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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 432x468, 2866 - 2d 2dpd 3d 3dpd girls ohno scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11285246 No.11285246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you outgrow 3DPD /jp/?

>> No.11285249

It's amazing how every single choice manages to make the speaker sound like a huge faggot.

>> No.11285252

I'm the green one.

>> No.11285258

I'm the blue one.

>> No.11285259

I have a boyfriend so... never?

>> No.11285261

Blue I supposeI feel like my waifu has made me dead to 3D women.

Everywhere I go, school, work, etc.(inb4 normalfag) I can't find myself feeling attracted to any woman I see in the slightest.

I feel no shame hugging my dakimakura, rather I feel a sense of comfort and belonging, for I am with my special one.

>> No.11285263
File: 18 KB, 409x499, net idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I hit puberty a decade ago.

>> No.11285264

So this is Otaku culture

>> No.11285273

I never did, also >>11285249

>> No.11285276
File: 95 KB, 605x417, 1355618853045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D dicks are awsome

>> No.11285282

You would have to be pretty dense not to figure that out on your own.

>> No.11285278

Translated into non-faggot:

- disdain/ignore 2D
- prefer 3D
- enjoy both
- prefer 2D
- disdain/ignore 3D

>> No.11285289
File: 84 KB, 443x591, 1374457226115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11285290

I have a girlfriend.

>> No.11285293

Never. I've been fapping to brazzers tier porn since I was 11 and I can't stop. Kianna Dior is my favorite.

>> No.11285298

Maybe about 5 years ago? In the last year I have grown back into 3D though, but I still love 2D of course.

>> No.11285300

Can I sage too?

>> No.11285315

Never, because I'm not some /a/ loser.

>> No.11285322

Holy shit what a fucking loser

>> No.11285324

I have transcended sexual desire. Such petty distinctions are beneath me.

>> No.11285333

>I have transcended sexual desire.
Your life must suck.

>> No.11285335

Do you by any chance wear a fedora?

>> No.11285339

I love 3D girls, I just don't like talking to them because they don't share any common interests with me. They're nice to look at though.

>> No.11285343

As I am a being made of pure spiritual energy, I cannot wear material clothing.

Also, I do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

>> No.11285344

Teach us your secrets, master.

>> No.11285348

How did you type that?

>> No.11285360

Possession. I make sure to wipe his internet history when he's done so he doesn't know what I've been up to.

>> No.11285363
File: 149 KB, 1023x1820, net idol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-Will you suck my cute dick in a non-sexual manner? Pic related; it's me ;)

>> No.11285364

They have pills you can take for that.

>> No.11285380

Most people here never "grew into" it.

>> No.11285964


A mixture of green and blue I guess. A 2D has taken place as a significant other, and I prefer 2D, but sometimes it's nice to remind myself how disgusting people really are and have a guilty fap. I also notice cute girls/guys.

Physical and romantic relationships are pretty much off-limits though.

>> No.11285995
File: 138 KB, 579x570, 1366242569113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was around 17 I started deluding myself that I didn't like 3D. I didn't even fap to it for years.

It was just a defense mechanism because I had given up hope of ever having that feel when gf, knowing I was a complete social reject and probably always would be. But things started to change when I lost all the weight I had had since my early teens, and even felt that there might be girls out there who would find me attractive. By the time I was 23, I had entirely stopped lying to myself.

Fapping to 3D was a release, and it even had an effect on my 2D preferences. I started not minding pubic hair and liking older animes, when before I was mostly a lolicon. I think now I much more often don't fap to loli than I do.

I think that even though 2D is better than 3D in some ways, it can't make you truly happy unless you have a convenient insanity that allows you to actually think and feel that you have physical contact with 2D. That's why I think that one day, after I built muscle and maybe get a driver's license, maybe a good job, I'll be able to find a real girl who will like me and not see me as a manchild.

>> No.11285997

Nice chart *tips fedora*

I do feel the sexual attraction to real girls(I jack off to LQ 3D porn. The HQ one puts me off). I also check out ass and tits from time to time IRL. I guess I'm attracted to an attractive(to me) female form, hence I jack off to LQ porn, because HQ one shows all the disgusting stuff(hair, moles, skin problems etc). I'm also a virgin and proud, so that's probably the cause.
I don't feel much of an emotional(love, not friendship) attraction to real girls tho, but I love 2D girls.
I love 2D girls and I want to have sex with them.

>> No.11286004

Be warned girls have infiltrated /jp/ trying to find boyfriends by doing this 3D propaganda crap

>> No.11286007

/jp/ girls wouldn't try to find boyfriends in /jp/. And half of them are dykes anyway.

>> No.11286008

Just because I'm attracted to them doesn't mean they aren't despicable whores.

>> No.11286011

I outgrew 3DPD in 2003.

>> No.11286015

I can only get off to 3d when it involves my fetishes.

And even then it has to be a perfect image, just a few degrees off or wearing the wrong clothes and I am completely disgusted

>> No.11286019

That's a lie, I found my current boyfriend on /jp/ and he's the nicest guy I've ever been with!

>> No.11286022

And that's why you're taking him a ride while you fuck that guy from /fit/ or /fa/.

>> No.11286025

I was like that for a while, it became too hard to find the right image, so I gave it up completely

>> No.11286030

>just a few degrees off or wearing the wrong clothes and I am completely disgusted
It's not that different from 2D where a slight detail can turn you off the image. You end up thinking it's a shame that the artist did that.

>> No.11286032

Yes but those are easier to edit

>> No.11286069

I've only ever fapped to my 2D wife for the past 3 years, and 5 years before that I only fapped to 2D. When I fapped to 3D there was always a feeling of disgust and unsatisfaction afterwards, and the orgasm wasn't even that good. But when I fap to my wife, the orgasm is always amazing and enough to make me ahegao.

>> No.11286094

That's kind of pervy, how does she feel about you fapping to her? I fap FOR my wife instead, since she likes seeing me do it for some reason.

>> No.11286097

I sincerely hope your wife actually exists.

>> No.11286103
File: 80 KB, 750x529, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for almost 3 years, and occasionally (like 2-3 times a year) I see amazingly beautiful girl IRL that I want to get to know more, but who am I kidding? Didn't remember last 3D picture I lust for - oh wait it's this one. Before this one I can't remember

Captcha: opionaly instead

>> No.11286106

My 'wife' is actually my boyfriend but I thought calling him my wife would be less creepy.

>> No.11286119

Where the fuck did my first few words go?

Green. Haven't fap to porn for almost 3 years now

>> No.11286121

Get the fuck out, you piece of shit >>>/lgbt/ AIDS faggot.

>> No.11286123

But I'm a girl.

>> No.11286124


>> No.11286127

You're right, I lied. I like to say I'm a girl online in order to not be called gay, and sometimes get treated as one.

>> No.11286132

What do you think?

Also, I prefer the terms uke and seme.

>> No.11286130

Are you the dom or sub in the relationship?

>> No.11286131

Anybody wonder why this "I'm a girl" thing is happening in /jp/ but not /a/? (I'm not judging, just pure curiosity)

>> No.11286134

More fujoshi hang out on /jp/ than /a/.

>> No.11286141

It's a new epic /jp/ meme.
Uke, considering you are sometimes treated as a girl.

>> No.11286158

The question is why, are they attracted by Touhou or idols or Jap games or male /jp/sie?

>> No.11286160

>male /jp/sie?
I feel damn fucking sorry for any girl dumb enough to think /jp/ makes for a good catch.

>> No.11286163

You forgot the part where you star liking dick.

>> No.11286164

I used to be yellow, but now I'm turning to orange because of all the JAV I consume.

>> No.11286167

I don't like women but that doesn't mean I don't sometimes masturbate to them.

>> No.11286170

Because they are dykes. Aren't fujoshi supposed to like BL? In reality fujoshi are more likely to be found on /a/.

>> No.11286175

women are mean to me so its hard to be attracted to them

and not in the sexy mean, but the mean mean

>> No.11286176


I'd say fujoshi don't exist in the West. They're randumb gamer gurls.

>> No.11286178

I have bad social anxiety so I'm more than happy with my /jp/ boyfriend. I can't imagine what dating a normal would be like.

>> No.11286185


>> No.11286208 [DELETED] 

lol get wrecked nerd

>> No.11286224

What's wrong with /jp/sie? I think they may be awkward, quiet, not good-looking and mildly unsociable, but very truthful, loving and listening. They are kinda that "soulmate" kind of thing

>> No.11286232

The latter traits are only exclusive for fellow /jp/sies.

>> No.11286238
File: 131 KB, 371x419, 1350611694864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are thoroughly broken and jaded people who put on a front of cuteness because they like innocence and purity. They generally have sympathy only for themselves, they hate people, mistreating them when they come into contact. They justify it because they were outcast.

>> No.11286241

Because those aren't attractive traits

Girls want hyper-extroverted normie douchebags. Their aggression turns them on.

>> No.11286253

i disagree most of my family including my extended family is shy and introverted. Most got married and the others probably will in the future. The reason is because they were successful girls want success and looks to an extent. sure extroversion matters but no that much

>> No.11286259


For example....I'm a girl.

>> No.11286255

Please don't talk about things you don't understand. Not all girls are the same...

>> No.11286258

If you weren't such a faggot and grew a pair they wouldn't be so mean. Either that or your a self righteous asshole. Woman may not date me but they don't hate me i don't see why they would. I'm a borderline shut in as well.

>> No.11286260

Most of them are. Women are women. Just like most women are straight and like men without even meaning to, they have a subconscious pull towards traits they perceive as manly, and these traits are generally opposite to how he described /jp/.

There are exceptions, but they are just that.

>> No.11286261

age 12
except cute boys, i like cute boyts

>> No.11286264

They like confidence and social skills, but believe me success is more important as well as dick size.

>> No.11286268

I'm still waiting for the day I meet and fall in love with a fellow /jp/sie.

>> No.11286271

While success is attractive in itself, people become successful generally by being assertive, sociable and at the right times domineering and aggressive. Dick size is not something a girl is going to know about a man until she is already interested in him.

Not to mention that the stereotypical /jp/sie is not even close to successful.

>> No.11286272


>> No.11286273

Good luck! I hope you find them soon!

>> No.11286275

Thanks. It's hard but I've been trying! I e-mailed some people on that ZeeMaps thing and so far things have been going well. I'll keep you updated!

>> No.11286276

I consider being able to live a comfortable NEET life successful.

>> No.11286278

Not true my cousin is a computer engineer and working for a game company he is awkward as fuck but has a smoking wife (There are many members in my family like this) as long as your smart and have some basic social skills. you can become successful.

>> No.11286282

That's fine for you, but a woman is attracted to the kind of "success" that means ability to provide for her and her children.

>> No.11286285

>Still believes dick size matters

Oh and >>11286224 here. I will be using this name for this thread.

Not successful? I may be socially awkward, but with an IQ of 13x, I got myself into one of the best uni in my country. Got 2180 for SAT and English ain't even my first language

>> No.11286289


That's not what the zeemap was intended for sick bitch.

>> No.11286290

You are not at all the typical /jp/sie.

>> No.11286286

>>Still believes dick size matters
Only a person with a small dick would say this.

>> No.11286291

I am a girl, I was describing my boyfriend.

>> No.11286294

Can we be email friends please? I would love to hear about your adventures in more detail!

>> No.11286296

You're like a typical /v/ user, not a /jp/sie

>> No.11286298

one and the same

>> No.11286299


I am a boy, I was describing my girlfriend.

>> No.11286301

Shut your crossboarding mouth.

>> No.11286302

my 7th year of NEETdom, it took me awhile, I am too trusting

>> No.11286303

blind to the obvious truth

>> No.11286304

Do you think a big dick makes sex better? It's experience, effort, communication. Trust me, I read a lot (everything, not just sex) from credible sources.

>> No.11286305


I'm a martian, I was describing my earth cow.

>> No.11286307


Cool /a/ meme dude.

>> No.11286309

/jp/ is a tolerant place. You can date, fuck, and marry whoever the fuck you like in /jp/ as long as you don't spend all your time fucking talking about it. But that last part is important. Nobody fucking wants to hear about it. Fuck off.

>> No.11286310


I am a reptilian, I was describing human.

>> No.11286311

>Do you think a big dick makes sex better?
To an extent, yes. The fact that there are other factors involved does not change that dick size is one.

>> No.11286312


I am a dog, I was describing my cat.

>> No.11286313

That is the typical /jp/sie. There aren't any NEETs on /jp/ anymore except for the one or two rich inheritance NEETs with dead parents.

>> No.11286315

Experience, effort, communication and a big dick are still better than experience, effort, communication and a small dick.

Also I have a suspicion that ejaculation feels better with a larger penis.

>> No.11286318

I left for awhile but I just came back. I have been a NEET for over 7 years. This place seems different now and maybe not as accepting or understanding.

>> No.11286319


I am a leprechaun, I was describing my pot of gold.

>> No.11286320

Nah, although I play vidya, I hate noisy people playing with me. And I have only read /v/ like twice, once on KS and once on Kamidori

And can you guys be civil please?

>> No.11286321

Stop your EET propaganda.

>> No.11286322

The typical /jp/sie doesn't have the determination to get into like, fucking Harvard. The typical /jp/sie is an unmotivated shit.

>> No.11286327


I am Obama, I was describing my Michelle

>> No.11286325

You aren't /jp/ at all.

Did you also enter college only this year?

>> No.11286330


I am a nigger, I was describing my niggress.

>> No.11286334

le epic combo breaker loooooooooooool

>> No.11286331

>once on KS

>> No.11286333

I don't like it, but I'll whack to it if I'm really bored with Japanese media.

Thank goodness someone invented a machine to make puffy vulvas in real life.

>> No.11286335

Because, you know, peer, parental and parents' peer pressure. Parents have a lot more authority here than in the US.

>> No.11286336

I don't even know what board I'm on any more.

>> No.11286340

People pretending to not be /v/shits so I guess /a/

>> No.11286351

Dropping /jp/ is probably a really good idea.

It's not propaganda, it's the sad truth. There are very few NEETs left on /jp/. There used to be a good portion, but they all killed themselves or went homeless, effectively the same as killing themselves.

Most parents in the USA kick you out at 18 if you haven't gotten a job yet, and most expect you to be going to University right after high school if you aren't going to work.

>> No.11286352

Well, because I'm smart. I once got an overseas scholarship but got sent back because I ain't doing shit by myself, just stuck with my computer 24/7. Such good time. Now that I am back, I had to do what my parents wanted again, as much as I hate it.

>> No.11286354

Is this the official /a/ thread?

>> No.11286357

Go back to /a/ /v/ermin.

>> No.11286359


I think I will.

>> No.11286361


But that's only a belief, albeit popular. Give me a proper article on it.

>> No.11286377

How is this /a/?

>> No.11286378

No article is going to deny the fact that a 1 inch dick does nothing. At what point does the size become enough?

Common sense dictates that penis size matters.

>> No.11286382

/a/ meme check
/a/ posts check
/a/ namefag check
looks like an /a/ thread to me

>> No.11286388

Please, /a/ can't even use sage right

>> No.11286389

I didn't start browsing 4chan in 2010.

>> No.11286387

How do you knoiw what /a/ is like?

>> No.11286397

Then how do you know what modern /a/ memes and posts look like?

>> No.11286394


>I'm such an oldfag guise

>> No.11286395

I'm from /jp/. My sage proves it.

Of course I was from /a/ before "the split". Remember "the split" /jp/bros?

>> No.11286401

Because they get crossposted to /jp/ every day by retards like you and OP.

>> No.11286403


>sad truth

Why? Why is there there not being NEETs on /jp/ a bad thing or good thing? NEETs are just humans like the rest of us, what matters is whether the person is a dolt, not whether he has a job or not.

>> No.11286404


The majority of /jp/ memes were created by one guy.

>> No.11286405

I'm going to be told to get back to /a/ for this, but you can't rightly disapprove of something without knowing anything about it. I've checked on /a/ every few months over the last few years. I don't post and generally leave after a few minutes.

Though, it only goes downhill, so I could stop and still estimate how bad /a/ has gotten by extrapolating.

>> No.11286406

People who work are jealous of people who don't have to work and can get by.
People who don't work and flaunt it have a false superiority complex.

>> No.11286407

If you can't understand, I am only using a temporary name to maintain my story's coherence

>> No.11286409

I refuse to believe this. I think it is a myth. I'm starting to question whether an original even exists.

>> No.11286415


I'm not jealous at all, but I also know my job is just a way to get money. I used to be a NEET to. It would be pathetic to be jealous of NEETs because its easy to become one (in England, dunno about America). The kind of people I'm a little jealous f are people like ZUN, Richard Feynman and Richard Branson, not some random NEET.

>> No.11286420

> It would be pathetic to be jealous of NEETs because its easy to become one (in England, dunno about America)
It would be pathetic to be jealous of someone who is merely a NEET, but someone who lives comfortably as a NEET is another matter entirely.

>> No.11286433

Does she ever cosplay for you? I like cosplaying for my bf.

>> No.11286431

I'm in the yellow
both my gf and I love 2d grillz :^))

>> No.11286432
File: 118 KB, 800x600, Let's get wasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that I outgrew 3D, it's just as I grew older I started putting more value on personality. And that killed 3D for me for obvious reasons.

>> No.11286437


Unless you leech off somebody, it is very difficult to live comfortably

>> No.11286442

That's why it's something worth being jealous of.

>> No.11286443


That would still be pathetic. Its pathetic to be hatefully jealous of anyone to be honest.

I like my job simply because its something different and get me out of the house for once for a few hours. Plus I get a little exercise. For me, it also has a few other benefits. I'm not nearly as lazy as I used to be.

>> No.11286444

best thread on jp

>> No.11286448

You already said you were jealous of some people, stop moving the goalposts.

>> No.11286449

I'm trying to get her into it but she lacks the confidence :-)

>> No.11286453


I said hatefully jealous. Thinking "wow, that guys cool, I wish I was a little more like him" is natural. But its not something I spend my days worrying about, and I have no negative feelings towards ZUN or Feynman.

>> No.11286458

You wouldn't have hateful feelings towards someone who doesn't have to lift a finger to live a happy life?

>> No.11286462


I don't give a shit, its none of my business how people spend their days. I might have an opinion on it if I knew more about it, but I don't know taxes work and stuff like that so I can't really say anything. People who live on welfare all the time annoy me a little, but not because they're living a happy work-free life, but because my taxes fund it.

>> No.11286463


Wow I can only imagine how great it would be to have a gf that would cosplay then roleplay then have sex with you

>> No.11286473

I'm not very good at roleplaying but I try my best!

>> No.11286479

This was a shit thread to begin with, but somehow it became even worse. Fucking amazing.

>> No.11286484
File: 24 KB, 397x112, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go dude hope u & ur GF enjoy ≧ω≦

>> No.11286499

No matter how comfortably you live, you always hate yourself for being so helpless and useless. I'm one of those self hating NEETs and I've been one for so long and my social anxiety is so bad that I can never go back into the real world. The only out for me is suicide, and I'm just waiting for that day to where I can go through with it.

>> No.11286507

Picture a NEET who won the lottery.

Do they are themselves for being helpless and useless? Even if they do, it's not like they couldn't take on a slightly productive hobby. They can be useful and productive without the stress of needing to be so consistently to survive.

>> No.11286512


That's not even nearly true. You're a NEET, with the internet, the sky is the limit.

>> No.11286511

If I won the lottery I would use it to pay someone to kill me.

>> No.11286513

I think you have unrelated problems.

>> No.11286521

garbage thread

>> No.11286522


There are always two types of neets...

>> No.11286526

If i won the lottery i would be a NEET and the shame would disappear (because i could say you wouldn't work either). It's more about the shame of being a useless failure living with your parents at 26 while the rest of your siblings have married and moved out.

>> No.11286531

I keep throwing Uno cards at the screen, nothing is happening

>> No.11286533

I have thought of suicides a lot too, much it's my /jp/-related hobbies that keep me alive - imagine how much I would miss if I killed myself.

Economically, rich people are more likely to buy lottery. Plus I bet nobody on /jp/ but one or two has ever won any real lottery

>> No.11286534

That line reminded me of "World Destruction".

>> No.11286546

I won an oversized teddy bear on a scratch card once, does that count?

>> No.11286549

But you still haven't accomplished anything. All you can say is that you got lucky. Though a lot of success has luck as a factor, it would clearly be the sole one.

Are you saying your shame comes from visibly being a parasite on people? In a way, you're still a parasite after the win, because you live in luxury supported by the work of others.

That really has nothing to do with it. It was just an easy example of a filthy-rich NEET. That is, a NEET who people can clearly see would able to live comfortably. You could also consider a NEET who inherited money, or simply gets so much money from social welfare that they don't want much else.

Obviously, it's easy to envy someone who lives well without working, because people mostly work to earn a living for themselves, and possibly support others. Saying otherwise would have to be delusional.

>> No.11286557

When you spiral so far into depression, nothing brings you happiness anymore. There is nothing that is worth living for anymore because nothing brings you hope or makes you feel good anymore.

>> No.11286573

Can you guys fuck off to /r9k/ or wizardchan or somewhere else where your sociological / philosophical ramblings are wanted?

>> No.11286579

They aren't NEETs and don't understand. But I guess maybe that is here, too. There really isn't a place left on 4chan for NEETs anymore.

>> No.11286583

Then try wizardchan or neet.to or something.

>> No.11286590
File: 127 KB, 432x627, ftfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11286592

First sentence is spot on, the rest ruins it.

>> No.11286594

You're the same as all the rest.

>> No.11286595


>> No.11286603

It just needs a level in between the last 2. Purple is inevitable

>> No.11286631

Once I stopped paying attention to only girls' looks and started trying to find ones with positive personality traits.

>> No.11286633

That doesn't make sense, since 2D is superior in looks and personality.

>> No.11286634
File: 48 KB, 318x322, 1375639325109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started trying to find ones with positive personality traits

>> No.11286649


>> No.11286652


>> No.11286666


Extreme superior looks of 2D girls is only a cherry on top of a tremendous cake, which is they themselves, their lovely personality.

>> No.11286704

look at me i'm roleplaying a stereotype of a japanese hikki
