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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11080252 No.11080252 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11080264
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>> No.11080961
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>> No.11080974

How can japs stand being surrounded by so many people. If that wasn't bad enough they all look like you as well.

I'd go berserk

>> No.11080983


>> No.11080986


>> No.11080989

I didn't say anything about social anxiety. Why would you want to be packed around thousands of people like a sardine in a can?

>> No.11080995

Why wouldn't you? Are you gay or something?

>> No.11081002

Because they have germs

>> No.11081011

Having lived in a town of 10,000 people most of my life, I'd hate Akihabara. Japanese countryside would be cool, but people there are even more suspicious towards gaijin.

>> No.11081123

Populous places are great because you blend in more, even if you're a freak.

>> No.11081418
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this is the akihabara i prefer

>> No.11081431
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>> No.11081423
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>> No.11081441

Now we're talking!

>> No.11081740
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dang. i actually know where this is located....probably gone since it looks like they tore out the areas where that used to be.

>> No.11081800


This picture is very nostalgic.

If you walk down this street you will see many meidos, a great ramen shop and then a smoking friendly retro game arcade.

>> No.11081818

Why are you going to Akihabara, do you need to buy a computer or something?

>> No.11081821
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the famous akitsuki store

>> No.11081827


No, I'm going to show off my kusoplay at HEY

>> No.11081834
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>> No.11081845
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>> No.11081884

Why do they just leave goods out in the open like that? Aren't they afraid of people who might steal something?

>> No.11081901

That wouldn't be very honorable.

>> No.11081982
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>> No.11081981

lol stealing?

This is Japan remember

>> No.11082279

I've always liked the whole Japanese daily life and streets threads. I like this thread. More, please?

>> No.11082474
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I've never seen oscilloscopes being sold like that before. Pretty cool.

>> No.11082500

Look down and just walk. I hate being in large crowds. It's like everyone's looking at you and it makes your skin crawl.

>> No.11082507
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>> No.11082513
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You know you can walk through some stores in Street View?

>> No.11082520

I wish I could be in such close proximity with my hobbies. I would go store to store and endlessly look for stuff. I guess that's how vinyl diggers feel.

>> No.11082535
File: 519 KB, 1600x1064, Japan_287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet having a shop like this would be perfect for the average /jp/er.

>> No.11082544
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>> No.11082610
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>> No.11082671

Japan is one ugly country, but I'm happy the stuff I like is made over there instead of some politically correct minority worshiping gaylord country.

>> No.11082733

that is oreimo :D

>> No.11082752

Whoa that's really crazy.

>> No.11082755

spoilerz: akihabara is nothing like in the animes. Its just another tokyo street but with more anime related shops. On sunday you get 2 or 3 people busking in maid outfits.

>> No.11082815

bitch dont kill my vibe

>> No.11082824

No way, anime is a lie?

What am I going to do with my life now?

>> No.11082828
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, 100_0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these?

>> No.11082841

pillow covers?

>> No.11082846
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>> No.11082857

Learn to read, subhuman.

>> No.11082870

Where the fug did you manage to find those

I only found the one store pictured here

And a bunch of restaraunts. also a RC boat store and a train store

>> No.11082893
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You can find everything with Google.


>> No.11082902
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Click on Shopping to the right btw.

>> No.11082914

>LGA 775 boards
>15-40k yen
why is japan so shit

>> No.11082921

Fucking dumb EOP secondary scum. They shouldn't step in or involve themselves with the holy grounds of Akihabara. Peasants should stay with peasants.

>> No.11083012

15K yen is pretty cheap for a 775 in 2006

>> No.11083069

Kirino is the most hateable character in japanese media since Haruhi.

>> No.11083114

>not since Hello Kitty.

>> No.11083315

>hating Hello Kitty

>> No.11083334

who ya' greenin' fella's

>> No.11083411

>not liking Hello Kitty since you were 7 and merchandise was hardly anywhere in the West so you had to import, then it's suddenly everywhere

>> No.11083427

Epic simply epic. Uploading these greens to knowyourmeme.

>> No.11083433

It just looks like New York, but like 15 years ago.

>> No.11083799

>New York
>Cute things

I don't think so.

>> No.11083837

Is this a "we don't deal with pedos" in disguise?

>> No.11083887

I moved to a town of 900 000 people and It's boring as hell. There's nothing to do here, and there aren't many businesses or good restuarants. How do you stand living somewhere so small

>> No.11083936

>900k people

>> No.11083950

R in P kumaさん

>> No.11084580

I love Hello Kitty. Good thing in the Philippines, it was widespread since I was young, around 20 years ago.

>> No.11084608

Why is everyone in the Philippines always depressed?

>> No.11084625

where are the arcades and the superior japanese flip phones?

>> No.11084643

No one uses flip phones in Japan since at least 2006.

>> No.11084644

her outfit is so beautiful

maid uniforms are the only thing in the world that i love

>> No.11084653
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You don't love yourself, anon?

>> No.11084657

no,i m sorry to make you cry cute girl

>> No.11084676

Your English is very cute.

>> No.11086445

Because it is a shitty country having shitty people ran by a shitty government, with shitty laws that only profit the shitty rich people in power.

It used to be a really great city in the 70s until corruption happened.

I graduated in a good university, but I am also currently NEET for 3 years since there are no jobs.

For the topic:

I have an auntie who lived in Hokkaido, she visits Akiba quite a lot since her sons seem to really like anime so she buys DVDs of the shows they don't have on their local channels.

>> No.11086465


travelling from hokkaido to tokyo to buy DVDs which would be available anywhere? seems reasonable.

>> No.11086475

She has relatives in Tokyo. Her personal family is just based in Hokkaido since their business is a farm.

>> No.11086557

I didn't realise the Philippines was a city. How's that working out for them?

>> No.11086584

I don't know. Rich people get richer, poor people just multiply.

>> No.11086803
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I didn't graduate from any university. I dropped from PUP because of their pacifist system. I've gone working as a slave on Jolibee, McDonalds, and SM. Flips always like to brag about being the happiest people in the world, do you guys believe this?

And to you NEETO, I bet you're quite rich huh... Just like any ordinary flip who likes to whine about the government and the society while bathing in bags of money. There are much jobs in the Philippines, you just need a little perseverance and attitude. Truly, Flips are the best hypocrites in the world.

>> No.11086866
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Please do not use Hatate to shitpost.

>> No.11086954

Come to America and live with me.

>> No.11086961

what is stronger
a sage
a wizard or
a sorcerer?

>> No.11087213
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watch my magikarp c:

>> No.11088905

We aren't rich. There's just no jobs in the healthcare industry here. You know volunteering? Yes, I get trained, but there's no opportunity within it. And no, I personally don't think that it's not training if it doesn't give me experience needed in the field.

Where? I'm applying for a US Working Pass, and I'm destined to go to Texas by September hopefully.

>> No.11088925


>and there aren't many businesses or good restuarants.

Growing your own food is more fun than going to a restaurant and have someone else make your food. Can't grow your own food in a city though.
