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11138736 No.11138736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's happening.

>> No.11138754

she turns from the main villain to a moe comic relief. how does that make you feel?

>> No.11138759
File: 739 KB, 320x240, 1166283729936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the Rozen Maiden shit today?

Is it 2006 again? What is going on here?

>> No.11138768

She's still the best doll.
Are you living under a rock?

>> No.11138773

I fled /a/ years ago and left all that animu crap behind.

>> No.11138775

Oh S3 began today?

>> No.11138778
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Best doll fills me with extreme joy.

>> No.11138780

It's a remake.

>> No.11138781

You can never have enough ~desu.

>> No.11138794

still alive, are we?

>> No.11138808


So no new manga just a remake of the original story?

Oh anime.. you so retarded

>> No.11138827

maybe they can animate the vore scene this time

>> No.11138854

They'll save something like that for the platinum edition OVA. Only 68 million yen.. .what a steal!

>> No.11138883

You you just f-f-fell for the traaap.

>> No.11138916

That would be great, actually. But no, it'll be the new story only. They recapped the original manga in one episode, and it was as bad as you'd imagine it would be.

>> No.11138936

I have no interest in it so my 2cents don't mean shit in this discussion. Just kind of brought back some old memories and I wanted to get on it for a bit.

Thanks for the info, though. I do appreciate it whether or not I have any real use for it other than reaffirming my conviction to avoid anime. I got so burnt out on that shit. My fault though because I had to watch what people were talking about but in the end I had to make a clean break.

Even my beloved cyberpunk stories are gone forever

>> No.11138940

new gits ova series and the third mardock scramble bluray should be coming out soon. Not perfect but decent enough.

>> No.11138946

I thank you for the suggestions but I really can't do it yet. It's like a drug addict going back into the scene. I did the same thing with MMA(the sport) and MMORPGS. I have to make a clean break that lasts a long long time before I can get back into it, if it all

>> No.11138949

You can't pin the Gin! You can't flunk the Junk!

>> No.11138953

best doll is dead, loyal until the end

>> No.11138955

is sugintouhou?

>> No.11138961
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>> No.11138964
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One word: DEEN

>> No.11138966

wow.. wrong click

leaving it for the surreal factor

>> No.11138980
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The charm, it's gone.

>> No.11138984
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Junk in the trunk

>> No.11138986

I died like 7 years ago. Time to move on... or fold some cranes or something

the canonverse is ended

>> No.11138988

>implying the manga or the anime is canon
The manga got canceled, and the author had to end it quickly, and couldn't do it well and just came up with a shit ending. The anime did the same but worse.

>> No.11138994

I thought you were dead

>> No.11139035
File: 53 KB, 395x265, 1367084262929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell happened?

>> No.11139041


>> No.11139046

do you even know what canon means?

>> No.11139051

Indirectly, Jews
Directly, Capitalistic Jewery inspired media plow

>> No.11139053

The first half is canon. The ending isn't.

>> No.11139054

Tarkleigh pls go.

>> No.11139067

I can't feel the spark I felt years ago. Something is off with this new series. Also, the environment artworks are plastered with shitty filters, I can't stand them.

>> No.11139088

I know man. I know. I gave up all hope as soon as I saw DEEN was doing this.

>> No.11139122

Or you can stop being a cynical faggot and judging a series on the 1st episode.

>> No.11139197

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11139205


>> No.11139221

I'm getting this too.

There is too much forced moe, girls are acting moe so they come off as moe instead of being moe.

It also lacks the aloofness and seriousness which added to their mystery, instead presenting shallow and goofy moe personalities most of the time, instead of only being silly part of the time. Everyone's personality is too obviously expressed, which really should just be the domain of the childish dolls like Hinaichigo.

The framing scenes with the boxes are also annoying as they only serve to emphasize the small size of the dolls and their sillyness, which I assume is to make them moe.

>> No.11139234

I fill my dolls with something else

>> No.11139240

Some major oldfaggage going on ITT.

>> No.11139238

RM1: Jun is the boke
RM2: Jun is the tsukomi

>> No.11139244

Adjutant are you tablecat

>> No.11139274

jum pour teh tea

>> No.11139275

mun buzzwords.

>> No.11142228

can we have desu spam threads again?

>> No.11142276
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Alice thread WOO

>> No.11142279

and I refuse to play

>> No.11142283


>> No.11142288

I'll give it a few more episodes, but the animation kind of sucks and the art style bothers me. Thanks, DEEN. Also the fucking pacing in this first episode, what the fuck man. I never read the manga but did they really cram like half of it into one episode?

>> No.11142298
File: 317 KB, 1257x1000, Rozen_Maiden_v3_pg0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never read the manga but did they really cram like half of it into one episode
They crammed ALL of it into one episode.

Well the first series anyways.

>> No.11142309

Christ. Well, maybe since they got that out of the way it will get better? I mean, I'm not gonna hold my breath, but you gotta have hope, right?

>> No.11142310
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>Alice game

>> No.11142314
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Jannie deleted the last 10 RM threads, but maybe if we post pictures of Alice here, she will have mercy and leave this one alive.

>> No.11142323
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>> No.11142331


Was it at least an hour long OVA episode?

>> No.11142332


>> No.11142340
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Shinku is the best.

>> No.11142347

It can only get better from here, at least.

Just for reference

Rozen Maiden original manga series: 8 volumes
Rozen Maiden II manga series: 8 volumes (still not finished though)

I really don't see why they rushed all that shit into one episode, when both of the series currently have the same amount of content.

They should have done the first half (or a bit less) of the season for RM original series, and then the rest could have covered RMII

>> No.11142358

suigintou after all those years.

Feels good man.

>> No.11142377
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It's a reboot, so Traumend never happened, right?

>> No.11142378
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 01 [h264-720p][F2C0C15F].mkv_snapshot_06.41_[2013.07.05_05.00.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11142395

I'm happy that they're smaller in this one. I want to fuck normal-sized dolls, not big ones.

>> No.11142903
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I want to fuck the bigger ones. I at least want to stick it all the way in.

>> No.11142995

Don't worry, they're just the right size for your tiny wee-wee.

>> No.11143001


>> No.11143067


>> No.11143086

It's okay, I forgive you.

>> No.11143617

based richard
