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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 545x363, side_73927_k2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11377557 No.11377557 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of fujoshi and them enjoying "their side" of the greater otaku culture sphere?

>> No.11377560

I ignore them.

>> No.11377563

I'd let one masturbate while watching me get fucked by 2 guys, it would be fun

>> No.11377575

I kinda wish we were as organized as them.
But then again, we are both organized, but in different ways. I just feel like fujoshi have more "camaraderie", but maybe I'm just imagining things.

>> No.11377607

I don't understand their infatuation with homos

>> No.11377615

easy mode

>> No.11377617

Those are fujoshis? Why do they look normal?
All weaboo fujoshis are landwhales.

>> No.11377619

All weeaboos are ugly, period.

>> No.11377623

>All weaboo fujoshis are landwhales.
Only the white ones.

>> No.11377628
File: 270 KB, 980x735, biggulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in Japan bfs are harder to get so they actually have to care for their looks.

In the west since every male 6/10 and below is willing to fuck almost anything they can look as disgusting as they want.

>> No.11377662

Why should a boyfriend be hard to get for a girl?

>> No.11377672

Landwhales aren't very common in Japan. Fatsos tend to be western and Japanese fujoshi seem to usually have bad complexion.

>> No.11377668

It's the other way around for me. I don't understand why yuri isn't more popular with men; most yuri fans are women as well.

Is self inserting for men really so much important than watching girls fucking? Two is better than one.

>> No.11377670

Because the smarter the population gets the more men realize there isn't a whole lot of benefit from entering a relationship. Japan is smarter than the other countries so birth rates are low because they have realized that the internet is full of kinky fantasies they can fap to and enjoy themselves without having to give a woman a bunch of money.

So now the women of the population have to up their game so they can be supported. Otherwise they will spread out and find gaijin.

>> No.11377681

>Japanese fujoshi seem to usually have bad complexion.

For some reason Japanese girls either have perfect skin or incredibly terrible cystic acne.

>> No.11377677

I've already not been included with girls' fun for all my life. The feeling I get from yuri is the same feeling I got when I was a kid and my sisters wouldn't let me play with them. Two is more intimidating than one.

>> No.11377687

I don't enjoy it as much, I want a pussy filled with a cock

>> No.11377705

I like it, but I also self insert as one of the women. So, yeah.

>> No.11377717

Two is only better than one when you're fucking both, and it's really hard to fuck two women at once. Most guys look at porn to see a woman be a cocksleeve, not have cute relations and licking shit. It's the reason futanari even exists.

>> No.11377726

It's incredibly difficult when you have social anxiety and never leave your house.

>> No.11377738

Bullshit. Dudes that don't similarly have social anxiety would be all over that provided she doesn't look like a complete dog.

A guy with social anxiety has no chance at all because a woman would never walk up to him.

>> No.11377741

I don't understand how they can look at men in pairs all the time but not be able to draw a man. Girls have horrible artwork with few exceptions.

>> No.11377745

>Because in Japan bfs are harder to get so they actually have to care for their looks.
Who mentioned people with social anxiety?

>> No.11377751


That's not the post I replied to.

>> No.11377760

But it's the post I replied to.
But well.
>Why should a boyfriend be hard to get for a girl?
Who mentioned people with social anxiety?

>> No.11377784

They didn't, but that's a reason why a boyfriend would be hard to get for a girl.

>> No.11377798

Still easier to get one than it's for a boy to get a partner

>> No.11377838

I find that hard to believe, sorry.

>> No.11377839

I am a girl and I love yuri. I want a /jp/gf to play with.

>> No.11377853

Change that g to a b and I'm yours.
inb4 ugly /jp/sie

>> No.11377856

How do we contact each other, I am available.

>> No.11377861

I don't think a relationship with someone from 4chan is going to work. I'm not that good looking anyway...

>> No.11377871

Why shouldn't it?
Not that good looking sounds good enough though

>> No.11377882

Yeah that's what I said. Women love yuri more than men. For some reason, even if they aren't dykes.

>> No.11377893

Men like dicks fucking things; girls like people falling in love

>> No.11377897

It's all about the sweet endearing relationships.

Most straight stuff is pretty much about a typical male/female power dynamic where the man is in control and the girl is submissive. Sometimes a girl wants to see something else.

>> No.11377901

We could try it out but I don't think it will last very long. What's your email address?

>> No.11377909

No way you are serious?
But well, it's n.phalanx@gmail.com

>> No.11377914

Japanese fujoshi are cool. Western "fujoshi" are weird, smelly, ugly, fat, useless cunts.

>> No.11377915

>Sometimes a girl wants to see something else.

>women wanting to see something other than what they want in a relationship

>> No.11377916

>Sometimes a girl wants to see something else

Most yuri still contains a typical male/female power dynamic, it just has two girls instead.

>> No.11377918

probably made by a dude

>> No.11377919

I don't know what yuri has to do with relationships, unless you're referring to the relationship two pussies have furiously rubbing against each other and getting wet.

>> No.11377921

Guess what, dudes: women have money and jobs now, and are going to begin dictating the media economy with their tastes.

The majority has spoken, get used to it.

>> No.11377925
File: 381 KB, 960x1280, 5.7sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no jpgf hookup

>> No.11377926

I'm also a girl who loves yuri and wants a /jp/ gf

>> No.11377927

No one is really saying otherwise you tumblr freak. Go back to /v/ and troll like you were earlier today before you came to /jp/.

>> No.11377930

If that's you then clearly you you should mean /jp/bf

>> No.11377934

That's the point. It isn't a guy who is in control, it's a girl. It's a nice mix up. Incidentally, that's the same reason why yaoi is popular with them. There is a guy in the submissive role, rather than a girl. Sure there is still a dominate male, but there's also a submissive one, and it's nice to see that play out. Uh... so I've been told.

>> No.11377940

I haven't been on 4chan for over a month... looks like your opinion just isn't popular anymore, eh?

>> No.11377941

Yaoi is fucked in my opinion.

>> No.11377945



>> No.11377958

Waste of air, just like idol worshippers.

>> No.11377989

tfw no email arrived (yet?)

>> No.11378012

I'll send you a pity mail

>> No.11378037

I don't mind them, unless they're disgusting western fujoshits or extremely obnoxious.
I like yuri, so I can relate to them somewhat.

>> No.11378080

are u trans?

>> No.11378095

B-But you didn't ;_;

>> No.11378098

Well give me time, I need to create a new throw away email first

>> No.11378101

Alright, I'll wait.

>> No.11378102

The fuck? No.

>> No.11378105

I want to have sex with a fujoshi and tell /jp/ about it.

>> No.11378113

I want to have sex with /jp/ and tell a fujoshi abotu it.

>> No.11378118

I have nothing but highest respect for them. They're so passionate about their hobby. They seem like they get a hard time just for liking BL. They're still rotten though.

>> No.11378123

Are fujoshi really as pretty as they're always made out to be in dramas and variety shows? I have some variety show screen caps of fujoshi I'll post later if this thread is still up.

>> No.11378125
File: 37 KB, 254x245, 1325303337143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence, I am also a grill looking for a grill. Preferably a george foreman of the highest quality.

D-do you have a twitter I can shit tweet to? ❤❤❤

>> No.11378135

Well, it depends on the girl and who they hang around with.

If they hang out with gross landwhales who are accepting of their hobby, they won't make any effort and will get as gross as possible never going to the gym and buying the minimum amount of shit for their skin (sometimes they won't even buy a moisturiser and will leave it at that). Undercover fujos tend to be pretty enough, since their friends are normalfags and wouldn't put up with their kimo as HELL chinese cartoon watching.

>> No.11378148

Like all women it varies.

Why do you ask silly questions like this?

>> No.11378144

Do you have any that weren't posted on /jp/ before?

>> No.11378150
File: 396 KB, 500x642, 1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grill, you can cook my meat anyday

>> No.11378151

Why are girls who don't take care of their appearance looked down upon so much more than guys? I have terrible skin and it's depressing but I'm still not going to do anything about it because I'm a lazy NEET.

>> No.11378156

Guys are too.

>> No.11378164

Because females are fucking useless, they good for cooking cleaning and sucking dick.
If they don't look half decent while doing these 3 things, well then you might as well just hire a nigger.

>> No.11378171

I am a guy with terrible skin and people always bully me for it. The difference is that if they physically harm me (which does happen) then that's "part of being a man" whereas for "girls" it would be physical assault worth $50,000 in court.


>> No.11378172

They aren't the regular 3 picture that normally get posted.

>> No.11378174

Sent you an email.
Please respond.

>> No.11378178

Because girls put each other down about it to make themselves feel better.

Guys don't care what other guys look like

>> No.11378179

Based on personal experience niggers are far better at sucking dick than most women. White women act like they never sucked a dick before.

>> No.11378185

Girls dress to impress girls. Guys dress to impress girls

>> No.11378187

Looking primp (I can't think of a better word) is a very feminine trait. It's the same way men who put a lot of effort into their appearance are made fun of.

>> No.11378194
File: 58 KB, 615x421, 1317277293246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social standards, obviously. People take the piss out of guys for looking gross too, but girls obviously do get it more. Funnily enough, one of the girls in a recent Genshiken episode summed it up perfectly - "girls don't take care of their appearance to impress guys, they do it to keep their fellow gender in check". The more pretty the group a girl tends to be a part of, the harder they'll try. The less pretty, the less they try. That's why pocky devouring landwhales with yaoi paddles are so common, and that's the stigma western yaoi fans have attached to them. Can't blame 'em though, it's their own fault being slated for not keeping that shit under wraps.

Personally, I have rosacea but I take military-like precision in making sure it doesn't get any worse. As a result of my routine I never got spots but whenever I leave the house I slather make-up on so I won't be showing the world my pinku cheeks or nose. It grosses me out when I see landwhales with acne everywhere because if they just fucking tried it would clear up. Even when I was a NEET I took care of my skin.

>> No.11378210
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1376732552062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just watched tonari no 801-chan, and they called bottom guy x bottom guy pairing a "homoyuri pairing". What.

>> No.11378219

She's not coming back. ;_;

What did you say in your e-meru?

>> No.11378221

99% of fujoshit is as shitty as your average harem show. Has no redeeming qualities unless you plan to write slash fiction about it; hence why only fujoshit can enjoy it. Fujoshit manga usually has terrible art too.

Very cancerous.

>> No.11378239

So many girls in this thread. I hate the way girls type so much.

>> No.11378245

OMG!!!!!!!! hOw dAre u say that.... meanie!!??? also uhm BACK THE FUCK OFF??????

>> No.11378250

I've read enough of milk's tweets to know thats not how girls type. They're more subtly stupid than that.

>> No.11378252

How can you tell which posts are girls? Is it that obvious?

>> No.11378277

Some are pretty obvious. For example, girls love calling guys "dudes" and putting on an overconfident behavior that says "yeah, I'm a girl! That means I'm better than everyone else here!"

>> No.11378283

Relax dude just because you have a dick, doesn't mean you know everything

>> No.11378284

btw I'm a girl

>> No.11378286

Koi no Karasawagi?

>> No.11378291 [DELETED] 

So if gays have gaydar and girls have girldar, do Jews have Jewdar?

>> No.11378290

Could you point out some posts in this thread that are girls please?

>> No.11378294

P-please respond. ❤❤❤

>> No.11378297

Most of the time those are just trolls pretending to be girls to set people like you off.

>> No.11378300

I don't think you need a sort of radar-type sense to find Jews. Eyes work well enough.

>> No.11378306

Over the Internet.

>> No.11378309
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [Leopard-Raws] Genshiken Nidaime - 09 RAW (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.56_[2013.09.04_07.09.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt tsundere fujoshi gf


>> No.11378313

No, because most of the time it is not something on the surface. Everything a girl says has a condescending to tone to it when it's in a community that's mostly made up of guys. That's their nature.

>> No.11378316 [DELETED] 

http://www.j-dar dot ca/
>you're already a fan of jewish films. you just don't know it.

So how Jewish are your favorite films, /jp/?

>> No.11378319

No, but it does mean I'm more capable of not being a complete normie.

>> No.11378321

I am not a Jew but I have Jewdar.
It's one of the perks of being redpilled by /pol/.

>> No.11378329

But you don't need to be a woman to take on a condescending tone or use the word dude.

>> No.11378330
File: 227 KB, 704x396, 1365390047786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls here are alright. We all share the same far out cosmic wavelength.

You'll definitely notice it on /a/ though. In the homo thread, it's full of posts like 'MY DICK' or 'wow I'm so hard right now', even more so than haremshit threads. It's most peculiar, and yes they do overuse terms like 'man' and 'dude'.

>> No.11378332
File: 74 KB, 734x370, ss (2013-09-03 at 07.13.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11378333

Can you for real tell if someone is Jewish?

I can't, but sometimes people tell me they're Jewish and I feel awkward. The internet has led me to not know what to think, and I just wish they hadn't told me.

>> No.11378339 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 680x558, The Jews Did This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be stupid.

Jews don't have Jewdar. They have Goldar.

>> No.11378342

Now I've heard that fujoshi, the Japanese ones, have an even deeper connection to 2D characters than the otaku, having almost no interest in real men.

>> No.11378347

Just any time they show a group of fujoshi on TV. They always seem really pretty.

>> No.11378352

How's that any different from otaku? It seems to me the exact same definition, but with he genders reversed.

>> No.11378358

But the otaku will watch JAVs and want to meet seiyuu.

>> No.11378362


There's a few otaku apologists here that honestly believe that an otaku will forsake 2D if a hot/attractive 3DPD drops the panties and offers to fuck on the spot. They're in denial of the greatness of 2D.

>> No.11378369

Wouldn't fujoshis want to meet male seiyuus and whatever the male equivalence of JAV is? I mean I have seen some videos of conferences attended by some seiyuus and I could note that the screams are overwhelmingly female-pitched.

>> No.11378374

Please respond.

>> No.11378376
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, [DeadFish] Genshiken Nidaime - 02 [720p][AAC].mp4_snapshot_19.38_[2013.07.15_00.10.22].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt moe bf ready to be abused and cry equally moe tears

>> No.11378387


I think this is just a case of people assuming "fujoshi" is a direct female equivalent of "otaku".

Otaku is just any crazy person with an autismal focus on their hobby. For example, a Gundam Otaku (aka gunota) only cares about Gundam, and does not give a shit about moe, lolis, 2D, etc. They only want Gundam.

Likewise, a Three Kingdoms Otaku only cares about Three Kingdoms.

Therefore, it is entirely possible for someone to be a JAV Otaku. It's just what their particular obsession is.

A fujoshi, on the other hand, just means "rotten woman"; fujoshits are generally categorized not by being otaku, but by being a disgusting shitheap who loves BL, shipping, and otome.

Fujoshits = fujoshits
Otaku = infinite possibility

>> No.11378394

They are BL otaku. It's no different. There are just a lot of them.

>> No.11378395

Not quite.

Fujoshi are solely interested in things such as pairings/fanart/fanfiction. Most female seiyuufags are into otome, and by proxy many are only into otome for the seiyuu. It's strange, but you'll notice how a female orientated series will be selling abysmally then easily shoot up to the top 50 on Amazon because of event tickets which have the seiyuu on stage in front of them.

UtaPri is particularly notorious for this. I think the most recent volume sold like 50k because each copy came with a lottery ticket... For the chance to attend an event. Not a ticket for the event, but a ticket for the chance to attend. Normal fujos have no interest in disgusting 3DPD.

>> No.11378396

There's plenty of emotionally fragile moe guys on /jp/ who would let a female control their lives.
If you can't get one to be your bf then you really must be a landwhale

>> No.11378398

Fujoshi care more about their favorite BL circle leaders. And Daisuke Ono, they love him.

>> No.11378404

I'm pretty sure only retards think that homo threads and Free threads and SnK threads aren't almost all full of women.

>> No.11378409


No, that's incorrect.

It is possible for a woman to be a BL Otaku and *not* be a fujoshi.

>> No.11378412

Girls on 4chan!?! Hurr hurr no way. Not on the boys only /a/ club.

>> No.11378413

Japanese otaku are lame.

>> No.11378414

They always pick out the cutest fujoshi and the ugliest otaku for TV. It's all a part of the propaganda.

>> No.11378420

To be fair I'm pretty sure the people posting the "t-t-t-there are no women on /a/!" shit are women trying to cover their asses. Which is why it's usually localized to the aforementioned threads, and why those threads also vocalize their hatred of tumblr and livejournal and other perceived "female" sites so much,

>> No.11378427

Suddenly all the Tumblr hatred makes sense.

>> No.11378429

I blame them for the popularity of visual kei.

>> No.11378433

My social anxiety is hella bad. I couldn't deal with a gross normie either. The second I try to stomp on their dick they'd probably scram.

>> No.11378434

Bullshit. Fujoshi implies BL otaku. It doesn't matter what the archaic runes read.

喪女 fits the other case.

>> No.11378449

I believe it is, " you can be a fujoshi without being a BL otaku". A girl could just be a casual BL reader.

>> No.11378450

Not that Anon but; So you're saying that Fujoshi is a mind-set and a behavior in relation to an interest, not the interest itself?

I guess I could buy that, but isn't the reason they are called "rotten women" in the first place because they like gay stuff?

Also, are girls who like yuri Fujoshi? I remember seeing comments like "fujoshi get out of Touhou" on places like /40/, when discussing stuff like pairings.

>> No.11378457

>Also, are girls who like yuri Fujoshi? I remember seeig commets like "fujoshi get out of Touhou" o places like /40/, whe discussig stuff like pairings.

Nope. The term has simply evolved here to mean female otaku in general, which is incorrect.

>> No.11378467

>tfw necrosis
>tfw literally a rotten woman

>> No.11378475

yujioshi for yuri

>> No.11378478

Women tend to like romance more than lewd things. Yaoi and yuri tend to focus more on the romantic aspect than the lewd aspect.

>> No.11378481

There's like a million straight romance stories, though.

>> No.11378485

It's actually the Japanese media's fault for the misunderstanding of the term. Instead of separating the fujoshi from female otaku, they just use fujoshi as a catch all term.

>> No.11378491

They all suck.

>> No.11378492

So what do the Japanese call shut-in fans of anime, manga, VNs and so on who aren't obsessives?

>> No.11378495

So does women's taste in romance.

>> No.11378498


>> No.11378499

They don't call them anything unless they stand out in some way. 人間

>> No.11378502


If they're not obsessive, then no one really gives a shit what they're a fan of; they're just NEETs or Hikkis are that point.

>> No.11378504

Well, that's boring. You'd think they'd have something more specific.

>> No.11378522


>wanting a special snowflake term for someone who likes anime/VN/figma but isn't a nerd about it, but is still a shut-in

It's just a fucking shut-in.

God damn.

>> No.11378534

I think they just say the Japanese equivalent of "guy who likes anime."

>> No.11378549

Well, the point is that he fits the "otaku stereotype" without actually have any one thing he's obsessed with.

>> No.11378568


But the otaku stereotype is obsession.

They're either going to inaccurately report that he's an otaku and not give a shit (and I doubt anyone would bother looking into the issue further to confirm or deny), or they wouldn't bring up his hobbies at all because they aren't relevant and he's just another NEET or hikki.

It's not difficult.

>> No.11378594

They like to throw the term "otaku" around without a second thought. The guy could have no interest in anything traditionally otaku related, or even be obsessive about anything in particular, he's just weird so they'll call him otaku.

>> No.11378610
File: 17 KB, 453x445, trulyepic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feelio when yuri fujoshi.

>> No.11378614

I want to read a manga where a guy has gay sex in order to appease his fujoshi girlfriend.

>> No.11378703


I want to watch a /jp/ and a fujoshi have sex then masturbate about it.

>> No.11378711

I want to watch you watch /jp/ have sex with a fujoshi while watching someone drown.

>> No.11378729

I want to watch myself drown in a torrent of /jp/ and Fujitsu sex juice.

>> No.11378737

I'll seed.

>> No.11378757

Oh stupid little fujoshit, in every males seiyuu events, they always give fanservice a.k.a. act gay for each other and the girls screaming like some subhuman. >Normal fujos have no interest in disgusting 3DPD there are no such thing like normal fujos, people hate them for reasons. Fujoshi janiota are known for their craziness, shipping their favorite idols and want to kill any other male idols who messing with their otp, fujoshi do shipping real men, not all fujoshit have nijigen complex. You probably mean true fujoshi hate real gays, because they are subhuman, and ideals are always better than real. Stop posting in my jp if you know nothing about otaku culture!

>> No.11378762

What the actual fuck. Properly format your post and then we'll talk.

>> No.11378768

You're the one that needs to leave.

>> No.11378780

Fuck off, fujoshit.

>> No.11378788

I'm not a fujoshi, but its cute how you try to derail threads you don't like. That's enough out of you, please move on little

>> No.11378800

You're not fooling me. It's so obvious you're a girl. What are you even doing here?

>> No.11378814

It's obviously a guy pretending to be a girl.
Are you retarded?

>> No.11378827

You're still not fooling me.

>> No.11378836

Shhh, that's enough out of you. I'm done replying to someone so childish.

>> No.11378841

Yeah, you are retarded.

>> No.11378850

If only Athens were here. Only he could explain this properly.

>> No.11378851

Please stop posting on an imageboard where your subhuman gender is not welcome.

>> No.11378853

Why don't you fuck off? This is exactly why women shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.11378861

Why are you so mad boys? I have every right to be here as much as you. Get fucked.

>> No.11378873

Women are anti-otaku by nature.

>> No.11378881 [DELETED] 


Not him but I can usually tell if someone is jewish. I'm still new at it but there are certain subtle things that can be signs of it. Most eople think of jews as just other white folks so they think nothing of them.

>> No.11378890

They're like sharks.

>> No.11379109
File: 55 KB, 480x360, 8ca45450-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a fujoshi.

>> No.11379297

You know, in making a list of people i would marry if i could, i realized that at the top of it all would be a /jp/gf.
Or maybe i just want a /jp/bf with a pussy.

>> No.11379300

You should just become a rapper and call yourself Big Milk

>> No.11379298

I wish I was a girl so I could be the next big milk

>> No.11379319

That name is reserved for when milk is in her late 20s and has gained weight

>> No.11379325

Wouldn't that just be whole milk?

>> No.11379347
File: 97 KB, 500x447, 1347884110564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a knee-slapper!

>> No.11379352
File: 33 KB, 400x400, ifuckinglold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11379369

Whole milk is only 3% fat. Big Milk is 50% fat.

>> No.11379460

>"girls don't take care of their appearance to impress guys, they do it to keep their fellow gender in check"
This is why it's so funny when girls complain about how hard they have to work to look good. They treat it like it's some great inequality caused by the evil patriarchy, when the only ones who give a fuck about whether they applied their makeup or are wearing matching clothes or are following the latest fashion, are their fellow "oppressed" girls.

>> No.11380014 [DELETED] 

_______ wishes he could fuck them.

>> No.11380364

Please continue.
