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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 200x400, 200px-Th10Suwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11271115 No.11271115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Suwako a jew?

Moriya sounds like a pretty jewish name to me.

>> No.11271117

Not really.

>> No.11271126
File: 46 KB, 111x106, Suwako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, frogs aren't kosher!

>> No.11271124
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Oy vey!

>> No.11271127
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>Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan seem to be the traces that the
>Jews and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan.
In Nagano prefecture, Japan, there is a large Shinto shrine named "Suwa-Taisha" (Shinto is the traditional religion peculiar to Japan.) At Suwa-Taisha, the traditional festival called "Ontohsai" is held on April 15 every year. This festival illustrates the story of Isaac in chapter 22 of Genesis in the Bible, that is, the story that Abraham was about to sacrifice his own son Isaac. The festival "Ontohsai" has been held since ancient days and has been thought of as the most important festival of "Suwa-Taisha."
>Next to the shrine "Suwa-Taisha," there is a mountain called Mt. Moriya ("Moriya-san" in Japanese). And the people from the Suwa area call the god of Mt. Moriya "Moriya no kami" which means "the god of Moriya." At the festival, a boy is tied up by a rope to a wooden pillar, and placed on a bamboo carpet. A Shinto priest comes to him preparing a knife, but then a messenger (another priest) comes there, and the boy is released. It reminds us of the story that Isaac was released after an angel comes to Abraham.

>> No.11271130

She's too lewd to be jewish.

>> No.11271133


The jews invented lewd.

Look at 1920s Berlin.

>> No.11271135 [SPOILER] 
File: 401 KB, 1050x1099, e32b3e5be484d5d598e38437f427cdc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Lewd Suwako thread?

>> No.11271150

>Blonde hair to indicate foreigner.
>The festival of "Ontohsai" has been maintained by the Moriya family ever since ancient times. The Moriya family think of "Moriya-no-kami" (god of Moriya) as their ancestor's god. And they think of "Mt. Moriya" as their holy place. The name "Moriya" may have come from "Moriah" (the Hebrew word "Moriyyah") of Genesis 22:2.

Is ZUN trying to tell us something?

Remember, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a best seller in Japan.

>> No.11271152

Why is she pointing her foot at me?

>> No.11271157
File: 256 KB, 1272x700, Japan vs Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11271167
File: 15 KB, 300x281, glowy_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a god, so if she's jewish in any way, she's some kinda paleo-hebrew

you know, like the dead sea scrolls

>> No.11271181

She wants you to dry it with your tongue.

>> No.11271184

She's kicking water at you.

>> No.11271186

Suwako is also secretly the real power behind the shrine. Think of Kanako's aggressive actions and so forth. Oy I am just a little girl doing nothing!

>> No.11271191

You probably think you're real funny but you're not. Please stop ruining my vision of one of my favorite Touhou characters.

>> No.11271190
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>In contrast to Kanako, Suwako is more laid back and mischievous. She enjoys competing against others, and loses gracefully. Though she feigns ignorance, Suwako is just as capable of scheming as Kanako. Combined with her rarely leaving the shrine, her intentions can be hard to read.

>When a portion of her spirit is enshrined, she takes on the form of a frog. In this form, she can grant various blessings, such as safe travel, financial upturn, and transfiguration.

>Sanae Kochiya is a human, but is also a distant descendant of a god, Suwako Moriya.
>During the events of Mountain of Faith Sanae tried threatening the Hakurei Shrine in order to establish the Moriya Shrine as the dominant one.
>The residents of the Moriya Shrine have since come to an understanding with their new neighbors and live in peace with the other residents of Youkai Mountain.

Multiculturalism, trickery and scheming, financial influence, feigning ignorance and lying. It sounds familiar.

>> No.11271194
File: 84 KB, 809x539, israel-palestine_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The residents of the Moriya Shrine have since come to an understanding with their new neighbors and live in peace with the other residents of Youkai Mountain.
Sure they do.

>> No.11271194,1 [INTERNAL] 

Okay guys, I am not gonna lie here. I seriously think I am a pedophile as I am sexually attracted to small children (generally girls). I am a 23 year old guy but there is something very wrong with me.
My aunt always sends over her daughter to me every Sunday (apparently, I am very fun to be around). She is 8 years old, we always have a blast together. But unfortunately the whole ``pedophilia'' thing ruins it for me as I am sexually attracted to her.
I would never harm my cousin in any way but I hate myself for thinking about her like that.
I indirectly asked my mother about pedophiles and according to her ``they are monsters who don't have feelings, they should be locked up and should face the worst death possible''. Her words broke my heart into pieces because I am one of those monsters. My dad has a similar view about them as well. I googled information about pedophilia and apparently there is no cure for this illness.
``Pedophiles are very dangerous and they'll all harm kids in one way or another at one point'' is what a doctor researching pedophilia wrote.
You know guys, I can't share this secret of mine with anyone and that's why I am asking you.
I know I am a monster and I hate myself for it. I am very depressed right now.
I don't want to go near to children. In fact, I never want to see them again. But I know that's impossible, and I know that's not what I want deep down in my heart.
Why did God curse me like that? Am I really such a bad person?
What did I do to deserve this? And what should I do?
Please don't say ``get help'' because I already know there is no cure for it and I also can't tell anyone because pedophiles are always seen in very negative way.
I really love my cousin. I'm really in love with her. Why must this happen?
Why only me?

>> No.11271194,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's okay as long as you won't do anything remotely sexual with her.

>> No.11271194,3 [INTERNAL] 

you should fuck your cousin

>> No.11271194,4 [INTERNAL] 

Being able to appreciate the most beautiful thing in this world, to the point of being in love with it, is not an illness. It's a blessing worth any ammount of discrimination and irrational hate.

I hope you die for even thinking there is something wrong with you. It's brainwashed fucks like you that I hate the most, idiots that "know" for a fact things that are complete lies. Fuck you.

>> No.11271194,5 [INTERNAL] 

what about lolis

but with dicks

>> No.11271194,6 [INTERNAL] 

what is it with /jp/ and loli cousins

>> No.11271194,7 [INTERNAL] 

loli sisters are a little too creepy

Plus it is more realistic that a 20 something NEET would have a much younger cousin

btw, all the stories i personally pisted about my aunt and cousin were lies. All my female cousins are older than me and are normies I have nothing in common with.

keep living that dream online though... why not?

>> No.11271194,8 [INTERNAL] 

Jokes on you, that's just stale copypasta.

I don't even like loli. I think your kind should be hanged.

>> No.11271194,9 [INTERNAL] 

What stories?

>> No.11271194,10 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not replying to the guy who made that copypasta years ago. My post was directed at the retards that agree with him.

>> No.11271194,11 [INTERNAL] 

Nice backpedalling, nooblord

>> No.11271194,12 [INTERNAL] 

lol, trying to protect you dignity on the W
