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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 485x344, namasensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11140175 No.11140175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you learning Japanese at this very moment, /jp/?


>> No.11140181
File: 19 KB, 171x179, 1303556246870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11140180

I don't need to?

I already know like 10+ languages.

>> No.11140182

Why isn't it a i u e o

>> No.11140199

That face.. Is that the almighty Kevin?

>> No.11140206

Learning Japanese and watching namasensei are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11140209

He curses too much.

>> No.11140217
File: 310 KB, 460x618, this is for you SHO, son of lulz (dicks in dutch).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11140312

Why would you waste hours watching his shitty videos and writing things over and over when you could just use something like Heisig's book and learn all of the kana in a few hours without writing them over and over? Looking at the video in OP's post, Namashit even gives the wrong stroke order on several of them.

>> No.11140328

Because when I ask 'How do I learn Japanese here' I usually get shitty answers.

>> No.11140341

The easiest way to learn kana is to use Heisig's book "Remembering the Kana." It will teach them all to you in 6 hours, as the cover claims (provided you actually do what he says in the book). You don't have to do writing drills either, though you should of course review later. The mnemonics are silly but that helps you to remember them.

>> No.11140351

This might sound like a question of no experience, but will I also be able to learn Japanese grammar?

>> No.11140358

Also if you like the mnemonic method he employs, it's further systematized in his "Remembering the Kanji" books. There are three volumes, vol. 1 teaches the meanings and writings of the jouyou kanji and a few extra, around 2,200, vol. 2 teaches the readings of the kanji in vol. 1, and vol. 3 teaches the meanings, writings, and readings of about 800 more kanji. They're extremely quick if you feel the need to study kanji separately (some people don't). Most who use his books skip vol. 2 and learn the readings through vocabulary.

>> No.11140368

His books respectively cover kana and kanji only. For grammar most people here use Tae Kim's grammar guide:


There's an Anki deck for it too if you want to SRS the sentences.

>> No.11140372

Also if you want some practice with listening, I'd recommend JapanesePod101. It's not posted about here often, probably because you have to pay for it, but there's a torrent of all the episodes up to sometime last year on tpb.

>> No.11140377

Forgot to mention one thing. If you use Heisig's kanji books, use this website in conjuction with them:


You don't have to study the cards in the site (I'd say use Anki instead), but if you make an account you can view all of the mnemonics people have created for each kanji (Heisig stops making them for you after about 500), sorted by popularity, so it will makes RTK even quicker.

>> No.11140383

and fuck u

>> No.11140390

>Heisig stops making them for you after about 500

To clarify what I mean by this, the books do go through 3,000 kanji in total, but after a point Heisig just gives you the component parts necessary for you to make your own mnemonics. The system revolves around breaking kanji down into their primitive elements and using those to construct a mnemonic. So you're given the primitive elements to work with. That may sound confusing but once you actually use the books it will make sense and be easy.

>> No.11140718

His videos are a good motivator.

I would seriously drink with this guy in Japan

>> No.11140743

I barely know english.

>> No.11140992

I am learning Japanese with my shady scans of Genki though.

>> No.11141043

A motivator for what? Doing shit you don't need to do, like writing drills?

>> No.11141158

>shady scans of Genki
There's a pretty good scan if you search genki on /rs/.

>> No.11141197

Thanks. I sometimes wish there was a version of Genki that was typed up so I can control-f stuff.

>> No.11141210


I got nuthin but time baby

>> No.11141213

He looks like he's on drugs.

>> No.11141216

Practicing writing the kana is useful because when you first start learning Japanese you aren't as good at memorizing stuff and it helps you learn it for sure. But doing that for every kanji you come across will be a huge fucking waste of time and you will never get anywhere.

>> No.11141218

He is

>> No.11141228

Or you can use a method that's faster and doesn't require that. There's no point doing writing drills at all for Japanese.

>> No.11141232

He's just drunk.

>> No.11141233


>> No.11141235

Because /jp/ isn't /lang/.

>> No.11141246

Well, ther is also /int/.

I realized a few days ago that /int/ stands for international, not for intelligent. Never bothered going there before.

>> No.11141675

Why does anyone need mnemonics and flashcards for anything but the 1000 least used joyo kanji? SRS is just an artificial method meant to simulate actual exposure to kanji. If your exposure is so little you have trouble understanding what 題 or 適 mean and need to make a 100 word story about that you must have had 0 exposure to written Japanese. Good luck getting reading-fluent with that,

>> No.11141748

Epic trolling right here.

>> No.11141792

>Implying I'm trolling

Now please write me a story about how 頭 ties in with beans and pages, instead of reading this often enough you naturally develop an immediate understanding.
I knew you fags were hopeless when you suggested reading eroge and hentai manga as a way to familiarize with written Japanese. Why don't you suggest watching Brazzers to learn English, while on the subject?

>> No.11141808

/a/ will probably be more receptive to your trolling, greentext-kun.

>> No.11146433


Learning a language requires concentration, deep thought and the ability to immerse yourself in with text. If you are the type to scan through through the articles/text you read online while having over 5-10 tabs open on your browser while using your smartphone, and surfing on 4chan, you are effectively preventing yourself from learning a new language.

I don't expect most people to learn to learn this language or any other through the web. Afterall, the Internet is mostly used as an alternative portal for endless distractions and entertainment. Almost always is it never used to actually look up information and research it in depth unless it is required by your school/college. Its mostly used to fool around with one another and troll for the "lulz."

I don't blame them for being this retarded. Encylopedia Dramatica, Urban Dictionary, Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, KnowYourMemes, /b/, Youtube, etc,etc.

Yep, we are becoming much more dumber due to the fact we can't even control our own web usage and put it into the most meaningful use we can find. Its almost like TV, but much more powerful as it amplifies stupidity greatly like none other.

Nicholas Carr was right. We are becoming "shallow" as his book, "The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our Brains" implies.

>> No.11146490

Sounds like someone wasted their time in classes and is trying to justify it to themselves.

>> No.11146554

Guy looks high as fuck.

>> No.11146566

Beginner: Learning grammar, characters, and vocabulary of the second language in preparation for intermediate. Familiarization with the Japanese culture and the sound and rhythm of Japanese speech.

Intermediate: Replacing the first language with the second language so that questions, explanations, and corrections no longer have to be given in the first language. Developing the ability to learn by guessing in the second language.

Advanced: Refining the ability to understand and produce the second language.

>> No.11146573

Whoever recommended the Kodansha grammar dictionaries in a thread a while ago, thanks. I'm about halfway through the first one and everything is already far more comprehensible than it ever used to be.

>> No.11146581

Did you know there's an Anki deck with all the sentences? 8,000+ I think.

>> No.11146612 [DELETED] 

Do I need to learn hiragana?

Most people just tell me to skip forward to kana

>> No.11146985
File: 1.67 MB, 3200x3700, 1364693899276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether or not you are serious, I hate everyone who holds that opinion.

>> No.11149215

Has anyone used the Kodansha Kanji dictionary? Is it any good? Or would another book be better?

>> No.11149241

why is she sticking her butt out like that?

>> No.11149244

>Heisigs Method
Literally the dumbest shit ever. Volume 1 is a fucking waste and 2 is almost as bad. Just fucking learn 5 kanji a day, starting in the same order jap schoolchildren do. Or do 10 a day if you got the time. (150-300 kanji a month that's just over a year at the most to get on the same level of japanese adults) Learning radicals 1st can help a shiton aswell.

and to answer OP, I actually watched most of Namasensei's videos. They are also a waste time. They are fun to watch, but he never gets into any real learning aside from kana, and a small amount of grammar.

if you REALLY want to learn the language you have to do boring as shit like pulling up the wikipedia page for verb conjugation / postposition particles etc... and take pages of notes. You learn vocab from Kanji, but also listening to native speakers by immersing yourself in what ever be it anime or some shitty jap drama, make sure to fucking read too.

>> No.11149279 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is your problem Janny, why do aren't you deleting these threads?

>> No.11149287

What the fuck is your problem Janny, why aren't you deleting these threads?

>> No.11149304

Because much to my chagrin, I am not a japanese schoolgirl. I think like an adult unlike you. You can either do 5 a day with shitty recollection through brute force, or 30-100 with ease using mnemonics and heisig.

As for grammar, holy shit are you retarded. Having an academic understanding of grammar is almost useless. Think of English or whatever your native language is. Do you think, hmm what conjugation do I use, I wonder what the past passive interrogative form is. Fuck no.

You learn from jacking off to VNs and watching anime not from reading a fucking textbook.

>> No.11149400

still the best mnemonic

>> No.11149439

So I can fuck it

>> No.11149494

I'm terrified of Anki. I fear that it will eat my soul.

>> No.11149526

Oh it will my friend.

Once you start, you have to do that shit every day, or you'll fucking quit after that bitch gets you 800 reviews piled up after 2 days.

Anki doesn't forget, Anki doesn't forgive. Remember that.

>> No.11150273

Anki is not hard for me because it's just mindless grinding. I'm terrified of learning grammar because it actually requires that I think a bit.

>> No.11150568
File: 12 KB, 333x277, 1322567614642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fag

>> No.11150580

If I use Anki will I learn passively? Like do I have to actively think "Okay, this looks like this..." and try to commit it to memory? Or can I just click buttons honestly and I'll gradually learn?

>> No.11150587

Is it possible to use Anki on a PSP?

>> No.11150594

>Sony PSP
>No offline client is available, but you can review with AnkiWeb.

>> No.11150606


>> No.11150609

you can learn without studying

>> No.11150657

I wouldn't be on /jp/ if I had ambition.

>> No.11150720

Is this guy advertising on /jp/? He has horrible pronunciation and an even more horrible handwriting.
