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11596683 No.11596683 [Reply] [Original]

If given the opportunity would you live in the Scarlet Devil Mansion?

>> No.11596688

Only if patchy lets me into her library

>> No.11596690

I'd masturbate on all the tampons

>> No.11596702

Yep. Be a sexual slave of vampire is the best fate ever.

>> No.11596709


>> No.11596725

That does sound pretty nice.

>> No.11596729

I'd like to be friends with the lil orcs

>> No.11596740

I want to be Sexual slave in the Scarlet Devil Mansion

>> No.11596750

I'd drive my stake into the evil vampires.

>> No.11596752
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I would chill out with patchy and listen to Rakim

>> No.11596772
File: 16 KB, 300x300, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex slave this sex slave that. You're all weak! Your aspirations are the lowest of the low!

A true pervert must never touch! Only look upon the objects of his desire from afar! If you think your pathetic NEET bodies are enough to satisfy anyone, then you're wrong.

Please, don't sully our pride any more than this.

>> No.11596788

Unless I'm placed as an additional gate guard I am out.

>> No.11596825
File: 1.07 MB, 708x1000, remi9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I'd serve the lady with everything I've got.

While I'd obviously prefer a romantic relationship, she could use me in any way she wants, make me her slave or dog, I'd still be happy as long as I'm around her.

>> No.11596903
File: 471 KB, 1000x1414, 1fc7277fb6cb1a495f9f8a588e194ee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd pop in there at the gates everyday just to chit-chat with meiling!

>> No.11596906

If you know what I mean :)

>> No.11596915

I don't know what you mean.

Could you please elaborate?


>> No.11596927
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as long as you dont use the water its okay

>> No.11596950
File: 820 KB, 914x1280, 38685882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with the water?

>> No.11596964

I'll take a shit on a fairy

>> No.11597034

I'd hang out there if I could, but I doubt I'd live there.

>> No.11597059

>A true pervert never touches

>Not training your dick until the mere sight of it causes women to continuously orgasm

Do you have no ambition at all?

>> No.11597065
File: 264 KB, 800x600, HOTDOG ON A STICK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should really think about how you'll get them to not outright eat you before you make a decision here.

Sure, vampires only drink blood, but if you get lumped in with the little mistress, more than likely your stay won't last long... well technically it will but you get the idea.

There are youkai at the mansion, though, and at least one of them (Meiling) possibly needs to eat humans. So the trick here is finding some way to make it more appealing for Remilia to drink your blood and allow you the food needed to make more blood.

In either words, I think your blood would have to be pretty delicious; thick, warm and satisfying.

The only other way I can see it working out is if Remilia can be convinced that your knowledge/skills would be of use to her. That actually requires talking to her, and are you sure you can get that far into the mansion?

Ah, but you say "given the opportunity". I'd have to accept; assuming I'm lucky enough not to just get killed, it's a fairly safe place to live.

>> No.11597071

youkai do not need to eat humans. vampires do not need to kill them. the real threat is the murderous youkai-loving maid slut.

>> No.11597112
File: 457 KB, 1130x1600, meiling_sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meiling sama eats babies though, and only babies. If you're not a baby, you should be safe.

>> No.11597122
File: 128 KB, 600x650, Koa~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do my best for Milady everyday.

You'd be a lot more useful than the average fairy maid, I don't think they'll dispose of you like that.

I think the biggest threat will be upsetting Sakuya, then she will kill you and tell Remilia that you just "disappeared".

A true pervert doesn't have pride. He would fall as low as needed to satisfy his lust.

>> No.11599163

That's an awful thing to say.

>> No.11599180

Why? Faries are like the niggers of gensokyo.

>> No.11599181
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I'd rather live in the forest of magic with Marisa.

>> No.11599229

Sauce where

I can't find it for the life of me

>> No.11599355

This man knows what's up

>> No.11599611

If given the opportunity means none of them hate me and i will not get killed by any of them, then yes

>> No.11600692
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The library is where it's at, I don't care about the rest.

>> No.11601758

Well, i am currently planning on making myself, the scarlet lord, the only thing i need is a mansion, vampire powers and a way to make children immortal (I have kids, 2 of them are named Remilia and Flandre).

I aready got the girls, i just need the mansion and powers, i hope they find a albino maid and a sleepy guard one day.

>> No.11602440

They wouldn't hate you. You're a wonderful person.

>> No.11602458
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>> No.11602481
File: 565 KB, 2000x971, Touhou 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly would. Not sure what kinds of things I could do there... Would I be something of a house mate? An employee? Not sure I would mind either one. You did say "live" so I don't feel like I'm bound there in any way. It might be inconvenient to go out on my own to say, the Human village. If nothing was expected of me I might feel uncomfortable after too long and offer to help in some ways.

As for life in the mansion over all I feel like as much as Remi and Sakuya are some of my favorite characters, that we wouldn't be on the same level in some way. Basically I feel like I would be more likely to enjoy the company of Patchy or Meiling.

>> No.11604151


Well, i think you could be Gatekeeper #2, all you gotta do is to stab Meiling in the boob if she sleeps, you are saving Sakuya trouble and you could even lucky.

>> No.11604239

But Sakuya stabbing Meiling is just secondary propaganda.
You just outed yourself as secondary scum.

>> No.11605565

Of course I would. I wouldn't mind being a maid or anything, as long as I'm not killed or abused I'd be happy.

>> No.11606546

What about bullying?

>> No.11606588

Can I be the Young Misstress's immortal play toy, teacher, care taker, and mentor on self control?

>> No.11606641

Only if accompanying Meiling at gatekeeping.

>> No.11606657

Touhou is gay as fuck, but I'd take any opportunity to stop living in this shitty world full of normals.
