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11157806 No.11157806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can Shiki kill Ultimecia?


>> No.11157808

As usually this sure is an epic powerlevel thread.

>> No.11157812

Ultimecia is the best FF villain of all time:

People want her dead many generations before she is even born and even found an organization that trains mercenaries that more or less only exist to kill her especially after the events of FFVIII. After she is actually born and people find out who she is she has to fight against the aforementioned mercenaries even if she hasn't done anything wrong yet. Not only she manages to survive against this unjust persecution she manages to win against the SeeDs of her time becoming a "cold-blooded tyrant" ruling over her time period putting her to a similar position where Kefka is in FFVI's World of Ruin and chances are she was in it longer than just a year like Kefka.

However unlike Kefka's case this still isn't enough as everyone including her knows that "legendary SeeD" from past are supposed to appear to kill her. Obviously she isn't thrilled about the idea of getting killed so she comes up with the idea of Time Compression in order to get around her fate. While she is possessing Edea and others in order to find Ellone to be able to cast her Time Compression she also accomplishes all of the following (actually committing the crimes she was already hunted down for):
-she manages to kill a president (without needing to use a ten foot long sword for that like certain mama's boy did)
-destroy a Garden, almost destroying other one as well
-start a war
-release a tyrant
...not bad especially if you consider that she isn't even in the same century as any of them.
Fun fact: these accomplishments are surprisingly similar feats to what Sephiroth accomplishes in FFVII.

Anyway back to Ultimecia: after she has successfully casted her Time Compression she is a much more of a god than Kefka ever was as she is in control of all time and space of FFVIII's world during all time periods.

>> No.11157813
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Continuing about her motives:
After the events of FFVIII people know that sorceress called Ultimecia will be born and will rise to power in the "distant future". Due to this SeeDs have a mindset of every sorceress after Edea and Rinoa having the chance to become Ultimecia and thus will attack and persecute them for generations regardless of whether or not they have done anything wrong. Eventually one of those sorceresses breaks down from the hatred she has endured and proclaims herself as Ultimecia. The fear and hatred toward Ultimecia created an Ultimecia of reality.

This Ultimecia was strong enough to defend herself against this unjust persecution and win against the SeeDs of her era becoming a "cold blooded tyrant" ruling over everyone. However this still wasn't enough as everyone including her knows that "Legendary SeeD" from the past are supposed to appear to kill her.

Obviously she isn't thrilled about the idea of getting killed so as a time/space specialized sorceress she comes up with the idea of Time Compression in order to get around her fate. The point of time compression is to gather the power of Hyne (god who created FFVIII's world) which in turn is spread along sorceresses. Compressing time would allow Ultimecia to gather all that power regardless of where and when those other sorceresses are making her a goddess in control of everything in FFVIII's world and thus being able to defy her fate and avoid getting killed. Ironically successfully compressing time also allows Squall and co to appear out of nowhere to kill her which was the very thing she wanted to prevent.

>> No.11157818
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Continuing about her powers:

Ultimecia can do all of following:
-possess Sorceresses (and possibly other people) with her consciousness
-phase through walls
-give life to inamimate objects (Iguanas on disc 1)
-stop bullets (we see this during the assassination attempt)
-materialize things out of people's minds, including her own. (Made Griever out of Squall's and Apocalypse out of her own)
-her powers exceed those of the Guardian Forces and can corrupt powerful GFs and beasts (the guardians in her castle)
-speaking of GFs she one hits any GF you are trying to summon and can blew out your whole stock of magic
-control and stop time
-potentially wreck the fabric of the universe
-the fact that she came up with the idea of Time Kompression and has the power to cast such a powerful spell alone is quite impressive
-not to mention that we see her final form literally absorbing whole fucking planets at alarming rate... Kefka or Kuja destroying one planet doesn't sound too impressive compared to this.

>> No.11157821
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Still continuing to compare her to other FF villains:

Like Garland she created a timeloop except that hers doesn't break even
if she is killed. The only thing that can break hers is her becoming too strong for Squall and other to defeat which in theory is possible assuming she ends up giving more and more power to Edea each time the timeloop completes making her even stronger each time.

Like the Zemus she mind controlled other characters although she did that from different time era and was in direct control over the characters she possessed.

Like Kefka she succesfully become a god but a much greater one, she was in control of all of FFVIII's world and more during all time periods and could just think others away like they never existed at all. Was Kefka capable of this?

Like I pointed out in she basically accomplished everything Garland, Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja did and unlike Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja she wasn't anyone's puppet or experiment.

Also end-game Ultimecia IS storywise the strongest FF villain of all time as we actually see her destroying the universe, and seemingly at an alarming rate. Furthermore, she wasn’t just destroying it — she was absorbing it and making it all bend to her will. Even without fully finishing her goal, Ultimecia already far outclassed the other villains during that final battle.

>> No.11157827

That makes FF8 seem much more interesting than it is.

>> No.11157904

OK, but can Shiki kill her?
