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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 991x578, 35ca414c87b0242803ddf3ad99ef85f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11445215 No.11445215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11445224 [DELETED] 

This thread will be deleted.

>> No.11445222

But that's what the bottle says. Are you trying to trick me?

>> No.11445227

All threads will be deleted someday, anon.

>> No.11445236

That's deep, bro

>> No.11445234 [DELETED] 

This thread will be deleted by the moderation staff before it gets to page 10.

>> No.11445238
File: 5 KB, 228x221, 1376250147967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you shitpost, my child?

>> No.11445242

where in the bible does it say not to shitpost

>> No.11445245

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.11445248

Moot 2:24, dipshit

>> No.11445253

What is it then?

>> No.11445251
File: 17 KB, 250x250, johnny deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Reading Jewish versions of the Bibble

>> No.11445255
File: 106 KB, 280x400, our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the law of the land, my son¹. It is not too late to change your ways.

¹: http://www.openbible.info/topics/obeying_the_law

>> No.11445254


>> No.11445261

I owe my fortune to the teachings of the Jewish bible.

Thank you based Jew God

>> No.11445260

if the law sayd to kiil youre on mom wud u do it jsu cuz jesu say

>> No.11445268
File: 87 KB, 400x600, The holy shepard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be going against the 10 commandments, my student. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

>> No.11445270 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 200x200, myspace_avatar_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only believe in the one true god, Galbalan

>> No.11445271

Is this the otaku culture thread?

Who is Jesus' waifu?

>> No.11445271,1 [INTERNAL] 

Del'd y???

>> No.11445278
File: 54 KB, 207x320, jesus christ superstar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galbalans is but a minion of Satan and an agent of evil whos followers were brainwashed and wanted to destroy mankind.

The one who rejects heathens, Reimu.

>> No.11445277

>this thread

>> No.11445279
File: 21 KB, 400x300, Monty_python_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11445280

Could Jesus create a shmup so difficult even he could not beat it and would he name it Touhou Hard-Type?

>> No.11445284
File: 51 KB, 525x600, 2hu Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course.

>> No.11445288

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11445290

It is now, whachu doin

>> No.11445292

Wow. He seems like a pretty cool guy. I would be his internet friend

>> No.11445304
File: 119 KB, 375x500, jc, savior of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it still the Sabbath where you live.

Our Lord accepts everyone all, even those NEETs forsaken by all in society, as long as you accept him in your heart.

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart.

>> No.11445307

Nothing. I've been up for 14 hours, and now I'm about to go to sleep. I'm not feeling very well, and I don't have anyone to talk about it. I'm rewatching an anime series that I really like, I wish I could share it with someone.

I'm also upset with the direction moot is taking 4chan.
He is making /jp/ worse with each stupid change he makes, but it's not like there are any alternatives.

>> No.11445311

What series are you watching and why is it Welcome to the NHK?

>> No.11445318

I fucking LOVE SuiginTou!

>> No.11445327

It's Eureka 7. I don't really watch much anime, but I like this one because of the music references and the soundtrack that occasionally comes on. Watching it and knowing that it will end is making me a bit sad. I get kind of attached to the characters, too.

>> No.11445369

Worst doll tbh. Please dont take offense

>> No.11445389

respond, kudasai

>> No.11445393

There really isn't much to say. Just another sad guy drowning his sorrows in the 2D world but finding new sorrows within it.

Pretty much the same nice boat all of /jp/ is in.

As far as this thread goes, I'm hoping the Jesus otaku comes back and spreads more wisdom. It is quite enjoyable and quite cultural too!

>> No.11445428

Well, at least now I know I'm not alone in this; it's a bit reassuring, at least.

Sorry to have bothered you.

>> No.11445443

Hey your imaginary friend looks pretty cool, there are a lot of artwork of him!

>> No.11445449

Jesus is mai waifu, please don't disrespect.

>> No.11445468

No bother at all! I just didn't think there was much to say in response to your post.

Glad you are reassured and sorry we can't have a blog convo here. If /jp/ ever gets a real IRC room I will come and comfort you to the best of my ability. I promise!

We all got troubles, ya know?

>> No.11445486

Try /bun/.

>> No.11445617
File: 111 KB, 615x461, pretenders to the throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work for Yakult USA. My job was to go around to different stores in southern California and make sure they were displaying the product properly, check their stock, take numbers and inventory, basic stuff like that.

It's amazing how insanely popular Yakult is among the hispanic community, and how many cheesy ripoffs there are of Yakult because of it. There are so many cheap Yakult imitations coming out of Mexico, it's ridiculous.

>> No.11445625
File: 100 KB, 615x461, You jelley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the fake Yakults, these guys are the worst. There's like twenty different flavors and they all use the cheapest ingredients. Most probiotic drinks have at least some strain of lactobacillus casei, these have God knows what random petri dish scrapings in them.

>> No.11445660

His Church, duh.

>> No.11445660,1 [INTERNAL] 

Y babysit this thread and then delete it half a day later?

Fucking retards running the place.

>> No.11445660,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11445660,3 [INTERNAL] 

He was trying to apply reverse psychology. He mentioned it in another thread. Obviously it didn't work very well.

>> No.11445660,4 [INTERNAL] 

deleted != pruned

>> No.11445660,5 [INTERNAL] 

It still took several hours for the thread to be deleted. I would call that a success.
