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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 550x309, japan-at-home-maid-cafe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11553385 No.11553385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any /jp/sies ever been to a maid cafe??

>> No.11553391

we are not a faggot like you op

>> No.11553396

Public places are for normies.

>> No.11553420

I went to one in Japan.
All the girls looked depressed and the German guy I went with kept complaining that the skirts were too long.

>> No.11553421

I can imagine.

>> No.11553422

Maybe the girls were depressed because their skirts were too long.

>> No.11553423

I don't have to go to one, I am one.

>> No.11553426


You are a maid cafe?

How's it like?

>> No.11553434

He let customers come inside him.

>> No.11553438

Maid cafes are passe. 
The tsundere cafe I went to was better.
But at a maid cafe you can pay extra and play boardgames with the girls, and when you order omuraisu, they are trained to draw your favourite character in ketchup on it.
Don’t try and photograph the girls, though.

I once saw a place offering maid-makura, where you could lay your head in their lap and they’d clean your ears, but I didn’t have time to visit it.

>> No.11553444


Did you ask them wich 2hu they wud fug??

>> No.11553538

I went the the @home cafe chain in the OP picture (in particular the Donki-ten) with a couple of Japanese guys. I took a picture with the cute waitress which was nice.

I don't really like the idea of paying to be females (kind of feels like putting them on a pedestal when I figure my worth as a caucasian male here is relatively higher), so I haven't been since, but admittedly I'd like to try going by myself if I can choose a cute waitress.

>> No.11553541

went to the*

>> No.11553547

no i showed them a video of me pounding your mom

>> No.11553550

Full-width Alphanumeric aside, what is a tsundere cafe?

There's a couple where I am, but I haven't gone yet. I probably will eventually, when I feel like putting on real clothes.

>> No.11553860

It's like any other maid cafe except the maids act tsundere. So basically when they bring you your food they say something like "I-It's not like I got this for you or anything."

>> No.11553866

Do they have twin-tails?

>> No.11553883


>> No.11553902


I fucking love seeing girls in maid costumes with twin-tails.

>> No.11553904

Someone post the black maid cafe pic so I can masturbate.

>> No.11553998

you pretend to leave after they treat you like crap and they beg you to stay

>> No.11553999

Is this for real?

>> No.11554013


>> No.11554016

I don't understand the allure of them

>> No.11554020

It's all about sex, baby.

>> No.11554027

I wish to have sex someday...

>> No.11554029


>> No.11554032

It's good.

>> No.11554033

Someday we will.. Someday..

>> No.11554037

I just hope it will be a girl...

>> No.11554040

Like you would know
Anyone that has sex gets kicked out of /jp/

>> No.11554042

I have been in a maidcafe once.
It was so scary that I did not even order anything.

>> No.11554044

How old are the maids in general? Are there any recquirements?

>> No.11554050


Why was it scary?

>> No.11554055

WE should build a society in the future like in Logan's Run except we kill off those people that had sex instead of setting an age limit where we kill them off.

>> No.11554062

But what if it's a little girl? I mean two possibilities: a little girl, that was browsing /jp/, or a NEET, that had sex with little girl, that was not browsing /jp/.

>> No.11554064

Probably because they're trained to be aggressive to get the big tip.
For someone that has never had any female attention outside of his mother it was probably too much.

>> No.11554066


Too much work.

Unless you want to start building it. If so then I wouldn't mind joining, I guess.

>> No.11554084

I slapped a maid's ass in @home when I was in Japan and they didn't do shit. Japs are the most beta nation I ever saw.

>> No.11554087

Is that so? I better watch out then. I'm not giving a big tip unless they truly deserve it.

>> No.11554091

How did she react? Details anon.

>> No.11554094

she didn't do shit

>> No.11554098

Please restrain your negroid instinct

>> No.11554101

I don't want to be in TV, because, what shocked me the most was captioned reactions. I find it something evil. I'm feeling myself defenseless against this. It looks like they know everything about me.

>> No.11554113

She just looked at me surprised.

>> No.11554114

A filthy Gajin, Ken-Sama who went to Japan is calling someone beta? It's hard to imagine how pathetic they were for you to be superior.

>> No.11554117

>hospitality industry
>being hospitable

>> No.11554122
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>> No.11554126

Did she look turned on? Did her pussy get wet?

>> No.11554135

She immediately started sucking his dirty small penis and shit herself.

>> No.11554136

How the fuck should I know? Japs are bad at emotions and I didn't nail her.

>> No.11554140

How did her ass feel? This is important. Please reply in detail.

>> No.11554147

Like a typical clothed young girl's ass.

>> No.11554152

You slap her ass yet you don't nail her. I am disappointed. My boner is disappointed as well.

>> No.11554154

When someone asks you to describe something, it's typically prudent to do so by referring to things other than the thing they're asking you to describe.

If your description of a circle is "Circular" then you are very bad at describing things.

>> No.11554155

And they forever told the story of the obese, neckbearded gaijin who was a total dick.

>> No.11554163

Why would I cheat on my gf?

>> No.11554168

Stop being such a nerd.

>> No.11554179

The inquisitive faggot and the asshole nigger ruined the thread everybody go home.

>> No.11554207

Maybe if someone would have answered my question I wouldn't have had to be so inquisitive about that maid's ass. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

>> No.11554214

put on a dress and feel your own ass

>> No.11554223

But my ass is fat

>> No.11554229

All the more reason to.

>> No.11554232


Just how did I know someone was going to mention this.

>> No.11554236

i'm so sad that the detroid maid cafe closed down

i wanted to experience that

>> No.11554234

Go kill yourself fatso.

>> No.11554238

Are you mad, dude?

>> No.11554243

I sure am.

Obese people should just be wiped out the of the earth.

>> No.11554253

Isn't it common? She is pretty cute. I bet she has a nice ass too.

>> No.11554255

Normies please leve

>> No.11554256

You should learn to take it easy.

>> No.11554257

So do skinny ppl

>> No.11554261

I can't take it easy with all the fat people stealing my food, dude.

Get out of my /jp/ you fat piece of shit.

>> No.11554266

Get out of /jp/

>> No.11554262

>Get out of my /jp/ you fat piece of shit.
I'm not fat dude, just overweight.
Not that overweight too.
You should chillax and smoke some weeed dude

>> No.11554265

are you raped by fat people as a child

>> No.11554269

Not until /jp/ kisses me on my cheek

>> No.11554275


*rolls eyes*

>> No.11554277
File: 109 KB, 243x210, 1349060004748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! I hope you get your kiss!

>> No.11554278


pls love me

>> No.11554295

This thread is shit. Where is jan-chan?

>> No.11554300

I'm a FATNEET, protected /jp/ heritage, you can't kill me.

>> No.11554301

Grocery shopping.

>> No.11554308

N-no fat shaming!

>> No.11554312

Buying condoms

>> No.11554328


>> No.11554330


Go fck yourself.

>> No.11554333
File: 16 KB, 478x418, poka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u hurt my felings

>> No.11554339

We don't need to kill you, statistically you'll die very soon and very alone

>> No.11554342

Because I want to impregnate the black meido

>> No.11554343
File: 74 KB, 491x560, 1325087577406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11554347
File: 1.10 MB, 450x253, ;_;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11554349

I've got /jp/ with me, i can't die and i'm never alone.

>> No.11554352
File: 63 KB, 600x900, 1322330491078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a wealthy black slave owner in the South, impregnating your vast harem of African slave women
Founding fathers were living the dream

>> No.11554353

please leave

>> No.11554358

Must be mixed breed, pure niggers don't have such refined features.

>> No.11554359

What about the filename, nigger?

>> No.11554363

I'll give you 15 minutes to think about it.

>> No.11554368


she looks about as mixed with white as a brown haired green eyed white person is mixed with black

>> No.11554370

You probably clicked on "view same" to see if I'm the same person, and because you're stupid, you think I'm the same person?

>> No.11554374

Think harder, nigger

>> No.11554383
File: 30 KB, 374x544, 1358564685577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know, throw me a bone here.

>> No.11554389


>> No.11554395

I noticed Arino immediately

>> No.11554404


Oh I see what you're talking about.

>> No.11554404,1 [INTERNAL] 

not really

>> No.11554412

No go.

>> No.11554414

Now begone*

>> No.11554415


Who do you think you are ordering around? I suggest you sit down.

>> No.11554417

>I suggest you sit down.
No, fuck you.
I have every god damn right to be standing.

>> No.11554424


You can stand up only if you've been on /jp/ at least 2 years and any more than that will grant you a license to order people to leave the board.

Nonetheless, welcome to weaponized /a/, enjoy your stay ;)

>> No.11554426

Fuck you

>> No.11554435


no fuck you

>> No.11554442

No, I said fuck you, not fuck me

>> No.11554448


Maybe you like the gay things but I don't do the gay things so I was never implying I'd fuck you in the first place.

To make it perfectly clear--Go.Fuck.Yourself.

>> No.11554455

I'm not going to fuck myself until you go fuck yourself.
With a cactus.
>Maybe you like the gay things
Only a gay would say that

>> No.11554462


Only a gay would know what gays say.

>> No.11554463


Not if I'm a Gayologist.

>> No.11554476

So you touch little boy cock for a living? Must be the closest dream a faggot could have besides running his own torture dungeon in his basement for profit.

Why are you still talking to me anyway. I don't want to catch your gay.

>> No.11554482

No, I study the behavior of fags and report it to my organization.
>I don't want to catch your gay.
Chances are, you're gayer than gayer.

>> No.11554485

You gays need to shut the fuck up and post more cute maids.

>> No.11554488

>>11554482 will shutup if you let him nibble on your dick so he can "research" erections for his pretend organization.

>> No.11554492
File: 435 KB, 2217x1331, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11554493

Fuck you, and your mom.
The only maid pictures I've got is the ones were your mom is sucking 20 nigger dicks

>> No.11554495

/jp/ pls go

>> No.11554507

I'm going to start my own maid cafe of cute /jp/ boys!

>> No.11554810

This is not Wizardchan unfortunately

>> No.11554833

Will you hire me?

>> No.11554840

Maybe /jp/ is a joke and everybody is just non-virgin normalfags but me.

>> No.11554910 [DELETED] 

/jp/ hide out


>> No.11554978

How did they get the camera car inside a house?

>> No.11555054

Cross boarders pls

>> No.11555054,1 [INTERNAL] 

How are maid cafes not otaku culture?

>> No.11555054,2 [INTERNAL] 

The Japanitor finally noticed the Danny Choo watermark and concluded this wasn't true nipponese content.

>> No.11555054,3 [INTERNAL] 

He's against maids right now because of the whole janny thing

>> No.11555054,4 [INTERNAL] 

I deleted this thread because it was a shitpost implying that /jp/ is a maid cafe and I am a Janitor.

>> No.11555054,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11555054,6 [INTERNAL] 

You deleted the thread yet you're implying that you're not a janitor?!

My brain is full of fuck...

>> No.11555054,7 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is like watching Ancient Aliens except its just imageboard drama.
