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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 525x606, madonna-like-a-virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11350296 No.11350296 [Reply] [Original]

Have the Japanese ever experimented with idols who aren't innocent ingénue types? Maybe an idol who is proud, even explicit, about her sexuality?

>> No.11350299

lol no

>> No.11350303

Jap males are all betas, they can't hadle a strong woman.

>> No.11350317

Have the Americans ever experimented with idols who are innocent ingénue types? Maybe an idol who isn't proud, even explicit, about her sexuality?

>> No.11350329

American males are all betas, they can't handle a women who won't take the initiative.

>> No.11350328


>> No.11350340


>> No.11350345

Any child idol.

>> No.11350346

"wwwwww" shit is for gays and children. Please stop using this shitty expression while you're here, on /jp/.

>> No.11350366


It's true ;_;

>> No.11350368

we're all gay here w

>> No.11350371

Yes, your mother.

>> No.11350384

Stop projecting yourselves yuropoors.

>> No.11350390

It's funny because while women are naturally more innocent/submissive in Japan, they do the chasing a lot more than in North America.

I guess it's because if they don't, the guys will never do anything themselves.

>> No.11350396

Yes. They're called AV stars.

>> No.11350397


Sure thing basement dwelling wizard

>> No.11350574
File: 164 KB, 660x338, spring-breakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all end up sluts IRL. Even the 2D girls are becoming increasingly sexualized.

>> No.11350619

I want a Japanese Christmas cake to pin me down and force me to impregnate her.

>> No.11350627

...A cake?

>> No.11350628

I feel like your sentence got mangled somehow.

>> No.11350634

It means an older woman without a partner, because, like a Christmas cake nobody wants them after 25.

>> No.11350637

>idol confident in her body and proud about her explicit and active sexuality
That is called a real, modern woman OP.
You can find them pretty much everywhere in the West.

>> No.11350640

fuck off yellow fever

>> No.11350642
File: 164 KB, 1600x1549, Christmas-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more amusing to imagine it as a literal Christmas cake.

>> No.11350643

The only one I can think of is Judy Garland.

>> No.11350650

This, plus a few other family-oriented musical stars.

In most classic romance films I can think of, the women were pretty strong and independent. But not in a feminist kind of way, they were just defensive and as witty as the male, though they eventually gave in and romance ensued.

>> No.11350683

There's always the Kano sisters...

>> No.11350711

One of the VA for Idolmaster does this kind of stuff, if this counts: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Ah6sXUds8

>> No.11351432
File: 44 KB, 615x410, 1377562563935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA Idol.

>> No.11351439

Aya Hirano

>> No.11351441

Beatle Juice ! Beatle Juice! Beatle Juice!

>> No.11351447
File: 17 KB, 100x159, western idols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11351935


No one likes a slut.

>> No.11351937
File: 233 KB, 1600x900, AudreyHepburn1600x900-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's sad because you forgot about her.

>> No.11351938

She was a man eater in the 50's.

>> No.11351942
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but they don't last as idols and have no choice but to become legitimate musicians.

>> No.11351954

koda kumi

>> No.11351957

ariana grande

>> No.11352017


>> No.11352028

Basically this.

The Kano sisters were/are socialites, not idols

>> No.11352048

>That is called a real, modern woman OP.
Is that what they're calling them? There's a lot of real, modern women out and about in the late hours of the night. They have sex for monetary compensation.

Get it? Because they're whores.

>> No.11352425

In United States.
All our idols are sluts and have no class.

>> No.11352428


>> No.11352459

>thread about japan
>non-stop attention whoring from burgerclappers about murrika and murrika comparisons and murrika everything

>> No.11352461
File: 42 KB, 702x704, lolwatsrsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arianna grande

dis nigga srs?

>> No.11352467

dude you typed the wrong board in somehow

this isnt /int/ go take your stale krautchan memes and get out kthnx

>> No.11352533

shes never done bikini/lewd shoots like your slutty jap idols

>> No.11352718


Um yes. Nobody here mentioned Koda Kumi yet?

>> No.11352732

swimsuits are slutty now?

>> No.11352746

american celebrity culture is fucking gross and degenerate


>> No.11352766

Can't forget about Namie Amuro


>> No.11353051


>> No.11353086

Hepburg was such~uhn innocent gal. Remember when she did that film with Cary Grant where she wanted to fuck him for breaking into her home?

>> No.11353107

Aya Hirano-sama.

>> No.11353174

butthurt jap

>> No.11353475

she was murdered after sleeping with a married man, whom refused to leave his wife and then made the whole thing look like an accident

>> No.11353502

Listen, Japanese women will only date or be with beta men that speak Japanese.

This anon knows the truth here.
Madonna was such a hottie, but now she's just an excommuincated catholic who sleeps with a new guy every 7 years and marries someone else. She doesn't even have thos curves anymore.
80's Madonna>Now Madonna.

>> No.11353511
File: 404 KB, 705x556, 1374720709778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its truly terrible to listen or be interested in any American Idols after the 80's.

>> No.11353536

that slut Rino Sashihara, who since being caught sleeping around has turned her negative plurality as an excuse to berate & boost her fanbase. which proves that the tsundere fetish has really taken hold of the beta male's soul.

>> No.11354114

Can you post more slut 80's Madonna please?

>> No.11354215

Yes? Why the fuck wouldn't they be? They're designed to show off your body in public. There are conservative swimsuits, but people don't wear them.
Imagine if a girl walked around in her underwear. Imagine what you'd think of her. Yet you see no problem of taking photographs of girls in swimwear, when the creators intend for them to be sexually appealing? What's wrong with you? Are you 10?

Audrey-chan was publicly depicted as HELLa pure. It's kind of funny how all these scandals about classic screen stars come out later, but it's nice to know that they rarely gave in, and kept showing both men and women as pure, covering up their various escapades.
I guess that's harder now with paparazzi and the internet, but it would be nice if innocent women (and men who didn't act like horny teenagers) were still society's role models. There are many problems caused by young girls acting and dressing like sluts, and I honestly can't blame them. Hopefully one day some Hollywood executive will realize all this Lady Gaga crap is pretty harmful, and that the "zomg she's so open about her sexuality!" thing is just a cheap gimmick.

>> No.11354287
File: 1.51 MB, 266x388, 1377607737634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American idol.

>> No.11354461

not to mention most of the jap idols who do bikini/revealing shoot , pose for mens magazines can be young as 15, ariana grande and selena gomez are over 18 and they still havent done that

>> No.11354471

japan has weird shit in their media too

>> No.11354477

>Japanese women will only date or be with beta men that speak Japanese

lol no, most men in japan are single cause of their betaness/otakuness some japanese women are even turning to black foreigners its that bad

>> No.11354480

Does anyone find this shit sexy? Because I don't. In fact, I kind of want to throw up now.

>> No.11354487

everyone thought this was disgusting even normalfags

>> No.11354488

What the fuck is that thing? Is it a tranny? It's fucking hideous.

>> No.11354494

the shit she did wasnt part of the rehearsal either the in the gif was pissed too afterwards

>> No.11354500

its hannah montanna y'all

>> No.11354497


>> No.11354515

koda kumi is the best, her songs are damn catchy

>> No.11354516

Holy shit is that Chupa Rico? I love that song
Also the fact that she can sing like this too.

>> No.11354521

THAT'S Cyrus' daughter? Holy fucking shit.

>> No.11354524

it was also billy ray cyrus birthday when it aired lel

>> No.11354529
File: 12 KB, 240x200, tumblr_lzy09yVWVu1qjppw8o1_250_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ariana is kawaii as fuck :3

>> No.11354541


> Proud of body. Healthy sexual relationship.

> Equals Whore.

Yeah buddy. And maybe holding hands counts as second base.

>> No.11354549

>selena gomez

Didn't you see Spring Breakers? It was pretty much "Lol look at these ex-teen stars they cheesecake now: The Movie".

Though in its defense, the film turned that idea on its head. I hope so teen neurotypicals felt awful from watching it.

>> No.11354552

Depends on what your hands are holding.

>> No.11354557


It's a shame everyone hates this film. I guess it wasn't slutty enough.

>> No.11354559

I obey the "French, Feel, Finger, Fuck" rule. So it sure has hell does.

>> No.11354560

>Proud of body.
If they were proud of their bodies they'd take better care of them and actually value them as something more than just an attention grabber.

>Healthy sexual relationship.
Promiscuity? Healthy? Sleeping around? Healthy!? You seriously fucking need to look up the definition of healthy because it's not what you think it is.

>> No.11354568

What do you mean? I thought all the kids loved it.

>> No.11354569

Do you realise how much care actors take of their body? More care than you do most likely.

You need to look up the definition of a sexual relationship because it does not involve promiscuity or sleeping around.

>> No.11354580


Uh-huh. Except nothing that was said by anyone implied any of that stuff you're attaching.

The words used were 'real modern women' who are confident about their bodies and have no problem admitting they are definitely having sex. Explicit doesnt mean 'lots'. It just means 'definite, without room for doubt'.

That is an emotionally healthy modern western woman. So unless you believe all women who fit those specific criteria are attention grabbing whores and promiscuous then shut it.

>> No.11354589

Talk about the worst birthday present of all time.

>> No.11354594

Well if we're talking about western idols then un-fucking-likely, mate. Everything those berks do is slapdash and don't even get me started on how much those twats sleep around because the degenerate ass shit they pull reaches press all the goddamn time.

Your definition of a "real modern woman" hardly applies to the people that are given the label, mate.

>> No.11354660

Yeah, but adults don't. Whereas classic Disney musicals are somehow fine, High School Musical is the butt of a lot of jokes and I don't get why.

It's a genuine feelgood film with some very blunt and straightforward messages, but they're worthwhile ones. And the songs are catchy and the plot is satisfyingly straightforward in a Star Wars kind of way.

It's like The Breakfast Club for younger children. Yet people seem to hate it because oh no pop culture is bad and kids are stupid. Fuck you, people.

>> No.11354669


I think you mean "arse", you seppie twat.

>> No.11354676

>Defending Highschool Musical
You're a 16-year-old girl aren't you

>> No.11354678

Holy dicks I had no idea Miley Cyrus was his daughter.

How does he feel about her? I mean, he seems fairly chill and never did anything too lewd on stage that I'm aware of. I'd be seriously ashamed if my daughter became a musician, but ended up like that.

>> No.11354681

Fuck off limey.

>> No.11354684

'Sup, aquatic creatures anon.

He's kind of ignoring the whole incident.

>> No.11354689

>He's kind of ignoring the whole incident.

In a good way or a bad way?

Like I can understand letting your daughter do what she wants now that she's legally an adult, but I also think even young adults need guidance.

>> No.11354692

I hated her song for the mubrub animu

>> No.11354705

In a bad way, I guess. So far he's refused to acknowledge any incident. I think he's realised that he no longer has any control over her. Either that, or he just doesn't want it to go public.

>> No.11354717

Well that's a sensible position to take, I suppose.

Is she pressured into it, somehow? She's not a bad performer, I don't get why she doesn't just follow in her father's footsteps. Maybe that wouldn't pay the bills or get the attention she wants.

>> No.11354732
File: 503 KB, 934x1000, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hid ur image lol

>> No.11354734

She's into radical feminism, drugs, partying, and all that other depraved shit. It's a bit too late for her to change her ways on her own now.

>> No.11354941

its just a movie, yuko oshima from akb48 did a sex scene in a drama no big deal

>> No.11354956

slutty pics of her were released back when she was in disney, shes always been this way irl

>> No.11355444
File: 101 KB, 380x567, miley_cyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was kinda cute and innocent looking before, she even was a good christian. So sad.

>> No.11355450

He jumped on her fame train when she had a show on the Disney Channel, playing her characters dad, but since she went slut mode he's pretty much abandoned all connections to her.

>> No.11358401

Dan Mitsu still shows up on TV.

>> No.11358941

All of you, OP included, back on /tv/

>> No.11360974

But there's art and then there's cheesecake. This was for marketing and titillation, not for realism or subtext.

>> No.11361173

>ctrl + F "aya"
>0 results
>Who am I quoting

>> No.11361828

I need more slutty 80's teen madonna

>> No.11362275
File: 26 KB, 300x401, 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madonna dump? madonna dump

>> No.11362278
File: 43 KB, 580x699, madonna-signed-autograph-young-8-0457-6e09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362279
File: 50 KB, 400x470, madonna-vogue-video-young-998913416-400x470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362285
File: 77 KB, 517x789, madonna-80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362283
File: 24 KB, 453x341, 1zzmbgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11362291
File: 595 KB, 624x850, 80s-clothes-madonna-i9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11362295
File: 24 KB, 340x480, ai_madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362298
File: 151 KB, 886x1300, madonna-by-herb-ritts-19871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362302
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x1854, tumblr_m5n5c3QJaE1qjumzho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362308
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>> No.11362314
File: 143 KB, 592x888, madonna5_28may09_pa_b_592x888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362320
File: 270 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mgn4uisfNq1rz2xtbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362326
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x971, artworks-000038292656-v17stp-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11362553

Janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess who's fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.

