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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 234 KB, 748x825, 27276336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11387322 No.11387322 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first realize that otaku culture ruined your life?

>> No.11387324

When I realized that only little girls turn me on.

>> No.11387336

About the same time I realized that whenever 4chan was down, I would helplessly close the tab, and then reopen it a few seconds later in an endless circle. That's what a ruined life looks like.

>> No.11387336,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny, cleanup on aisle 5!

>> No.11387402

My life was ruined way before I knew what the word "otaku" meant.

I think a lot of us are like that. You don't really plunge head first into something like this if you are happy with yourself and the world around you.

I might get some heat for saying it but deep down you know it is true. We are like half-assed drug addicts

>> No.11387410

its not like im even otaku by choice. if there were other stuff out there that was more entertaining than jap shit I'd be into that instead.

>> No.11387420

Can I get on disability for being a pedophile?

>> No.11387421
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otaku culture enhanced my life

>> No.11387423

Yeah. Get arrested and go to prison. You'll be disabled long before you get released.

Protective custody is for wimps

>> No.11387425

Give examples because I don't believe it

>> No.11387429

That's not what I meant.

>> No.11387432

Maybe onaholes or loli, or loli onaholes.

>> No.11387435

You can't just collect NEETbux because you are disgusting pervert

>> No.11387436
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i am now bilingual
i have a wife
i have a hobby

just a few examples

>> No.11387440

Sex with inanimate objects whilst fantasizing about cartoon children isn't really a positive thing

>> No.11387445

It feels good tho

>> No.11387448

I think most people only look at the 'negatives' of these sorts of things. I think it's better to experience these fantasies and emotions than to not.

>> No.11387449

Fuck off normie. You aint tru nothin.

>> No.11387453

If we want to go down the philosophical semantic debate road than this whole thread is fucked.

Let's just stick with the generally accepted definitions of "ruined" and "life" in the context OP laid out.


>> No.11387456

Masturbating with onaholes while having intense fantasies about little girls does feel really good though, especially when you get all sweaty and start moaning while you cum inside.

>> No.11387458

Being a disgusting pervert is a medical issue

>> No.11387460

You are still escaping life with a fantasy.

Life status: ruined

>> No.11387461

Otaku culture saved my life.

>> No.11387462


tell it to the judge, pedo

>> No.11387468

What if during the time I'm not masturbating to lolis with an onahole I'm taking care of little girls? I think without otaku culture in my life I wouldn't have any interest in them and may even have a dislike towards them.

>> No.11387469
File: 31 KB, 704x430, Popotan - 12 - Popotan [V-A][DVD][704x396][XviD](49ca20bb).mkv_snapshot_14.19_[2013.08.14_16.14.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And exactly how is that a bad thing?

>> No.11387472

Goes back to the half-assed drug addict thing.

>> No.11387478

When I failed college.

>> No.11387483

I became an otaku after I failed college.

>> No.11387494

When I dropped out of high school.

>> No.11387502
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I ruined it before that.

Otaku culture was something that I picked up due to a result of a result due to it.

>> No.11387505

When i woke up one day and i was 23yo kissless virgin NEET who lives in his parents basement surrounded by figurines and empty pizza boxes

>> No.11387506

It is a terrible, horrifying moment of realization when a simple truth hits you:

Normal people have hobbies.

>> No.11387509
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pizza is gross
please eat something cuter

>> No.11387511

When I'm on here until 4 in the morning. I blame 4chan really, I should have stayed an ignorant weeaboo watching entry-level shit on Adult Swim. Actually its probably Adult Swims fault.

>> No.11387515
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>Actually its probably Adult Swims fault.


>> No.11387520

When I started posting milk threads

>> No.11387528

it didn't ruin my life, otaku culture's one of the few things I enjoy

>> No.11387532

Does anyone know who this character is?

>> No.11387533

your mom lol

>> No.11387538
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Wow dude, you owned me, does anyones have some burn-heal?, i just got rekt, woah.

>> No.11387539

What sorts of cute foods are acceptable?

>> No.11387544

when I started obsessing about being ironic on le /jp/

>> No.11387554
File: 2.37 MB, 4896x2448, what happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i came back from c84

>> No.11387550

How do I quit otaku culture?
I'm on the brink of committing to learning Japanese properly but the nagging voice of reason is telling me to learn something useless like French or Spanish

>> No.11387557

I think it's Ako from Kiss x Sis

>> No.11387559

otaku culture saved my life, inspired me to learn japanese. it also inspired me to lift (long story)

i hit 315lbs on deadlift today and how could I do it without being a hopeless kissless virgin who comes home and plays eroge while browsing /jp/ all day?

god bless you /jp/

>> No.11387561

Get a loli girlfriend.

>> No.11387565

>it also inspired me to lift (long story)
I have time.

>> No.11387568

it's not very interesting and i'm very shy...

>> No.11387571

nice aniki

soon you'll be sucking dicks like a pro

>> No.11387580 [DELETED] 

Will you be my boyfriend? (I'm a man)

>> No.11387581

Can you stop acting like fucking retards?

>> No.11387585
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Carrots, peaches, mandarin oranges, commenting on how big cheeseburgers are and not finishing them, pocky, eating cereals(esp. kids cereals) out of the box, chocolate flavored things, strawberry flavored things, melon soda, animal crackers, strawberry milk, tea, juice

>> No.11387593

____ Culture, and /jp/ in particular made me value my own personal wellbeing a lot more, and now it's the only thing I'm concerned about. My feelings, my emotional satisfaction, and my lack of meaningful human contact are what keeps me going.

These feelings and ideas I get in my head from 2hu and other loli related hobby are precious to me. I never want to be a normal person again.

>> No.11387599

Okay I will eat more of those things.

>> No.11387600 [DELETED] 

no but i'll be your buddy and maybe something will happen :3c

eh ill make it short but im gonna sound like a big fag w

>4 years ago, be 14 year old me
>already play lots of eroge since 12 year old
>discover f/sn and fall in love with berserker
>decide to lift and attain berserker physique

there are some more reasons but they are kind of embarrassing sorry

>> No.11387603


nice greentext story did your mom help you write it fag

>> No.11387604

>and other loli related hobby

>> No.11387606

Can you do it without the green?

>> No.11387608

It also took being a terminal /jp/ lurker for me to come to terms with the fact that I'm a kissless virgin, and to willingly embrace it. I actually don't want to lose it, because it's a really important part of my personality, and it's what keeps me drawn to you, /jp/.

I'm literally saving myself for /jp/.

>> No.11387611

Very inspirational story.

>> No.11387613

when i was 14 i decided to lift so i could look like an anime monster

i-im sorry... i-is this any better?

>> No.11387618

I forget to mention crepes and the occasional frozen treat (such as popsicle or a parfait)

>> No.11387625
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>I'm a kissless virgin, and to willingly embrace it. I actually don't want to lose it,

Is this seriously what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better?

When I was 14 I tried to BE and anime character. I died my hair blue, fell on the floor everytime someone said a punchline, and held up a cutout sweat-drop and sighed everytime someone annoyed me.

>> No.11387628

You've been playing eroge since you were 12? By 'eroge' do you mean dating sims on the newgrounds 'adult' section?

Shit, when I was twelve, Newtype USA was too hardcore for me, and Jump was the hottest thing. I don't even remember using the internet to watch anime. I actually bought DVDs from local places, and rented stuff from blockbuster.

I wouldn't call myself 'old', but it was a different time, for sure.

>> No.11387638

wow im super embarrassed for you

>> No.11387640

Thanks for making me feel better about my past. How do you live with it?

>> No.11387644

Yes, it is. I have no desire to have sex with a woman. I'm not an ugly fedora, and I could probably find someone to be intimate with, if I could get past the fact that they're a living, breathing human.

>> No.11387646

Bullshit "cutepost" stuttering is actually worse than greentexting.

>> No.11387650

i started playing tsukihime and f/sn when i was around 12 years old as well as some other miscellaneous terribly translated games that i can't recall.

my first introduction to anime when i was like 10 years old or something was when my friend from grade school bought fansubbed naruto DVDs and we'd watch them all day.

>> No.11387651

>Yes, it is. I have no desire to have sex with a woman.

This is such bullshit.

Think about all those cute girls, they have vaginas. You don't want your dick and semen in their warm vagina? I can't take you seriously dude.

>> No.11387653


disgusting nerds trying to be cute online is the worst part of otaku culture

>> No.11387656
File: 20 KB, 564x676, 1371963649542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda know what you mean. I don't want to have sex with anyone unless I meet the perfect girl... and that will never happen.

>> No.11387658

you people are so lame trying to peer pressure and shame each other into doing stuff

>> No.11387661

Why can't I hold all these edges

>> No.11387662

I think we've all reached a point in a natural progression, and here we are...

I almost feel embarrassed how... not necessarily normal, but how little I tried to expand my horizons when I was first getting started. I missed a lot of good stuff, and a lot of 'history', I guess.

>> No.11387663

i'll do better next time. i'm sorry.

>> No.11387666

vaginas are actually super disgusting normie

>> No.11387668

there are so many things wrong with this post I can only hope I'm getting trolled into the stratosphere

>> No.11387669

Have all you bitter virgins considered turning gay? You'll most likely end up there before the end anyways so why not turn gay now and have kinky sex and someone to cuddle with while you're still young?

>> No.11387674

The smell is bad. I wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed as a creature that leeks blood from between their legs.

Women have features that are beautiful, and that arouse me, but it doesn't get far enough in my head to think about sex, because I know it won't happen.

>> No.11387675

I for one am just really glad I discovered otaku culture at an early age. I can't imagine what kind of person I'd be without it.

Thanks /jp/ for helping shaping me into the person I am today. I'm still a kissless virgin and all, but I feel like I'm gonna make it some day soon...

>> No.11387676

And another thing: use proper capitalization.
What kind of imageboard do you think we're running here?

>> No.11387680

I've thought about going gay, but only with delicate Japanese Yaoi boys. I know they won't be rough.

>> No.11387682

Can I discuss loli here?

>> No.11387684

suck my dick dude lol

>> No.11387685

Dicks are pretty gross though.

>> No.11387686

Yes sir! I will do my best, sir!

>> No.11387687

When I graduated college without friends and without ever having a girlfriend. It kinda seals the deal at that point. Stunted social skills and it's hard to meet people as a working adult, especially if you don't have an existing social circle.

>> No.11387690

Girl-parts sure don't seem disgusting. Why do I want to shove my dick in one so badly?

I am like 10% gay give or take. It makes no difference on the stagnancy of my sex-life.

>The smell is bad.

You don't like the smell either? What the fuck man.

>I wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed as a creature that leeks blood from between their legs.

You nerds must be pulling my leg. Does anyone want to sleep in the same bed as someone who smells like geek-breath and shit?

Besides, you wouldn't fuck a girl on her period?

>> No.11387691

The only time I had sex was with another guy and it was pretty unsatisfying.
Having a bro to fuck could be nice, but all the gay man I know are completely crazy.

>> No.11387692

I was watching toilet pooping JAV and when some of these girls were pooping blood was coming out of their vagina too and it was the grossest thing.

>> No.11387693

Have you considered being friends with children?

>> No.11387695

Sadly this is pretty much true, at a certain age you just can't get friends. By your 30's I think your friends are pretty much sealed or not, probably the main thing keeping you together is mutual history of the past.

Girls are stil fair game though. Christmas cake is everywhere.

>> No.11387696

It's nothing new for those of us that have never had social circles, or emotional support. College is just four more years of the same thing.

Same with being a Kissless virgin. It doesn't hurt as much if you come to grips with it, instead of living in denial, or ignorance.

>> No.11387697


Oh and one girl had this really thick white glob come out of her vag during one poop.

>> No.11387698

I'm a freshman in college and I'm really hoping this is the point where things will start to happen in my life.
I'm really outgoing and take care of myself physically absurdly well, yet nothing has ever happened in my life. I guess I'm okay with that since I think I have a future, but... damn... I want a cute, like-minded girlfriend and cool friends. Sorry for blog.

>> No.11387700

take it elsewhere, dweeb

most likely /r9k/ with your other ``forever alone'' friends

>> No.11387701

>I was watching toilet pooping JAV

You watch those too?

>> No.11387702

lol what a loser

kill yourself normiewannabe

>> No.11387707

Why would you want to be normal? It's so much easier and satisfying to be whatever you want, free from the judgement of strangers and society at large.

>> No.11387710

no, you're the only one in the entire world

those videos are made just for you

>> No.11387713

It's a pretty rare fetish.

>> No.11387715

I never said I wanted to be a normal. Yet I just don't want to die alone. I'm hoping I'll have a wife someday and can continue my genetic legacy. Is that odd?

>> No.11387716

It didn't ruin my life, it improved it tenfold.

>> No.11387719

I fucking hate kids.

I had friends in high school (never a girlfriend) but I managed to fuck up in college. It started happening around the time I got into anime and eroge, hence otaku culture ruining my life.

Why do you assume he doesn't genuinely want those things? People can want a girlfriend or friends for reasons other than societal pressure.

The guy should do what he wants and not conform to external standards of happiness, whether they come from society or from /jp/.

>> No.11387724

Not really. I wanted to like scat, but I have a violent physical reaction to watching a cute JAV eat shit. Even thinking about it makes me sick.

Enemas are fun though.

>> No.11387729

If you seriously want these things, you should never come back to 4chan, let alone /jp/.

>> No.11387738

What's wrong with a gentle soft spoken little girl who likes to draw, or read, or play games, or watch movies? Wouldn't you like to do those things with her? I think it'd make her really happy to have someone in her life who paid attention to her and took her seriously. I'm sure she'd also love to cuddle with you when she watches movies.

Don't you want to cuddle with a little girl?

>> No.11387736

>external standards of /jp/

I would say that I follow these, but I'm jot sure exactly how far /jp/ has fucked me.

>> No.11387737

its just pathetic really

>> No.11387741

please stop projecting your pedophilia onto normal people

it's repulsive

>> No.11387744

I'm just trying to figure out what he doesn't like about children.

>> No.11387746

Is /jp/'s intense desire for this caused by:

A) Pedophillia
B) Unfulfilled strong fathering instinct

>> No.11387748

I'm even more awkward around kids than I am around adults. All of that would be very uncomfortable for me.

Also I'm not sexually attracted to real little girls and those situations read like thinly-veiled pedophilic fantasies.

>> No.11387752

I don't understand what you mean by pedophilic fantasies.

>> No.11387755

The qualifier probably confuses you because to you those are normal fantasies. Because you're a pedophile.

>> No.11387759


for me, at least. I want to protect Lolis. I cant believe there are people who would want to violate or hurt them.

>> No.11387760

most lolis are super annoying tho

obv people with this fantasy havent spent any time around kids

>> No.11387761

I still don't understand, I'm sorry. If you mean they're sexual fantasies, then I fail to see how because those things aren't sexual at all.

>> No.11387763

They're not actually.

You must have only spent time around stupid people's kids.

>> No.11387765

Why are they annoying?

>> No.11387782

Wow, I had no idea my eating habits were cute...

>> No.11387814

thats pretty cool anon, im jelly

>> No.11387860

Its not just /jp/ but 4chan in general. I've become a misanthrope and hate 3D girls now.

>> No.11387880

I ruined my life without the help of otaku culture.

>> No.11388116

You're just a closet normal then.

>> No.11388736

when I first jerked off to Urutsukidoji on the sci-fi channel 14 years ago I knew my life was already over, I just didn't know that it was Otaku Culture behind it

>> No.11388749

>hate 3D girls now.
You seem to have confused /jp/ with your homeboard, /a/.

>> No.11388781


>> No.11388786

When I fapped for the first time. It was to an anime chick.

>> No.11388815
File: 375 KB, 1500x1500, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute instinct metastasized, (the monolithic question remains)

When will you actualize ?

Cleanse veiled eyes
Parasight !
When will you entrust, actual-eyes ?

>> No.11388820

only drug i use is dph and now i feel stuff crawling on me and see flashing patterns even when i dont take it.

>> No.11388827

/jp/ is legion :)

>> No.11388883

That and realizing I can't tolerate non-moe (i.e. every real world) women, young or older.

Most recently, I realize the deepness of actual female voices kind of irritates me nowadays.

>> No.11388933

Otaku culture didn't ruin my life. There many adults out there with embarrassing hobbies and interests and they know full well how to keep them in the closet. It's a matter of being responsible and keeping your priorities straight.
I ruined it myself by being a stupid, obnoxious teenager who got internet access too early. Even though I'm too scared to check, I'm sure a good portion of the cringeworthy stuff I've posted online 10 or 9 years ago can (and probably will, sooner or later) be traced back to me.

Now I'm scared of settling down, starting a career, making friends, etc. Basically getting anywhere in life. The thought of employers googling my name sends shivers up my spine. I'm terrified of getting a good job, walking into my office one day, and seeing all my co workers and subordinates bunched up near a computer reading a ED article about me. What if I got married and had children and they googled my name out of curiosity to see what I was doing during my teenage years? What could I even do or say in such a situation? One of these days I'm going to find my picture posted in here because some asshole from HS found his old yearbooks while doing some spring cleaning and decided it'd be funny to tell /b/ how much of a faggot I was. If something like this happened I'd probably have to kill myself. Thank god my dad has a gun. I have dreams about this constantly and wake up screaming every time. My mom thinks I'm mentally ill and wants me to visit see a professional... I really wish my troubles were caused by a chemical disturbance in the brain, because I could just fix it by taking some medicine or whatever, but there's no pill in the world that can erase old internet posts.

>> No.11389006


>> No.11389010

Otaku culture taught me that I shouldn't need friends.

Somehow this contributed to ruining my life.

>> No.11389022

Well well well, look at this whiny "i want to be normal" faggot.

Please never post here again.

>> No.11389066

if snapesnogger is now leading a very normal and successful life having moved past all her ancient deviantart drama I think you can too, unless you're CWC.

>> No.11389072

Maybe he's Alex Wouri? or Jake Brahm?

>> No.11389118

It's not the same, snapesnogger is a girl.
I don't have the balls to go outside and do stuff knowing there are pictures of me out there dressed up as a Bleach character.

I know it's my fault for being a stupid weeb but I also blame my mother for encouraging me and driving me to cons and meet ups.

>> No.11389125

Oh shit son. I'm glad I've never cosplayed or been to a con now.

>> No.11389211

The only thing I don't fully regret is making my own costumes... a lot of cosplayers order them online, they can be pretty expensive. Saved a lot of money this way and learned how to sew as well

>> No.11390727

nobody gives a flying fuck about you. oh no some nerd guy enjoyed his hobbies as a teen, how awkward. haha. okay move on.

>> No.11390732


>> No.11390782

In the end, what is a "life"? Merely a collection of experiences one attains in one's own time until one's own biological functions cease. The very connections we all share will eventually decay and fade. The people we meet will disappear as they die with us.

Even if we face reality, that too will fade as society itself is merely transient. Following trends which are deigned acceptable one day, and discarded the next.

"Otaku" culture is no different than the celebrity worshippers and tabloid readers, no?

Anyway, our own lives have been ruined, not by the "otaku" culture, but by society itself. Our world has become far too contaminated and tainted with war and pointless conflict. Our own futures have been silenced because of greedy people, and the current generation are the ones who suffer, our predecessors (Boomers) Glutted the system with unnecessary things and are reaping the rewards of this.

So no matter how you slice it... We are screwed either way. Having a successful social life or not, it means nothing when we cannot contribute anything because the system has been too corrupted to offer anything to.

>> No.11390795

a very long time ago

i feel so ashamed of myself though, i'm the only person in my family who isn't married yet. i've never even had a real girlfriend before. i am pathetic.

>> No.11390838

I just remembered that there are pictures of me in a skirt running around the internet. They aren't anything even remotely near remotely cute.

This is something I haven't remembered in at least four years.

>> No.11390855

>otaku culture ruined your life
What are you babbling about? Otaku culture saved my life.

>> No.11390857

Hip hop saved my life.

>> No.11390863

I'm just glad I even have a hobby at all. People with the same social ineptitude as me without even a hobby to escape to would be true hell.

>> No.11390864

I wasn't being ironic here though. Without Otaku culture I'd probably have committed suicide a long time ago.

>> No.11390876

I first realized when instead of studying for an exam I played Umineko (EP 5) and then got really high and discussed every stupid fucking detail about the mystery on some godforsaken umineko rp board all night and day and skipped my exam and failed that class and had to go on probation and just said fuck it and quit college then played more toehos and made /jp/ my homepage and now im about to get kicked out of my house if I don't get a mcjob soon.

small bombs

>> No.11390952

Why don't you just get a legal name change?

>> No.11390977

The moment I realized that I spent an entire day sitting in my own filth, reorganizing my truecrypt folder of sketchy drawings of little anime girls that could get me questioned by the police, until they were meticulously catalogued, tagged, and organized in file trees in a clean order that I can only dream of applying to my own life and state of mind.

I tried to quit /jp/ by not going on the internet at all on the 1st. I spent all of today riding around on a bus, trying to fight the urge to buy liquor and get drunk so I can stop feeling.

Saved it from what?

>> No.11390999


>> No.11391000

K-Kojima san?

>> No.11391010


>> No.11391051

Computers and the internet ruined my life. Not Otaku culture.

>> No.11391058

Porn ruined my life.

>> No.11391076

"I think we ought to start our life old. And we have all the pain, and we're feeble. And we look at our friends, and they're feeble, they're 100. But every day we get younger, and we have something to look forward to. No need to kill yourself, there's hope. And then when you reach 20, 19, 12, 10...every day is really a new day. And it's really a miracle. And then you're a baby, and you don't know your life is ending, you just suck on your mother's tit and then you die..."

>> No.11391084


Spoiler alert: you ruined your own lives

>> No.11391087

No way.

>> No.11391097 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 370x396, a4baf48e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my sister would sneak into my bed at night to cuddle and sleep with me because she was scared to sleep alone

>> No.11391121

>tfw the first time you meet your friend is the last time you ever see them.

Fucking backwards lives.

>> No.11391119

The moment i finished fapping to sacchan pretending it was me inside her not that pretentious asshole yuuji.
I could totally be at a friends but i chose this and seeing this thread comfirmed i am ruined

>> No.11391130
File: 92 KB, 482x569, 1370007249896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother did this. Up until he was in middle school.

>> No.11391172

Wow. That post actually made me sad. So much truth.

>> No.11391470

Still haven't. Quite liking my life at the moment.

>> No.11391506

Can we talk about cuddling with lolis?

>> No.11391531

Chuunibyou syndrome.

>> No.11391542

When the AoT marathon stopped me from doing my homework and dropped my grade from a possible C+ to an E

>> No.11391546

it didn't ruin anything, it only facilitated what was already there.

>> No.11391569

When my mother stopped asking when I'd get a girlfriend, and bought me a self use toy.
I'm perfectly happy being a useless NEET, but I feel pretty bad for her.

>> No.11391581


She bought you a sex toy? Must of been awkward.
I feel bad for my parents too, but my brother makes up for my social deficits.

>> No.11391587

No reason for spoilers.

>> No.11391589

I'm the only male child in my entire family across 5 siblings on my Grandfather's side.
I've had talks to me about how I need to continue the family name.
They had really bad luck when they had me.

>> No.11391591 [DELETED] 

They're not spoilers, they're surprise boxes.
Surprise, anon.

>> No.11391594

If they really cared they'd have you marry one of your cousins.

>> No.11391595

But incest is wrong.

>> No.11391596

Two steps is enough.

>> No.11391603

I wish I could marry one of my cousins.

>> No.11391609

Maybe if you wait until they turn sixteen and they still like you.

>> No.11391613

My cousins hate me.
The moment they hit puberty every one of them became a bitch.

>> No.11391614

How can I help ensure they will continue to like me? I'd say we're pretty close right now.

>> No.11391616

How the hell would I know? Try /adv/.

>> No.11391619

I figured you'd know since you suggested it.

>> No.11391678

when i realized it improved my life? trick question ?

>> No.11392086

Funny thing is, I'm just about to learn both French and Japanese. Atleast it'll make me look smart when I tell people I know four languages.

>> No.11393930

epic thread

>> No.11394515

3 years ago...Trying better myself.
I stopped looking at porn and have not jacked off in a month. One step at a time.....

>> No.11394579

Working is done to earn money. Money is spent on fun things.

Being a NEET means other people work for you and you don't do any of the boring.

>> No.11395839

Japanese is useful because everyone who knows French or Spanish already knows English too.
