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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.11040740
File: 219 KB, 512x284, 1363311582062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death penalty in a civilized 1st world country in 2013

>> No.11040748


- Crazy Anon, PhD in ethics from the Hollywood School of Morality

>> No.11040747

Epic reaction image dude.

>> No.11040779
File: 22 KB, 435x587, 1334668957742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is wrong because my mama said 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Japan still censors their porn and are pretty much honorable 1940s america. They need to progress at least 100 years in ethics and morality. Draconian laws never helped anyone.

>> No.11040784

They helped everyone who wasn't killed for disobeying them, liberal fagshit.

>> No.11040792

Would you rather keep them locked up in a prison for many years?

Killing them is the more merciful option.

>> No.11040793
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>> No.11040795

Prison is for rehabilitation, not punishment.

>> No.11040796
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>> No.11040802

Sorry, let me rephrase. Draconian laws only help the draconian. For the rest of humanity, there are better alternatives. Edgy chuuni ``evry 1 deserves 2 die b3t me'' faggot.

>> No.11040804

What if they did something really bad like set off a bomb and you can't rehabilitate them?

>> No.11040809

I'd deport them back to iraq

>> No.11040812
File: 23 KB, 360x209, library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being locked up? I would kick back in the prison library all day.

>> No.11040813

How does setting off a bomb mean you can't be rehabilitated?

>> No.11040823

You missed one dude >>11040740

>> No.11040824

Because they might do it again.

>> No.11040825

Clearly someone who sets off bombs isn't going to turn away from a life of crime with some job skills. It's not the same as some thug who robs from people because he has no education.

>> No.11040826
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He doesn't know how

>> No.11040832

I don't see anythjng wrong with this. Once you commit unwarranted murder you forfeit your humanity.

>> No.11040836
File: 520 KB, 480x360, 1357118166697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha what a fucking loser

>> No.11040846

Murderers might do it again... that's the point of rehabilitation. Setting off a bomb isn't different from manslaughter, theft, burglary or any other crime.

Look at Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, etc, if you wanna see good prisons with low recidivism rates.

>> No.11040853

I hate comments like this, these people obviously don't understand the meaning behind human rights. Human rights aren't something you earn and aren't something you "give up". Dipshit.

It's only an issue if you're given way too many liberties with your human rights, such as being able to kill 1 human for free and get away with it. However for the most part the basic human right everyone should enjoy is the right to life.

In fact, that stalking guy is more subject to his own humanity rather than being less human. Basic emotions like jealousy, obsession and anger got the best of him. It wasn't any otherworldly dark powers that possessed him turning him into a dark manifestation of evil.

Fuck you.

>> No.11040863

Rehabilitation isn't brainwashing. It's giving someone the skills they need to function in society. If they don't want to function in society, no amount of rehabilitation will change anything.

>> No.11040873
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>> No.11040871

But what if they don't want to be rehabilitated or they trick people into thinking they are rehabilitated so they can set off another bomb?

>> No.11040880
File: 103 KB, 1600x900, 1344311410659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the best

>> No.11040878

Keep up the good work. I remember a few days ago people were going to posts gifs because you didn't draw on them, but maybe they'll think twice now.

>> No.11040879

Ganbare mostache-kun!

>> No.11040881
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>> No.11040884

Life isn't a right. You have the right to be executed in a way that isn't inhumane and that's it.

>> No.11040886

holy HELL the animes are getting owned

>> No.11040887
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>> No.11040891
File: 241 KB, 508x644, 1350296012433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 edgy 5 me

>> No.11040894

Nice opinions, lib. Don't go killing people whi don't share your views, okay?

>> No.11040898
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] DATE A LIVE - 03 [F8EF25DC].mkv_snapshot_21.41_[2013.06.09_20.48.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11040902

I think you might be the only one who sees it as anything more than a joke.

>> No.11040903

So you're saying I can kill your mom in a humane way because she never had a right to be alive in the first place and I just did her a favor?

Quit trying to justify how you yourself aren't worthy of life by how stupid you are.

>> No.11040907
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>> No.11040912
File: 194 KB, 300x300, 1368236862925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got your work cut out for your moustache man.

>> No.11040915

It's not a matter of being edgy, it's a matter of reasonableness. The government wouldn't be able to function if it treated being alive as though it were a right.

>> No.11040919
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>> No.11040924

Of course it could, dumbass. Now you want to throw the entire world into your dark edgy spikerazor pit of despair too?

>> No.11040923
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] DATE A LIVE - 03 [F8EF25DC].mkv_snapshot_23.24_[2013.06.09_20.49.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11040928

Why do humans have the right to life?

>> No.11040929
File: 746 KB, 500x500, 1368538057308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget this one

>> No.11040932

Let's I was dying from a disease that was curable, but highly expensive to do so. Like, it would cost a billion dollars to do it. If being alive were a right, the government would have to pay for my billion dollar operation in entire. Cue bankrupted government.

>> No.11040937
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>> No.11040938

*Let's say

>> No.11040941

Muh feelings

>> No.11040942
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>> No.11040945

Chances are, that would be unlawful homicide.

>> No.11040949

You are really retarded beyond belief and also reason like a teenager. Why would the government need to step in to save your life from a disease? The right to life applies to when people are making a conscious decision to end your life and whether or not you have a right to say against it.

If you're dying from retard disease tough luck bucko. Diseases aren't human and you can't reason with them to stop making you sick and dying. Do you understand what I'm saying or are these concepts way over your head?

>> No.11040948

You're speaking in hypotheticals, though. Shit like that isn't exactly very likely to be a common occurrance.

>> No.11040952

What part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

>> No.11040953

Who's to say? I declare that they deserve to die as well since they don't have a right to live.

>> No.11040959

No such thing as "rights". They're abstractions created by people. Still, I think living is a good thing and such a belief promotes it.

Come on now. We have a right to ourselves and our lives. This doesn't imply that someone else should be responsible for us. It only means that in a moral sense, your right should not be violated (e.g. someone tries to kill you) and from within those restrictions we have autonomy. It's a mutually beneficial system.

Your argument treats the government as an individual and implies that it has a responsibility for our rights. We ultimately are responsible for our own rights.

>> No.11040957

This is what /pol/tards actually believe.

>> No.11040960

Who r you blacktecting?

>> No.11040961


This is what an edgy weeaboo shit from /jp/ says when he can't understand shit because he doesn't know up from down and only knows how to jack off and cry himself to sleep wishing he could be in gensokyo.

>> No.11040962

It's more than just that one scenario, obviously. Another one would be if the country was at war, it wouldn't be able to start a draft because they might die and that would violate a right to life.

The government can't afford to keep everyone alive. The most it can do is try to make people follow the law.

>> No.11040966
File: 580 KB, 978x1554, crime_punishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to kill people that nobody wants to be alive?

>> No.11040972

What country are you even talking about?

>> No.11040973

Don't listen to him and his emotionally charged drivel, he doesn't speak for /pol/.

>> No.11040974
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, 1371262203652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11040975

You are really stupid. You are worse than youtube comments. That's how stupid you are.

>> No.11040976
File: 32 KB, 400x391, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit you're from /pol/ then?

You know what to do.

>> No.11040978

I guess human rights don't mean shit when it's people you don't like, huh?

>> No.11040979

(That document has no legal weight. It was just to get France to join the US against England)

>> No.11040984
File: 505 KB, 600x600, 1354065580423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh feelings vs muh edgedark

who wins?

>> No.11040986

No. If I believe that I have the right to life, it's only fair to extend that to others. What separates me from the rest that entitles me to anything?

>> No.11040987

I don't care. Please leave or conform to the board culture.

>> No.11040991
File: 114 KB, 500x500, 9947023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ loses.

>> No.11040992
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>> No.11040990

I've been here since the beginning, kid.

>> No.11040993


>> No.11040994

>muh board culture

>> No.11040995

Replace "happiness" with "property" and you have the ideas of John Locke. They're just ideas regarding what every person deserves. Considering how the ideal is beneficial to us, I see no reason to oppose it.

>> No.11040997

So whch 2hu wdufuq then???

>> No.11041000
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>> No.11041003

I like the bottom middle one, it's very cute.

>> No.11041006

They are simply not practical to uphold. It's good for getting people to fight for you, but not good to actually try to write into law. Which is why the US didn't and why, by extension, Japan didn't.

>> No.11041009
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>> No.11041019
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>> No.11041015

Good thing nobody in the world recognizes you as a lawful authority or a source of morals.

>> No.11041020

raymoo n youre mum XD

>> No.11041023
File: 234 KB, 445x530, 1353801751944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got what it takes

>> No.11041024
File: 2.29 MB, 480x270, 1350210424406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you do this you will be a GOD AMUNG MEN

>> No.11041036

It's called an ideal for a reason, anon. The US has created a lot of services that try to secure a reasonable standard of living for its citizens and capital punishment has been rendered illegal in most states. Granted it fails quite often, but that's just the nature of reality.

Right to Life does not imply that you can't be put to death. Ignore the bullshit about "god-given". These "rights" are nothing more than mutually understood restrictions to our behavior and an expression of the need for autonomy. If we violate the rights of another, we have forfeited our rights as a member of society. It's like a contract.

Funny you mention practicality because as it is right now in the US, it's less costly to imprison criminals for life.

>> No.11041032

Yeah because I'd kill every last one of you. You're all ants to me.

>> No.11041034
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>> No.11041043
File: 161 KB, 600x450, 4647187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face mutherfucker ill 1v1 you BITCH

>> No.11041040
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>> No.11041041

wow you are pathetic

>> No.11041046

Is there a difference between human rights and law?

>> No.11041049

The murder aside, how does being stalked make you a victim? Oh no, someone's watching me! Girls will do anything to be victims.

>> No.11041051
File: 2.16 MB, 526x800, 1350969922024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11041056

It's spooky.

>> No.11041061

Stalking usually turns into an invasion of privacy. Just looking shouldn't be a crime, but being obviously followed home is freaky.

>> No.11041059

What if they were following you and waiting until you were alone so they could murder you? Stalkers don't generally have good intentions.

>> No.11041062

Most people don't have good intentions.

>> No.11041063

Of course. Law is often used to violate human rights. I find that laws often only benefit the lawmakers; universal rights seek to benefit all.

Word. I would gladly welcome a cute stalker. Must be cute, though!

>> No.11041069

Rights without law is just philosophy. In other words, easily ignored rubbish for hermits and college kids.

>> No.11041067

I just assumed most stalkers only observe and follow.

>> No.11041075

You never heard of a lion stalking its prey? It isn't doing it because it thinks the zebra is cute.

>> No.11041076
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>> No.11041077

If a community believes a certain right exists, they may act in ways as so to respect that right without necessarily having to fall back on a law to do so.

>> No.11041082

posting this on /a/ RIGHT now

>> No.11041083
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I just realized I fucked this one up before. Here is the REAL image.

>> No.11041091

>In other words, easily ignored rubbish for hermits and college kids.
What a backwards way of looking at it. Philosophy has driven humanity for as long as it has existed. In the very example of John Locke, it inspired revolution. Without Philosophy, there is no law. Perhaps if people were more in touch with philosophical principles, they would see how law has become distorted.

>> No.11041095
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>> No.11041099



>> No.11041104

I don't care what inspires people to do things. That's their own issue. I only care about the end result of what they did.

>> No.11041110

It's great and all that you don't care, but other people are interested in what may have motivated people to behave the way they do

>> No.11041113

Whoops, your stalker is a fatty. What do you do?

>> No.11041117

Good for them? Just realize how pointless navel gazing is.

>> No.11041124

Studying the motivations of others is not "navel-gazing."

And even if it were, it can hardly be more pointless than having the conversation we're having right now.

>> No.11041121

Dude what does staring at oranges have to do with anything

>> No.11041122

You need to get into a time machine back to the dark ages where ignorance rules.

>> No.11041126

What? What compels a person to do something often influences the outcome. Input can correlates with output. That's how cause and effect works.

Looking at any single thing exclusively removes it from the context; what's the point? End results are irrelevant without a larger picture. E.g., what good is an answer if you don't know the question?

Call the cops!

>> No.11041136
File: 220 KB, 786x1100, tubtub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ugly fatty or a cute fatty?

Pic rel.

>> No.11041143

Healthy =/= Fat

>> No.11041142

She has no chin! The head is fused to the body with fat!

>> No.11041144


>What compels a person to do something often influences the outcome

wtf are you saying

he just said that he only cares about the outcome

are you literally retarded holy FUCK


>> No.11041160

Epic. If you care about effects (outcomes), you should care about causes. They're inextricably linked.

>> No.11041164


are you trying to 'troll' or something right now

like holy fuck


>> No.11041207

Eat a dick

>> No.11041653

make me, faggot

>> No.11041680

Hope you're ready.

*grabs dick*
