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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11581552 No.11581552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello people the the interwebs. I have been faced with a with a question. If you had to pick one, would it be Anime animal ears or tail

>> No.11581555


>> No.11581592
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, autism dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought human ears look kind of grotesque. I'd rather they be replaced with something fuzzy and appealing than a fuzzy and appealing thing be added to the character without replacing anything.

>> No.11581621

Both look very dumb without the other.

Ears > Tail

>> No.11581657

Both look very dumb

>> No.11581660

You're wrong

>> No.11581663


>> No.11581663,1 [INTERNAL] 

Picking this up because I'm a closet furry

>> No.11581682

Gentlemen if you may, but tails are clearly superior to ears.

>> No.11581735

Your opinion a shit.

No offense

>> No.11581743
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1700, 1380485680581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat Ears are nice, but dog ears are dirty and unclean.

>> No.11581745
File: 2.26 MB, 400x250, 1358138426070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tails. Animals, or cats at least, seem to have a problem with their tails being touched. I'd like to find out why. Also tails look less weird than only having ears >>11581621

Although I wouldn't want an ANIME tail cause those come like out of the middle of your back instead of where a tail should come out from. Looks like it'd feel weird.

>> No.11581853

barbed catdick

>> No.11581862

Furries get out of /jp/.

>> No.11581886


>> No.11581890

It really depends on the what type of animal. You know, I think rabbit ears would be better than a rabbit tail, but some other tails would be cuter.

>> No.11581895

I'm dumbfounded by this question. I won't be able to sleep at night until I get an answer. So lets try to apply some logic to this. What are the pros and cons of tails and ears?

>> No.11581899

Depending on the type of tail there may be hairs left everywhere. Especially if you have multiple tails like Ran.

>> No.11581902

A tail might make sitting or various prone positions uncomfortable. Certain ears will make high frequency sounds audible, which could be useful or extremely inconvenient.

>> No.11581901


Tails seem like they would be inconvenient, what with having to adjust ones clothes and all.

>> No.11581903

Furries want animal snouts and paws.

>> No.11581913
File: 1.03 MB, 1115x1600, Kemomimi_Onsen_029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pros - hearing, showing emotion
Cons - mites, people turning them inside out

Pros - balance, erogenous zone
Cons - Prehensile(if monkey or anime cat), Hard to wear clothes without the ass showing, you will get shit stuck to it at least once in your life.

>> No.11581917

Ears, I would have to say ears. I enjoy tail as much as the next fellow... But, ears are much more attractive, considering they look more natural than a tail.

>> No.11581926



>> No.11581932


I mean i could have posted it there but felt it would be better here.

To the people above:

>> No.11581934

>Hard to wear clothes without the ass showing

I really don't get you

>> No.11581937

>you will get shit stuck to it at least once in your life.

Animals generally get shit stuck to their ass hairs anyways

>> No.11581939
File: 39 KB, 571x760, 1132367041182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saiyajin look way more natural than people with random animal ears and no tail.

There's no way ears look natural. You either have a giant pair sticking out the top of your head, with nothing on the side, or you're some sort of 4 eared freak.

Or do you want disgusting side styled ears?

>> No.11581941

Prehensile should be in pros. Didn't notice it.

>> No.11581951

i think i would probably choose tails because it is super cute seeing a tail on a girl

>> No.11581958



>> No.11581964
File: 364 KB, 500x375, CryingBucketsGif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11581967


best thing ever....

>> No.11581973

Tail wagging when you pat her head
Tail wagging when you call her cute
Tail wagging whenever she's in physical contact with you
Tail wagging when she's excited


>> No.11581975

I am sorry but what's appealing about a retarded looking tail STUCK on a mid going down to low tier japanese girl.

>> No.11581977

Why did you reply to me?

>> No.11581981

I replied to all three of you and the thing is that I was just shocked by the badly done tail thing.

>> No.11581982

But I was obviously talking about 2d and not some shitty youtube video.

>> No.11581992
File: 1.68 MB, 320x180, eruru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11582015

it is a great first step

the idea can be beautiful even if it looks shitty

>> No.11582026

Ah isn't there another video, it was past the point of acceptable for me just saying.

>> No.11582035
File: 105 KB, 520x519, 1383369368964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tails are biologically erotic. Long, fluffy, healthy tails are meant to attract mates and indicate health.

>> No.11582103
File: 146 KB, 660x900, 1543027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I don't really like one without the other.

Also, what about horns?

>> No.11582109

Horns don't have touch transmitters, so they aren't as erotic as ears or tails.

>> No.11582110

Horns are only cute on sheep or cow girls.

>> No.11582111

>or you're some sort of 4 eared freak.

From what I've seen most animal eared characters don't have 4 ears... or maybe I'm misunderstanding.

>> No.11582115

Tails are cute, but if your 2D qt grill would come to the real world she would have a smelly furtail that drops hair all over the place.

>> No.11582124

Oh they do. They just hide them with the hair. Think of the number of times characters with ears on top have shown the bare sides of their head and not had human ears.

>> No.11582143

Wow that's such a problem I know what you mean.

>> No.11582142

My imouto already drops hair all over the place so it's fine. Although I think twice about having a waist to knee length haired waifu, considering the amount of hair that comes off of mid back length over time.

>> No.11582145

I don't care

>> No.11582145,1 [INTERNAL] 

I will never understand what goes through the janitor's mind when he chooses to delete threads

>> No.11582145,2 [INTERNAL] 

Did you get blocked from posting too?

I have a hard time understanding his arbitrary moderation.

>> No.11582145,3 [INTERNAL] 

Going by janni's RIGHTEOUSNESS, these threads should be gone too


I'm not mad. And I have nothing against these threads. I'm simply trying to understand the logic behind this cherrypicking.

>> No.11582145,4 [INTERNAL] 

you sound like a guy explaining to the officer that a lot of other guys were speeding too and it's unfair for him to stop you

>> No.11582145,5 [INTERNAL] 

They are still speeding though

>> No.11582145,6 [INTERNAL] 

"Officer I may have been speeding but those guys are robbing cars and mutilating children right in front of you"

>I dunn gib a fug you are da rule breager :DDD

>> No.11582145,7 [INTERNAL] 

This is the worst janitor ever he's outdone the NSJ he's like the super NSJ

>> No.11582145,8 [INTERNAL] 


You're a stupid nigger, that's why.

If you want to be coddled and have a hugbox dedicated to your own special snowflake needs, then start a Tumblr or something. gtfo 4chan.

>> No.11582145,9 [INTERNAL] 

hell yeah officer you tell those fags how it is

>> No.11582145,10 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11582145,11 [INTERNAL] 

Bullshit there's a fucking catalog lazy fucks

>> No.11582145,12 [INTERNAL] 

Janitor tools care not for catalogs.

>> No.11582145,13 [INTERNAL] 

Fugg you, janni. This thread was highly relevant to my interests.

>> No.11582145,14 [INTERNAL] 

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.11582145,15 [INTERNAL] 

What a nice excuse for being a cherrypicking faggot

>> No.11582145,16 [INTERNAL] 

haha im being a faggot and none can stop me1 xd

>> No.11582145,17 [INTERNAL] 

haha im being a faggot and none can stop me111 xd

>> No.11582145,18 [INTERNAL] 

lol yeah ... being asleep or in the shower or taking a shit or actually having a life outside of 4chan ... all those things YOU don't have ... such a terrible excuse.

This is why you will never be on the team. Your jealousy is palpable.

>> No.11582145,19 [INTERNAL] 

go play with your loose hole, degenerate

>> No.11582145,20 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't posted on 4chan in 5 years kid. Why post on an inferior site?

>> No.11582145,21 [INTERNAL] 

>actually having a life outside of 4chan

>wake up 20 min get ready
>car needs work, wheel is about to fall off any minute
>walk to lecture
>normies everywhere
>girl sits next to me
>go home
>have to study
>funpost on the jay
>eventually get around to 15 minutes of real, actual work

Every damn day I have to deal with all these norms and their first-world problems. The only thing that makes it worth it is the girl that sits next to me is fujoshi and it's really cute when she types at 90 words per minute with her little hands.

>> No.11582145,22 [INTERNAL] 

First of all, tell me who the FUCK you're quoting.

>> No.11582145,23 [INTERNAL] 

That's funny is it a new meme?

>> No.11582145,24 [INTERNAL] 

No, only oldfags will get it.

>> No.11582145,25 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not really quoting, I'm using the quote feature to paraphrase my daily experience in a less wordy yet understandable format.

>> No.11582145,26 [INTERNAL] 

>going to lectures
>calling other people normies

the irony... (the irony is you're a normie too, normie)

>> No.11582145,27 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a normie because I literally have no friends. I get more likes on my tumblr posts than I do on Facebook. I would need to pay to get people to hang out with me. But I'm totally socially inept so I can't find whores so I remain a virgin to this day. A hugless, kissless, basement dwelling virgin with no friends.

>> No.11582145,28 [INTERNAL] 

This is actully some high level irony, good job mate.

>> No.11582145,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11582145,30 [INTERNAL] 

The board averages 1 - 4 posts per minute and much less than 1 post per minute during early morning hours. There is no excuse for this.

>> No.11582145,31 [INTERNAL] 

not everyone is a loser who refreshes /jp/ once a minute like you

>> No.11582145,32 [INTERNAL] 

projecting much?

>> No.11582145,33 [INTERNAL] 

I refresh /jp/ every 10 seconds, time to refresh.

>> No.11582145,34 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a loser but I'm about to graduate from college with a STEM degree. I guess that will make me a winner won't it? I mean, even though I've spent the past 10 years of my life as a total kissless hugless permavirgin, I could totally end up with a girl companion who I could eventually fall in love with and who would be like my teammate in the game of life, right? I don't want to die alone, /ghost/. Tell me she's out there waiting to find a guy like me, /ghost/.

>> No.11582145,35 [INTERNAL] 


too normie for me

>> No.11582145,36 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11582145,37 [INTERNAL] 

I am sick and tired of this dumbfuck janitor!
