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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 715x911, EatingYukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1157510 No.1157510 [Reply] [Original]

Yukkuri are horrible abominations that should be destroyed on sight.

Prove me incorrect.

>> No.1157520

You have been permanently banned from /jp/ for:

Prove me wrong... bullshit.

This ban will not expire.

You may not appeal this ban.

>> No.1157515


>> No.1157527


Does this phrase trigger an autoban or something? Because I got this message (albeit with a shorter duration) like three seconds after I made a thread once.

>> No.1157532

Think it depends on the board. I know it's an autoban on /v/, along with a few other phrases.

>> No.1157539

/a/ needs a ban on any variation of the word "geass", although that's never going to happen now.

>> No.1157550

I believe I said this in a suspiciously similar thread on Pooshlmer, but yeah, if you take a whimsical cartoon creature and try and try to take it seriously, the results are usually pretty abominable. If you take Kirby or a Care Bear or half the Pokémon and approach them as a serious biologist, the results are pretty horrifying.

No one plays a Kirby game and sits there lamenting the impact on the ecosystem caused by his rampant consumtion, at least not as more than a one-off joke. The real question is, why are you choosing to imagine these absurd cartoonish touhou heads as having a semi-realistic physics and biology? Why not just take it easy?

Why so serious?

>> No.1157564

Because we give these monsters what they want!

>> No.1157566

> No one plays a Kirby game.

>> No.1157571

Because it's funny as hell.

>> No.1157585


Ah, but it is you who made them into monsters and then gave them these wants in the first place.


Kirby Super Star would like a word with you.

>> No.1157593

I don't see what's horrible about them.

>> No.1157597
File: 50 KB, 177x167, 1219168351435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1157604

I'm sure you'd look pleasant if I tore your face off.

>> No.1157610

Most of them are fine. It's the Remiryas that are horrible.

>> No.1157625
File: 52 KB, 700x495, 1219168801812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuris were so much fucking better when they were just some bizarre entity flying in the sky, or smashing into the earth as a meteor, or weird creative shit like that, maybe little jokes like this. (The Bikkuri! one was pretty great too)

But now everyone faggot's given them an ecosystem and behavior and completely sucked the fun out of them. Was it the Makako comics that did it? was he the first? His comics are still the best, by the way.

>> No.1157634
File: 187 KB, 500x540, 1219168974082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking WWF yukkuri lovers.

>> No.1157645


I agree.

>> No.1157651

They're so cute. I don't get why people want to abuse them.

>> No.1157668


I used to ponder this, but the answer is really pretty obvious. It was on the wiki the whole time.

It's the bullying Misters. They're bullies. They're deal with their insecurities by trying to make others suffer, be they imaginary Touhou heads, or the people who dislike guro that they troll.

>> No.1157677

Oh man, that is TOO cute!

>> No.1157730
File: 224 KB, 1280x1024, 1219170422163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1157746

I'd say yukkuris are more fucked up.

>> No.1157762


take it easy

>> No.1157791

Yes, it's mostly Makako's fault. It all started with that one strip where Reimu comes home and finds the yukkuri eating her crackers, then scolds it, then hugs it. Makako's crying faces were so cute, they sent the whole yukkuri thing skyrocketing in popularity.

>> No.1157823

Jissous are the abomination, Yukkuris are at least a little more tolerable. A LITTLE.

>> No.1157863


Sounds about right. I had that image saved in my Touhou folder as "Reimu head adventures", so I clearly didn't know what a 'yukkuri' was at the time. I just found it cute/amusing.

So were the early incidents of abuse just attempts at dark humor, or were they attempts to troll the fans of this strangely popular new comic meme-thing? I'm guessing it was some of both. I know the Waterducts are rife with people taking Makako and Tennkoma's work and trying to edit them into bad ends.

>> No.1157913

Cheek pinching wasn't enough.

>> No.1157946

I hated them all along. Along with every other abominable meme from Touhou's abominable fanbase. Games are fine, fans suck. Go play some kodomo-h porn games.

>> No.1157960


If that was, in any way, a logical progression, our Aunts and Grandparents would have killed us all before we made it out of Kindergarten.

>> No.1157969

Yeah, you might pinch the cheeks of someone you think is cute. You wouldn't beat the shit out of them or horribly mutilate them.

>> No.1158053


Now that I think back... Yes. But I was no weeaboo back then. Our parents didn't push japanese customs onto us since they hate Japan (oh the irony), and in western pop culture like cartoons and such, younger sisters are always portrayed as little bitches so I didn't know any better. My imouto fetish is something that kicked in very, very late.


Calling her right out of the blue and say "hey, I was wondering... Could you call me oniichan, if only for this moment so I can hear it?" would be either very disturbing or very adorable.

>> No.1158126
File: 541 KB, 1308x2016, 1219175446377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, this seems old, but it's the first time I see it

>> No.1158291


>> No.1158460


>> No.1158571


>> No.1158727
File: 89 KB, 500x500, 1219181956045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the translation for this yukkuri thing:

>"when you're available, let's do it easy."
>Even the Marisa-type is a pimp (ze).

It's a rough translation, so I'm not sure if it's right. Also, I'm not sure how to fit that into the bubbles if it's even correct.

>> No.1158737
File: 341 KB, 525x1500, 1219182037830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuyuko Yukkuris. Yukkuris that exterminate other yukkuris. They're not so bad.

>> No.1158747
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 1219182134656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would YOU do?

>> No.1158796

Scream, surprising the Yukkurisa so that the birth canal constricts, crushing the koyukkuri. Then leave it for the Alice-type.

>> No.1158801

I wouldn't really bully a yukkuri.
Their attitude is extremely annoying, but some children are like that, too, and nobody wants to mutilate them.
It is their inhuman faces and their superiority expressions the things that make me want to punch them, if only to change that expression.
But the Remiryas, however, are a different case. I would immediately kill every single one.

>> No.1158811

I'm editing something and it has this "gyosh" sound effect while someone is closing a lid on a yukkuri. What the heck does that mean?

>> No.1158814

Foot to baby.

>> No.1158823

Too simple.

>> No.1158826

>But the Remiryas, however, are a different case. I would immediately sex every single one.

>> No.1158857
File: 145 KB, 500x918, 1219183264105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really, would you?

>> No.1158861

But effective. Still, what >>1158796 said.
Then, squish them both

>> No.1158862
File: 135 KB, 428x800, 1219183305424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1158867

Who turned the "zdooooob" into "stooooop"?

>> No.1158876


>> No.1158878
File: 142 KB, 315x1040, 1219183478261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this one makes sense.

>> No.1158913
File: 167 KB, 750x404, 1219183830719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also works. With sufficiently large (ad I mean LARGE) quantities of rape, a Remirya may be turned into a respectable pet.
Failing that, it is a food supply

>> No.1158911

Has anyone else just gotten bored with yukkuris? I don't even bother to read the summaries anymore. I even have a half-finished story that I don't care to complete. It feels like a one-off joke that just went on far too long. And summary anon delivering a fresh batch of summaries used to feel like fucking santa claus on christmas morning to me.

>> No.1158925

Comparing yukkuris to children is a false analogy. They are vermin. I would kill them like a rat that tried to eat my food or an insect buzzing around my head. I wouldn't waste my time torturing them.

>> No.1158928

>Yukkuris were so much fucking better when they were just some bizarre entity flying in the sky, or smashing into the earth as a meteor, or weird creative shit like that, maybe little jokes like this. (The Bikkuri! one was pretty great too)

So true, so true. But if Internet can ruin a good thing, it will.

>> No.1158946

>Has anyone else just gotten bored with yukkuris?

Of course. They're just a retread of the Jissouseki spam after all, we have all seen this before. The only new thing is that some of the guro is in text form.

>> No.1158947

Yukkuri were never funny.

>> No.1158984

You obviously haven't, since you still visit yukkuri threads.

>> No.1158997

I don't get all the Remirya hate. I see nothing wrong with >>1158862.

>> No.1159089
File: 112 KB, 350x899, 1219185381794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I tried to make a font border in GIMP. Hopefully it turned out right.

>> No.1159121

They search their surroundings for food. If they find sweets, they eat them. If they find anything that isn't sweet, they throw it on the ground or in the nearest toilet. Sakuya protects them, so they go unpunished for this, usually eating or throwing away all of Meiling's food.

>> No.1159135
File: 139 KB, 500x827, 1219185851945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll do anything for pudding, much like how yukkuris will do anything to save their accessories.

>> No.1159141
File: 180 KB, 500x857, 1219185907956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the consequence.

>> No.1159143


Because hitting quick reply is so hard right

>> No.1159162
File: 709 KB, 568x1789, 1219186129857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also results in this.

>> No.1159164

It's not that hard to get around that. For saying you all love kids you sure have no idea how to handle them.

>> No.1159173
File: 51 KB, 650x435, 1219186220365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and get around this!

>> No.1159181

Change her diaper? Aerosol spray?

>> No.1159178

Children learn. Children also aren't protected from reasonable punishment by a knife-wielding sociopath who will stop you from even telling them they're doing something wrong.

>> No.1159187
File: 129 KB, 450x1137, 1219186413748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1159190
File: 73 KB, 425x566, 1219186481387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, look at this thing!

What a menace.

>> No.1159203

Most kids are more intelligent, learn faster and are less fragile than Remiryas.
Not to mention most kids will not forget a hard learned lesson: tell a kid fire is dangerous. They will not truly understand it until they get something burned.
Tell a Remirya fire is dangerous. It will get something burned and it will still not understand.

>> No.1159215

>Sakuya blah blah
Don't be a faggot? Sakuya only cares about her own Remirya, and honestly, I'd spoil it more than she does.

>> No.1159207

It farts nerve gas.

>> No.1159223

If you tell a kid not to fuck around with expensive pieces, are you still going to leave them laying about? No.

>> No.1159227

What do you do when it eats the babies of the other Yukkuris, or eats it's own babies in a feeding-frenzy?

>> No.1159228


Oh wow, I lol'd

>> No.1159234

Nothing? Animals eat other animals in the wild, you know!

>> No.1159237

Yes. It still takes up your time. If you were honestly sick of them you'd just hide the thread.

>> No.1159240
File: 190 KB, 379x1194, 1219187065412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is fire. How are you going to hide fire? And, Remiryas are deliberately cruel to other yukkuris to make them sweeter to eat. You can't compare children to yukkuris if they don't eat and hunt each other.

Remiryas can be trained according to one of Summary Anon's stories, but they forget everything after giving birth.

>> No.1159249
File: 163 KB, 550x2380, 1219187187342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one translated yet?

>> No.1159252
File: 21.00 MB, 1800x2600, 1219187240590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently off the current topic, but here's the edit for the translation from the last thread. Kind of disturbing...

>> No.1159261
File: 448 KB, 568x1789, 1219187345404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not yet.

This comic inspires a little pity, but Remirya did get what it deserved.

>> No.1159262

The Remirya will escape, someone will find it and BOOM!

>> No.1159263

Most people don't regularly use pure flames in developed nations.

>Remiryas are deliberately cruel to other yukkuris
Wild animals; don't care

>You can't compare children to yukkuris if they don't eat and hunt each other.
Lord of the Flies.
But no. They're not kids; you missed the point of what I was saying >>1159223

>> No.1159268
File: 33 KB, 440x431, 1219187468986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people don't regularly use pure flames in developed nations.

>> No.1159272

And perhaps that is why we hate them so much. The true horror of the animal kingdom, given a human voice and face.

>> No.1159267

Most people don't regularly use pure flames in
developed nations.

>Remiryas are deliberately cruel to other yukkuris
Wild animals; don't care

>You can't compare children to yukkuris if they don't eat and hunt each other.
Lord of the Flies.
But yeah, they're not kids; you missed the point of what I was saying >>1159223

>> No.1159273

I swear you have reading comprehension issues. A range =/= Flames. I highly doubt a yukkuri would just up and cook itself on a range.

>> No.1159284


Yukkuris are about as intelligent as you, which is to say, yeah, they would.

>> No.1159290


y so srs, moralfags? gb2/raping your JUUHASSAI loli not-blood-related imouto and stepmom

>> No.1159293
File: 230 KB, 300x1304, 1219187869511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating is one thing, yukkurisas, Remiryas and other "predators" are deliberately cruel.

>> No.1159292

Wrong thread?

I hope you never babysit.

>> No.1159297
File: 482 KB, 1300x1360, 1219187942114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Horrible example, but I might as well post it for kicks. This Yukkureimu doesn't even realize it's in a microwave. And I always thought gas kitchen ranges used flames. I dunno, lol.

>> No.1159306

There is a serious problem here. First you excuse it as an animal, then as a child. That's why they're so horrible. They can be one, or the other. As animal we would excuse its cruel nature, but keep it under control. As a child, we would allow it the freedom to explore and grow, but hold it to higher standards of behavior.

They do not learn, they cannot be controlled with anything but the stick. They break the (addmittedly man-made) moral rules on both the 'child' and 'animal' counts.

>> No.1159309
File: 45 KB, 544x420, 1219188073065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discussion is getting a little too deep for me. Here's some Alice.

>> No.1159311
File: 49 KB, 350x1160, 1219188090759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innocent creatures.

>> No.1159308

How many stickers are there?

>> No.1159314
File: 29 KB, 400x279, 1219188140389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuranononono art.

>> No.1159315
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>> No.1159321
File: 141 KB, 854x590, 1219188261557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks familiar.

>> No.1159328
File: 37 KB, 731x624, 1219188361311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This yukkuri looks like a pail.

>> No.1159332

Exactly. Alice-types gang rape for pleasure. Do you excuse them as animal, or punish them because they're entirely aware of what they do?

>> No.1159333
File: 253 KB, 720x1120, 1219188398094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1159336


>> No.1159342

Did you ever think the only reason yukkuri are horrible monsters is because people have written them to be horrible monsters?

>> No.1159339

Yukkuris walk (bounce?) the line between animals and humans.
Establishing realistic laws and rights for them would be a nightmare.

>> No.1159346

Well duh. It makes people feel uncomfortable by playing on those ideas. That's the point.

>> No.1159350

>Wrong thread?

just noting how fantasy incest and babyfuck is awwwright but dicking around with fantasy bags of magical beanpaste gets the PETA on your case

>> No.1159354

>But yeah, they're not kids...

That would be a decision for the yukkuri's owner to decide.

>> No.1159355

Well, it's all fiction anyway, so I reject the ideas that I don't like.
There is no "right".

>> No.1159369

People actually think that? They're just meat-buns. I guess it's because they can talk.

>> No.1159372

Is this some FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKkuri?

Sorry, that was a bad coinage. Had to do it.

>> No.1159392

What if they are wild yukkuris? You can kill them, and not only will nobody care, you may save some yukkuris from death by rape.

>> No.1159396

To be fair, the real Flandre would probably have fun doing that too.

>> No.1159401


>> No.1159416

Do people care if you go around killing kittens?

>> No.1159420
File: 140 KB, 400x1203, 1219189853008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1159469


>> No.1159489

I take it Sakuya's doing the raping?

>> No.1159488
File: 185 KB, 400x1203, 1219190850279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Font looks a little ASPECT RATIO.

>> No.1159484

OP is correct.

>> No.1159507

Actually Sakuya-type Yukkuris fanatically protect Remiryas. Unless the Remirya acts in any way that the Sakuya-type doesn't like, in which case the Sakuya-type rips it apart in anger.

>> No.1159529

elb me Zakuya! dese beebol are mean! leab remirya alone.

>> No.1159569

If it had the personality of fanon Alice, I would take care of and love it.

>> No.1159594

Now we're getting somewhere!

>> No.1159601

Half of them are lonely and aloof. "Alice is from the city! You're all country bumpkins!"
The other half are rape machines. "Marisa! You know you want it really!" followed by "Marisa that doesn't feel good gets punished!" Then it crushes the Yukkurisa it just raped.

>> No.1159634
File: 40 KB, 600x400, 1219192263242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the obvious Yu-ing, what's Yukkurisa saying?

>> No.1159650

Gensokyo-ese is ok.

>> No.1159693

Ztob bean mean do me! Remirya iz an elgand beebol. jut ub!

>> No.1159704

Now you just ruined it.

>> No.1159730
File: 64 KB, 644x400, 1219193284831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the real translation, is that Marisa or Yukkurisa? God damn perspective.

>> No.1159734

>Alice-types rely on other yukkuris to reproduce. They gain the trust of a pre-existing yukkuri village and secretly kill off the children. Then, the remaining yukkuris of the village are gangraped until they die from giving birth to more Alice-types. They seem to be able to control the type of offspring that their victims give birth to(ie only koyukkuris of the same species as the mother are born). This allows them to rape for pleasure and provides food in the form of freshly-birthed koyukkuris. Alice-types may also just go around in rape-posses, preying on any and all yukkuris they encounter. Sometimes, it would appear that there are consensual Alice-types. These ones behave much like Reimu-types and Marisa-types, and prefer to live close to Marisa-types. In reality however, these are simply dormant Alice-types that have yet to awaken to their true nature. All Alice-types, without exception will be overpowered by their instinct to reproduce and will rape another Yukkuri sooner or later. Alice-types are filled with custard. They tend to pride themselves of being "from a city sect", and they speak in a more ladylike manner than the rest of the yukkuris.

On another note, kimeemaru is spared from abuses.
Not wanting to take it easy brings you fans, it seems.

>> No.1159770
File: 218 KB, 500x600, 1219193885650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect block!?

>> No.1159828
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>> No.1159942
File: 391 KB, 1257x1764, 1219196391676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of the best written stories for yukkuris. Although, the Yu.doc has one that contains more text.

>> No.1159963

Good god I wish Yukkuris were real. I'd make a large reserve for them to take it easy in.

And whenever it got overpopulated, I'd grab a 5 iron and go to motherfucking town on them.

>> No.1159992
File: 17 KB, 400x334, 1219197226198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And whenever it got overpopulated, I'd let loose a full swarm of Army Ants.

>> No.1160017
File: 90 KB, 495x700, 1219197661892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still believe that these creatures are fabrications created and enchanted by Chaos to corrupt the minds of man.

Do you not see how a simple bag of beans is turning you into a psychopath? A heretic!?

>> No.1160026

I would make yukkuri snuff and rape movies and sell them for profit

Just imagine the titles..

>> No.1160025

I want a pet yukkuri.

>> No.1160033
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>> No.1160042
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>> No.1160038

Rape it easy !

>> No.1160046



I've seen many things but this is disturbing. What's next? A cirnoff that farts fireballs?

>> No.1160053
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>> No.1160056
File: 25 KB, 258x287, 1219198194984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape rape rape

>> No.1160062
File: 72 KB, 687x487, 1219198262167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had one. All I have is this.

>> No.1160071
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>> No.1160081
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1219198469887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a yukkuri pr0n thread

>> No.1160171
File: 75 KB, 720x480, 1219199406740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1160181

In before obscene obscene.jpg.

>> No.1160186

That's it, I'm done for tonight. Nothing else can top that.

>> No.1160182
File: 31 KB, 234x242, 1219199541803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1160202


>> No.1160225

Are Yukkuri Kraang's Robot body's arms like that due to the shoop, or were they like that originally?

>> No.1160242

totally like that to begin with. Go 80s cartoons!

>> No.1160261
File: 204 KB, 450x1137, 1219200346599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't edit out the text in the third panel. How does it look?

>> No.1160276
File: 36 KB, 600x371, 1219200484950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get a translation for the right text? I definitely know it's not "Take it easy"

>> No.1160280

Probably the most disgusting of all the yukkuri's. The only thin she's got going is her cruelty.

>> No.1160374
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>> No.1160412
File: 323 KB, 598x284, 1219201974736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance of this getting a translation?

>> No.1160421
File: 484 KB, 228x243, 1219202060890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding translation request.

>> No.1160450
File: 173 KB, 523x1125, 1219202326056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1160470

Grow up easy!

>> No.1160507
File: 73 KB, 600x371, 1219202905423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1160518
File: 280 KB, 777x647, 1219203020880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the translation, and thanks for the edit to what appears to be WBX Nero Anon.

>> No.1160633


typing normally, someone else can yukkuri-fy it
'yu? yu?'
it's hotttttt (reimu says this)
die easily!!
roast easily!!
help/save me!!

>> No.1160700
File: 245 KB, 747x724, 1219204836270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can die easily be stated as the usual "Drop dead easy!"

>> No.1160777

probably. He did say to yukkurify it in the editing.

>> No.1160824

It's about time I got the second chapter of Mister Mukyu's Fun Yukkuri Adventures written down.

I have one more chapter planned, then It'll just be a bunch of random Yukkuri slaughter.

Collage is starting up soon, though, and then there's my job, and then there's the fact the I procrastate with all of my stories, though, so it might not be quite a while until I finish it. Anyway, enjoy.

>> No.1160829

Post the first chapter. I don't recall ever reading it.

>> No.1160830

I was walking through the forest on my way home, carrying a bag filled with enough food to feed myself, a large yukkuri Grandmother, a single koyukkuri, and nothing more. It was feeding time, after all. I was interrupted on my walk as a large Yukkurisa began tackling my legs. I continued walking forward and asked it why it wasn't taking it easy on me.

"You have food! Marisa needs food!"

Feh, blasted thing. "Don't be so selfish, or I'll step on you easy." I threatened. I've learned from extensive playing with Yukkuris that they take everything you say if you take "easy" onto the end of it.

"But Marisa needs food for Marisa's babies!"

Koyukkuri? Those things are always so cute when you squish them. A little detour wouldn't hurt. "Oh, they're for Marisa's babies!" I said with a false enthusiasm. "That's different. I'll feed them easy, I will!"

It jumped up and down happily. "I'll take you to them easy!" It shouted with glee.

And so I followed it through the forest, checking the landmarks to prevent getting lost. Soon, I found we were coming up to a Yukkureimu. It had a single tendril sprouting out of it.

"Take it easy!" It shouted in greeting to me.

>> No.1160839

I picked up the Reimu and tucked it Gently under my arm. "Come with me, and I'll take you somewhere where I can get you food." I cooed to it. "You come along, too" I added to the Marisa. She happily bounced along behind me as I took them both back to my house. "Now, wait out here easy while I go get everything set up!" I said putting the Reimu down on a chair that I had set up in my patio.

"Okay, Mister!" It shouted

"Take it easy!" The Marisa shouted after it.

I head inside be began to grab a few things. A set of Matches, some spare charcoal, and four pieces of twine that would serve to hold down the Yukkuri. I walk back outside, and start up a flame in the grill.

"Ooh, pretty!" The Marisa shouted jumping onto one of the ledges of the grill on the side. I smiled down to it.

"Take it easy right here, I need to do something." I told it.

"Ohh, what are you going to do, mister?" it asked

"You'll see."

>> No.1160845


“Ids doo hawt!”


The parents were frantic now. Their children were crying. The parents could feel the heat on their faces as well.

“I can’t move! I can’d moob! Helb me eajy, mizter!” The Reimu’s words were slurring into a desperate speech. I stepped behind the Marisa, and slowly untied it. The Marisa struggled against the twine, and came free. It didn’t realize that I let it free.

“Marisa got out easy! Reimu can too!”

“Reibu caaaaan’d!” It cried tearfully. The babies continued to cry, and the Marisa got frusterated. I picked it up in my hands gently, and carried it over to the Reimu.

“Reimu can move easy! Reimu has to move easy! Why won’t Reimu Move easy!?”

>> No.1160853
File: 329 KB, 700x985, 1219205935804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen the first chapter before. Post it, and I'll add it to the Yu.doc.

>> No.1160858

The Marisa was furious. “Reimu can move! Reimu can too move! Why would Reimu move! Marisa’s Babies can’t take it easy! Move it Easy! If Reimu doesn’t move it easy, I’ll smash her so she can’t hurt marisa’s babies anymore!”

“Looks like Reimu doesn’t plan on moving…” I commented from the back. This set the Marisa off like a roman candle. It shouted loudly from the top of its lungs (?) to drop dead easy, and leapt onto the Reimu, smashing her bean paste filling out of her body. The Reimu’s sobbing quickly turned into deathscreams.

In the process of killing her own lover and the mother of her yet to be birthed children, the stem that the children were on were brought touching the grill, cooking them faster. On top of that, the middle Yukkuri dropped off the twig and into the char below. Looks like I can’t retrieve it. What a pain. I decided to let the Marisa deal with the babies now.

“Reimu can’t hurt your babies now, Marisa, but look!” I shouted with false enthusiasm. “Your babies are now burning up! Hurry up and save them.”

The Marisa twisted over the Reimu’s corpse to watch them crying in pain. “Mommie will save you!” it shouted. Then it reached out with it’s mouth to the nearest baby. It successfully snatched it from the heat- and death. The then twisted towards me, and dropped the Yukkuri off at it’s side. It twisted back around, ignoring the resulting squish. I had to hold my mouth to keep from laughing. It just threw it over the side! Did it realize what it was doing?

>> No.1160874

The Yukkurisa continued to stretch out it’s body over the grill, but had no hope of reaching the other Yukkuri. Tried as it might, it couldn’t. It’s only hope was to jump back and forth on the grill and off, snatching the yukkuri quickly. It jumped forward, and felt the hot metal under her dough. A sharp scream convinced me that the baby was doomed. The Marisa leapt backwards in surprise to the heat. It looked down at the burning flames of the grill. It tried again to jump forward, but the heat forced it back again. She tried and tried again to save her last baby. The heat was too much for her, but then I saw something remarkable happened.

It was done.

The Baby yukkuri was grilled to perfection!

Using a pair of tongs I kept handy, I picked up the twig holding the Yukkuri. The Marisa looked up at me. “Mister? Are you saving Marisa’s baby easy?”

“Nope” I said plainly. “It’s dead already. I hope it tastes good.”

I closed my eyes and bit the manjuu off of the branch. It was rather sweet. It must have realized its mother was trying to rescue it and wondered why it couldn’t.

The Marisa however started sobbing uncontrollably. “MAWIZAZ BAEBIIIEES~!” it cried. I opened one eye to glance towards it.

“Relax, didn’t you save one of them?” I ask, preparing for it’s next attempt at crying more water than it could possibly hold. “Where did it go?”

>> No.1160882

“Well,” I began to recollect the scene. “I believe you were sitting here.” I placed my hands over the Marisa and keep it in place. “You grabbed the Baby, and turned towards this way to drop it off.” I turned the Marisa to the side she was facing. “So then…” I bent down. The Marisa turning it’s head (Body?) down towards the ground. I pointed to the bean paste splatter on the ground. “Is this it?”

The Marisa bawled like never before.

“w-why? Why did mizter doo dis? Why!?”

“Because!” I said sharply. “I am currently training you to become a vengeful and demonic Yukkuri. One that will enjoy murdering your own kind, and will help me to slaughter your own friends and family for the sake of my entertainment! I’ve been training you for this for months now!”

“…Monds? Bud mawizas only med you doday…”

I blink once.

I Blink twice.

“Oh, that’s right.” I remembered that I had just met the family on my way home. This Marisa is completely unrelated to the one I holed up inside. I guess demonic rampages do that to you. “I’m sorry, I forgot.”

>> No.1160891

“Umm … sorry you couldn’t save them.” Another idea formed in my head. “Oh, but I hope you don’t go and save the Marisa that I am keeping hold of!”

“yu?” it dawns on it that I had to have been keeping another yukkuri if I would confuse it with another one.

“Please don’t follow me inside!” I say with a goofy smile. I then walk in, leaving the door open. Making certain that it was indeed following me (It was, indeed), I unlocked my Yukkuri play room. It followed me inside. I closed the door behind it.

“I’ve come to save you!” It shouted loudly. It grabbed the Attention of four Marisas, who gently bounced towards it. Back in the corner where a few koyukkuris that were shambling in the back. On top of the Desk in the center of the room was a Glass Box containing a rather large Marisa, and a rather small Patchouli.

“Yu?” One of the four Marisa’s asked. It bounced towards the new Marisa.

“I’ll help you! Mister is a bad person!”

“You will help us?” The Marisa that stepped forward asked.

“That’s right.” I cut in before it could say anything. “This Marisa here will help keep the four of you going during this drought.”

>> No.1160899



That last Yu belonged to the Marisa inside of the glass box. This was the Marisa that I was training to become a devious monster. She knew what I was talking about. This drought. Every once in a while, to prevent the Four Marisas from growing, I stop giving them food, and only bring enough for the Patchouli and Marisa that are in the box. This goes on until I want to release the Patchouli from the box for the other Marisas to rape. This means of course that the four Marisas end up eating all of their Koyukkuri. They were very hungry.

They wasted no time in jumping to foreign Yukkuri. “Ztob it! Why are you doing dis?”

“They’re hungry.” I explain. “You’ll save them by becoming food for them, and letting them live until I can bring enough food for them to live on.” I lied.

It knew I was lying, too. It saw the food that I had brought with me. “Mizter has lots of food! Ztob eadding mee!”

It’s cries were ignored by the ravenous yukkuri. Soon there was nothing left of it.

“I hope you all can take it easy.” I said after they had finished their meal.

>> No.1160911

The first chapter is already in the Yu.doc. It was the one that was uploaded and then Translated on the Waterducts. Thanks anyway.

>> No.1160936

Do you mean >>1159942 is the first chapter? That's the only story I've heard of translated into japanese

>> No.1160929

Wait a minute...isn't this the story where the main character used a vibrator on a Yukkurisa and it had a family with a Patchy Yukkuri that died?

>> No.1160974

No, >>1160929 was right. It should be number 81. in the Yu.doc.

>> No.1161027
File: 437 KB, 1256x1281, 1219207190810.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "sequel" to >>1159942 is this. Also, did >>1159942 really get translated? I thought the only /jp/ story translated was the "slaughter can't be spelled without laughter" one.

Oh, and expect a third story. I'm only a page in so far, but I actually have the plot outlined this time.

>> No.1161044

these well thought-out stories make me more than ever want some kind of visual project. More than the oneshots that already exist i mean.

>> No.1161151

gah. I thought that was the slaughter/laughter story. Fuck. Maybe that one wasn't translated then.

>> No.1161467
File: 182 KB, 682x485, 1219210501711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1161577


Shit sux

>> No.1161789


Oh god lol


Are you sure there isn't onw already? "It's hot!" slurred, like "ID'S HOOODDDD!!"

>> No.1161852


Whoops, I didn't see that it was animated, since I download everything and view it offline. Here:


2. R: It's hot (slurred)
M: Drop dead easy! (lit. Die slowly!)

3. R: Stop it (slurred)

4. R: Stop it (slurred)

5. M: Yu?!

>> No.1162021
File: 359 KB, 350x350, 1219216602630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do some of you keep bringing in real world physics and comparing the behavior of these things to the mannerisms of real world animals and children? seriously

>> No.1162181


I remember going WTF when I recognized this particular story when browsing the waterducts site. That makes at least two translated back to japanese.

>> No.1162209
File: 81 KB, 880x646, 1219218966356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri Lagann

gattai gone horribly... horribly wrong

>> No.1162250
File: 152 KB, 300x1608, 1219219923598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st panel.
Twake id eeshee!
sfx: boing boing

2nd panel:
are yuu gowing twoo pway with mwee?
Sfx: Yu? twitch twitch

3rd panel

>> No.1162256


That seems really mean after it asked to play with you.

>> No.1162264

This is strangely arousing...

>> No.1162265


I know! Isn't that awesome?

>> No.1162387

Do they taste sweet from just physical pain, or from mental anguish as well?

>> No.1162389

If I may:

>Twake id eeshee!
I suggest using "ch" in chibiyukkuris' speech, since they use it a lot in Japanese. Therefore, "Chake ich eajy!"

>sfx: bawwwww~~~ (yes, I can't think of an English equivalent. If you can, do what you must)
I think that's the sound of teardrops forming.


It was all a big misunderstanding. Yukkuris in general tend to assume that things are going favorably for them. (That only serves to strengthen the shock when they realize that it's not so.)

>> No.1162396

Both. Despair and sorrow make them sweeter. Unless it somehow enjoys the pain (hello, Tenko), both can work.

>> No.1162659

sew its birth canal shut with piano wire, then stick it in a box until the 'cute baby' is forced to eat its way out to escape, or the mother is forced to forcibly expel the newborn yukkuri from its body, ripping both said newborn and said birth canal apart with the piano wire.

alternately, allow the koyukkuri to be born, then separate the mother, burn the baby's eyes out with a fireplace poker and give the baby to the alice.

>> No.1162682

If I had two pregnant yukkuris I'd try and line them up facing each other, and in the chance where they'd both give birth at once I'd try and aim the koyukkuris at each other to explode in a glorious fountain of bean paste

>> No.1162728

Can't believe there's a whole thread of people trying to rationalize how torturing and mutilating critters that are obviously sentient and show emotions is somehow okay.

It's like if somebody made a genuine, serious argument about how fucking one of those really-900-year-old-honest lolis in animu is in no way a sign of pedophilia at all. The not4chan crowd is honest with themselves, why can't you be honest and admit that you are sadists?

>> No.1162738



>> No.1162757

I love yukkuri torture.


>> No.1162759
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1219236073803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon the storeclerk had just finished his rounds and he was heading home. With him was a bag filled with sweets and a toy or two for his Chen yukkuri. At one point he didn't like yukkuris, but his Chen was different. It understood him. It could 'get it.'

Whistling his favorite battle tune, Anon reached his home near the outer reaches of the village. It was a quiet section where he could live with the only yukkuri he had in peace. Anon knew these days with his little dark chocolate blob could last forever.

At least that's what he thought.

The bag spilled from his hands as he opened his front.


It was a single Alice. Dried up branches sticky with dark chocolate lay around his squirming Chen yukkuri as the Alice rubbed vigarosly against her.



>> No.1162763
File: 165 KB, 650x650, 1219236174818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alice yelped as Anon's grip grew tighter. He picked up his Chen which was weakly trying to get it, and made it some sugar water to drink while he...took care of things.

Putting his hand against the Alice yukkuri's mouth, Anon walked over to his freezer. Opening the door, he pulled out his latest catch. It was a Yukkureimu which had caused havoc at his workplace by a quarter of the pastries. Luckily, this had made it distend and it could not bounce properly so it was easy to catch. Anon had brought it home and frozen it to snack on later.

Anon didn't give a rat's ass about other yukkuris. The only yukkuri for him was his Chen yukkuri, which was why he was completely brutal with other yukkuris.

Anon had recently heard of an experiment known as "Yukkuring" and wished to test it out. He pulled out a blow torch (from hammerspace) and began to that the side of his frozen Yukkureimu. The Alice noticed that it had been let go and began hopping excitedly.

"Ha! Misder iz stubid!! Alice can run away eas-AGWAAAA" STOMP. Anon made sure it would stay as a leaking custard pile for a bit.

>> No.1162765
File: 107 KB, 350x1200, 1219236234442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a sufficient amount of ice melted but the Yukkureimu still being encased in ice, Anon tore off part of its moist dough cheek. He said it aside for a snack for later, and reached over to the struggling Alice yukkuri.

Putting them together, Anon realized at that point he had no flour and water.

"Oh well, let's use the blow torch."

A few cries of pain later and the yukkuris were attached. Anon waited. Alice continued struggling against its 'partner', and then suddenly its eyes bulged.

"HELP! HELP! ALICE IS FROZEN!!!" It started foaming at the mouth, but Anon quickly shoved the filth back into its mouth and taped it shut.

A few seizures later and Anon was already bored with the twitching yukkuri. He decided he was hungry for custard and went to get a large bowl and spoon.

>> No.1162768
File: 28 KB, 375x500, 1219236271081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was rather easy to scoop out the custard from the catatonic yukkuri, and Anon began whistling again. When he finished and all that was dough, something else got his interest. Wanting to test something out, he began to scoop some of the bean paste from the Yukkureimu into the Alice.

"...bu...den...lp..." The Alice started quivering and gurgling nonsense. He scooped more.

"Re...fwo...heg..." Anon scooped more until he had about an even amount.

"...Reibu...fwoden...hewlp..." The Alice bubbled out.

Anon, realizing that he had made a Yukkuri make another yukkuri its puppet, decided then to sell it to the Factory. After all, who wouldn't want "a rare pair of yukkuris where one uses its parasitic twin to speak"?

Indeed, they would never know how Anon did this, and he would continue to make more to sell. After all, he knew he would never take it easy. But with his Chen, yes...he could get it.


>> No.1162772
File: 293 KB, 400x1450, 1219236436342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of new Yukkuri content from Pixiv. Only two interesting things I could find was this comic which is apparently about Remirya hunting.

>> No.1162773
File: 346 KB, 700x700, 1219236482050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this art which is kind of cute.

>> No.1162785

You know, these things would be a nice replacement for styrofoam padding/peanuts. As an added bonus you get to eat them after you receive your package.

But we must keep the bubblewrap.

>> No.1162788

I hate the rapist Alice-types so much.

>> No.1162791

At least I know a useful tying and capturing technique not.

>> No.1162800
File: 115 KB, 412x577, 1397636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't seem to post, odd.

Anyone want to translate some Kaguya rage?

>> No.1162938
File: 488 KB, 410x3900, Dead Yukkuri and the Nice Boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally, when that cruel, childlike desire to torment an animal takes hold, the litmus test on this sort of thing is "does it have feelings?" and/or "does it have a soul?"

In real life, people can't even agree if the human soul exists. In the fantastical realm of Gensokyo, this is a much easier question to resolve. We can just see if dead yukkuris show up to ride in Komachi's nice boat.

Of course, I'm convinced that most of the arguments that yukkuri abuse is for the greater good are simply trolling to prolong arguments. Generally the more reprehensible the act, the more AWWWWWWRIGHT people will claim it is, which, I suppose, is also mostly trolling.

>> No.1163036

That's quite a bad example, given how it can be true under certain circumstances.
