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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 174 KB, 1216x684, 3BHAZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11594089 No.11594089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I cant access hongfire.com, and it seems that no one can... So is this the end of hongfire? Or will it be online again? Someone has some info about this?

>> No.11594095

Hongfire died when they stopped hosting torrents.

>> No.11594096

Didn't Hongfire stop being relevant... years ago? You know, when they killed their section of fabulous free goods offered via digital distribution?

>> No.11594102

idk, i was going there just for mods for h-games... where should i go now?

>> No.11594104

I thought it died like two years ago.

>> No.11594138

Maybe they were dead, but still online and there was stuff and info for guys like me...
And it looks like nihohomaru wants to have some benefit from this

>> No.11594157

What the fuck is this aids ridden shit?

>> No.11594174

Never heard of them? They are animesuki and hongfire's retarded inbred redneck kawaii desu unholy hellspawn.

Abandon intelligence and reason, all ye who enter.

>> No.11594196

Actually no, I've used them before. It's just that their site looked better when I last used them, or I've forgotten how to navigate that place.

>> No.11594197

what sucks about these sites is that you have to register

>> No.11594254
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The good old days.

>> No.11594255


>> No.11594260

No, worst is that you have to make xx posts if you want to see the links.

>> No.11594279

I doubt it'd die for no reason. It's probably just down.
The community was still active and I don't think there have been any shutdown announcements.

>> No.11594307

Yeah, but the last illusion game is out. I need my uncensor mod.

>> No.11594310

Yes, but I have read somewhere, that something similiar has happened in the past. That they was offline for all week, without a word, and then went again online. but idk details... I just hope, they will go online again...

>> No.11594312

What? I just thought they've hidden them to make them unavailable for outsiders (which is a shame, since I can't find that full TEATIME games collection anywhere)

>> No.11594313

Funny I was about to download that when it went down

>> No.11594318

It's probably shit anyway

>> No.11594324

What is that new game?

>> No.11594330
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It's probably shit anyway

>> No.11594327

I remember Hongfire died years ago...

>> No.11594336
File: 859 KB, 400x412, 1371276568284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modder central
>Hacker central
>Torrents for everyone
>Helpful, kind community

>No one talented or useful
>Only upload files to make money
>Upload in parts so you have to wait 6 hours between files
>No community

>> No.11594345


>> No.11594350

3D hentai games will never be good.

>> No.11594351

1Dfags were saying that about 2D eroge centuries ago and look at them now

>> No.11594353

So they might be good centuries from now then. That's the same thing as never for me.

>> No.11594379

>>Torrents for everyone

It no longer hosts torrents, and the community has been dying off, since the only thing that keeps an online community together is easy, consolidated access to what it discusses.

>> No.11594482

I pretty much only go to HF for monthly release chart.

Speaking of which, is there a better source for hentai release info?

>> No.11594497

I haven't been to hongfire in a LONG time. I didn't even know people still went there.

>> No.11594513
File: 247 KB, 800x600, 1377552516434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the appearance of the /vg/ board (/vhg/ and /hgg/), Nyaa and ULMF, I no longer needed it.

If anything, I hated having to browse hundreds of inane posts in order to find something I wanted.

>> No.11594545

Is that new Illusion game been menu translated yet?

>> No.11594563

Hongfire? The brazilian with junior idol obsession pasta hongfire?

>> No.11594589

The new illusion game looks like SHIT.
It doesn't even have any customization and most of it seems to be a VN. What the fuck are they doing.

>> No.11594592

Isn't it ntr?

>> No.11594598

Illusion games were shit to begin with

>> No.11594663

Their server probably exploded again, like so many times in the past, and since Hong himself knows jack shit about running a server and his "admins" (or at least those that I had to do with some time ago) aren't much better, it'll probably take some time to get it back up.
If you really care about it you can ask in their IRC channel.

I miss the times when HF wasn't shit and their modding community was awesome. Nowadays, there's only a handful good people left, the rest is either "I google translated the script and repackaged it, praise me" or "I'm a HF celebrity, I'm better than you". Yes, I mad.

>> No.11594669

Delaying doing the important games until Oculus Rift explodes their business.

>> No.11594671

Maybe they should try making their regular graphics not shit first, before working on some breathgakingly revolutionary 4D game-changer that hasn't even shipped yet.

>> No.11594717 [DELETED] 
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>mfw being a pirate

>> No.11594770
File: 76 KB, 474x628, 1371882337368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really need a menu translation? It's perfectly obvious which buttons do what after five minutes of trial and error.

Hongfire pretty much died when the downloads section was removed. The downloads themselves weren't hard to find elsewhere, but a lot of the community upped and left. You're exactly goddamn right with regards to who's left.

Just about the only thing Hongfire's any use for now is grabbing the uncensor mod to whatever new Illusion game is out. Even then, they've gone down in quality now that some retarded petty drama lead to the best uncensor mod maker leaving, and if the two people that update the modding tools leave, it's all over.

Here's to hoping the dude on there who makes Rift mods for Illusion games keeps at it until I get my hands on one.

>> No.11594823
File: 101 KB, 400x600, 1169228952412851_file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biko3 is a god damn masterpiece of a game. I agree all their recent games have been somewhat dissapointing though. Lets hope things change once they start doing occulus stuff...

>> No.11594851

Hongfire's AGTH and ITH threads were useful for finding /h codes. That's the only reason I've gone there in ages.

>> No.11595275
File: 52 KB, 240x240, 1358698513772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download new ILLUSION game
>HF down

But I need my launcher translation.....

>> No.11595290
File: 7 KB, 156x78, brazil1356465103256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.11595311

HF's Greatest

>> No.11595315

Yeah, but there has never been anything like them for eroge. Nyaa doesn't host a fraction of the shit Hongfire did. The day a game came out it would be up on HF, along with a NoDVD/crack when and if necessary. That was years ago, though.


>> No.11595340

The biggest uploaders moved to anime-sharing.com

If that site opened a modding section then there's be no further use for hongfire at all.

>> No.11595349

THAT anime-sharing??

>> No.11595359

>The day a game came out it would be up on HF, along with a NoDVD/crack when and if necessary.
Nyaa covers this more than adequately these days. Torrents are posted as soon as the game appears on the 'net. Not every game is a day-one release anymore, but that's only because Japan arrested a couple of high-profile uploaders several months ago and it scared a bunch of the others off. Last month's major releases were all day-one.

>> No.11595368

Nyaa doesn't have translation/uncensor patches, which was the point of HF.

>> No.11595375

Notice how I was responding to the part about the games and cracks.

>> No.11595383

What is it? Did Hongfire die again?

>> No.11595389


Honestly the two communities are very much alike. In a bad way.

>> No.11595395

It's as if I was expounding on your statement or something.

>> No.11595400

No more birthday e-mails.....

>> No.11595675

Nihonomaru was great. The ideal place for naruto hentai several years ago. Then I moved to Hongfire because of all the torrents and mods. I was fine with Hongfire even with the torrents gone because they still had all the mods I could want for all the illusion games that mattered. AG3 and AA. I seriously hope Hongfire isn't permanently dead.

>> No.11595721

i saw a word in your post that says you should probably leave

>> No.11595794
File: 49 KB, 300x434, 1364557803742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not. It's still a shadow of what it once was, though.

Sooner rather than later, the extremely few remaining posters who actually make useful mods will get bored and leave, and that'll be the end of it. No more uncensored nor modded Illusion games, or any other 3D eroge. Most of the tools the Japanese use are made by Hongfire to begin with.

>> No.11595798

The only reason I even used hongfire was for mods and english patches for games like AA....speaking of which, can anyone provide a link to the latest Artificial Academy Hongfire patch, since the site is down

>> No.11595853

People still play that garbage?

>> No.11596070

This guy was greater than any trip 4chan has ever had. God bless him.

>> No.11596153

I could give you a link, but there is stupid spam filter, so I can't...

>> No.11596893

Put it in an image or pastebin or whatever.

>> No.11597022

Is Nihonomaru and Anime-Sharing the only option ? I mean holy shit, at least I can just overlook the stupid stuff in Hongfire and download in peace but those 2 ? I just went there and I can only shake my head in disbelief. Is /vg/ the only option left ?

>> No.11597031


>> No.11597046

Here you go.


>> No.11597227

Anyone got the HF-Patch 0.8 for Premium Studio Pro?
It had the IllusionVR for Oculust Rift in it.

>> No.11597333

Looking for HF patch on See You Lover, can anyone help?

>> No.11597342

Oh, if everyone's requesting now, I'll do that as well. If anyone has that TEATIME complete collection torrent, please share it.

>> No.11597385


Artificial Academy vs Custom Maid, I miss those days.

>> No.11597411

B-But wasn't that only yesterday?
It feels like just last week we would have AA and CM3D threads...
Illusion expansion for AA will come out any day now....

>> No.11597455

Found the HF-Patch for Studio Pro myself,
here incase anyone else was searching for it.

>> No.11599219

I can't believe I'm lagging in Custom Girl 3D. Even at windows 800x600 resolution at high priority its still around 35fps. Are there mods that help decrease the lag?

>> No.11600014
File: 11 KB, 234x215, 1231681_4784372147297_983881344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Hongfire yet!! T^T

>> No.11600020

Does anyone have the HF applocale?

>> No.11600119


>> No.11600127

No, but I couldn't think of anything else to shamefully request.

>> No.11600160
File: 160 KB, 705x1000, 2013_1107_1812_56784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can there be in Artificial Academy masturbation scene?

>> No.11600162


>> No.11600165

Thx, guess I must unlock it somewhow...

>> No.11600244


>> No.11600327


Having a lot of mods/add ons made a noticeable difference on my performance in the game, I'd suggest deleting some of the ones you don't use (which of course is easier said than done)

The different/better texture files make a decent difference too.

>> No.11600716

>Speaking of which, is there a better source for hentai release info?


>> No.11601003

But I don't have any kind of mods yet! What settings should I "1" on the config_DX and config_GL if that would help?

>> No.11601124

I recently got Eto's Cirno model but I don't know how to import this to 3DCG. I would've searched hongfire for the solution but it's down and I can't seem to find any other site that tell me how.

>> No.11601471

Shit. I wanted some hair mods for AA.

>> No.11601492

there's a hairpack in the mod thread on a-s.

>> No.11601550

Thanks I will try it out.

>> No.11601561 [DELETED] 

Actually it seems I need Phil26's launcher or something in order to use the thing, but I can only find it on hongfire. The vanilla AAEdit can't display all the hair options it seems.

>> No.11601852

damn it its still down

>> No.11601894

Yup, still down. This may be a serious loss to the H-games enthusiast. I'm gonna miss the mods and discussion threads + fast translations. The community was pretty solid... If HF dies I hope they manage to reintegrate in a close future

>> No.11601895

Those are some nice proportions.

>> No.11601937

It's not dead for good, the guy's HDD failed. It should be back this weekend, I'd guess.

>> No.11601940

agreed, without hongfire I probably would've never known of some great titles and translators. Very nice community too.

>> No.11602105

Is it possible to convert an MMD model into a 3DCG model?

>> No.11602285

the uploaders there are real assholes. they won't use mega for whatever reason and then for the faster hosts they do use they upload the files in 501mb parts so you can't dl them without buying an account. whenever a new game comes out I end up spending the entire day just trying to download it.

>> No.11602290

Why not use torrents?

>> No.11602294

those aren't as secure. I still live with my parents so I'm terrified of them getting a letter in the mail that I was caught torrenting ultra kawaii rapemax hentai time and having to explain what I was doing. even if the chances of that actually happening are near zero I'm too scared.

>> No.11602297

Why not use Share?

>> No.11602298

anime-sharing uploaders are indeed terrible specially on their choice of file hosting sites and most requires premium as if they deliberately use the file just for you to buy an account

>> No.11602368

My upload speed is limited to 60kbs/s. It's not enough.

>> No.11602653

Christ, I just went to have a look at nihonmaru.


Yay for ulmf, I guess.

>> No.11602685

That's because you (as the uploader) are usually paid more (or at all) if the person downloading stuff has a premium account, or creates one especially for that download.

The truth is, DDL uploaders are the scum that are ruining the spirit of piracy with their greed. I've said this years ago, and nowadays torrents are mostly dead and every stupid little shit uses one of these lame ass file hosters to jew a few cent from us.

>> No.11603063

Not much slower than mine and I can use Share just fine.

>> No.11603237

While I agree with your premise, I disagree with your conclusion. Between private trackers and XDCC, pretty much all major releases are archived and available somewhere.

>> No.11603297

It's for MMD. There's no way to MMD > 3DCG as far as I know, as easy as it is to 3DCG > MMD.

>> No.11603551

What is the best 3D h-game where can I have loli?

>> No.11603664

Love Death Final.

>> No.11603706

I thought share and pd were both unsecure now

>> No.11604315

I'm not keeping up with Love Death since 3, are there any significant changes?

>> No.11604350

I thought you will suggest 3DCG, but fine I will try that LDF. Thx.

>> No.11604595

Premium accounts for piracy is fucking retarded. If I wanted to pay anything for the game then I would have bought it.

>> No.11604745

The only thing I ever went to Hongfire for was a touhou torrent a long time ago, and learning how to decensor flash games.
Now I'm translating flash games by decompressing and hex editing them. That much I had to figure out on my own.

>> No.11604872

I haven't played the previous ones too much, but there's a lot more customization. I think this one has the most voice types in the series.
Also, there's free mode from the get-go, no need to unlock it.

>> No.11606022

It's back!

>> No.11606030

HF is back, site was rolled back.

>> No.11606525

Those graphics are shit. Story mode is short and game play is utter crap. One nice thing is the houkago waifu sharing network. But, really, this game has outdated graphics. Most textures are an eyesore. Is it true that teatime's swan song is this game?

>> No.11607739

I haven't played Final, but graphics in HCT and even LD2 were nice, at least miles better than in any Illusion game.

>> No.11607754 [DELETED] 

To clarify: I'm talking about charecter grapthics, I don't give a fuck about anything else, and it seems that neither did TEATIME.

>> No.11607757

To clarify: I'm talking about character graphics, I don't give a fuck about anything else, and it seems that neither did TEATIME.

>> No.11608430

We really need a good eroge torrent tracker like Hongfire used to be.

Nowadays you've got to hope your torrent on nyaa has seeds, because if it doesn't you need to track down your game on some shitty anime messageboard where it's hosted on a crappy russian file download service (a 5 ko/s speed to get 2,5 go). Then the last part is missing, and you've got to fire Japanese P2P.

Such a colossal waste of time.

>> No.11608908

The graphics are the same as previous LD games. I agree with you on everything else.
The only reason why I recommended it was because it had a variety of voices. I remember trying to play one of their early games (either Houkago Custom Time or Love Gear) and getting frustrated at the lack of loli voices.

>> No.11613824
File: 22 KB, 705x238, hongfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Nihonomaru or nothing. I'll think about it, what are you guys going to do?

>> No.11614011

>being desperate enough to lure people to their site with false information

Nihonmaru must be quite shit if they have to resort to things like that. Mind you, I'm not saying that the "community" at HF - aside from what's left from hf-modding - is any better.

>> No.11614066

There was some message on hongfire.com, that they will be back online in few days.

>> No.11614140

I don't like Nihonmaru either but I can't find any info.

Link please.

>> No.11614154

Sorry, but it's not there anymore. It was on http://hongfire.com/ but it was yestarday... Or maybe day before yesterday? idk :D But there was a message with apologize, and that they will be online again. So, just wait. Im sure, that im not onlyone here who seen that message.

>> No.11614165

>idk :D
Kill yourself.

>> No.11614174 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 500x213, tumblr_mm8pe6oIKc1s4xdz1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but... you know...

>> No.11614193

someone knows where to get loli mod for CM3D?

>> No.11614468


I am going to settle there too. I remember in the old days how their hentai discussion section was pretty active.

>> No.11614470


Nihonomaru has pretty nice naruto Hentai and CG collection. Couldn't find better.

>> No.11614620

what the hell are you doing man? That tokina bitch is spreading false information to get faggots to join that ad ridden shithole.
Anime-sharing is the new backup HF, not that nihofuck place. Mods are already being posted there, HF patches, Futaboy's releases, AG3 characters, enimaroah's stuff.

>> No.11615024


I see many Anime-Sharing trolls say "Come join us, not niho because it is a better place" and that's just stupid to say and do in my opinion.

Some people contradict themselves so much it makes me laugh more than some of you at statements by members here who you should clearly know do not understand that this is all about competition.

I'd give my middle finger to Anime-sharing and give some props to Nihonomaru for keeping it original lol At least these guys work on their site. AS is full or shitty daily spams and no real activity. Bots swarm daily AS and leave.

I've made an account on Niho http://forum.nihonomaru.com , i am not going to a site under the name "anime" lol that is a lame name for me to enjoy and poke fun at for few days.

>> No.11615034


Hentai Game Mods could be found here http://forum.nihonomaru.com/hentai-game-discussion.357/

I don't see why I shouldn't join. From what i heard, Niho accommodates Hongfire members and don't have strict rules when it comes to modding and links.

>> No.11615038

This discussion just sounds like stealth marketers arguing with each other now.

>> No.11615042

What the fuck are you doing? Does this look like a youtube comment section to you? Get the fuck out and take your stupid juvenile attitude with you, you turd-mongling newshit.

>> No.11615051 [DELETED] 

He was trying to make you look like a dumb fuck lol. Sounds like he nailed it.

>> No.11615059
File: 154 KB, 264x263, sukuna_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even try prending to be somebody else, newnerd. Just get the fuck out and never come back. Scum like yourself can't take it easy at all.

>> No.11615060

Look at what you made me do, trashbag.

>> No.11615061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11615069
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Same dude

>> No.11615096

AS weren't the ones saying HongFire shut down for good and that "it was going to happen anyway".
Without proof. Without any credible source.
Niho censors links to other sites, AS doesn't.

Go ahead and join Niho, all the stuff from HF/AS will probably be reposted by others anyway. Just remember that content creators are going to initially post them at HF and AS. Not niho.

>> No.11615109 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck are we getting trolls and molds from AS advertising their shit all of a sudden. Fuck off

>> No.11615113

Because there's no one from niho advertising their crap here, right?
No you fuck off.

>> No.11615115

Go back to Niho, cumrag.

>> No.11615136 [DELETED] 

You haven't reach your puberty yet dude. Stop sounding tough when you're full of shit and an idiot http://youtu.be/PCNCiMtVbGQ

>> No.11615141 [DELETED] 

I'll fill you with shit, gaynerd.

>> No.11615144 [DELETED] 

More like "I am full of shit, master"

>> No.11615153 [DELETED] 

You sure are, shit receptacle.

>> No.11615949

Is there a fully unlocked save for the new illusion yet?

>> No.11616061

Yes, check the thread on AS. It's in the first post.

>> No.11616271 [DELETED] 

Anyone has a link to the HF patch for Netowaku Netoraru Karemachi Kanojo? Hongfire is down.

>> No.11616706

This thread turned into a real battlefield. I've made a lot of mods for AA, SB3 and SM2 but now I'm a bit lazy, I'll try to make more mods as soon as HF gets back.

>> No.11616729
File: 31 KB, 975x234, Výstřižek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HF is finally back!

>> No.11616733

Well, time to work on my next mod, thanks dude.

I can't believe Niggernomaru lied to everyone to get more users.

>> No.11616737

Thank goodness it's back I need a fix for these mosaic penises.

>> No.11616739

much obliged
