.11611680
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A little, but i found out that SR drop rate is higher from sending AW instead of killing it.

>> No.11611685
File: 131 KB, 533x461, ss (2013-05-11 at 01.14.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is what I've been doing a lot recently.. I've always had terrible luck.

>> No.11611700

From your Rs.
Get Ratatoskr, Bingo, Gladiator, HR Shaman, Trickster.
There is a N card that have skill 5% 25% ATK bonus. Max 10%. 50ATK. Better than Ratato,Bingo and shaman because it's not battle start. I can't remember the name right now. I'll reply once I get it. It's a very common card.

>> No.11611718

Not working, halp.

>> No.11611726

You pretty much named my whole team when you said Ratato, Bingo and Shaman, only with a dancer too.

>> No.11611728

Email Nubee is your last option if factory reset phone doesn't work.

>> No.11611754

Third time I use 10+1
I got Uriel and Harariel, they are cool.

>> No.11611793

So would it be worth it to start trying to max attack my scythe joker?

>> No.11611829


>> No.11611860
File: 252 KB, 418x446, waifuparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's post our attack parties!

Also what level AW needs to be for me start getting at least rares? Last time my 'cap' at defeating Candy(or who was last event's AW?) was her level 60. It began to take 3-4 battles. Unless PORALIS skill activated early on.

>> No.11611871

You don't fight your AW's more than once silly guy
Send them to your alliance or comrades you even get a higher chance of getting a R/SR by doing that

>> No.11611876
File: 356 KB, 427x499, 2013-11-12 01.01.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My party still suck sometime, because it's totally depend on the luck and RNG keep trolling me ;_;

Also, since your cap still at level 60 AW, just send it to comrade/alliance instead of burning your BP.

>> No.11611905
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My old one stopped being able to 1BP AWs at around level 90. Dunno where this new one will stop at. Need to get more costs so I can fit in Cane Joker.

>> No.11611915

I don't have one, can I get free money?

>> No.11611934
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iSuck at this.

Also looking for a Nyx oriented alliance, pls halp.

>> No.11611948
File: 472 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2013-11-12-00-45-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11611986

Get rid of the healer card and get a crit or attack boost card

>> No.11611995

finally got my HSR Joker - still no sickle for me

>> No.11612045
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>> No.11612051

Why would you use a HR card in your team if you have so many Sr cards you could easily use to replace her?

>> No.11612061
File: 609 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-11-09-28-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the guy shitting up the vc threads about someone logging into my account, I seriously don't know what's going on anymore. I open up vc and load into pic related's account instead of my own 4rk7b.

a few hours later, I try opening up vc and somehow loaded back into my own account with no changes so far.

what did I do to deserve this suffering nubee.. I hope none of you ever have to deal with this. gonna just uninstall this if it keeps happening

>> No.11612066

Unit cost would be the main issue, I'll look at an altered setup when I get more room to switch things out. For now this setup works for me.

>> No.11612148

How do you log in other account?

I want to recover my old account ;_;

>> No.11612252

Touhou Maiden has a space open. I don't know if its saved or not, but you can try.

>> No.11612373

What do?

1. Continue towards 19,999 Candy
2. Abandon Candy and start on 19,999 Scythe Joker

I have no better cards, so your Orihime/Snow White suggestion is out of the question.

>> No.11612379

Scythe joker
Candy is a generic card that can be replaced

>> No.11612397
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I still need to be get lucky to kill it with 1BP.

>> No.11612543

Thanks fishhead got my second joker.

>> No.11612545

Damn, I've got a lvl 27 Slime but nothing to use it on.

Also, should I sell Gold Girls or fuse them with a slime?

>> No.11612547
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I'm finding witches left and right since I used my Google Play money from the Samsung fiasco to buy and upgrade a wizard/magic school.

I'm sitting on a fortune. I'm just waiting to see what Samsung/Google does.

>> No.11612551

Fuse them with Metal slimes whenever you get one of the later, sell/save the others for when you need gold asap.

>> No.11612573

I always keep at least one gold girl on hand, so I can immediately fuse away a metal slime if I get one. The rest I sell.

>> No.11612820
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my team /jp/, also cane or scythe?

>> No.11612827

Gonna make a new /jp/ guild since nobody wants to do it apparently.

Is /jp/ Platinum a good enough name?

>> No.11612854

Sounds good to me.

>> No.11612859

The alliance is searchable, go ahead and apply if you want in.

I'm just going through the spreadsheet and inviting people.

>> No.11612895
File: 200 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2013-11-12-06-23-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? What should I do now?

>> No.11612899

Are you using Samsung's money?

>> No.11612940

so for sickle joker max att first or max skill?

>> No.11612950

I got the invite, and I'll likely join up after a couple Goddesses drop. Shouldn't take more than a week.

>> No.11612951
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I bet that stings.

>> No.11612954

It looks like almost everyone joined a temp guild while waiting for a new /jp/ alliance to form.

Most people probably won't join for at least another day or so.

>> No.11612962

I'm level 14. Can I join?

>> No.11612970


Did you apply?

>> No.11612975

Not yet.

>> No.11612974

Regarding this samsung money thing....I dont have an android, just using bluestacks. How do i find the 'registration number' so i can get in on this?

>> No.11613099

What the hell is platinum.
Let's call it /kebab polecats/.

>> No.11613107

Don't make me disband it already.

>> No.11613140

Do it.

>> No.11613148

Don't push me. I'll really do it.

I don't need this pressure.

>> No.11613153

Always max Skill > ATK > DEF

It's over. People are waiting to see what Samsung will do. Some people probably make over 10k.

>> No.11613162

I'm holding onto my credits to see the fallout.

I'm just worried about them simply revoking credits that weren't already spent.

>> No.11613184

I just started. Not exactly sure what I should be doing. The FAQ said I should focus on buildings and resources for now, but should I not got to battle at all? Also, what are friendship points?

>> No.11613189
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>tfw I spent my whole day off playing this crap

What am I doing with my life?

I dumped a ton of money into this with the Samsung thing and now I feel obligated to play it. I think I'm gonna stop cold turkey.

I'm sorry , /jp/.....



>> No.11613192

Not a single battle.

>> No.11613193

Share stuff on Twitter and you get free friendship points which you can use to summon new cards.

>> No.11613199

nazrin is a mouse

>> No.11613197

Yes, you should battle. Use all your Vitality and before you level up. Add all killers on the google doc.

You should give the account to another /jp/.

>> No.11613201

Friend killers and send every AW you get. Eventually you'll get a SR.

>> No.11613202

You want to push through campaign mode because some buildings have campaign requirements, and building buildings will level you up easy early on for fast vit spending. At some point, your economy can't sustain your casualties, and that's when you go to Event 1-2 and start poking and sending Archwitches fir the rest of your career in this game.

>> No.11613206

always try the game out before putting money into it.

>> No.11613217

All right, thanks for the answers. Not exactly sure what sending/killing is. Sending is reporting an AW? Does that net something at all?

>> No.11613222

I can't find a fucking mechanic, fuck this.

>> No.11613223

It sends the AW to other people, so they can attack it for you. Then, when it dies, everybody who assisted gets a card, with whoever finding it getting two and whoever doing the most damage getting higher chances for good drops.

>> No.11613228 [DELETED] 

If you have Vit to waste, they are on stage 6-1 Campaign

>> No.11613239

It's a shit name. Disband it and I'll make a new one.

>> No.11613241
File: 749 KB, 2048x1536, team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have tips for my team? I have been grinding for a cane the last couple days but no luck. I have HR Ent and R 4* Melanippe as extra healers already though.

>> No.11613249

Ugh. Fine.

If anyone left their guild for this one go ahead and join the new guild this nerd is making.

>> No.11613252

Fuse those two Joker and put HSR regular Joker on your team. It's good especially you have NyX.
No other tip since that's all I see the screenshot.

>> No.11613265

Is Sekhmet worth spending 72k coins on? Would 3 tickets be better?

>> No.11613271

It depends, do you like getting an SR for sure, or would you prefer a mystery box that most likely will just give you an Athlete.

>> No.11613274

Unless you plan on playing the game religiously during Battle Alliance Event, don't bother with Sekhmet.

>> No.11613281

The rest of my cards are a bunch of AoE cards im saving for the next Alliance battle for the most part.
Of the non AoE I do have: SR Parvati, HR Baphomet, R 1* Runner, and R Cinderella.

>> No.11613282
File: 155 KB, 248x319, 1377403623535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I had to.

>> No.11613289

Max Parvati Skill and put her on your team. You can start killing AWs.

>> No.11613301

Also try hard to get the Staff Joker. Then have a SR/HSR team for 15% bonus damage. You'll lose the bonus from 5 Dark Element but you still get bonus from 3 Dark Element and Parvati is worth it.

>> No.11613463

I don't fucking get it. Just got my second premium ticket from slots. But I cannot for the LIFE of me get a fucking cane. Fuck this event so much.

>> No.11613474

48 hours remain

>> No.11613478

I swear if I don't get a fucking cane...

>> No.11613504

Sweet. Finally got my Jokers Cane and now I have both along with four Jokers. Feels good man.

>> No.11613521

Still no cane. Panic mode begins.

>> No.11613537

no cane but just got my second sickle...

>> No.11613541

Got my 4th sickle just now, still no cane.


>> No.11613544

well still need another joker before I start panicking for a cane

>> No.11613559

How often does Touhou Maiden get the SR goddess?

>> No.11613594

48 Hours. I'll wait till 12 Hours.

Premium ticket is good.. You get like a shoe per ticket. Bonus if you get a SR.

>> No.11613620
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, why god what have i done for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that third ticket. No cane in sight.

>> No.11613627

>5 canes
>4 tickets
>still no sickle
>over 10 shoes lost

I don't know if I should just use a cane or wait for a sickle.

>> No.11613632

Sickle is the most important , dunno why you guys are that hung up over cane.

I got both 5 days ago

>> No.11613636

I have already a normal and scythe Joker and I want a cane for collection/dark type healer

>> No.11613637

There are only 2 dark healers in the game. Both of which are event only, and only one of them are SR.

>> No.11613904

Hardly had to spend much vitality to get sickle and staff.
Don't have enough Joker's.

>> No.11613911
File: 1.40 MB, 1366x768, zetagundamjanai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once i can afford to upgrade my barracks' further, i'll replace The Poor (hate to do it since she's kawaii) with my eventual 1* Nyx. Hoping to get another sickle, in which I will replace Candy with Sickle Joker. Thinking of replacing my aphrodite with Belphegor, not sure yet.

>> No.11613913

/jp/ Platinum got disbanded is anyone else going to make a guild?

>> No.11613914

Well that didn't last long.

>> No.11613923

We can thank >>11613914 for that.

>> No.11613925

>not maxing barracks

You poor or something? I also recommend replacing aphro for another cane joker and get a 200% buffer already.

>> No.11613934
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-12-01-06-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do until I get more HSRs.

>> No.11613938

Replace the poor with your Scythe Joker. Then you get SR/HSR and 3 Dark Element Bonus. That's 20% damage

>> No.11613936

Robert pls swap poor.

>> No.11613966
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-12-01-23-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Should I start to max the scythe or try to wait for another Raphael or Snow White?

>> No.11613970

What's the fire element and cool element SR's skill?

>> No.11613978

Fire is Omoikane 200% ATK buffer with witch hunt
Ice is Warlord 50% ATK down at start

>> No.11613989

Max the scythe now. It can take months to get your 2nd Snow White. Replace Warlord with Himiko. Max all their skills.

>> No.11614003

Thanks for the help. I felt like a max damage team was to fragile, but a defensive team is about a RNG as it gets anyway.

>> No.11614010

I always prefer a quick decisive battle than prolonging it. If it RNG didn't work out just send it to someone else.

>> No.11614105
File: 1.18 MB, 1136x640, IMG_0082[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my current team is
High Vampire
Scythe Joker

What's the best way to make room for her? Should I?

>> No.11614121 [DELETED] 

My Snow White at 19999 ATK with 200% Buff do around 220k damage. Scylla soldier count is 6080 which is really low but you have NyX + Healer.
Up to you if you do decide to swap her. Do it with Aphrodite.
If not, replace Aphrodite with the other HSR jokers for that 5 Dark Element Bonus.

>> No.11614129 [DELETED] 

My Snow White at 19999 ATK with 200% Buff do around 680k damage. Scylla soldier count is 6080 which is really low but you have NyX + Healer.
Up to you if you do decide to swap her. Do it with Aphrodite.
If not, replace Aphrodite with the other HSR jokers for that 5 Dark Element Bonus.

>> No.11614132

Just tested. Scylla + 200% will do around 210k Damage. Scylla soldier count is 6080 which is really low but you have NyX + Healer.
Up to you if you do decide to swap her. Do it with Aphrodite.
If not, replace Aphrodite with the other HSR jokers for that 5 Dark Element Bonus.

>> No.11614141

Are you sure? That's a 220k critical?
My Joker does 270k a turn with Himiko and her own buff up (600% boost), so perhaps you missed a zero? Buffed critical should be 2000% or so, right?
Also, Himiko is water type, which is why I haven't swapped Aphrodite out.

>> No.11614148

What's the benefit of clicking friend's buildings aside from a small FP income for you? What do friends get?

>> No.11614149

In the post you are responding I corrected it. At 19999 ATK with 200% buff, you will do around 680k.
Your Scylla + 200% Buff will indeed do 210k. I'm not sure the damage formula but that's the damage dealt to 250 lvl AW on my phone.

>> No.11614153

Mmm... 680k sounds nice, but there's no use maxing her just yet. I've got enough two-hit kills to babysit. At least she's in my presents box and not my inventory.

You should be seeing it on your side too if you've got halfway decent friends. It's a multiplier applied when you collect. Only 5 buildings can receive the boost at a time.

>> No.11614188

Is Archangel any good?

Also, Nyx is 95% here. That's why I didn't accept the /jp/ Alliance invite. My code is 4woks. I would join any /jp/ alliance in about 2-3 days if I get another invite. (level 51, quite active)

>> No.11614200

If the next event archwitch isn't dark, she's out of the action for two weeks? I wouldn't.

>> No.11614735

Oi I'm not that other guy that hated the name, I just posted the image because it fit too well.

>> No.11614765

So where's the new /jp/ alliance?

>> No.11614778

well shit I stumbled upon this game last night and played it because obvious reasons, guess i shouldnt be surprised you guys play it too

>> No.11614813

Am I supposed to level up Gold Girl before selling her?

>> No.11614819


>> No.11614820


>> No.11614826


>> No.11614863

It's already been disbanded because someone made fun of the name.

>> No.11614877
File: 584 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-12-12-46-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ I don't know what to do, i really like this game but I'm just rusing myself by continuing to play

if the person using my account knew how this game works, it wouldn't be so bad, but I just know I won't be progressing at all with this retard who uses up 10 of my slimes for pic related and still not max her level (she was level 2 a few hours ago)

I managed to send nubee a ticket, but I don't have a lot of hope in what they can do ;_

>> No.11614904

Film yourself when you are sleeping to see if you are sleep playing it. It shouldn't be possible for 2 person to share an account.
When I was trying to play my account in 2 device, once I transfer account to new phone. The old phone loses the account.
You should try transferring your account to BlueStack or a new device to see if problem continues.

>> No.11614941

Maybe your parents or relatives play it secretly when you sleep?

>> No.11614947


I checked and saw that he connected a renren and a sina account, two services I don't use. so I definitely know it's not me.

I'll try loading it up on bluestacks later when I get home

>> No.11614996

>tfw you deal less than 10k damage to AW and get Rare card while the one who found her gets X1 Trap and N card with 100k damage

>> No.11615276
File: 1.57 MB, 1366x768, drowzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Dracorax, youre one of the best senders in my comrade list

Also, not enough gratitude in this thread

>> No.11615283

Thank you milk for killing my AWs!

>> No.11615314

fuuuuuck I still need another Joker ;_;

>> No.11615317
File: 31 KB, 261x355, 1382987769270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Komachi for using up all your Battle Points just to kill my witches ;_;

>> No.11615406

Do I keep shapeshifter or amalgamate her to orc?

>> No.11615421

I can't seem to get all the sacred treasures. I'm starting out and I want to get the Shaman but I'm missing 2 of the tablets but have something like 5x of the other 4 types. Is this normal?

>> No.11615431

you can get any you're missing from dueling under the battle menu. you can just search for people with low soldier count and few defenders. just be aware that any damage you take isn't recovered after

>> No.11615442

Aha, I see. Thank you.

>> No.11615447

slowpoke eurofag here, but what's this samsung fiasco about?

>> No.11615519

Anyone has the link to the doc that has all the special cards on that casino one? I need complete the bingo again for another bingo girl.

>> No.11615522


>> No.11615524


>> No.11615554

Is the best way to level up slimes just to feed them a bunch of N cards?

>> No.11615559

That or if you can guarantee a last hit on an AW with them in your group, they get a huge exp boost. I have a secondary group of 4 slimes and a damage card, just for scoring the final hit on any low HP AW.

>> No.11615563

Ok great.

>> No.11615565

Just poke and send a bunch of AWs. You'll get so many N cards to feed.

>> No.11615569

You can also leave 1 card with max soldiers in your team and 4 slimes for campaign.

>> No.11615591
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x800, 2013-11-12 22.59.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, here is my team, should I get Sickle or Staff Joker?

>> No.11615616

If you can only get one, and not both...then get sickle

>> No.11615628

Orc is 4* so it would take a heck of a long time to HR her, but if you have no better crit cards then 0* Orc is alright for an R.

Orc is better for AW and campaign, Shapeshifter is better for AB, defending sacred treasures and possibly low-level campaigns.

>> No.11615641

Welp. This sickle isn't happening. If the event ends, should I just make a second Cane HSR or medal my extra jokers?

>> No.11615671

Keep the regular HSR and medal the leftovers.

>> No.11615669

it's not over until its over

>> No.11615676

Waiting till tomorrow to start using my quest exp/shoes to get cane, fuck this event so much.

>> No.11615689

O~ Great /jp/sies, I bow to thee with a question...
How do I not suck cocks at this game?

>> No.11615693

Nope. If you want to do well, you're gonna have to suck some cocks.

>> No.11615695
File: 264 KB, 600x600, 1347206925722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don´t have a single HSR joker and i have bot sickle and the cane...

if you can tell me a program to screensave i can show proof, since my phone doesn't have a single method to do it...

>> No.11615702

anyone have a decent alliance to join? lvl 54 and saving rares to throw at worship.

>> No.11615708

How to beat the game:
Use all your rare medals to get your best Crit card to 19k, get a buffing card that buffs your team's attack by 200%.

Oh and play 12 hours a day farming AW's

>> No.11615714

I have a 60 HSR of each already.

The decision is:
A. Hope for second sickle so I can make one that isn't shitty.
B. If I don't get a sickle by event end, make a second Cane.
C. 4000 medals.

>> No.11615720

Thats a tough decision...i'd go for A. then C.

>> No.11615928

Newbie here.
I'm trying to play this on bluestacks because my phone is really annoying, it sometimes just disconnects randomly.
I've come across a problem with bluestacks though, it thinks I'm clicking and dragging when I need to just tap, I can't buy soldiers for any of my cards because it thinks I'm dragging it. Anyone else had this problem?

>> No.11615960

Yes, I can't change my avatar in my other account in bluestacks because of this. Just add soldiers in the campaign or duel screen or use recover all with only 1 in the unit at time.

>> No.11615963

I just got a Nyx guys, with whom should I replace her? I was thinking normal Joker and currently I'm farming for a cane so I can have a team with 3 dark type boost. This is my team >>11612397

>> No.11615990
File: 46 KB, 1366x768, ohshet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have an android phone, just bluestacks. Is pic-related safe to do, or will it perma screw up my VC?

>> No.11615998

Yeah either regular joker or that chick with the red skirt in your team (assuming she isnt an atk buffer). But honestly until you get your Nyx to 1*, i think HR the Poor is better for atk debuff (or any other HR atk debuffer).

>> No.11615999

It's fine.

>> No.11616007

If you really want that Nyx, I'd probably take out Uriel. She is only extremely useful when you're competing with a bunch of other people to try and get that Ace.
Or you could just keep your current party since it looks fine by me.

>> No.11616014

Yeah, i only play on bluestacks and this is the most annoying thing about it. The reason is because when you're in Edit Unit or Upgrade menus, the background effects hog all of your memory, so your clicking is lagged. One sort of workaround i found, is if i open a bunch of programs at one time it forces my quad core in my i5 processor to kick in, thus eliminating lag in VC. Yeah, my VC also randomly disconnects once in a while too, especially when new events start...probably because of server-side overload.

>> No.11616150
File: 369 KB, 1024x600, 2013-11-13 11.09.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nubee seems running out of idea, why they don't just make it permanent instead of every 2 week events... (also,the december part seems to be a typo)

>> No.11616154

I don't mind Battle Alliance if they would make it so you don't have to baby sit phone over 6 hour a day in order to get all cards.

>> No.11616155

They should at least give something decent, not that shitty one of the last battle

>> No.11616158

They learned their lesson with the first battle, The reward cards was just too good.

I can't wait for this one, last one my team was weak, I've fixed that now.

>> No.11616169

And how do you think they 'learned their lesson'? Because people are blabbing on the internet about how OP those cards are. If people learn to keep their internet mouths shut, we would still be getting good cards as rewards.

>> No.11616181

I'm looking forward to the new AB, solely because I can finally concentrate all of my vitality on the regular campaign map and finally finish it. So that i get my extra 15 card cap. Those damn event maps are distracting...

>> No.11616190
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Less than 24 hour left.
When will you initiate Panic mode?

>> No.11616195

How lewd.
Also panic mode engaged.

>> No.11616251

When there is only 12 hours left, I will initiate my shoes spree.

>> No.11616252

>alliance battle
My alliance sucks ;_;

>> No.11616287

I just left my shitty alliance, will wait til later so I can join a nice one.

>> No.11616351

>Have all 3 Jokers
>Medalling the spares
>Implying I need to panic

>> No.11616384

How do I even get a ticket for select summon? Does that even exist?

>> No.11616391

I had one once when I started a new game in the last one, I don't know.

>> No.11616439

If someone invites me to an alliance, can I join it even if I left one less than 24 hours ago?

>> No.11616448

You have to wait 24 hours. No exceptions.

>> No.11616685

Just how better is a Sickle/Scythe Joker than a normal HSR one. Level 30 struggling with the bonus areas here. I don't think my resources will hold out before I get the scythe or sickle.

>> No.11616693

Scythe Joker has reduced Soldier count and lesser def than the Original HSR Joker. But Scythe Joker's skill is a 300% self attack buff. Pretty useful if you don't have and Orihime

>> No.11616709

Permanent AB would be annoying as hell. Having to do a battle every 5 minutes is distracting as hell.

>> No.11616823

What would it take to max a HSR joker from one attempt.

>> No.11616824

2 lvl 27 slimes, 1 2x exp arcana and 1 great success arcana

>> No.11616971

Any of you come to terms with the fact you aren't going to your items? I want to save my shoes for other event. There might be better cards.

>> No.11616997
File: 143 KB, 960x540, asdfghjkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-am i cool enough to be part of /jp/ now?

>> No.11617060

I already got my scythe and cane joker halfway into the event, so I just rotted until now.

>> No.11617071

>tfw so much BP (16) that I'm too lazy to spend it all

>> No.11617227

The slots has been fucking me over ever since the start of the event. I've had 15 premium tickets slip by because the final slot would be a heart and the one above it the final ticket. Not to mention no cane or sickle.

>> No.11617232

I don't think you can get tickets from it. I've had the exact same thing about 30 times.

>> No.11617235

It is possible to get ticket from it.
Depends on if your RNG Goddess was please with your offerings.

>> No.11617241

see the moon...it turns out to be a snow white...no medals to upgrade her or her skill. fuck.

>> No.11617246

No problem.
Would be great if I can get a extra SR Joker so that I don't have to medal 1.

>> No.11617397

Should I wait for next event to summon premium maiden? Or I can start now with no regrets?

>> No.11617440

I got Himiko, Chronos and now HSR Joker with Sickle. I hope the next Event (Apparently Alliance battle is the next one) we'll get another card that buffs the Attackpower of other cards greatly or by 200%. It's amazing how hard you can nuke level 250 Archwitches when you get proccs.

Also is there a /jp/ Alliance that I might join?

>> No.11617442

Ignore the last past, I'm a blind fool.

>> No.11617579

I have an hsr lvl60 joker just waiting for that cane. 4 sickles and no cane. starting to panic.

>> No.11617716

Why would you want Cane

>> No.11617728
File: 219 KB, 684x706, 5hqec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my second Penemue.

>> No.11617907
File: 780 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-04-23-50-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only need one more Joker. I'm starting to panick now. I will stay up all night trying if I have to (eurofag here). Please help me by sending AW. I will send you AW aswell for you to kill or poke. My code is '4woks' (Xhomas).

>> No.11617973

I've gotten 3 tickets from it. It happens, just not often.

>> No.11617979

You have no choice, since premium summon is disabled during this event. Unless they finally take a break from the neverending events, the next event will be immediate.

>> No.11618073

Finally got a cane, now I can make all the Jokers, thanks RNG goddess.

>> No.11618078

OMG finally! 4 hours to go and on second pair of light shoes and finally got a damn cane.

>> No.11618130

Everyone that has the goblets I need in dul has over 30k soldiers and I need to at least get metal slime, what do?

>> No.11618145
File: 636 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-14-00-28-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it now, now I can sleep!
Thanks Lycene, you are a bro once again.

>> No.11618163

you can still duel for treasures after the event has passed, provided you already have one treasure of that set

>> No.11618176

I just want some medals now because I'm running low on them, that's why I want a metal slime before the AB but people with 30k+ soldiers don't help.

>> No.11618184

Finally, my scythe. And 4* Star Reader. Today was a good day.

>> No.11618195

Is my news thing wrong? It says Dec 14th for the AB, so next month?

>> No.11618209

Everybody thinks it's a typo and so do I, maybe we're all wrong but it doesn't hurt to get prepared either way.

>> No.11618216

typo on nubee's part
should be 14th november (today)
its the next event

>> No.11618217

Find someone who has 1 soldier? Put your team all have 1 soldier then it's easier to find an opponent with 1 soldier.

>> No.11618224

Are soldiers restored after AB duels like AW?

>> No.11618227

Has anyone here actually ranked in the two previous alliance battles before for their 4th/5th Auxo/Mithras?

>> No.11618229


>> No.11618235

I don't think anyone here is THAT dedicated. You would need to spent money on rods and play 24/7. You need someone to play your account while you sleep.

>> No.11618285

I think I recall someone posting a 3 star here before.
Also, I do know that a couple posters have gone within top 20 or 10 or so for other events.

>> No.11618317

Just got an Orc. Is she good? 1000% damage to a single foe/ 5% proc.

>> No.11618324

nope. less damage than a skill with crit

>> No.11618321

I wouldn't put her in my team because she's fucking fat.

>> No.11618327

You hater.

>> No.11618348

>2 hours left
>need one more joker
>got archangel instead
>still no sickle

Should I burn through my items or is it a lost cause?

>> No.11618363

it's not over until it's over

>> No.11618368

It's not over yet anon, who knows when there's another 300% self buff card that is worth maxing anon.

>> No.11618375

If it were one or the other, I'd say you ought to blow through everything you got, but...

>> No.11618426
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Yes, I am the one who posted a screenshot with a 3* Auxo. I also have a 3* Mithras.

I was also the one who said doing 250k points per day wasn't enough to make it to the top 150.

>> No.11618498

Does Saloon level decreases AB's duels time?

>> No.11618513


>> No.11618530
File: 932 KB, 1136x640, IMG_0083[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready, bitches. Let's go.

>> No.11618568

>Get 2 Idlers
>Use the 40% TO Arcana
>HR Idler

>> No.11618570
File: 106 KB, 800x680, 1374434873317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it I never got my second joker....

>> No.11618575

10 min left, good luck!

>> No.11618578

I got a Joker after 75 Senri kills because I was tired of slogging through Joker's 1.2 mil hp bullcrap. Also because I wanted to finish off the regular campaign. Vit cost is starting to get ridiculous, at 8-2 now.

>> No.11618581
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1371856652532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going balls deep now

>> No.11618583

Is Sekhmet good for AWs? Or just for ABs and Campaign? I have a Snow White and wondering if it's worth claiming Sekhment with the points I got from double coins.

>> No.11618587

Literally just got my cane with 8 minutes left in the event.

I feel like crying. I don't even want to know how much VIT I spent.

>> No.11618592

aoe cards are generally only good for campaign and AB

>> No.11618594

Congrats anon!

>> No.11618614

Any guild that descends Nyx fast willing to invite me? I am also decent enough in alliance battle since I have lots of free time.

>> No.11618615

This event wasn't too good for me.
Got the 3 different jokers, but had a hard time getting anything else. Here's hoping for more luck this time.

>> No.11618616
File: 89 KB, 320x683, 1343923865935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it im staying out of the game for a while, never got the HSR joker, this is life after all.....

>> No.11618618

Anyone able to log on?
I keep getting connection error.

>> No.11618622

Best event for me, since I got a ton of non event SRs and a Lilim. Also got the 3 Jokers.

>> No.11618624

>got all 3 jokers
>not good
check your privilege.

glad I got archangel and HSR joker though.

>> No.11618627

>first alliance match
>his aoe procs and kills all of my cards but candy
>candy procs next turn and wipes him

This has got me hype.

>> No.11618628

Nice. They managed to make every reward useless.

>> No.11618629

Does AB damage cards, or are they like AW and they heal?

>> No.11618630

Same here, got Cane + Scythe Joker (medalled 4 others), and Lilim (OPest card) + Scylla (benched until she gets at least a 1*).

>> No.11618632

You heal after each battle.

>> No.11618637
File: 71 KB, 1366x768, fucknubeeuptheass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for the new AB? Too bad. Because nubee says you can't play.

>> No.11618633

After joker I think it balances out.

>> No.11618641

works fine for me. You on bluestacks so bad everything.

>> No.11618649

At least Mephistoles looks great.

>> No.11618661

So are low level players fucked over this event?

>> No.11618669

Pretty much. At higher level each victory can get you 1.8k points. You can still earn emblem to help your alliance though.

>> No.11618681

Any info on the new AW's skill?

>> No.11618685

Do you lose soldiers like regular duels?

>> No.11618687


>> No.11618691

Hang on, I have a feeling I'll get it from this lvl 10.

>> No.11618693

Wow, you're right. The Alliance SR reward is AOE on BATTLE START. Top lol.

>> No.11618701

Well, if you run 5 of those max skill, assuming they're like most battle starts, You'll win 83.193 percent of battles.

>> No.11618713

I have hsr joker and a staff, but I can't get them to amalgamate. Has anyone else had this issue?

>> No.11618718

Choose the cane first

>> No.11618728

I've tried that, but my joker is still grayed out.

>> No.11618734

Probably can't anymore since Joker event is over. Should have done it before update.

>> No.11618736

i had an extra cane and just tried it. you still can.

>> No.11618738

It doesn't matter just push the checkmark.

>> No.11618741

Make sure neither of them are in your fav/Attack teams/def team

>> No.11618743

Drag it on anyways. Same thing happened for me.

>> No.11618753

That did it, thank you friend!

>> No.11618757

>new AB event
>no guaranteed HR/HSR from rewards
>they suck in their own right
I think I'll pass on this event.

>> No.11618765
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-11-14-01-14-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just noticed this AB is 8 days long...
It will be a painful week.

>> No.11618767

Fucking people with 1 Soldier cards in alliance battles.

>> No.11618769

Alliance Battles suck. Seriously, the whole purpose is to just sell Valkyrie Rods.

>> No.11618772

They have already changed the Alliances we were fighting.

>> No.11618773

The first one was great though. With Auxo being the reward.

>> No.11618775

Alot of people haven't even logged on yet to change their decks. You're most likely fighting their duel decks.

>> No.11618776

Well, I used the summon ticket we got as login reward and I summoned Arianrhod, that skill 2 looks nice.

>> No.11618780

It's not as bad as other games. Point rewards in this game are pretty realistically attainable without them, whereas mobage games and require shelling out a ton of money to get anything halfway decent.

>> No.11618779

That was just for now. It happens once every day at this hour.

>> No.11618781

Cleaning up in current AB, Beating on them japs. Anyone know the new AWs skill? I am guessing it is a heal type.

>> No.11618790

I'm wishing that new AWs skill is a team attack buff.

>> No.11618794

If they did that, they'd better make the archwitch level cap 350 and start releasing 400% boost cards.

>> No.11618869

It will expire at the end of the event. Use it (or don't) wisely.

>> No.11618878

Login rewards can expire?

>> No.11618879

He means the Witch Hunt skill of Arianrhod.

>> No.11618890

>Use summon ticket
>Get Delphinus

>> No.11618903

Thought i would liven up the thread:

Name the one maiden you would stick your todger in.
(You can only pick one)
I'll start: N Pixie

>> No.11618907

Rusalka is mine, take that (other) lolicons.

>> No.11618915

I'd make sweet love to Nyx with the sole purpose of procreation

>> No.11618918

I'd let Joker play a trick on me.

>> No.11618938

I'd save the world with Brave,Templar knight, Weapon Master, and Devil Hunter.
Eventually the stress built up between the group would allow best harem to come into existence.

>only one
Brave then.

>> No.11618941
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>> No.11618961
File: 726 KB, 576x808, HighVampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11619042

Had the same problem I needed 1 Joker but what I got was Astraea. So the 1 SR Joker will be turned into rare medal now ;_; (Dracorax)

>> No.11619060

Totally agree on that one.

>> No.11619116

Got a delivery gril from premium summon. Should I be happy?

>> No.11619123

Sure. Now you can make tasty burgers with that gril

>> No.11619129

Be happy. She does x5 damage on Archwitches.
Meanwhile, I got a Scylla from my Prem Sum

>> No.11619130
File: 310 KB, 532x381, the time has come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11619132

You're getting an R

>> No.11619133
File: 969 KB, 1019x572, rng forsaken me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... fuck this.
Well at least I have her as a starter, time to evolve.

>> No.11619213
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>> No.11619223

Come on nubee...we're fuckin sick and tired of AoE witches. They better make it up to us in the Xmas event

>> No.11619233

She has the biggest boobs in the game I think.

>> No.11619236

You might want to have a word with Ishtar.

>> No.11619279
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>> No.11619281
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or aries
this isn't even her final form

>> No.11619292

sent support message to Nubee about problem with transferring account, still no reply after 4-5 days. Is there something happening?

I tried sending the support message via in-game and nubee website...

>> No.11619311

Since when do game companies give a shit about players' problems?

>> No.11619317
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So what do we get and how much do we have to collect to get anything?

>> No.11619326

I think they're bluffing, in order to get you to spend real cash on Summons. Unless someone can prove me wrong and you DO in fact get some kind of reward for collecting a certain number of maidens.

>> No.11619334

You will get a dakimakura of your waifu.

>> No.11619350

Always wondered if there is a card with this tutorial girl?

>> No.11619376
File: 222 KB, 288x403, Oracle_R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she is Oracle, R card and only obtainable from Ultimate Summon.
You get a free daki cover for the maiden of your choice.

>> No.11619396

Can I store my cards anywhere? I'm literally flooded with only gold girls and slimes.

>> No.11619409

Sell golds and then use the market/donate to alliance and feed the slimes to each other until you think its enough.
Also just keep your cards in your presents since they don't expire from there I think.

>> No.11619414

I still have rewards from last Alliance Battle in there, I think it's fine.

>> No.11619415

You can use your collection box, otherwise no. Just sell gold girls, they're common so you won't have to worry about needing more.

>> No.11619591

What do you use those emblems you get for?

>> No.11619603

They go towards automatic alliance upgrades, such as member size limit boosts and new member positions.

>> No.11619627

I've only played for 3 days but fuck it, I made a /jp/ alliance. It's called Moe Gundan and is searchable, I'll invite the people looking for an alliance in the spreadsheet, if you're not on it apply normally.

>> No.11619653

What's the max level of this AQ?

>> No.11619656

AW* fuck.

>> No.11619658

200 according to my alliance mates

>> No.11619659

I'm so happy.

>> No.11619661

Doesn't that mean lesser chances of getting SRs? I liked the lvl 250 AWs, more of a challengue.

>> No.11619666

It might be a challenge for you, but for me it was just RNG gimmicks. And I'd go for quantity over quality if it means less of a chance of me having to spend 2 bp.

>> No.11619692

Well you could have sent your AW to anyone to finish it off if you couldn't kill it in 1 BP.

>> No.11619844

Not a single card there is remotely interesting except maybe for the SR card in case that nubee doesn't replace Archwitches with Light Archwitches. I can see it coming after maxing the AB SR Card to maximum and for the next 3 months there won't be a single Dark Elemental AW.

>> No.11619846

Is anyone from the /jp/ alliance online and could send Dision an invite?

>> No.11620435

Aphrodite was only a month ago.

>> No.11620819

Awww yeah just made a Yuki Onna. Now to slowly phase out my Candy.

>> No.11620825


I thought it would've been something cool but its just another Candy...

>> No.11620845

Why am I not getting my reward from the casino event? That archwitch rankings thing.

>> No.11620873

You'll probably get them tomorrow, they're not given out straight away.

>> No.11620969

Mine was already in my presents earlier today

>> No.11621016

Around what level AW can I start expecting a chance at something better than N cards?

>> No.11621045

800k points doesn't seem all that difficult to reach within 8 days...

>> No.11621097

Around 200 tries.

>> No.11621103

But is it worth it?

>> No.11621106

Well, she may not be all that great, but to someone as new as me, she still has a spot waiting for her in my AB team. 100k away from the first one. I only have one aoe SR card right now.

>> No.11621118

Is there any point is raising a defense team? I don't even see any W/L stats for this event specifically. Don't even know if I've been a defender yet.. lol

>> No.11621129

nope, I just use my 3 defense teams to "lock" cards so I don't accidentally sell, medal, or feed them.

>> No.11621269

Menu > Battle Log > War Record

Under the Duel section on the left side, your Defend stat is how many times you've been a defender. Really, if you have all the artifacts, there is absolutely no reason to have a defense team whatsoever. The defense team fights other players that are trying to take your artifact pieces.

The only advantage is at the beginning of events when certain pieces are rare. If you're pulling that piece in the event map, you'll see a lot of people fighting you for it. In that case, you just fight other people for the more common pieces so that as soon as you get the rare piece, you finish the artifact. Artifact complete, circumventing the defense team entirely.

As milk said, the biggest use of the defense team is to place cards that you don't want to accidentally destroy through other means.

>> No.11621290

The SR has usefulness in AB, as it's an attack all with a high proc chance. If you can get even a single 250% to all as your opening move in AB, it's pretty much a guaranteed wipe of the enemy team. Now if you got all 3 of them and put them in your AB team, you'd be in business.

It has a niche usefulness, at the very least.

>> No.11621322

Right, I actually should have mentioned I meant only for AB. I've seen the duel record and I've never been attacked there. But I see nothing regarding AB defends, of if I get any points for a successful defend.

>> No.11621332

No, at -30% (10 straight wins), it is impossible to kill anything like Yuki Onna or Astaroth with a 0* SR (not maxed, obviously).

>> No.11621338

In the AB you defend your with your attack team so defense team during this time is completely useless.

>> No.11621405

I wasn't here last Christmas but someone said there would be Christmas sell so you should wait.

>> No.11621640

Alliance battles are currently closed... Wait, what?

>> No.11621652

they're changing alliance match ups

>> No.11621665

Why don't you guys read notification>news for once?

>> No.11621671

Mine has nothing in it since yesterday

>> No.11621678

Why would I?

>> No.11621689

because it tells you there will be a 3 hour down time?

>> No.11621942

In my upgrade madness, I keep forgetting to build my 10th gold/ether/iron producers. Oh well, not like they're critical structures at this point.

>> No.11622449

Is my installation broken? Whenever I try to look up my cards because of stats the game freezes for 10 secs and ends up closing.
Has been like this since morning.

>> No.11622461

Is there any way to sell those items you need for the sacred treasure collections.

>> No.11622500

Also if I go to ranking the Reward SR Card only has "null" on it. Same goes for all the other reward cards at Alliance Battle.

Anyone else has the problem?

>> No.11622773


>> No.11623121
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I hate the first few days of AB before we get to fight alliances around our ranking.

I could get to the top 150 (280k per day seems to be the magic number), but I am pretty sure I will fall hard, since now I am fighting teams that give me 1000 points on average.

Nubee should fix it, like making you fight alliances based on the previous AB ranking or not giving points in the first few days.

>> No.11623197

Is 1-1 the best place to farm for archwitches?

>> No.11623210


1-1 is good if you want to quickly max 5 cards friendship at the same time.

>> No.11623446

>Go into AB
>guy has 4 HSR Lilims

>> No.11623466

Why? None of your card skill activate?
Lilim is terrible for AB.

>> No.11623468

Is 30% the highest bonus?

>> No.11623472

No procs, died in one shot from the other card's skill. Wouldn't have been able to beat that with my awful team.

>> No.11623489

i think so. longest streak i've had was 32 and it didn't go up

>> No.11623791
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should I discard R,HR,and HN cards if I don't think they are cute or useful?

>> No.11623804

Medal the R and HR that you don't want. Feed the HN to your slimes.

>> No.11623808

You can also offer your Rs to Nyx or save the ones that have evolution Accident/Fusion to expand your collection.

>> No.11624329
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Thank you Lycene.

>> No.11624712

Ditto; just got one off his find as well.

>> No.11624746
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that me too. Thanks lycene!

>> No.11624814

Trying to redeem Gamegift's code for ticket but it keeps looping on forever. What do

>> No.11624890
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Yeah, t-thanks Lycene ;_;

>> No.11625083
File: 140 KB, 458x634, Lycaon_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hsr Wisp, hsr Candy, hsr Cane Joker, sr Mephistopheles, sr Zenobia, sr Penemue, sr Venus, and sr Cybele. Is there a good combo in there, or am I as bad off as the guide makes it sound? Is it worth dumping medals to 19999 any of them? I haven't been able to do much against high level AW since Halloween ended.

>> No.11625100

Well, none of them are worth maxing in my opinion. Put Cane Joker and Penemue in the team for defense+heal so you can survive longer and the other slots with your most powerful cards. You won't kill the AW with 1BP but at least hope for some damage.

>> No.11625109

You could try a defensive/100-turns-stalling team I guess?

HSR Wisp, HSR Candy, HSR Cane Joker, SR Penemue and SR Mephisto/Nyx

Penemue to weaken AW and stall, Joker to heal.

Mephisto should be alright when you get your second to HSR, but it might be better to join a good alliance and get Nyx for more stalling power.

As for 19999 maxing, ATK on Wisp and/or Candy if you have enough medals, whichever has more soldiers.

Helpful? Y/N

>> No.11625116

I wouldn't max any of them. Save the medals and wait for better SRs. It's not like you'll start killing AW even if you max one of those cards.

>> No.11625130

Wisp has ~500 more soldiers, and her light damage aoe proc works alright against the dark AW. As much as I want Nyx, the alliance I'm in is incapable of getting her. I could put a hr Millionaire in for more heals, but I would lose every bonus I have. Meanwhile my neighbor gets Snow White and Aurora and complains about not having any aoe cards.

>> No.11625140

I have no screenshot this time, but ill join the club. Thanks Lycene, you are our dear mother and lucky charm

>> No.11625143

>Everybody getting SR from Lycene
and here I am like a dumbass finishing his AW and only getting Ns. ;_;

>> No.11625150

It helps to be irish in this game

>> No.11625353
File: 489 KB, 500x266, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lycene is just the new epic meme, there's no luck about it.
I've quietly given several people SRs, but I'm not a meme.

>It helps to be irish
