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File: 82 KB, 500x333, puni-hole-dx-male-masturbator-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11323422 No.11323422 [Reply] [Original]

Any recommendations on panties that will fit this? I know the panties that come with the twin tails series fit very nicely, but I'm looking to buy just panties.

>> No.11323430
File: 33 KB, 417x500, 51X5uSWUZeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking around, holy shit this is cute

>> No.11323431

go to the little girl panty department at your local store

>> No.11323443

what's the point of panties if it doesn't have a waist or legs?

>> No.11323447

Fucking it with panties on is incredibly sexy.

>> No.11323450

my question was something more like "how do the panties stay on"

>> No.11323458

Be sure to the spend extra for silk or you'll irritate your dick.

>> No.11323462

Oh, well if you've actually seen the Puni Hole DX it has all the space that panties would normally be worn on. Some Anon in an onahole thread long ago posted photos of it wearing the panties that come packed with the Twin Tails series.

>> No.11323472

post em'

>> No.11323474
File: 473 KB, 1198x1599, 1355889658791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah here it is.
I personally tried this with the Sana panties. Unfortunately I threw them out with the puni hole in a fit of guilt a few months ago.

>> No.11323496

That thing is huge, wtf. Where do you put it when you're not using it? Do you just leave a disembodied crotch lying around your room?

>> No.11323498

and do you feel better now?

>> No.11323537

Measure the hip size (and waist if it has one) and then go to your favorite dept. store website, look at their size charts for little girl panties and buy the size accordingly. However, looking at >>11323474 makes me think that the panties that are in the picture don't really fit it: they are too big for it. You can tell by the gusset location that the back of the panties are all scrunched up and held down by the toy to make the front seem taught. Those style of panties also have a very, very elastic waist and leg holes (think hair scrunchie) so you can tell it's not fitting properly.
I doubt you will find any "sexy" panties for something that small unless your measurements indicate that it would fit a popular size of doll clothing.

>> No.11323551

He couldn't possibly.

>> No.11323558

(cont.) it seems that it also has an extremely narrow waist/hips, even for it's small size.
I think it will be tough to find panties that will fit it like actual panties, but if you won't mind holding the panties in place as you make sweet love to it, then you should get by.

>> No.11323587

Tan lines was a poor marketing choice. Was about to buy it but now: no.

>> No.11323608

It's just on the box man. You don't like little brown girls?

>> No.11323612

>I doubt you will find any "sexy" panties for something that small
If he lives in 'murrika, I guarantee you they have 5 year old size thongs and frilly lingerie.

>> No.11323613
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a small safe.

>> No.11323634

You should put Remi in there.

>> No.11323645

Considering 'murrika is super-anti-pedo I wouldn't count on finding it in country easily.

>> No.11323667

'murrika doesn't think dressing its kids like whores is pedo. They think it's cute.
Pedo is staring at a 16 year old's breast.

>> No.11323672

lol u mena flan rite?

>> No.11323680

precisely my point. throwing one's pervy stuff away assuages guilt only for the short term. but after a while the appetite returns, the temptations are given into, and the guilt cycle starts all over again.

>> No.11323677

It's not needed.

I'm slowly caring less about what people think of me and more about what I think of myself. She's on my shelf where everyone can see her, along my Sakuya fig.

I have no need to prove anything to anyone.

>> No.11323674

haha I get it, it's because she's locked in the basement!

>> No.11323675

There was a thread about this on reddit yesterday. Someone asked why the US was so anti-pedo yet was all for dressing children up like sluts.

>> No.11323682

You are a true man.
I hope one day I can become as brave and perverted as you.

>> No.11323688


i live in murrika, been to lingerie shops and sex shops, and i've never seen sexy lingerie for 5 year olds being sold anywhere.

>> No.11323718

you're saying something like you went to a porn site and typed in "cp" but didn't find any cp.

>> No.11323726


>> No.11323755

sex shops and Victoria's Secret aren't going to cater to kids. Why would they? Looking in sexual places for things related to kids is the wrong way of going about it.

>> No.11323758

So then what does >>11323612 mean?
If it means that if you look hard enough in the shadiest areas, that you could find child-size lingerie, then that could be said for almost any developed country. You're more likely to find it in France, Japan, or wherever those East-European "child model" agencies get their clothing.

>> No.11323770

would doll clothes work? those would be easy to find

>> No.11323858

they probably have people who make that kind of clothing custom for kids.

>> No.11323905

/jp/ where can I get some cute pantsu~ and girl clothes for me? And some lewd ones too for when I'm in that mood. Discrete shipping is pretty much required. Also places that accept prepaid visas would be nice. Also I don't know anything about sizing and stuff.

>> No.11323934

tons of online clothing shops to choose from. just shop around. for girls' stuff, sometimes the shop will have sizing guides to help you pick the right size.

>> No.11323978

It's pretty tragic. I've done it in the past and it just doesn't help at all. Granted self acceptance is an even tougher task so I can understand why a temporary fix is tempting.

>> No.11323999

As long as your erotic tastes are legal and you hide it from the normals, because let's face it, they will never understand, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Just keep it a secret between yourself and /jp/ if you don't want people to ridicule you. Lots of people are into weird stuff on the side. They just don't go around flaunting their "interests" and tbh no one cares unless you are famous or a politician.

>> No.11324211

it's a process, i guess. somewhere along the way i just finally accepted that i'm a creepy-ass pervert, and now i don't live in that cycle anymore.

yup. i stopped feeling guilty a few years ago.

>> No.11324495

It's incredible hot either way. Perfect for a lolicon.

>> No.11324643

Ask little girls which ones they think are cutest if you can"t decide.

>> No.11325567 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 488x399, 1337576416140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11325652


>> No.11326527

Good marketing in my eyes since it is my favorite pictures. Bought it solely because of the box art.

>> No.11327198

i'll take the device then if you're not gonna use it.

>> No.11327916

Is the hard version any good? I'm just going by the review on onaho.net which says it's on par but /jp/ says take those reviews with a grain of salt.

I wonder if en-nls will pick it up. I'll probably buy it then because that's the cheapest I'll ever see it.

>> No.11327988

Why is the thing a generic white color when the girl on the cover is clearly supposed to have tan skin?

>> No.11327999

I think making the toy dual colored would have made it look weird or possibly gross, just like how adding hair to toys makes them look weird and gross.

>> No.11328029

Hard version is tan


>> No.11330204

People on 2ch say it doesn't look like a tan at all, and they're all disatisfied it doesn't have a swimsuit line that isn't "tanned"(though according to two person who (claim to have) bathed with their niece, it doesn't exist); and I agree with them.
Also it's too hard and feels like shit, regular puni ana is better, only buy it if you already have puni ana and want some variation.

IIRC the japanese size is size 11 (110?), but are you really going to import panties?

In the event you get the wrong size the worst to happen is that you've acquired an extra panty, and that isn't really a bad thing, is it?
Apparently skirts are also a thing to put on the puni ana in japan; size 90-100 (some also use size 80 or 110 though)
