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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11027132 No.11027132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm wondering how many of us are actually on hormonal therapy to become little girls

pic related, that's how you shouldn't think

>> No.11027134

your all fucken gays

>> No.11027141

Slay the infrahumans

>> No.11027142

Eternally a little girl.

>> No.11027143


>> No.11027148

but I was wondering about /jp/ demography...

>> No.11027164

We are all alpha male businessmen here, kid.

>> No.11027166

Costs too much and I'll most likely end up looking like a non-passable tranny freak. No, thanks.

>> No.11027170

Every time a cute girl cuts off her cute penis I cry a little.

>> No.11027168

There are hormones to make you younger and 2d now?

Wow, get the fuck outa here!

>> No.11027175

>hormonal therapy
>little girl

the closest ever will be VR or brain transfer to little girl robo-body

>> No.11027182

I want to be the idealised pre-pubescent girl that never ages.

Of course I don't want to be a realistic hag.

>> No.11027177

Girls don't have penises.

>> No.11027214

Turn me into a girl, and I'll bet you $100,000 that I'll never want to turn back.

>> No.11027221


What about when you're a decrepit old woman?

I guess you could just die because menopause, which might be ok.

>> No.11027226

You're on, let's go.

>> No.11027231

Hormone therapy is too much of a pain. I would still be a loser, and also a freakshow.

>> No.11027244

don't you want to be a shemale?

shemale is better then male, right?

>> No.11027254


I think "shemale" means those things out of 3D porn which are just men with implants and a wig.

>> No.11027255


Better to be a male with the dreams of being a little girl, than some not-so-little, 3dpd monsterman, made from broken dreams.

>> No.11027261

That's what people believe trannies are, due to media and the behavior and appearance of old transitioners

what they don't understand is that
1. You don't need to change your gender or dress like a woman only because you are on hormones

2. Even if you fail you'll look less manly then you would otherwise, which is not bad at all indeed

3. It's not expensive at all

but you are right, this is not /lgbt/

>> No.11027267

I seem to think the same as many here. I deperately want to be a little girl, age 11 and never age, and I want to be cute. I'm not though and there's no way I can ever be and that's why I'm so depressed.

>> No.11027275


>there's no way I can ever be

I wouldn't dismiss it just yet.

Who knows what technology will bring, within our lifetimes?

I'd wager something virtual will be possible before we die.

>> No.11027286


>I'd wager something virtual will be possible before we die.

I doubt it will be anything like we expect. People had entirely different ideas about how the Internet would be used, when it was in its infancy.

I can't see there being a lot of 'become the little girl: the simulator' developers for VR platforms, because of all the stigma.

>> No.11027300

That would certainly be nice but I do not see something like that happening in my life time at least. Technology (and especially virtual reality) doesn't seen like its progressing fast enough..or at all really. Then there's the matter of someone having to actually develop a "game" like that. A more realistic hope would be that a new drug comes out that allows you to hallucinate yourself as a little girl.

>> No.11027307


Hallucinating being a little girl and posting on the internet with /jp/!

I would like that.

>> No.11027317
File: 46 KB, 500x400, autism car 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with just being a crossdresser.
I don't want to change who I am, but there's nothing wrong with embracing ones feminine side and sucking a cock or two.

>> No.11027320


Let's make this clear for you schlubs.

A Little Girl in the 2D world*

>> No.11027337

>I'm fine with just being a crossdresser.


>> No.11027346

>Technology (and especially virtual reality) doesn't seen like its progressing fast enough..or at all really

What world are you living in?

>> No.11027350

Autismcar-kun has posted his pics and even his videos before. Learn to archive nerd.

>> No.11027354

Earth. You should come and visit some time.

>> No.11027358

>100% man
>dresses up as a woman

you are the monster here

>> No.11027363

This. I'll never understand why trans people bother trying to become traps. They are hideous creatures.

>> No.11027379

some Asians can pull it through

but all the others look hideous, unless they are genetically lucky and on hormones and maybe after some plastic surgeries

that's how "race" works, like it or not

>> No.11027380
File: 49 KB, 500x400, autism car 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for anyone else, but I just do it for fun, I'm not trying to "become" anything.

I'll probably give away or sell all my clothes once I get bored of it

>> No.11027381

Why the fuck would you want to get a swap to the most inconvenient gender?

Breast appendages that get in the way, can't carry even the grocery bags because now you're a flimsy fuck, wear skirts and other stupid bullshit that won't let you move freely unless you want everyone to see your hairy dick, fucking makeup and shoes that are a pain in the ass to walk with.

How the fuck do you retards take it easy like that?

>> No.11027385

Is a constant exponential growth in computing power too slow for you?


>> No.11027390

You can also take hormones for fun, and you don't have to become anything either

the difference is in how are you going to look

if you're a 100% manly man then no matter how good your angle is, no matter what perfect lighting you got yourself, no matter how well you staffed yourself, you don't look like a woman, much less like a cute one

>> No.11027391


Little girls don't have these problems. You're thinking of hags.

>> No.11027392

Because that translates to virtual reality and loli simulators right? Enjoy your tablet PCs and smartphones you blistering faggot.

>> No.11027394
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1360479978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to hug little girls.

>> No.11027395

I have a trans friend who is giving up hormones because they have fucked up his liver or something, I don't consider that a price worth paying for fun.

But I don't really know much about them or the health risks.

>> No.11027396

Since when do females wear stereotypical female clothes?

Still, if I were a cute loli I'd wear ghotic lolita 100% of the time and I wouldn't care least bit how inconvenient it is

>> No.11027402
File: 349 KB, 572x833, 1272939518863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want to be a "girl", I want to be a futanari.

Going full /lgbt/, I already self-identify as futanari mentally, having both masculine and feminine impulses and behaviors.

But I'll never tell anyone that outside of the internet.

>> No.11027406

I always knew she is trans!

>> No.11027407

That's what happens when you take hormone pills, the amount of them required to make any sort of changes will ruin your liver. Your friend is retarded obviously. There are a plethora of other ways to do HRT without fucking your liver up. The most common one is injections.

>> No.11027408


Too late, David.

>> No.11027417

same here
I originally started it to be a little more feminine and save my voice which was always gendered female through the phone/on the mic

but now as hormone therapy is actually progressing better then I ever imagined I don't mind becoming a futa

if the boobs are not going to be visibly big I won't even cut them off like I originally planned too

>> No.11027412
File: 322 KB, 654x900, 1282193520071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


David is my brother's name, oddly enough.

>> No.11027414


She is what Ryukishi always wanted to be, instead of a loli, a child of man Onee-san.

>> No.11027423
File: 19 KB, 240x400, cool-cats-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11027425


well, if he wanted to be a hon, it's not too late for that...

>> No.11027427

Please don't bump the thread.

The Janitor will see it and remove it.

>> No.11027429

I've gained a lot of weight lately and I'm starting to develop "man boobs" if I squeeze my chest together they really look like I have a nice set of boobies and I get a boner from that.

>> No.11027440


Get in here and delete this shit, jannie.
