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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11291263 No.11291263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you faggots actually plan on going to Glorious Nippon?

How many of you have gone?

>> No.11291284

We are all in Japan right now

>> No.11291287

I'm not

>> No.11291289


/jp/ doesn't leave their house/apartment/basement. Everything we like about Japan we just download or purchase online.

>> No.11291304

Why is it only in English and Chinese? I imagine they get a lot of Koreans as well.

>> No.11291315



delete your worthless thread.

>> No.11291316

Hide in a boat

>> No.11291310

I want to go but it'd be boring and awkward alone and I'd probably end up spending most of my time in my motel room on /jp/

>> No.11291312

Plane tickets cost too much money. Got any solutions for that?

>> No.11291327

I'm going to Okinawa next month, although I don't really consider it "japan"

>> No.11291329

Why would I do that

>> No.11291336

Free the Ryukyu kingdom, Japanese and Chinese oppressors please go

>> No.11291338

Get a job nerd.

>> No.11291342

is it true the flight is 16 hours long?

>> No.11291344

No it’s 4 hours tops.

>> No.11291352

make reservation much more early

Its lik you guys never went abroad for a longer period of time...

>> No.11291357

Longest I have been was two weeks in the neighbouring country.
Don’t judge, you bully

>> No.11291367

I'm in New York. What's the flight time like?

>> No.11291369

Check the flight schedules dweeb

>> No.11291381

I plan on going as a once-in-a-lifetime vacation after I graduate and get a decently paying job. Hopefully by then I'll take my wife, which I don't have yet either. For now, I can dream.

>> No.11291426

I believe in you, Anon.

>> No.11291432

I figure if I get booted out of my house I'll join the WWOOF program and become a slave to nippon for a time.


>> No.11291438

You mean waifu

>> No.11291446

get a load of this normie's pathetic dream

>> No.11291448

I've already been 3 times.

>> No.11291456

Nobody actually wants to live in Japan right? The island is way too fucking small for me.

>> No.11291460


>> No.11291462

lol why would I go to Japan? They have nothing but shit over there (Trust me, I've seen pictures)

>> No.11291467

I want to walk around and try to see what it feels like to be a native

>> No.11291472

Can't you do that from your own room?

>> No.11291470

He didn't seem very creative. In my dream I'm a girl and have a husband who will bring me on vacation there.

>> No.11291477

I'm planning on going next year. Going to try and stay for a year.

>> No.11291476

I'm I japan right now actually. I purchased my ticket and am staying for 3 weeks and I've had a fun as HECK time here. It's worth the experience and now if you excuse me ill be lining up soon

>> No.11291479

I would like to go sometime but I want to get a bit better at speaking and understanding the language.

I've known people who don't speak a word of Japanese who have gone, when I asked them how they got by they all pretty much told me "dunno lol".

>> No.11291482

I spent a night in Tokyo when I was 11 waiting for a connecting flight. We didn't leave the hotel, but it looked really nice outside.

If only I was a little older I would've enjoyed it so much more.

>> No.11291484

>to join the program, you have to pay the annual membership fee
>lel I knew it some bullshit
>membership is 55 dollars

shit nigga where do I sign up

>> No.11291485

>not on Japan

>can pirate everything no risk

>on japan

>High chance of getting caught

Whats the point

>> No.11291486

If you stay in any major Japanese city, people know enough English so you can get by.

>> No.11291489

I want to fulfil your dream.

>> No.11291494

I went to Yokohama once with my father. People are crammed in like fucking sardines, It smelled weird, people gave you weird looks. Food was the only thing that didn't suck, Nothing like my Chinese cartoons. It was basically like going to a major American city except China town covers everything.

Anime/2hu and all that stuff is cool, but fuck living there.

>> No.11291498

I live near akihabara and I have a blast every day

>> No.11291501

What do I have to do in the program? Live on someone's farm and help them do their farming? Is that seriously all?

>> No.11291528

only normals end up actually going

>> No.11291540
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I love getting bullied by NEET /jp/ers.

>> No.11291602

Planning to go. Can't wait to get to Akihabara

>> No.11291612

I don't see the point in actually going.

>> No.11291617

I just want to go to Japan to visit conventions and get exclusive doujin things.

>> No.11291620

Stayed for a few months.

Pretty cool but expensive.

>> No.11291627

what area were you in

>> No.11291645

Tokyo and then Osaka.

>> No.11291665

I'd love to go for an extended vacation at some point. But it's prohibitively expensive, and I wouldn't be able to really enjoy it without knowing Japanese first I don't think. Aside from going to events for doujinshi things, and buying a bunch of retro games, I think I would just spend the rest of my time walking around and taking in the scenery.

>> No.11291697

Yep. It's that easy apparently. They also have programs for other countries besides Japan. It's a great work exchange program that could net you some connections and improve your chance to get a work visa.

>> No.11291710

I was there for 2 weeks


btw i'm a girl

>> No.11291715


Will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.11291739

I want to stay at least a month if I were to go. I have about 3k saved up but I don't think that's enough.

>> No.11291749

I spend about 3k (roughly if you consider the dollar value fall) for a 2 week vacation when I go there. But then I buy merchandise for about 2k of those. So if you don't plan on buying that much 3k is more than enough for a month.

>> No.11291771

I am not a bully
I think I answered countless threads with how to live in Japan, traveling and get a job.

>> No.11291801 [DELETED] 

*farts in ure mouth*

>> No.11291903

That's before ticket though, so I'd probably have 1.8k left after ticket I think.

>> No.11291911

Yes? I spend about 1k on flights and hotels.

>> No.11291915

It depends on what you wanna do really. You could get a round trip for 1k, then if you stay at a hotel for say 40 dollars a day, that leaves you with 800 to spend on food, figs, whatever else you want.

>> No.11291931

Went for a two month exchange program. People thought I was Japanese cause I lacked an accent. Though you might make some friends, Japanese people will never truly open up to others. Unless you've known someone for many many years, they always have a facade on because herpderp social hierarchy

>> No.11291943

How do you get a round trip for $1k? Last I checked, it's closer to $1k one way.

>> No.11291954

Well, it depends where you are travelling from of course. I imagine it would be more expensive if you were in the UK or something for example. But for me, going from Vancouver to Narita, I can get round trips for $982, or one ways for $593. This is a pretty good site for searching, you should check it out if you haven't already http://www.momondo.com/

>> No.11291979

I'm also from Vancouver and I paid 1400 for my ticket. Shit, why didn't I look harder.

>> No.11292010


I used that, and all the tickets were 4000 dollars for a round trip, and a year ahead at that. Why was it taking me through Paris and Amsterdam? From Detroit or Los Angeles is probably way more economical.

>> No.11292016

>and a year ahead at that.
Were you trying to book for a year in advance? You shouldn't do that. Try putting in 2-3 months from now and seeing what it costs.

>> No.11292017

I think it's around September that tickets are really cheap if you're going for winter comiket.

>> No.11292036

I plan on contacting a professor over there to help him with his research, and eventually transfer to uni over there. Don't really want to work there though, so I'll just stick around for a year or two.

>> No.11292049

I would go but I weigh 500lbs and am actually an oversized sentient bag of garbage. よろしくお願いします。

>> No.11292045


Huh well that's weird, I thought I'd save money booking as far in advanced as I could. Though ~1400 isn't something to sneeze at either.

>> No.11292085

They have no reason to lower the prices for flights that far in advance. They possibly also don't have all the flight itineraries available either, so you see less options. Generally, when flights are about 2-3 months away is when they are cheapest, because they want to fill up the plane. After all, it is a waste of money to pay to fly a plane some where and not all the seats are full. But when the flights are like a year away, they will just leave the prices higher, and whatever monkey wants to pay for them, then great, because they aren't worried about filling that plane yet.

>> No.11292091

I'm from the UK and went to Akihabara in 2011 for 1 week. Cost me £620 for flights and accommodation.

>> No.11292116

I want to go to fuck sailor foku babez but I dont think they take kindly to those kinds of gaijin

and I want to meet a Yakuza, I wanna see how the crime works at the #1 most prosecuted country

>> No.11292182
File: 201 KB, 917x705, gojira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went a few years ago for a couple of weeks. Did a mixture of Tokyo and Tohoku (Northeastern Japan, before the earthquake/tsunami.)

A few times, walking through the woods to a shrine, I thought this would be a perfect place for youkai. Of course, none were detectible.

On the other hand, daikaiju in Tokyo,...

>> No.11292206
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I was there for a little over a week a couple of months ago. It was fun

>> No.11292219

I plan to visit some day after I learn the language to a passable level. Maybe I'll try to steer my career path to have me visiting there regularly.

>> No.11292221

I spent three semesters there in college.

>> No.11292246

Does anyone know about the laws in Japan regarding living at a workplace? In my country you're not allowed to live and sleep in an office, couldn't find anything about the subject while searching earlier.

>> No.11292261


Every year since 2006. OP is a fag.

>> No.11292270


True. Aug-Oct. is the sweet spot for winter fares. however they jack the price right at Christmas , sucks if you're really *just* going to Comiket and new years sales in Aki.

>> No.11292277
File: 40 KB, 361x335, Sato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going there for 6 weeks next summer, alone.

>> No.11292281

wanna skype with me ?
im not weird I swear

>> No.11292280


Also in general, Winter-spring is far more tolerable for whiteys. I would NEVER go to Natsucomi, as you see in the articles, it's fucking 38C + humidity. Fuyucomi is far more tolerable at an easy 5-15C, although this past winter it was unseasonably cold - down below freezing overnight. Winter also typically has about 2/3 the attendance of Summer.

>> No.11292298

Going to be going there for a year of research then grad school. You're basically a lock for a STEM program even at Todai/Kyodai if you can speak fluent moon.

>> No.11292330


38C and high humidity is business as usual in Florida, I wouldn't mind.

When is Winter Comiket anyway? Sometime in January? Tickets couldn't be that bad then.

>> No.11292371

I want to run around with a toast in my mouth in hopes of bumping into a qt

>> No.11292511

Candy candy, candy-candy-caandy!
