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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11050941 No.11050941 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to like and follow Ally and Sally (AKA moetwinstyles) but their faces are so... Canadian. But it is nice to see an up and coming idol duo with several twists, being interest in eroge and a Canadian gimmick. But at least Beckii Cruel had a cute face...


>> No.11050969

>steins gate

>> No.11050979


Call me when she starts on Monster Survive or Captive Market.

>> No.11050987

What's her disability?

>> No.11051023
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, BLo9YR-CcAAf_X-.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it twice...

>> No.11051020
File: 48 KB, 409x750, tumblr_mo05f31QiW1r8w9zqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Canadian. Also, Ally seems the one that is more "otaku" out of the two, Sally being the niwaka with Shingeki being her top anime of this season; Ally is busy playing all her eroge.

>> No.11051028

will she suck my dick if I watch her youtube videos???????

>> No.11051029

great thread retard

such otaku culture XD

>> No.11051032

Well, it looks like there's a Littlewitch eroge in there so props, but what's up with girls and these "I'm such a nerd!" gimmicks? This type of broadcasting is definitive niwaka.

>> No.11051034

I hate women.

>> No.11051043
File: 33 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mo5a6fO36f1qd9evyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't seem to get much attention in conventions, so maybe. They really remind me of Perfume's early live concerts- except, well, not being 13. I really like their take on Precure's theme.


>> No.11051054

>I really want to like and follow Ally and Sally (AKA moetwinstyles)
Why the fuck?

>> No.11051062
File: 330 KB, 946x595, tumblr_lywl03rbve1r569d7o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, generally, they are much better than other "international" idol groups that have been popping up recently such as Oishii!Project (ran by Beckii Cruel), Keekihime, kimonotime, etc.

But they're just so old too, I really wonder if they can make it to become true idols.

>> No.11051076

They're very unattractive.

>> No.11051077

did no one tell them how busted their faces are and how that will effect any future idol careers????

someone should no joke

or is their gimmick to be the best idol group of girls who have downs?

if so I apologize

>> No.11051080

God damn. I didn't get a good look at their faces until your pic, but god DAMN.

>> No.11051085

Wow, that's super ugly. I still had my doubts by >>11051043, but that screenshot isn't exactly best-in-class material.

>> No.11051087

Please watch the video in the OP.

>> No.11051092

Why are they calling themselves moe

>> No.11051097

They look more like zombies than vampires in that video. Like freaks. Oh God, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.11051100

You should know by now that these girls are acting out characters; they don't actually know what they're talking about and you would be a fool to think that they're seriously into otaku stuff. They're out to get your money, anon.

But seriously, it's a little harrowing to see the machinations so clearly when they're stripped of their pretty exterior. It's like realizing that your looking at a movie set when watching a film.

>> No.11051107
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, BMcikZdCUAAwYUs.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not be so rude. Australian/European /jp/ is very rude. However I cannot disagree with some statements.

While the whole otaku gimmick is a facade, as it is obvious from their formspring (http://www.formspring.me/moetwinstyle)), their knowledge of Japanese at 18 despite not being Japanese is impressive.

>> No.11051114

Have they said how they learned? I wonder if their reading skills are good or if they can speak well due to classes or something.

>> No.11051115

Five years of learning with a tutor.

>> No.11051118

Personally, I think that even cute Japanese girls have a hard time becoming mainstream idols these days, so when two hunch-looking foreign wenches try to do the same, I seriously cannot believe they could ever do it.

>> No.11051124

>their knowledge of Japanese at 18 despite not being Japanese is impressive.
It doesn't seem to be any better than your run-of-the-mill weeaboo. The manner of speech and emoji are also common among all "hip" weeaboo girls.

I feel a bit bad saying it, but the only thing that stands out about them are their faces, and it's not in a good way.

>> No.11051131


>> No.11051133

Haha, it's funny that you mention the constant use of kaomoji- for pretty much any girl that posts to the Oishii!Project tumblr does that which I found a bit humorous. But their level of Japanese is indeed higher than most of these Western idol girls, despite what you may believe.

Their twitter is consistently more Japanese than English, however I've never heard them speaking in English yet...


>> No.11051139

this is a special kind of unattractive, holy shit

>> No.11051160


>> No.11051201

They're that kind of unattractive that I'd be willing to date.

>> No.11051219

Fucking white knights. Just because you pretend you aren't noticing their ugliness will not suddenly make them want to fuck you.

>> No.11051226

just imagine their snackleteeth running around your dick while they unhinge their jaws with the sharkmouths they have.

im getting excited

>> No.11051232

This thread makes me feel ill.

>> No.11051233

I'm not a white knight. There's just kinds of ugly I can accept. I like plain girls.

>> No.11051248

They make mistakes like anyone else. I'm not really sure what any of the other idols are like, but if they learned all of that through self study they're doing alright.

>> No.11051249

Count yourself lucky. I'm shallow and it makes it hard to find 3D girls that meet my standards.

>> No.11051254

stop bullying girls with downsyndrome by posting them on /jp/

>> No.11051256

Where the fuck are you looking? I like yaeba and these girls do not have it. They're straight as fuck. Their jaws jut out horribly and they have gigantic lips, but they're not snaggletoothed.

>> No.11051480

>White people

>> No.11051492

I don't blame you.

>> No.11051504

I hope they will produce some original stuff instead of just covers. That's all I have to say other than that this thread is a prime example of why I don't come to 4chan anymore except for denpa threads.

>> No.11053461

Me too, they are really nice to talk to.

>> No.11058568
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, BNDjpyGCQAAOKnM.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they got original goods made by Circus.

>> No.11058587

whoa a thread about my real life friends?
i dont understand

>> No.11058592


Reminds me of mclovin

>> No.11061023

This is why girls never come to /jp/. Even if they have the same hobbies as all of you, they just get bullied.

>> No.11061033

Do they have down syndrome?
At least they're not whores like Milk I guess.

>> No.11061961

Their voices are boring and I hate them, like I hate most self-proclaimed "international" idols.

And funnily enough, they are dog-ugly just like all the other non-Japanese "idols."
Too tall, awkward movements, bad outfits, terrible voices. I bet they're chuuni as fuck too.

OP, why would you want to subject yourself to this?

>> No.11061971

They should have spent that money on singing lessons instead of concentrating on learning Japanese first.

>> No.11064209


who the hell is Milk

>> No.11064216

Don't even.

If you're being sincere, don't worry, you're not missing anything.

>> No.11065346

Surprised to hear that their mail was read by Hanazawa Kana and Taketatsu Ayana.


>> No.11065405

They looks like down people, som it's not wonder they did it out of pity.

>> No.11065487

I like the big one. Ally right? She's my favorite as far as looks go. She's got the kind of body I like. The small one has a cuter face and seems to be a bit better at dancing though. Just a bit. I'm not really into this idol shit but I can tell they're better than most english speakers that are into this shit.

>> No.11065789

They really haven't been making any videos lately. Have they stopped trying?

>> No.11065898

Maybe they woke up one day and accidentally had a look in a mirror?

>> No.11065990

You mean youtube videos? They do nico streams much more often than they upload youtube videos. It's not really like I've watched any of their streams in months though so I don't know how active they've been.

>> No.11066122

yeah she's cute, but that isn't the type of person you want to be around anyways.

Most of those VN boxes are still wrapped. Just another fake person looking for attention.

>> No.11069212

what are they Japanese albino autistic down syndrome?

>> No.11069214

Is this what South Park Canadians look like in real life?

>> No.11069213

canadians look like good looking americans.

>> No.11069217

What is the difference between this shit and the fucking milk threads, get this crap off of /jp/ immediately.

>> No.11069219

These girls are kinda cute.

>> No.11069223

And milk is kinda cute as well to certain people, there is seriously no difference here.

>> No.11069229

Milk is ugly though.

>> No.11069230


>> No.11069241

No, no they aren't

>> No.11069265

Yellow fever.
