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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 90 KB, 425x282, Green-Tea-Good-or-Bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11047085 No.11047085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how are you this morning /jp/? Taking it easy?

>> No.11047097
File: 49 KB, 500x400, autism car 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always taking it easy

>> No.11047098

I feel horrible. Terrible hangover. I haven't felt like this since I was a teenager.

>> No.11047105
File: 989 KB, 1000x667, 5692824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should consider smoking marijuana anon. A lot better for you than getting drunk in my humble opinion.

>> No.11047108


Also it seems like early morning /jp/ is a bit more layed back.

>> No.11047109

Debating whether or not to go outside.

Even if I do, I'll probably end up surfing /jp/ on my phone in some cafe or bar anyways.

I've lost control of my life. OP's pic makes me want some tea.

I'd try out silk road if I wasn't crazy paranoid.

>> No.11047114

No way. That is for degenerates and Americans.

>> No.11047117
File: 274 KB, 774x1000, 1330215392586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside anon. Fresh air is always a good change of pace.

Silk raod is legit though, just make sure you go through the right steps. Really not as complicated as it seems. I just so happened to get a irl hook up by sheer luck though even with being a complete shut in when im not working 220 hours a month.

>> No.11047121

I have an upset tummy, I hope it goes away soon.

>> No.11047122

Nah, I'm not talking about smoking for the whole 420BLAZEITFGT thing. I've found it can be really useful for things like anxiety, depression, and just similar stuff like that.

>> No.11047125

Did you just suggest anon to go out?

Why are we being invaded so much recently? This is annoying.

>> No.11047133

I use Dideral for that, it usually last for 5 hours or so.

>> No.11047131

Does /jp/ listen to the Breed?

That's what I'd always be afraid of though, messing up somewhere along the way. Maybe the seller didn't vacuum pack the drugs, or my shipment gets searched by customs, etc. etc. I know a lot of people get successful shipments through the post, but I'd fret about it to no end. Some weed just isn't worth the worry for me. If I desperately wanted a chemical solution I'd just relapse back onto the booze anyways before killing myself.

I think I might just take a book and my Zhuangzhi outside. The girl at my favourite cafe might be sporting some impressive zettai ryouiki or lewd pantyhose today.

>> No.11047134
File: 100 KB, 659x959, 1352438357570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>go to work
>be yelled at by that one manager who has a personal vendetta against me.
>threatens to sack me if i don't do X task correctly.
>tfw dont know how to do X task.
>tfw only been at the store for three weeks now and now said manager refuses to let me study the employee handbook and rather pick me up on everything i'm doing wrong.
>honestly fed up with this shit
>considering just walking out and finding a better job
>tfw shit economy and my tech degree is totally useless.
>tfw can't find anything but part-time or casual work.
>tfw i have no choice but to stay and waste my life away working for this harpy of a woman.

It really sucks working three jobs on minimum wage alongside contract work and barely breaking even each month.

>> No.11047136

Hey, some of us are street NEET.
I hate confined spaces, and I never talk to anyone when I'm wandering around the city or riding trains about anyways.

>> No.11047139
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>> No.11047140
File: 24 KB, 499x475, kagfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting high
>cuddling with cat on my bed
>watching Mulan 1 and 2
>decide to fap
>followed directly by a chocolate fudge cupcake
>followed by getting stoned
>followed by dinner

Been good day so far jaypees. Hows yours?

>> No.11047141

Steal from the till and give her the D, anon.

If you do decide to rape your boss, please write "whch 2hu wdufuq" on her chest in lipstick after you've raped her lewd, useless body.

>> No.11047149

wish I knew how to deal weed, sounds so great

>> No.11047144

/jp/ is dying
I'll be outside masturbating in public toilets if you need me

>> No.11047183

I wish I could ride trains all day.

Is it true that in Japan each train station has a unique bento? I want to get a cute Japanese boyfriend who will ride the train with me all day and buy me yummy bento at the end.

>> No.11047200
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1350152334412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl I've been flirting with a lot lately suddenly doesn't speak to me anymore. She said she's too busy at the moment. She sent me one message in a week whereas we spoke for hours daily before.

Wat do? Do I wait for her to speak to me again or do I say "this is stupid, either give me some clue as to when you're not gonna be 'busy' any more or we'll call this a day because i'm sat around waiting for something that might not happen"

I'm really kinda into her and we made out once before.

Picture completely unrelated

>> No.11047207

This is from /r9k/
nice try
