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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10991627 No.10991627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did Anzu become the icon of NEETdom?

>> No.10991632

Anzu = Sluttiest loli NEET

>> No.10991634

It's a joke dummy. An employed girl can't be a a NEET.

>> No.10991639 [SPOILER] 
File: 955 KB, 900x1209, anzu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10991647
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she just plays one on tv

>> No.10991649

Aww, I thought it was a doujin. Why you do this to me anon.

>> No.10991652

17 years old? 17 feet tall?

>> No.10991659

>Height/Weight: 139cm/30Kg

>> No.10991675

she's not even a neet

great representative

>> No.10991677
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 1341276407420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to wish i was cute like anzuchang

i used to wish i was anzuchang

now i only wish i was cute like anzuchang

>> No.10991688

>You will never cure Anzu of her crippling anorexia


>> No.10991689

Fuck off, fatty.

>> No.10991695

The same way the Japanese public was somehow convinced that Kentucky Fried Chicken is related to Christmas in America (and, thus, is trendy to purchase on Christmas:) corporate idea manipulation.

Anzu's NEEThood is as fake as the force that drives Japanese citizens to order far in advance, in the months leading up to Christmas.

>> No.10991700

I wish i could work yet somehow still be a NEET who doesn't work.

>> No.10991703

But KFC IS related to Christmas.

>> No.10991705


I wish KFC was related to Christmas in the west.

>> No.10991710
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I wish I could be a cute girl that would be paid to do modeling.

>> No.10991715

What the fuck? Models aren't supposed to be cute.

>> No.10991716


I bet in the new books she'll get into gravure and start fucking some rich producer. The author loves money so much that he would gladly sacrifice the story for some quick drama-purchases.

>> No.10991729
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But she'll die

>> No.10991740
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I bet that dress on the right feels fucking great to wear.

>> No.10991741

She's just another flavor of the month NEET.

>> No.10991743


She is Japanese.

BMI is designed for western pigs.

>> No.10991747 [SPOILER] 
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NEET pussy is delicious

>> No.10991749


Dresses seem so airy. I wanna wear dresses around the house but my mailman would probably call the cops.

Still, I can always be naked.

>> No.10991755

I don't think your mailman gives a fuck if you want to wear a dress. He'd probably think you're gay and or weird but I don't think he would call the cops.

>> No.10991757

Maybe he would even fap to you if you look cute.

>> No.10991756

he'll call the cops on a crossdressing neckbeard? i honestly dont even think the fashion police will care sweetie

>> No.10991758

Sex with the mailman!

>> No.10991763

But a plot twist like that wouldn't actually make any money. Remember Kannagi? Who talks about Kannagi these days?

>> No.10991764

I thought it was cute how you called him sweetie. I like being called sweetie too, so can you call me it as well?

>> No.10991768

HEY I just came into the thread out of nowhere to call you a stupid bitch !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA want to kill me?

>> No.10991766


A Western series just earned HBO fucking insane ratings for killing off all its main characters. Wow, so edgy and deep and dark! What a TWIST! That totally didn't happen in the first season either!

>> No.10991773

o-okay sweetie...

>> No.10991782

What series?

>> No.10991785


Game of Thrones

>> No.10991787
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posting the same anzus as every thread

>> No.10991791
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>> No.10991792

Why are cute girls so cute?

>> No.10991793
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>> No.10991796
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>> No.10991801

To make my suffering all the more lonely.

>> No.10991800


I haven't had any soda in so long, it feels like. Years at any rate.

I should drink one.

>> No.10991799

cute thread

>> No.10991806
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>> No.10991802
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>> No.10991804

Why is life so cruel?

>> No.10991810


>> No.10991811

It's A Song of Fire and Ice, of course they are going to be killing off main characters.

>> No.10991807

Take this song as medicine.


>> No.10991808

whats written on her shit?

>> No.10991809
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>> No.10991812
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>> No.10991814

c'mon seriously.

>> No.10991815
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>> No.10991818
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work is defeat

>> No.10991820


Aren't they just adapting books, though?

>> No.10991825

From an author who is notorious for killing off characters, yes.

>> No.10991829


Yes, how's that relevant?

I'm saying that books, shows, and other type of entertainment, can make bank on 'twists'.

>> No.10991861

When someone says sweetie, I imagine it's a sassy gay man.

>> No.10991862

I imagine a really nice ningen that I would like to cuddle with

>> No.10991875

It's not a surprise twist when everyone was expecting it.

>> No.10991876


Shut up. You are dumb, holy fuck.

>> No.10991877
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>> No.10991879

Why can you consent to work before 18, but not sex?

>> No.10991887

I don't know, but I bet Hebrews are to blame.

>> No.10991885

You can consent to both at the same age in most states.

>> No.10991886

You don't, you parents consent for you.

>> No.10991893


Your parents can let you have sex with an adult?

>> No.10991895

No, that would be abuse. They can sign contracts and consent to working for you, which is necessary for things like child actors.

>> No.10991896

I guess so. They did sell my sister's body in exchange for drugs, after all.

>> No.10991899


I don't understand.

It's okay to decide for your kid whether it's OK for them to work, but not whether you can have sex with an adult.

Both can be harmful under the right circumstances... but only one is alright?

Really weird. Downright odd.

>> No.10991906

One involves cultural enrichment and the other doesn't offer anything to society.

>> No.10991912


One offers pleasure to television-watchers. The other offers pleasure to people who wanna have sex with kids.

'cultural enrichment', lmao

>> No.10991993
File: 34 KB, 318x400, shirley-temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirley Temple lifted the spirits of entire nation during the great depression and saved Fox studios from bankruptcy. You can't deny that what she did has cultural significance. The most people having sex with kids would produce is some sleazy pornos.

>> No.10992030


All television is Shirley Temple, and all porn is sleazy junk?

Who the heck are you even quoting?

>> No.10992036

I wish I was a femNEET

I could become goddess of /jp/

>> No.10992062

I'm not quoting anyone, but Shirley Temple is a child actor and her existence alone is enough justification to allow for them.

>porn is sleazy junk
Well, yeah, duh. If they had any taste they would be doing erotica.

>> No.10992112
File: 345 KB, 599x846, c52963bdbeef39a033e90c15dfba94fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer to the original question is because she is cute and fights for your NEET rights.

>> No.10992130

She has a job, though.

>> No.10992134

That picture makes me feel like a pedophile

>> No.10992155

I bet you live in america

>> No.10992158

But I didn't say she didn't.
