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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 720x960, 1422722_428520730603664_1444397041_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11609919 No.11609919 [Reply] [Original]

Mai waifu <3

sorry for shit quality

>> No.11609936

If it's yours then why the facebook filename?

>> No.11609943

Maybe he deleted it from his computer and had to redownload it from his facebook.

>> No.11609949

Good anime.

>> No.11610037

Maybe he pretends to be another person.

>> No.11610041

I wish someone would impersonate me on /jp/.

>> No.11610052

That could be a problem. That's why I don't have facebook, twitter or any other social network. I have an old sony ericsson w580 since I was in high school.

>> No.11610057


>all this miku paraphilia

I want it.

>> No.11610059

Which 2hu is this?

>> No.11610062


>> No.11610139

OP here, that is correct.

I wasnt planning on this thread having posts, i made it on accident. I can post more if you dont believe me

>> No.11610156
File: 199 KB, 960x720, Hai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone cares:

Here i am

>> No.11610163


How does it feel to have a mainstream waifu?

>> No.11610168
File: 120 KB, 720x1107, 1324170150992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never felt so freegin proud in all my YEARS in the jay, I am truly proud to be a poster in this board.

>> No.11610170

It doesnt feel any different than having an obscure waifu. One of the benefits of having a mainstream waifu is that you can buyfag a bunch of shit, and more keeps coming out.

>> No.11610179
File: 318 KB, 300x440, 300px-ShyneetMagician-CBLZ-JP-SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a yugioh card on your keyboard?

Is it this one?

>> No.11610182
File: 45 KB, 136x232, 1345920161052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see, you're one of THOSE guys. You lose interest in one character all because she falls off the marketing grid of toy goods.

>> No.11610185
File: 448 KB, 386x568, MermailAbyssgaios-ABYR-EN-UR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a yugioh card, However it is this one.
Good guess though :)

>> No.11610195

No, Thats not what I meant by that statement. Miku is the only waifu i have ever had. And she is popular, even if she drops off the grid (which is unlikely) I'll still treasure every piece of merchandise i have of her.

>> No.11610218

I own more merch of my wife.

>> No.11610219

It's hard to keep one "waifu" because fictional women are made to be too perfect, which is why this meme pretty much died out 2 years ago.

>> No.11610222


The fuck is this shit?

>> No.11610236

feel free to post up then anon ;)

I understand, I've seen many an anime girl that I would love to call mine since I started with Miku. However i guess you can call me old fashioned, because even though my eye may stray once and a while, My heart stays with Miku.

>> No.11610237

Why the fuck would you post something like that on facebook then? I assume you're not using your real name.

>> No.11610248


Why wouldn't he not post that on there?

>> No.11610249
File: 852 KB, 1615x1081, 1379886387136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's outdated by now.

>> No.11610260

Im impressed anon :D good collection, and a much better camera than mine.

>> No.11610290

Nice filename, anyway, that guy sure loves Dragon Ball.

>> No.11611202

good waifu selection friend :-)

>> No.11611322

Miku is "otaku stuff" for people who don't care enough to actually get into otaku stuff.

Niwaka fodder.

>> No.11611460

OP, stop trying.
You don't have to delude yourself just because seemingly every truPR0otaku has a cray cray waifu, us freaks XD.

>> No.11611884

you really, really, really dont want to know.

>> No.11615600

Epic dude, what cool otaku stuff are you into? :)

>> No.11615603


>> No.11615930
File: 467 KB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu :3

>> No.11615952

Horrible, you people look like you have money

Where's your NEET pride?

>> No.11615957
File: 583 KB, 2000x1101, collage111213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my waifu goods are mainstream...

>> No.11615961

what the fuck are these subhum/a/n pieces of trash doing in /jp.

>> No.11615968


Why are you so mean? I thought /jp/ was against bullying!

>> No.11615966

its autismbux

>> No.11615974

ITT: OP's blog

>> No.11615976

Nice F2 faggot

>> No.11615979

whoops, meant this nerd>>11615957

>> No.11616005

Lol. It's actually on "indefinite loan" from a friend who inherited it, he didn't have any glass for it so wasn't using it for anything.

>> No.11616018

Just buy him a Df, he won't know the difference!

>> No.11616021


>>11615957 here, I wish I got autismbux, I'd probably make twice what I do now. I'm an automotive journalist, hence the shitload of camera equipment, but I barely get any work and it doesn't pay well at all.

>> No.11616024

>waifu goods
>not one girl

>> No.11616029

I collect figures of girls that aren't my waifu.

TBH they don't make any figures, or anything else, of my actual current leading waifu candidate. (Rory from GATE.)

>> No.11616398

Your mother, though I prefer to call her "otaku stuffed" lol.

>> No.11617253
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my wall

>> No.11617262

>whore as a waifu
all them slut-loving mikufags

>> No.11617280

This is a question which nags me, perhaps you can answer this one, /jp/.

Why do many of us (including myself) have such a strong tendency towards wanting an obscure waifu? The way I rationalize it is that the more obscure, the less you have to see other people pining over her on the internet, thus the more she becomes "yours". What do you think?

>> No.11617291


what touhou is that

>> No.11617294

Just use your imagination and come up with your own ideal girl. Then you actually have her to yourself instead of just pretending to.

>> No.11617326
File: 58 KB, 679x694, 7174_573546979363072_1043693861_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11617354
File: 2.20 MB, 2549x1690, Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah waifu on my wall, in my book and pocket.

Won't get a dakimakura anytime soon because parents bitching enough already.

>> No.11617358

Your waifu is a slut, dude.

>> No.11617366

I wish I had his confidence and general not caring about what others think.

>> No.11617375 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 600x800, 1383035477758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not Sakuslut! You can tell because her hair isn't that ugly grey color.

>> No.11617394

>Won't get a dakimakura anytime soon because parents

Get one anyway like I did and fuck what your parents think. My wife is more important to me than what my parents think about me.

>> No.11617414
File: 68 KB, 430x640, 370761995_404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wanna come back home one day only to see it destroyed. And I'm perpetually broke anyway.
Will get one in the future, assuming I'll get to live on my own - Polandfag here and our flat prices are way more prohibitive than in the USA.

>> No.11617425

If your parents destroy a pillowcase with art printed on it, they have far worse problems than you. In order to be "morally" on terms with them, you could explain "at least I'm not going out getting wasted at parties and knocking up some real girl"

>> No.11617477
File: 72 KB, 519x523, 1363836856454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my waifu had merch.

>> No.11617523

Commission an artist for some art and then have it printed in merc form.

>> No.11617528

There is a big problem with self created waifus however and that is you can never get to know them. They already exist in their entirety within your mind and you know who they are completely.

She will never have merch, likely never be drawn by anyone else and you will never get other people's thoughts on her except "shitty oc".

It is a very fine line which takes a great deal of self-introspection on who you are able to live with, really. Accepting her degrees of popularity, amount of merch, amount of art, etc.

Touhous are often great for these reasons. There are so many girls, many hardly thought of many constantly talked about. Each of them represent a point on all of these spectrums.

>> No.11617535

>Start menu on the top.

Fuck you

>> No.11617548

They would probably prefer that, more chances of grandchildren that way.

>> No.11617614

I don't have the money.

>> No.11617697

So how were you going to buy merc in the first place?

>> No.11617699

shit tier public domain waifu for entry level weebs

>> No.11617710

and all that gets you is expensive stuff to watch you wank yourself....

>> No.11617790

Jak ci idzie Japonski?

>> No.11618027

I'll be honest.

I only have one figure.

>> No.11618048 [DELETED] 

is that josh's room

>> No.11618053 [DELETED] 

Yes, even when he is not driving. He Drives.

>> No.11618354

What's funny is that 95% of the stuff was acquired while living with my 3d exgf.

>> No.11618393

How did you break up?

>> No.11618403 [DELETED] 

He had to choose between her and the Drive.

He chose to Drive.

>> No.11618404 [DELETED] 

are you referencing that movie again?

>> No.11618414

Dumped her because I got sick of her bullshit after four and a half years.

Incidentally she was a cosplayer that's been posted on /jp/ quite a few times, won't confirm or deny who though.

>> No.11618432
File: 94 KB, 534x712, 1381889821195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this her?

>> No.11618434

Lol I wish mine had been down to wear costumes like that.

>> No.11618468

Why are japanese cosplayers so slutty?

>> No.11618471

Its pygma

>> No.11618480


Shit is this Eksopl-dono?

>> No.11618490
File: 101 KB, 800x473, 1384279981373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11618493

Its the only other person posted here and milk hasnt been in 4year relationships (a slut), and the pictures dont have ``staeg too turbos!'' on the shelves.

>> No.11618529

They're trying to become the next Jessica Nigri.

>> No.11618579

Jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.11618586

I stopped following the story at some point, but didn't Pygma and Milk used to date? And isn't Milk responsible for releasing Pygma nudes on the internets?

>> No.11618596 [DELETED] 



>> No.11618600

It was some fake lesbian thing all loser highschool girls do.
Pygma had a boyfriend and there was a picture posted here, it was some asian guy.

>> No.11618601


bite me pls ;_;

>> No.11618668


>> No.11618697

Is Hibiki your wife?

>> No.11618906
File: 538 KB, 900x980, 3523982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she is.

>> No.11618921
File: 297 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is back. Good to see my thread is still alive..

Why you gotta talk shit about my waifu?

>> No.11622486

The jay

>> No.11622529

Where did you get that daki?

>> No.11622557

I want to see more /jp/ rooms they're cute

>> No.11622563

I love the daki I have of my wife even if it's lewd I can't sleep without it anymore.

>> No.11622571

What happens if my waifu doesn't have decent merchandise and I don't feel like buy any because I think they look like shit?

Is having a daki good enough?

>> No.11622590

Yes. My waifu doesn't even have that.

>> No.11622595

I wish it wasn't impossible for me to work, otherwise I'd be putting her all over my room. The only thing I have right now is an unfinished four button arcade stick with my waifu on it, makes me feel like dogshit.

>> No.11622608

I have a Facebook with my real name (for work) that a few people from my school decided to add, and I post obnoxious weeaboo shit there just to annoy them since I didn't even want these people adding me, but ignoring their friend requests would just make them ask more questions.

>> No.11622673 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 250x250, 1230013467744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with this fucking /a/ shit

did the janitor make this thread?

>> No.11624168

an xyz monster is a new type of monster bro

>> No.11624181

Your first mistake was to create an account with your real name. Now they have control over you.

>> No.11624970

I got it from this place called anime dakimakura shop. Just google that its the first one.
Im fairly sure they arent offical though. However Ive had this one for a year without any durability problems.

>> No.11626750

why did you make this thread on /jp/ and not on /a/?
serious question

>> No.11626766


The janitor is too retarded to know the intention and quality of this thread.

>> No.11626843

stop trying to fit in with the 4chan crowd dude

>> No.11627549

How do you feel what these kids say about your waifu OP?


>> No.11628135

As you can see by my earlier post.. this thread was an accident. It was supposed to be a photo reply to another thread, and then i couldnt delete it due to the password not being the default. So here we are..
And >>11627549
I have seen those videos already, and I dont really care too much about what they have to say. Except for the elders react one where the old man is clearly checking out her ass. That is not okay.

>> No.11628208

adp is fucking garbage and overpriced

you got ripped off

>> No.11628214 [DELETED] 

serious question, you somehow manage to bring a girl to your room and she sees this. what the fuck are you going to do,
not many people see this as normal

>> No.11628217 [DELETED] 

i'm pretty sure people only do this when it's certain that there is no way a girl will ever step foot in their room

>> No.11628231 [DELETED] 


How about /jp/ femanons?

>> No.11628238 [DELETED] 


>> No.11628244 [DELETED] 

Every single one of them is a normal whore fucking other normies.

>> No.11628254 [DELETED] 


No say it isn't so ;__; where do i find a cutie neet gf?

>> No.11628255 [DELETED] 

At a club fucking her bf

>> No.11628258 [DELETED] 


Nooo stop pls. Images of cute girls doing the *** with other guys make me sad ;_; Where do I find a single cutie neet gf?

>> No.11628263 [DELETED] 

Become an alpha
