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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11425922 No.11425922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried to lucid dream, /jp/?

>> No.11425939
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i usually have lucid dreams most of the time, so i don't really need to try.

what does /jp/ have dreams about?

>> No.11425940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11425946
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Why would i want to, i don't remember any dreams.

>> No.11425948

all day i dream about sex

>> No.11425975
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I considered it, but I decided against it.

I'm not really up for dream paralysis, and I enjoy my dreams even if I'm not controlling them anyway. Haven't had a nightmare in over 15 years, maybe much more.

>> No.11425978 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.11425982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11425983

I once had a dream about killing trannies.

>> No.11425986 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11426002

I try without success.
Funny thing is, I'm always aware of when I'm dreaming, I just don't have any control in them.

>> No.11426012 [DELETED] 
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*writes dream down on paper*

>> No.11426020

My dreams have been spilling into reality lately. I'd rather not lucid dream though, as I'm not very creative and I enjoy the dreams with random themes that I've been having.

>> No.11426023 [DELETED] 
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*fishing for homu*

>> No.11426053 [DELETED] 
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I dream I was back in school being bullied or bullying others.

>> No.11426079 [DELETED] 
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``hey kid wanna sayak''

>> No.11426153
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Yes, and it's so very scary because I believe that dreaming is a form of precognition.

Thus whenever I dream that something scary (such as an unpleasant social experience) is going to happen, I panic, knowing that Fate is trying to fuck with me. My mental process then goes something like this
Should I try to not care and focus on the things I like? Then maybe Fate will think I'm trying to challenge him and make things worse.
If I panic and despair, then maybe he will pity me and change his mind.
But if I get too scared, he will laugh and try to provoke me further.

To make matters worse, I believe that things become real when we think about them too hard, so I try to not think too much about possible bad outcomes. I usually time my thoughts with a pocket watch. I'm trying to find out what the minimum "threshold" for the thought->reality transition is, and experiment thinking about neutral and sometimes even positive outcomes multiple times a day.

as a precaution, I don't have a job and never leave the house. Can't lose what you don't have.
However sometimes I have to leave the house and it scares the shit out of me. The other day I was leaving the grocery store and this powerful gust of wind nearly swept me away. It wasn't normal. It was just too powerful to be normal. I realized it was a sign of imminent danger and I ran home.

>> No.11426151 [DELETED] 
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what the... is it wrong to dream about sayak?

is that not allowed in the dream thread that asks about your dreams? /jp/ is more militaristic than i thought if they want to control what we dream then control what we say about our dreams....

>> No.11426164
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Anybody here dreamt of fucking their relatives?

>> No.11426176

Of course.

>> No.11426185

I had one before, tried flying arcoss the grand canyon...but lost control and died

>> No.11426194

I do.
Most of my lucid dreams are me trying to find my wife, but whenever I find someone that looks like her, they're just impostors in a wig/her outfit.
The only dream I had of her was around 8 months ago and only lasted around 5 minutes.
I hate my subconscious.

>> No.11426211

Yes. I can do it by waking up randomly in the mornings and going back to sleep, then after a short time (a few minutes) I fall back asleep, then I purposely 'get up' out of my own body (sometimes I have to wiggle out of it) and there you go, lucid dream!

>> No.11426214

where is that image from?

>> No.11426232

Haha Musume Donburi Oppai Tokumori Bonyuu Shiru Dakude

>> No.11426235

My mom and my sis once. Weird because I think both are ugly I fapped after both dreams anyway.

>> No.11426243

thanks mate, now I'm off to training.. for lucid dream.

>> No.11426258

never succeed, I often ended up staying awake untill the sun rise.. any guides?

>> No.11426273

That's not a lucid dream. That's astral traveling and it takes years to master. Are you trolling?

>> No.11426289

Yeah, I thought I was sitting on a toilet. Sigh.

>> No.11426320
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If you can control your dreams frequently, can you still differ dream from reality? Lucid dreaming sounds like something you don't want to do voluntary - except you have too much nightmares or something.

>> No.11426357
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Dunno if it has something to do with lucid dreaming, but sometimes i "wake up" while my brain is still mostly in sleep mode. You just lie there in your bed and can't open your eyes or move a muscle. It's pretty scary sometimes if you panic in that situation, but after a while you'll sleep normally again.

>> No.11426384

That used to happen to me a lot in conjunction with sleep apnoea. It's terrifying, slowly suffocating while not being able to anything about it

I'm glad it stopped though

>> No.11426396

Sometimes I fall asleep in positions that make my legs/arms numb when I wake up. Just this morning I fell flat on my face after getting out of bed because my legs were numb.

>> No.11426405

Enjoy your gangrene, dood! LMAO!!!

>> No.11426415

the mighty wind gods can be such dicks at times. Not sure how to keep them appeased

>> No.11426459

I don't try to lucid dream, I just do. It happens all the time.

I feel sorry for you suckers who have to induce it somehow.

>> No.11428305

That sounds a lot like dream paralysis.

The technique I've heard of to be able to have lucid dreams involves what you're describing.

Basically, you sleep lying up perfectly, with your arms positioned perfectly on your sides. That will cause dream paralysis, and after a long time of being like that, you'll start having lucid dreams.

I've never tried it though. I've heard stories of horrible hallucinations that people have had during dream paralysis, because that state forces your brain to secrete whatever it is that causes fear. So nah, that's not for me.

>> No.11428315

So is this what autism is like?

>> No.11428417

I'm no expert but this sounds like schizophrenia. In any case it's definitely not healthy and you should probably seek help or something.

>> No.11428423

I'm getting fat but my dad bought me a pizza.

Should I still eat it?

>> No.11428449

Once i had dream paralisys and i saw a pikachu. im not scared of pikachus though. But i was 4 when that happened...

>> No.11428451

Last night I dreamt of winning the lottery and becoming a billionaire. I bought a mansion for /jp/ and one for my parents and then went on travelling the world.

>> No.11428459

What's up underage?

>> No.11428514

Dont do it anon....

>> No.11428532

I had a lucid dream, but when I woke up I was standing over my uncle's bare, punctured corpse with his pick ax in my hand, drenched in his blood and wearing nothing but a bucket hat and a pair of walking boots.

The guy had sexually abused me ever since my parents died in a car accident when I was twelve (four years prior), and his trailer was full of CP and stolen lead, so the police just made me take therapy and I was off the hook.

I stopped growing after the incident, and now I'm twenty-eight and only 4'10". I'm been working for minimum wage in unskilled labor ever since that night. I also went grey and then bald pretty rapidly.

Funny thing was the dream was about flying around a desert world populated entirely by cows.

>> No.11428554

Don;t listen to these posters, they are hanging around at lower realms, trying to bring you down to their levels

>> No.11428565

Tomorrow afternoon it will rain.

Be careful.

>> No.11428782

Stop blaming a single incident for all of your failures, pussy.

>> No.11429703

People just don't understand.


>> No.11429774

shut up

>> No.11429781

Have you ever tried wet dreaming /jp/?

>> No.11429813

I have natural talent for lucid dreaming, so I use it to practice things that I would in real life along with frigging my favorite 2hus on Saturdays and Sundays.

Must suck for you non naturally talented fools, good luck and have fun with practicing lucidity though.

>> No.11429836

Oh wow I'm sold on your pseudo-science you fucking retard. You're either trolling or a girl. Kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.11429877

shut up

>> No.11429904

No, it's lucid dreaming, I promise. If I were astral projecting, I would travel seeing the real world as it is.
But instead I see wacky things, and buildings and such out of place.
I sometimes control what I want to see, too.

>> No.11429933

What you are talking about is just some kind of self-fulfilled prophecy.

Also you seem to be a paranoid fuck. If you could really exploit that "think hard enough to get bad things to happen" skill you mention, you could use it to your advantage. For instance, make it rain so people get sick and stop being so social.

tl;dr ur GAY

>> No.11429944

> sleep lying up perfectly, with your arms positioned perfectly on your sides
I've slept like that for like 20 years and I don't think I can attribute my lucid dreams to that.

>> No.11429947

Tried? It happens when you don't fap, and it's a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.11430200

This has to be some old copypasta of a troll I've never seen before, right? My fucking god this is hilarious.

>> No.11430291

How is your quality of sleep affected when lucid dreaming? Does being aware you're dreaming affect the length of certain sleep cycles or keep you from falling back asleep?

>> No.11430322

its rude to laugh at other people's illnesses anon

>> No.11430429

>If you could really exploit that "think hard enough to get bad things to happen" skill you mention, you could use it to your advantage. For instance, make it rain so people get sick and stop being so social.

I never claimed to be the only person in the world to posses this power. In fact I think that EVERYONE has the latent ability to transform reality with their thoughts alone. It's just that very few people in the world are actually aware of it much less able to use it consciously. For this reason the powers that be have been taking advantage of our ignorance and abusing the collective for their own ends. You've heard of predictive programming. Explicit imagery of terrorist attacks is implanted into films, videogames, cartoons and years later they become real. The game is easy to learn but hard to master, and it has interesting implications. Convince enough people there's a massive vault in your basement full of gold bars and diamonds, and guess what? The next time you go down there, you'll probably find those gold bars and diamonds. Make everyone believe you're part of a secret cabal running things behind the scenes, and...

I think the only rule of this game is, you can't lie to yourself. The critical mass needed to achieve tangibility can't be provided by a single person. Which raises some interesting questions regarding the mentally ill- what if the subject is genuinely incapable of making a distinction between reality and fantasy? It would explain why kings and queens have always kept a crazy subject close (court jesters) see for example, King Lear by Shakespeare

>> No.11430673

Nowadays we just read frenzied posts for our jesterly amusement! How far we've progressed, are we all monarchs now?

>> No.11430693

Have you guys ever been like, stuck in a dream?
I don't really know how to describe it, or if it's lucid dreaming or not.
But, like, something terrifying will happen, and you'll be running in the dream, and begging yourself to wake up so your dream self doesn't get murdered.
Shit's creepy as fuck.

>> No.11430756
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It's happened to me lots of times. Usually when my dream self does get murdered I wake up.
It's too creepy for me to handle, sometimes I'm scared to sleep because of it.
