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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11153878 No.11153878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11144400

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11153887

The way the heroine selection is split in Futagoza is hilarious. Souichi just got the shit half.

>> No.11153892

Did anyone see how OP posted this but didn't fill in the subject field?

I laughed so hard. How embarrassing.

>> No.11153893

White was like this where the cool protag got the 2 irritating pissing loli while the shota get the 2 best heroines.
Fucking nekoneko

>> No.11153901

oh yeah, I remember this. That was basically imouto NTR.

>> No.11153905

Her tits are holding her entire shirt a distance from her body.

>> No.11153912

Yeah tits are great.

>> No.11153931

Well yeah.

Do you think skin attracts cotton or something?

>> No.11153936

That's from 天色*アイルノーツ, I assume, right?
Time to download that.

>> No.11153940

The beginning of the trial of Otome Riron hits hard, continuing from a bad end is just cruel

>> No.11153944

Still no KKK or Brava

>> No.11153946

Nevermind, I am an idiot. Three weeks to go, looks quite good anyway.

>> No.11153956

Going through third chapter in Dangan Ronpa 2.
Dying for Akebono no Hikari torrent.

>> No.11153964

>Akebono no Hikari
Only seen Rapidgator, so far, not enough traffic left to download it.

>> No.11153965

What's that image from?

>> No.11153967

That's obviously a fake

>> No.11153968

Read like five post above yours.

>> No.11153972

Are you gay

>> No.11153970

Yeah, guess so, wouldn't mind trying with enough traffic left, as I am quite interested, too, but 1mb left, feels bad to spamdownload everything.
Read the thread or press iqdb, that's how I found.

>> No.11153975

what happened in the bad end?

>> No.11153978

Yuusei had to leave with Ion after losing the contest with Luna.

>> No.11153979

Meron-pan pantsu

>> No.11154005

So what does the code from the Totono countdown do? The QR one opens all CGs and stuff, so I'm not sure what can another one do. Is it somehow important to the plot?

>> No.11154012

Soon in need for another HDD, disgusting how fast I started storing everything I was able to get my hands on.
Archiving VNs is actually worse than archiving anime.

>> No.11154013

Is it significantly better or worse than OwaSekai?

>> No.11154021

No idea, I'm not very far in. Both protags are pretty good at least.

>> No.11154027

Anime is huge. I have over 250 VNs on my external hard drive and the space used is about the same as my anime collection which is only like 70 series and a few movies. And I almost never download 1080p.

Considering the amount of play time you get from VNs they're actually pretty efficient.

>> No.11154043

after losing the contest with Luna.
Wait, didn't the bad end happen early in game when the he got found out in the bath by the head maid?

>> No.11154051

That's obviously a fake

>> No.11154197

What's a fun, recent VN? I'm looking for something with some fantasy, I don't need to know the adventures of the high schoolife for the billionth time

>> No.11154201 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 500x494, 1370968150335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

なつくもゆるる / Natsukumo Yururu
Liked it a lot

>> No.11154256

>Natsukumo Yururu
>boarding school

What'd I just say

>> No.11154265

Dies Irae has possibly the best soundtrack in any eroge I've ever played. This is brilliant

>> No.11154273

君と彼女と彼女の恋。and フレラバ

>> No.11154278

I dropped it because of the soundtrack. The prologue should have been straight up Wagner instead of that gay metal shit.

>> No.11154300

Yeah Riron starts directly after that ending, there is a short montage too.
The beginning is pretty depressing due to this

>> No.11154368

Not too recent but the Kyonyuu Fantasy series is both fun and set in a fantasy world

>> No.11154387

Dorapeko is fun, recent and fantasy.

>> No.11154438

I just "finished" Hapymaher the one with maia where i don't wake up. I found myself incredibly bored playing this game so i don't really want to bother with other routes, but one question still bothers me.

Would one of you kind sirs tell me what Alice actually is?

>> No.11154479

You mean the one where you're in Saki's dream and choose to have sex with Saki who turns out to be Maia?

>> No.11154528


No, i don't really know what i did. The only one i fucked (besides Maia) was Alice within a dream..within a dream i guess? Then later during the rotenburo scene it just cuts off and i get a scene with Maia then it ends in the forest.

I'm not even sure it's actually an ending because i wasn't given access to the music/cg etc. I got the credits song though.

>> No.11154524

Question for Totono:

I'm stuck in the Miyuki's loop after she erased Aoi from the world. I tried messing with her phone but she locked it. Do I just pick enough choice to piss her off and break the loop?

I lost count at how many times I have sex with her now. You'd think they would include more than 2 sex scenes.

>> No.11154567
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So, what the actual fuck happened to the Baldr Sky translations? I just noticed Amaterasu listed it as a ´´stalled project".
Haven't been following this for a while, did Futsuu finally admit to dropping the ball or what?

>> No.11154573

Last year.

>> No.11154586

You have to unlock the phone by answering ten questions.

>> No.11154601

Oh yeah just got to that part. I didn't know I have to choose the cooking book a bunch of times to unlock the kitchen.

How does Miyuki know it takes me 4 tries? Is it purposely scripted that way?

>> No.11154615

Fuck, time flies. I lurked around their forums and it looks like that fag really gave up. Fuck him. Now I'll have to rely on my shitty moon for it.

>> No.11154696

What game is this?

>> No.11154710


>> No.11154711

What good visual novels are notorious for having an interesting protagonist? I'm really sick of generic beta faggots.

>> No.11154716
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>> No.11154718
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>> No.11155040

Done with Totono. Fun game with an interesting concept, one of the games that I really enjoy this year.
Did anyone choose Aoi? I went with Miyuki, not sure how serious they were with all that "Choices are serious business" stuff.

>> No.11155051

I went with Miyuki too.
It mostly had one good scene for me, production values were cool too but other than it was pretty mediocre.
I guess the concept and think that it took some balls to integrate it but the execution was piss-poor and I've already seen similar but better done in a previous eroge anyways.

>> No.11155074

>similar but better done in a previous eroge anyways.

Is it Mikan or Unmei Yohou Oshirase?

>> No.11155123

anything by HAIN, apparently

>> No.11155166 [SPOILER] 
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I wouldn't call Unmei Yohou Oshirase that similar, or rather like Totono it can be seen as meta commentary on the genre but it does it pretty differently.

But yeah Mikan has some similar themes and twists.
Actually I guess I should talk about it with more depth.

Mikan is the story of a famed writer who find a mysterious book store who only sell incomplete novels (see the pun) owned by an as mysterious bandaged man. And somehow in that store he finds the very first novel he ever started but never finished
Deciding to finish it, he starts to draw 3 different story arcs, one arc is about a man with a mysterious illness and is mainly a mindfuck mystery, the second arc is about a horror story about some mysterious deaths in a mansion and the third is about a man who drifted in a mansion where night never stop, this story is similar to Nocturnal Illusion. And starting to write them the writer somehow become part of these stories.

These 3 stories were actually written by 3 different writers, with the second story (horror) being by Shumon.

Anyways the cast of these stories is always the same, the main heroine is named Nozomi (she is an energetic nurse in the fist story, the wife of the protagonist in the second and a kuudere in the third) who has no basis in reality and is mostly a masturbation of the writer.
A loli and glasses characters who were created based his acquaintances.
And, and this where the game gets meta, a mysterious fourth heroine named Mayumi who the writer didn't create and who seem to exist to disrupt his novel.

The game can basically progress in 2 different way, either you focus completely on Nozomi, the masturbation route, or the writer tries to wonder about what Mayumi is, the meta route.
And Mayumi's route who show her suddenly stop being in her "role" and start talking directly to the writer/player.
Anyways there are definitely some correlations that can be made with Totono, especially with its "climax"

Never tried

>> No.11155260

Hell yeah. First part was great, and I didn't expect the sequel so soon. Thank god they didn't take over a year again.

I don't see the new heroine being anywhere near as good as the first one but I hope I'm wrong.

>I only completed the book's route and half of the rich girl's route before getting bored
Weird, that's exactly what happened to me.

>> No.11155270

Oh, and I just noticed they got their older artist who did Biniku no Kaori and Ningen Debris for the sequel. Awesome.

>> No.11155823

Sorry to bother you again, but do you still have the file for Mikan? All I can find on Google was a dead torrent on Nyaa and a few dead links.

I would really appreciate it if you could upload the file.

>> No.11155921

Anyone know the AGTH/ITH code for 君と彼女と彼女の恋。 yet?

>> No.11155926

I'm playing Corpse Party Books of Shadows and I don't really like it. I liked Blood Covered well enough but this seems too much like a rehash, not adding much new stuff.

I hope the last chapters will be better.

>> No.11155973

Totono doesn't require any code if you use ITH, at least for my case.

>> No.11156108

With both ITH and AGTH it rips an entire sentence of dialogue rather than doing it line by line, though.

Any way to fix that or are you reading it just like that?

>> No.11156133

I just read it like that.
The game is pretty dialogue-heavy so it's not very difficult. I just use it to look up some Kanji I don't know.

>> No.11156161
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This whole scene was too simple and cute. It's how I always imagined how two idiots would confess to each other.

>> No.11156227

I should finish Natsukumo. I'm at the very end but for some reason I feel a bit disappointed.

>> No.11156239

So I'm out at sea for a month and I bought a cheap-ass laptop to do general computing on, but what I was going to do with that is go read VNs instead.

Then I realized I don't have anything to read, nor do I know any VNs released after '06.

/jp/, can you suggest a couple VNs that I can read at sea? (Or anything that's translated; I can into runes, but not at sea because of no internet.)

Thank you in advance.

>> No.11156264

Finished Muramasa

So, am I right in assuming that

Akitaka had his balls shot off while trying to protect someone in the battlefield, so Kageaki was made to impregnate his adopted mother, so he's Hikaru's father?

Is this also the reason that he's becomes savage whenever sex is involved? Was he hypnotized/mentally conditioned/drugged or something?

Does Janen-hen cover this stuff?

>> No.11156335

Hikaru and Kageaki know that they are daughter and father from the beginning. yes, it wasn't stated obviously but they know it from the beginning.
the family forced him to use drug so yeah that's why he was a beast when he had sex with his mother in law.
Janen-hen does rephrase this incident in a more straight-forward fashion and you do get a HCG for this.
however, Janen-hen overall is more like a doujin work instead of an official fan disk imo.

>> No.11156336

So how long did it take you guys to get to the point where you could read VN's in japanese?

>> No.11156342

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.11156348

And it was about that time that I got reeeeeeaaaaaal suspicious.

>> No.11156349

15 years at my local Zen temple.

I always find that question silly, since that sort of thing depends on your aptitude and effort. There's not set curve or anything.

>> No.11156357

Mind posting the name of the game?

>> No.11156361
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True enough. I feel like starting up, but need more motivation.....hell. I'll DO IT FOR HER!

>> No.11156397

>Hikaru and Kageaki know that they are daughter and father from the beginning.
Thought so, I only really realized towards the end, though.

>however, Janen-hen overall is more like a doujin work instead of an official fan disk imo.
Hmm. Would you say it's worth playing, or should I just move on?

>> No.11156439

Go ahead.
I would recommend reading blade arts first, then ctrl skip the other two stories (the middle and right ones) if you don't feel like it, then go back and re-click blade arts because it'll then unlock new stuff.
at the bonus section you have some really COOOOOOOOL animations that you must watch, really, a loss not to watch.

I would say it isn't a bad fandisk overall, it does have a lot of fun stuffs but the story ends at muramasa so don't expect too much.

>> No.11156500

ずっとすきして たくさんすきして

>> No.11156627 [SPOILER] 
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, totono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a fucking drink

>> No.11156654

left: denpa
right: bitch
you know what to do

>> No.11156717 [SPOILER] 
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, i'vemadeahugemistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello darkness my old friend

>> No.11156809

Should be easy. Aoi has the character's appeal of a flat tire.

Choosing between Kazusa and Setsuna, now that's something worth getting alcohol poisoning over.

>> No.11156830
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It's great and the art is really appealing.

>> No.11156848

Just finished Totono.
I really like the concept, but I don't think it was executed very well. It doesn't help that the game is pretty linear.And the fact that you have to choose between two heroines, but only one is actually good, kind of makes the tension in deciding non-existent.

I liked some of the stuff they did with menus and what not quite a bit.

>> No.11156856

Just played through DR, even though it's not really a VN.

It was a lot of fun.

>> No.11156901
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>> No.11156938

Anything wrong, bitch?

>> No.11157158

I'm giving this game a try later. Thanks for posting about it.

>> No.11157210
File: 1.08 MB, 1023x576, fureraba_rina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual girl friend moe is the best moe.

>> No.11157242 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 806x629, QQ截图20130709022259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Django main heroine is a bitch? interesting.

>> No.11157282

But Setsuna is a fucking bitch. How could anyone like her.

>> No.11157288
File: 233 KB, 1027x578, fureraba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly does the conversation feature in Fureraba play out?
In Amagami where they employ a similar system, you have a certain time limit to raise the affection, and picking the wrong choice mean you might not advance to the Lover stage and remains as Friends.
I doubt this game is as elaborate though.

>> No.11157316

I can say the exact same about Kazusa.

>> No.11157341

There probably is a time limit in that you only have so many days to do it, but there's more then enough time to earn enough points with a girl if you focus on her even if you make most of the wrong choices.
I could only see you running out of time if you're trying to do multiple girls and are terrible at picking the right choices.

>> No.11157399

Yeah but you'd be wrong.

>> No.11157405

Both are actual characters unlike Miyuki and Aoi though.

>> No.11157410

Are you seriously trying to say Kazusa wasn't an utter bitch? You should have your eyes checked.

>> No.11157461

2dj dead?

>> No.11157825

It's actually simple, I was also a little confused at first.

You pick a topic, then pick a conversation. All you need is to give the right answer and earn them love points. Once you get enough, you will be automatically locked in a route and the events will happen instantly.

I think the time limit is 06/30, but you can enter a route before June even starts.

>> No.11157856
File: 225 KB, 1040x614, It's all fun and games until you get sacrificed for a Tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you get enough, you will be automatically locked in a route and the events will happen instantly.
Strange, I could keep choosing another heroine even if I was already at the point where I could confess. It seems you can also keep choosing not to confess, but I didn't bother testing it too far.

On that note, it seems like you won't even meet Misaki unless you pick her during heroine selection, at least if you only select Rina. She looks cute, though, so I'll probably do her route after Rina. After that I think I'm going to fire up Loverable again and actually get around to finishing at least one route.

Yuzuyu is a bitch. Momo's, Mahiro's and Justice's antics are pretty entertaining.

>> No.11157877

Maximum bitch = deep thought provoking character

oh /jp/

>> No.11157913

At least they don't trap the reader in an infinite loop

>> No.11157919

Well written characters = good.
Badly written characters = bad.

The characters of Totono are empty, some may say that it's the point but that doesn't change that fact.

>> No.11157932

There was nothing about "deep thought provoking characters" there, not sure why you'd warp things so much just to fit your needs

>> No.11157936


Oh boy.

>> No.11157955

I was entertained while playing it but that's about all the good stuff I can say about it.
Nothing to even argue about.

>> No.11157975 [DELETED] 

She have a route?

>> No.11157981


>> No.11157982

She have a route?

>> No.11158026

Oh yeah, I forgot about that choice to confess. Sorry.

>> No.11158045
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>skipping the movie version
Why would you do that? I found it more entertaining than Haganeya trying to retell all the good points of Narahara's plot. It's also the greatest argument against VN anime adaptations I've ever seen.

And man, I still need to find a savefile for it, since I want to unlock everything, but am too lazy to bother with Twitter.

>> No.11158314

Not sure what to play next. Is SubaHibi actually any good?

>> No.11158322

It's a gay as fuck shitty yurige. Don't bother.

>> No.11158380
File: 229 KB, 800x600, capture_03042012_143632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most memorable titles. It's great, though you might want to prepare something to vent your rage on as preparation for Looking Glass Insects.

>> No.11158403

Loved the first half, thought the second half was pointless garbage.

>> No.11158500

Just finished Totono too, I enjoyed the fuck out of it despite its flaws. I won't harp on the flaws because it has been well documented what they are.

The first part was pretty bad but I felt they did a good enough job making it feel unnatural, same thing with Aoi's route. The end of Aoi's route is probably one of my favorite scenes that I have read in the past two years. Miyuki's wild ride hit the mark, actually changing the interface and her casual insanity made it pretty fun.

This game is really hit or miss, I enjoyed the concept and what was going on far more than the other problems I had with it. Being a short game gave totono an advantage too in that it didn't meander too much and stayed close enough to what it was trying to do. I do recommend people should read it, although yandere heroines attract the worst crowds. I hope /a/ never gets a hold of it.

>> No.11158619

It seems I'm the only one who wasn't that bothered by Looking Glass Insects (maybe because I didn't care about Zakuro?). That or it's just one guy who brings it up every time Subahibi gets mentioned.

>> No.11158627

For the people who have finished Totono, is it really as short as everyone claims? Like, literally 6-7 hours long?

>> No.11158640

Yeah about 8 hours should be enough.
3-4 hours for the first route, about 2 for Aoi and 2 for final.
You can get stuck in the final though which may take longer

>> No.11158653

Is the first route the lonely end?.
I just finished that and am wondering how much longer I have to go.

>> No.11158661

No, it's just a bad end.
You are about halfway done with the route

>> No.11158705

It took me 11-12 hours but I am a slow reader.

About halfway done with Miyuki's route (worst part of the game by a large margin)

>> No.11158750

Thanks guys.

It is pretty damn boring so far, except Yuutarou (he's fun). It's doing just about enough to keep me interested with all the hints it's dropping and Aoi's constant crazy talk.

>> No.11158757

What's the raunchiest eroge you've played recently, /jp/?

>> No.11158776

yeah its short

>> No.11158793

For those who have finished playing Totono

Because of the way the world got messed up does that technically mean that Miyuki isn't an actual yandere? In any scene before that she only seemed to be a bit of a bitch but not all that possessive and psycho.

>> No.11158816

Obviously, Aoi messing everything up is what it's all about.

>> No.11158820

The bad end does show her moving on and getting involved with another actor so yeah she wasn't originally like this, but it was the meta knowledge that probably messed her the most.

>> No.11158882

It's that faggot vvav. He only loves this game for epic mindfuck, edgy shocking scenes and feels.

>> No.11158906

I thought Aoi put a curse on her so that she cannot be with anyone except Shinichi. That bad end has her being a successful actress but cannot fall in love with anyone.

For those that pick Aoi, can you tell me if anything important happens?

>> No.11158926

Did anyone even pick Aoi?
As much of a bitch as Miyuki is she is still a fuckton better than Aoi.

>> No.11158937

That's one of the worst point of the game in my opinion. When you present alternatives you want to make them somewhat equal, but Miyuki is just way better and has more screen time.
Did Shimokura bank on the readers to get tired of Miyuki's shit and pick Aoi or something?

>> No.11158951
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>> No.11158957

Uh no, in the first bad end before the OP plays, she becomes a successful actress and dates another actor.

>> No.11158965

Oh, the one where you can choose to stop Aoi from updating the world.
I picked "Don't stop" so that's why I didn't see it. My bad.

>> No.11158973

Good taste

>> No.11158986

I love you too.

>> No.11159005

The thought of going through Tesla's and Haru's routes evaporates my desire to continue reading Futagoza, seriously.

>> No.11159128

You can't get past Misaki's first meeting if you choose to interact with any other heroines before that point just for reference in case you don't want to use a guide.

>> No.11159141

I just started Eris’ route. Does she become less of a bitch towards other women (Tia in particular) later on? I imagine this route will feel a bit suffocating.

>> No.11159211
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>> No.11159251
File: 397 KB, 850x535, sample_b0728896bc9cbf0f7da9db55a773022c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting around to playing Sonicomi. The life of a camaraman is fraught with peril.........and large boobs.

>> No.11159279

It suffocating but it gives you tons of insight on Ciam's character. Eris develops really well too.

How is it? I have been meaning to give it a try? Is Sonico a good character or a moe retard with large breast?

>> No.11159296
File: 280 KB, 1680x1050, G-Senjou-no-Maou-Shiratori-Mizuha-jacket-ribbon-sad-scarf-skirt-twin-tails_d1d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VN is G-Senjou no Maou, and the girl in the pic isn't the main one but it was still a fun VN. Couldn't really care about the other girls though, the main route was enough for me.

>> No.11159326

It took me 20 minutes to decide because I really felt for Aoi and I knew that she could become happy with only Shinichi but Miyuki would be happy with anyone in the unaltered world. I picked Miyuki in the end because she deserved it because of the shit she went through and Aoi was never meant to be part of Shinichi's world.

Also two questions:
Was it NTR?
Who initially spread the rumor that Aoi was a slut in the unaltered world? I know Miyuki did it in the altered world but she had the stigma attached to her before the world was altered.

>> No.11159347

Aoi's mean to survive is to collect CG events by having sex with others, so maybe it leaks out from them.
And I don't think it's NTR given how meta it is. Aoi fucking other men is basically a gimmick with little emotions involved.

>> No.11159387


dat girl is just about perfect, I prefer her to Miku, it saddens me she'll never be as popular

>> No.11159403

They aren't even in the same niche, anyway. Sonico is just an avatar for a an actual singer, while Miku is a synthesized voice.

I do quite like her voice myself, though.

>> No.11159414

Her voice is good but the songs suck balls.

>> No.11159430

>Axanael was easy to read
>Having a hard time with reading Totono
>same writer
why it's so hard to be a newfag

>> No.11159442

I don't have anything against Sonico, I only dislike how "wide" she is often drawn like. She's still much better than all the "few extra pounds" women in real life but oh well I just prefer slim girls like Miku I guess.

>> No.11159450
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>> No.11159454

Yeah, wide.

>> No.11159461

Look at dat delicious bacon

I think the point is to say the fatness is canon

>> No.11159470

It's an.......interesting subject. She DOES have her moments of over the top moe, but it's not really presented in an overly retarded way. Then again, she IS an idol, and that mask is made to play out a certain way. From what I've gleened of the story with my rather limited skills in Japanese, she's presented as pretty simple on the surface, but if you can look past that, there's quite a complex personality to find. At least, that's my opinion.

If nothing else, give it a try for the photo missions and see where it takes you, because I'm not gonna lie, they're interesting, and just hard enough to be fun. Plus, the customization of Sonico's wardrobe is a pretty unique feature.

>> No.11159480

Not him but i expected this game to be 2D not shitty 3D.

>> No.11159490

If it were in 2D, i doubt the photography aspect would have been quite as good, if present at all.

>> No.11159522

Whats the best non translated VN anyone's played here?

>> No.11159531

Planescape Torment

>> No.11159539

I still need to play this one, I couldn't get it to work when I tried a few years ago.

Is it accurate to the Planescape setting? I read the sourcebooks about 10 years ago. Seems pretty cool.

>> No.11159951

I permanently took a break when it switched to the second half. Was a fun first half though

I want to fuck fall from grace

>> No.11160329

Let me make sure I have this right:

To unlock the Realta Nua epilogue for the Fate route in Fate/stay night, I have to get all five endings, plus all forty bad endings, and then play through Fate again.

Is this correct?

>> No.11160446

you dont have to play fate again,you just have to finish all endings,goods + bads which means five ending + forty bad endings.Then a new buton will appear in the menu,it was something like "Last chapter" or something, i dont remember the title very well since it has been more than 3-4 years.

>> No.11160543

Okay, thanks.

>> No.11160564
File: 724 KB, 844x684, fate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm not seeing "Last Chapter" or anything like that on the title screen.

>> No.11160577
File: 107 KB, 820x662, fate-title-end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should be like this.are you sure that you finished ALL bad endings and you have right version of game?

>> No.11160582

Do I also need all scenes? I'm missing one image from the Heaven's Feel route.

>> No.11160604

no,you just need to finish all tiger dojos for last episode, and for it you have to finish all endings, its all.if you finished all endings and still dont have that buton i guess you dont have right version of game.

>> No.11160615

what does that even say

>> No.11160644
File: 708 KB, 831x668, right version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what my endings screen looks like. I have Realta Nua.

>> No.11160768

What is the best nukige? Apart from Bible Black.

>> No.11160899
File: 628 KB, 826x672, fuck this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and here's the one CG I'm missing, if it's relevant.

>> No.11160919

this thread will probably help you >>11080853

>> No.11160931

It probably won't, since "best nukige" is about as vague as you can get.

>> No.11161008

Alright, according to /r/visualnovels, this fellow (>>11160604) is right and I am now scavenging the Internet for the latest patch that I may enjoy the Last Episode.

>> No.11161325
File: 215 KB, 816x657, Quartett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11161331

So I'm a Japanese beginner and I've been reading untranslated VNs lately. I feel like with every VN I finish I get much more comfortable with Japanese, but there are some VNs in my backlog that are translated.

I want to read them too but I'd feel like I'm wasting my time not practicing my Japanese. Should I just read them or forget about them and work on my studies and untranslated works? Do you Japanese readers avoid translated VNs altogether?

>> No.11161338

>Japanese beginner
That sounds awkward, I mean a beginner in the Japanese language.

>> No.11161391

what do you mean you can't play games that were translated? just don't use the patch.

>> No.11161459

I don't actively avoid translations (unless they're really bad), but the whole reason I learned Japanese in the first place is because I ran out of translated VNs. Nowadays the stuff that gets translated is for the most part stuff I've already read or don't care about.

>> No.11161456

>I want to read them too but I'd feel like I'm wasting my time not practicing my Japanese. Should I just read them or forget about them and work on my studies and untranslated works? Do you Japanese readers avoid translated VNs altogether?
I'm confused. If they are already translated so what? Just play them in Japanese. I don't think any one here doesn't play a VN just because it is translated.

>> No.11161482

If you're up for reading stuff in japanese just read in japanese. But since your reading speed will be super slow for a while, you could always save a couple translated VNs and use them to remind yourself that the pacing isn't actually as bad as it seems, it's just that you're going through it slowly.

>> No.11161493

I think this is what you mean:
My Japanese sucks. I struggle to get through a game. It's really hard work, I'm making progress, but wanna enjoy a translation, just take it easy. Should I do it?

You shouldn't slack off.

>> No.11161521

I'm using moege as a starting point so I'm not struggling to get through those, but I think I would struggle to get through some of the translated VNs I have in my backlog, yes.

>> No.11161538

Then just wait till your Japanese is good enough to read them, there's no rush. You're doing yourself a disservice if you are reading them translated.

>> No.11161552

I see. Yeah you're right. I've slacked off enough (learned kana and grammar in 2008, then did nothing but being lazy until 2012).

Thank you all for your kind replies.

>> No.11161611

Anyone have the original untranslated script.dat for Ever17? The version I installed came with the crappy english patch installed by default

>> No.11161656
File: 53 KB, 300x516, 2380164-0b82d0e9ab42100de74554a424be1b891342096943_full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stayed up all night and finished Dangan Ronpa 2. I was expecting the computer simulation twist from the pretty start due to the 'gamey' design of the main menu and student handbook, but not that everyone was originally part of High Class Despair before the Logical Dive part actually threw that question.

The last parts were a too bit silly like in the first game but I really enjoyed chapters 2 and 5. 2nd because of how the trial and execution almost made me tear up a bit and 5th for how brilliantly Komaeda fucked everyone over while actually trying to do the 'right' thing.

Overall I got more enjoyment out of the first game, probably because DR2 was basically just more of the same (save for the last few twists and somewhat tying up questions left from the DR1) thus losing the 'fresh experience' factor and because the first game's characters really managed to grow on me. At least Fukawa got a mention even if they didn't actually show her.

>> No.11161783

Just find the original jap one, or download the psp version.

>> No.11161801
File: 797 KB, 1011x589, arfaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished reading Tapestry. It was my first untranslated eroge so it took me a while to read and I kept getting distracted by other shit since my reading pace is slow as fuck. Anyway, I recall an anon in one of these threads saying the drama wasn't very good and I pretty much agree with him. However, the common route was entertaining and I enjoyed the heartwarming scenes. The soundtrack was pretty nice too. Also, Aoyama's voice got more and more annoying as I read on. I did get accustomed to it some point midway but then it went back to being annoying again. It's just those high tones she sometimes hits. Anyway, I'll probably read Renai 0 kilometer or something next.

>> No.11161817

>The soundtrack was pretty nice too
Kaminoyu reuses some of its tracks, check it out, it's not hard to read and it's quite fun.

>> No.11161858

I'm not too fond of Akinoko's art but I'll check it out anyway. Thanks.

>> No.11161870

but I don't want to have to download the entire thing just to essentially get one little file
Well I'll do some digging but if an anon could upload it that'd be great

>> No.11161978

Gyakushuu 5 when?

>> No.11162114

I didn't even think of the cook book. I'm basically choosing what I think would annoy her the most, but it seems like I was on the wrong track.

>> No.11162126

No, you can get out that way too.
Just annoy her a lot and she will try to kiss you, keep refusing and fight back and you'll get out

>> No.11162155
File: 99 KB, 1040x634, grabaloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 双子座のパラドクス, it was a decent read though I wish it went the way of puzzle than action reveal style (the nested backstory works in both case). I liked the split viewpoint but clearly the story isn't a real dual MC style, as the Souichi side is much weaker (and thus deserve the crappier two of the girls).

>> No.11162206

im %100 same with you.

>> No.11162343

I messed up inputting the number into the cell phone and now I have to do Miyuki's loop all over again. Fuck, whoever designed this is one evil man.

>> No.11162409


>> No.11162655

anyone know where I can find download for 最終癡漢電車3? the torrent seed I found is dead.

>> No.11162735

I downloaded it from Nyaa just 2 weeks ago. It didn't have seeds at first but I left it on overnight and it finished. I'd seed it but I don't have it anymore, sorry

>> No.11162776

There's lots of good Japanese games on the PSP. You could try them.

>> No.11162879 [DELETED] 

Much appreciated.

I'm seeding Mikan right now if anyone is interested. It's on nyaa.

>> No.11162938

How was Tesla's route? The idea of romancing a bad pun amuses me but I don't know if it'd be enough to get through a bad route in an average game.

>> No.11162952

Is there any game in particular? I'm not sure why you're suggesting something like that out of the blue.

>> No.11162957


In honesty there is only 1 route which is split into Souji and Souichi, with 2 girls to each. The girls have no routes themselves to speak of and used as storytelling device rather than usual "route" play if you get what I mean.

>> No.11162960

Oh, well that's disappointing. I'll never get to juice up them Tesla coils.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.11162973

So you fuck both of the girls in 1 route?

>> No.11162981

This is suffering, I can’t use headphones since it’s summer and it makes me sweat and uncomfortable, but I don’t want everyone in the building and the streets to hear.

>> No.11162983


You have to, it's unavoidable get the ending.

>> No.11162984

Get an earphone?

>> No.11162989

I don't understand. Are your headphones that uncomfortable and insulating?
Just wearing less clothes helps me. Nothing at all when it's extremely hot.

>> No.11162991
File: 669 KB, 1024x600, 1348535919525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11163068

muramasa>>>MLA, end of story.

>> No.11163084

Muramasa is better but that's doesn't make MLA a kusoge. Muramasa's better than a lot of things.

>> No.11163108

I do think Muramasa is better, but people seem to exaggerate the extent to which it is or just crap on MLA despite it being better than a lot of stuff too.

>> No.11163116

It's just a lot easier to shit on MLA. It's been translated and has a loud and (comparatively) large fanbase, it's got a couple infamously bad scenes, and the more recent spinoffs have been pretty disappointing.

Like "English can eat shit" suggested up there, a lot of it is probably just backlash.

>> No.11163120

>and the more recent spinoffs have been pretty disappointing
I wish TDA:UL wasn't SO nationalistic NIPPON STRONG everyone else is wrong at times. I like the cast but it just gets hard to trudge through some of that shit.

>> No.11163133

I just want to see more seen-some-shit takeru.

>> No.11163141

I'll agree with that. MLA at least went to some lengths to show it was the people in power who were corrupt and the soldiers on the frontlines were the real heroes. Everything from then on seems to have taken that and thrown it out the window in favor of AMERICA BAD, NIPPON GOOD and every other country is treated like unnecessary side heroines in a romance that's already decided: they pop in to fuck something up and then it's up to the two big boys to fix things.

>> No.11163151

Do people really think "English can eat shit" was funny

>> No.11163153

Didn't most of people here love daiteikoku for that fact though?

>> No.11163157

I find it amusing imagining someone reading the English translation coming across that scene.

>> No.11163160

I haven't played it so I don't know for sure, but judging by the fact there's a loli Hitler-chan I'm going to assume it's because the overall tone of both VNs was entirely different. It's one thing to have NIPPON STRONG in a story about fighting space nazis and commies and another to have it in something that's at least trying to be taken seriously.

>> No.11163168

>love daiteikoku
In what world do you live?

>> No.11163184

I hate Daitekoku for it, and how the world was united against evil space monsters thanks to the protagonist's dick.
I know the people at Alicesoft are fans of Japanese military history, but at least try to remain factual for integrity's sake instead of a total revisionist story.

Eagle should have been the protagonist, or a dual protagonist instead of Tougo.

>> No.11163194


>> No.11163197

I think you guys are taking this eroge thing too seriously. Do you really look at these games as primer to groom a generation into a xenophobic isolationist nation? Oh wait they are already doing that.

But i agree eagle da bes

>> No.11163199

It's made for japanese users and they have no interest in marketing their games to the outside, I don't think it ever was supposed to be a proper world war 2 reimagining.
Might as well complain about Japan having top tier teams in every sports manga ever or monsters attacking only Tokyo

>> No.11163205

This shit always annoy me with Hollywood movie, especially how the american president seems to always be considered as some sort of holy messiah

>> No.11163213

That's understandable. Foreigners playing porn games made for Japanese is not normal in the first place.
It's just my personal problem with the game since I was a fan of Daibanchou and Daiakuji.

>> No.11163221

Daiteikoku was a trainwreck, but the jingoism was only a very small part of that.

>> No.11163223

Daiteitoku is still rather unfair, at least against China.

Cute loli Hitler and Goebbels oneesan.
Oppai monster Mussolini.
Yamato Nadeshiko Japan.
Loli communists.

While China's leader is a pure madman with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They're also the weakest nation who originally started the war against Japan. There's a scene later where he tries to start a rebellion to reinstate his rule but fails since the people are so much happier under Japanese rule.

>> No.11163251
File: 179 KB, 1296x778, menounderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this, are all of the girls just plainly having some sort of weird switches? Though it seems I will get a few good laughes from this.

>> No.11163302

Later on it makes pretty good use of Verdi's Dies Irae, that caught me by surprise. Pleasantly surprised though

>> No.11163316

More, I was annoyed that with Nazis in Berlin, they chose annoying metal rather than Wagner. Then again, I probably was just looking for things to not like about it since I don't particularly enjoy chuuni things.

>> No.11163343

Aha, I see your point. I stalled this after the prologue and only started playing cause I had no excuses not to anymore at this point. I was convinced I didn't like chuuni, but I might have to revise that standpoint. I am enjoying this quite thoroughly.

>> No.11163399
File: 375 KB, 800x600, capture_003_03122012_013625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does one have to start a genocide before Akebono no Hikari gets uploaded? It's been 13 days already.

>> No.11163434
File: 641 KB, 764x599, QQ截图20130710125833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11163444

Smoking is bad for you man. You should quit that.

>> No.11163490

Not as bad as sitting on your ass all day playing eroge, nerd

>> No.11163494

Joke's on you. I'm standing up fucking you're mum while playing eroge.

>> No.11163503

Are you at least doing her doggy-style so she can watch?

>> No.11163518


>> No.11163899

Started Photokano Kiss earlier, I guess.
Otherwise awaiting Brava to get uploaded.

>> No.11163969
File: 74 KB, 960x544, 2013-05-24-163940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo Kano Kiss is a pretty good game.

>> No.11163980

I heard (haven't played it) that Gothic Delusion has H-scenes not as part of the story's flow, but accessible by the main menu. Are there other VNs that do this?

>> No.11164048
File: 1.07 MB, 1025x577, fureraba_rina_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish Rina's route in Fureraba. I skimmed through a bit of Misaki's route too but I don't think the other routes can top Rina's. She's pretty much the perfect friend-turns-girlfriend character, very strong character from start to end. Hopefully Smee will have Dousei Fureraba ready soon.

Overall, I like this much better than Loverable. The heroines are better with more characters, the comedy is also improved too. Its score on EGS is well deserved.

>> No.11164057

I did Yuzuyu's route. The game is pretty fun, but I feel it would've benefited from a proper common route instead of the pseudo Amagami like system.

>> No.11164081

I was looking for it too, thanks.

>> No.11164444

Monobeno and Namima no Kuni no Faust are like that.

>> No.11164816
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, sukisuki7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly is. It's actually pretty funny but the best part is that I find myself smiling and grinning like an idiot most of the time just reading through it. It's sweet. Really really sweet. Sometimes I find myself just saving and closing the game for a bit to get the smile off my face and to cool myself down because its just too sweet.

>> No.11164944
File: 135 KB, 1032x622, キャプチャ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I finally opened the game and reached the end within 2 minutes or so. It's a great game really. It got a bit overshadowed this month though. I felt a bit disappointed since I wished the game had a bigger emotional impact in the end. like some anon from the previous thread said:
>Overall much better than Harukuru even if the ending didn't have the same emotional power.
There were some really annoying scenes too, but that's why we have the ctrl-button I guess: like that time when they figured out the password for the cellphone and they squeezed in a sex scene.
Everything else was just perfect, so it's definitely one of my all-time favorites. It's surprisingly well-written and I rarely find myself being able to sit so many hours on end.
Oh and now I know some stuff about relativity and biology too. I wish I had cute teachers like that back in high school.

>> No.11165736

Does anyone have totono's cg?
Crass ain't workin

>> No.11165770
File: 145 KB, 960x540, rance01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they're doing a remake

>> No.11165804

I thought nobody use this anymore since years ago

>> No.11166040

Full voice.

>> No.11166070

Then what do people use?

>> No.11166173

Thanks. I think it's an interesting way to do it, it seperates the ero and the ge nicely. It's not for nukige, of course.

>> No.11166319

i'm playing rewrite, it's ok i guess
btw, why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.11166408

I had the same thought until I played Yuzuyu's route. I thought she was pretty annoying at first (being a modern type tsundere and all) but once I got to her route. Damn. I almost melted from moe and sweetness. Although, I wouldn't deny that Rina was great as a heroine and that she also had a strong route.

Himari's route was pretty refreshing too, especially for a childhood friend heroine, so you should give it a try too. It was still weak compared with Rina and Yuzuyu's route but the scene before the ending roll was pretty awesome.

On the other hand, Misaki's route was probably the weakest. I liked how the MC was trying to talk to her in the beginning though. However, Misaki's classmateswas annoying as fuck.

With that said, my route preference would probably be:

Yuzuyu >= Rina > Himari > Misaki

Oh and another thing I liked about it was how the characters' parents were actually alive and was living with them. lol. The MC and his mother's interaction was great. I also liked her intereaction with the heroines once they start going out with her son.

I liked the game overall, it was probably the best moege I played this year. And I, too, am looking forward to Dousei Fureraba.

>> No.11166469

MLA is just a netuyoku batshit faggots wet dream

>> No.11166575

just started なつくもゆるる、is it better than the previous one?

>> No.11166585


>> No.11166592

I'm on chapter 8 or 9 (the part where they saved the digital sex slaves and talked to the pope guy) of Baldr Dive1 right now. How long does it take until stuff gets serious? Does it take a really long time like with muramasa?

>> No.11166594


>> No.11166626

Every route builds upon the previous so it depends what you mean by gets serious, you aren't going to get proper answers until after 3 or 4 routes, but it starts picking up somewhat with the second route.
You shouldn't take routes as finished stories by themselves, focus on the overall game.

>> No.11166639

In some regards, yes, especially the pacing. I don't know which one is better, but if you liked Harukuru you will almost certainly like Natsukuru too.

>> No.11166654

So basically the same as Muramasa then. I guess I won't expect anything until dive 2, then.

>> No.11166677

He's really doing it? TADA mentioned that a long time ago. I wonder if they'll rewrite the plot a bit. None of the lore was done when Rance 1 was made, it was just a comedy porn JRPG.

>> No.11166699


>> No.11167231

playing trick x logic on psp, pretty fun so far (not sure if it counts as VN though, it sure does feel like one)

>> No.11167404


Some of the mysteries are just plain stupid. Just wait till you get to the one with the island in the middle of the lake, or the one with the religious sect.

>> No.11167925

Totono question

When Miyuki holds Shin1 captive and mindfucks him does she always take him outside and have a fit when Shin1 escapes and tries to bring Aoi back? I kept picking Aoi related options just to egg Miyuki on so I want to know if that happens even when you pick Miyuki's raburabu choices.

Also was anyone else emotionally manipulated into not playing the game again to get the other heroine's ending? I can't bring myself to do it. I know it's cheesy to think that way.

>> No.11167962
File: 376 KB, 816x638, 0Ncv8GU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in Hoshimemo, F.O.E!

>> No.11167994

I don't know how I could feel emotionally manipulated by Totono, the only thing I thought at the end was "well that was a cool concept" and nothing else.
The idea was cool but nothing else followed, it was just the bones without the meat, pretty much as emotionally involving as a dictionary.

But to answer your question I managed to push Miyuki so hard she killed Shinichi, and forced me to restart the game, several times but he still managed to run away

>> No.11168017

I managed to push Miyuki so hard she killed Shinichi, and forced me to restart the game, several times but he still managed to run away

How did you do that? When I choose those options all she did was get pissed off. Does she knock one out of the park?

Also I am very easily emotionally manipulated by any VN I play, I am an eroge light weight compared to most people here (48 titles) so that might contribute.

>> No.11168228

more test

>> No.11168253


>> No.11168270


>> No.11168291

if quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

>> No.11168299


>> No.11168305


>> No.11168317


>> No.11168324


>> No.11168327


>> No.11168349

who TEST here

>> No.11168377


>> No.11168401

Would anyone other than this sad kid do this?

>> No.11168419


>> No.11168435

Don't know, I just always answered in a way that would annoy her.

>> No.11168443

And yes she goes bat crazy, even end up pursuing destroying a door with it

>> No.11168454

testing something

>> No.11168455

The guy you're responding to is probably just a faggot.

>> No.11168460

Way to age the thread, doofus.

>> No.11168463

Bump limit reached, new thread:

>> No.11168468

That's not nice

>> No.11168474

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.11168696

So where's the real, non-troll thread?

>> No.11168710

proper new thread not made by a cock mongling shitposter


>> No.11171501
File: 1.27 MB, 1026x578, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished natsukumo yesterday. Was pretty good considering I only picked it up to kill time until totono came out. Just one thing I can't remember

Who taught Shin what bug/bird/whatever makes what sound? Is it something he picked up during all the loops?
