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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11361192 No.11361192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess who's fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.

I mean really, why don't you leave? Nothing pleases you more than arbitrarily policing an imageboard where everyone hates you? Are you really that much of a fucking loser that that's your hobby?

>> No.11361192,1 [INTERNAL] 

OP, you're delusional. Every thread the Janny deletes are god-awful pieces of shit. Every time I decide to spare a few seconds of my time reporting shitposting cesspools, the Janny pulls through and deletes it. I don't know where you come from, or what you actually post, but clearly it's something that doesn't belong on /jp/. If you're so asshurt about your shitty threads being reported by courageous souls like me, just come on /ghost/ and whine your heart away

Fuck you OP, you're the reason why /jp/ is shit, not the Janitor

>> No.11361192,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hey janitor, go fuck yourself, I sincerely hope you die you shitty worthless sub-human dickhead.

If I could kill you, your family, and your fucking dog I would, that is how much I fucking hate you.

>> No.11361192,3 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder why the spammers take him seriously.

He just have to press one button while you have to set up programs, search and test for good proxies and even fill captchas, I understand he's shitty but you guys are worse.

If you want to talk about off-topic threads then just look on page 5/6, pick any thread and post there using sage, then post the link to the thread in warosu, we used to do that for years to avoid the janitor.

>> No.11361192,4 [INTERNAL] 

Janitor just removed Akari thread.

He's a fucking faggot piece of shit and I fucking hate this retarded ass.

I sincerely hope he's going to burn in hell


>> No.11361192,5 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have to do any of that except fill in a captcha. You had to do that to post right now.

>> No.11361192,6 [INTERNAL] 

>you have to set up programs, search and test for good proxies
Or, you know, just reset their router.

>> No.11361192,7 [INTERNAL] 


Do you even realize how shitty you are? you're going out of your way to find a shitty thread, so you can shitpost in it, on a /ghost/ board? Is it worth all the effort, just to post some stupid garbage?

Why are shitposters even allowed to complain? Just fuck off to some other board

>> No.11361192,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to rape the fag janitor with my poz dick

>> No.11361192,9 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to thank you for reporting.

>> No.11361192,10 [INTERNAL] 

You're welcome. Thank you for posting shitty ass threads for me to sage and report

>> No.11361192,11 [INTERNAL] 

I'm serious, if I could kill you janitor, I wouldn't think twice about it.

I'd scalp your skull while you're still alive, cut off your dick, and make you fucking choke on it. You better hope details of yourself are never revealed, and I'm not close enough to take a trip a over there.

>> No.11361192,12 [INTERNAL] 

I can't hear you with my cock in your mouth.

>if I could kill you janitor
Edgy as fuck, are you a Hokuto no Ken otaku?

>> No.11361192,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11361192,14 [INTERNAL] 

>All this MAD
