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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10961369 No.10961369 [Reply] [Original]

How are your japanese studies going /jp/? I'm finishing up katakana and reading through kim tae's guide

>> No.10961397

I already told you, I quit about a year ago.

>> No.10961417

>Implying I made a thread earlier
why'd you quit, anon?

>> No.10961423

lol fuckin weebs

fuck off to >>>/lang/

>> No.10961446

I'm inconsistently doing Heisig.

>> No.10961448

I forgot to practice each day since I've learned hiragana. I have failed myself.

>> No.10961466

there's still time, anon, you're jsut getting started

>> No.10961468

Just so you know, that kanji isn't used. It's thought that it was used in surnames as the picture states, but there's no one known who has ever had a name that used it.

>> No.10961476

tfw reading so slowly that the pain never ends

>> No.10961479

Try this book:


>> No.10961482

at least you're reading, probably in the 5% of people that start learning it

>> No.10961520

I hope so. I can't understand majority of katakana for some reason, I remembered it all when I was in high school but I forgot about it now.

Also, I have a hard time dealing with kanji and some vocab since homonyms aren't easy.

Same here. That is probably the root of my problems.

>> No.10961599

Your mom is the root of my dick problems

>> No.10961611

how can you have dick problems if you don't have one?

>> No.10961617


>> No.10961628

20 new kanji and ½-1 hours reviewing per day by Heisig's RTK. So far I've learned 540.

>> No.10961929

Do 10, thrice a day.

>> No.10962264

What would be the advantage of doing this way?

>> No.10962515

I have no idea what the this is trying to describe to me, the last line anyway:

This very last line: しかし同時に、高い城壁がまるで花壇を囲む煉瓦一個に見えてしまうことで、その樹の呆れた巨大さが際立つのでした。

But at the same time the castle walls <I have no idea>, the tree's giant size becomes quite apparent.

Then it is this line that throws me right off.

"But at the same time, as if the castle walls were like an encircling wall of a flower bed, when actually looking at the size of a single brick from the castle wall and using it as a comparison , the giant tree's size can become much more apparent."?

Fuck I'm confused. Please help because I'm stupid.

>> No.10962552

I think the point is that the tree is so big that the walls looks like they were just bricks around a flower bed (the city building). Note sure where you took it from but if there's a picture it might help adapting the sentence better since it sounds like the walls are made from stones or something? dunno

>> No.10962600

Does anyone else here want to study Chinese in addition to Japanese? Or perhaps Korean?

I want to be able to navigate both Chinese and Japanese internet spaces, and I want to study Chinese characters.

>> No.10962611


You're not the only one. And you sure as hell won't be the last. I won't start either of the two, until I can fluently read Japanese. Korean is in a whole different world and Chinese would fuck me up... That's what I think anyways, haven't tried it.

Unless I interpreted that wrong, to which you were talking about learning all three in total, not together. -- Yeah, you're still not the only one.

>> No.10962802

Why would you want to learn chinese and korean though? They don't make anything worth learning their language unlike japan.

>> No.10962814

I'll start learning it next week, when my special hardcore CD course arrives.

I couldn't learn french at school, have big fucking problems with english even today, so I guess japanese will be hella difficult.

>> No.10962819

Just to clarify something, there are no difficult Kanji. Not even the one in the OP is hard to remember once you start actually learning, so don't be discouraged by it.

>> No.10962821

People who really like kanji.

>> No.10962848

I'm working on learning to read both traditional Chinese and literary Chinese (similar but with slight differences). Learning to read traditional Chinese isn't too bad I think because it helps you to read kanji too. However, admittedly there are some character combinations that have meanings in Japanese but not in Chinese, or perhaps vice-versa.

>> No.10962854

>I'm working on learning to read both traditional Chinese and literary Chinese (similar but with slight differences)
Are you confusing traditional (整體字/繁體字/unsimplified) with classical/literary (文言文/古文)?

>> No.10962858

Err 正體字* of course

>> No.10963031

You'll learn 30, and doing chunks of 10 makes them easy to remember than just KEEP GOING TO FILL THE QUOTA

>> No.10963038

I'm really having a hard time following the comments and the fast conversations on people in nicolive.

>> No.10963190

It's going really bad, since the anki threads disappeared from jp I'm doing it very irregularly.

>> No.10963198

Don't you visit /a/ from time to time for their daily Japanese thread?

>> No.10963205

I don't go to /a/ because I don't watch anime since a few years ago.

>> No.10963208

I also don't watch anime but I just use the catalog to see if the DJT is up.

>> No.10963225

Well, the point of the threads was to remember to do my reps while I was browsing /jp/, and occasionally a few tips from other posters in the thread. My memory is no good anon, so I wouldn't remember to go to /a/ looking for the DJT.

>> No.10963236



Any other good VN/games for reading practice?

I've heard Flyable Heart is a good one.

I want to play Hyperdimension Neptunia in Japanese but I'm needing to use ITH & TA at the moment so I'm probably not ready.

>> No.10963239

Good. By the end of this summer I'm pretty much set for any VN and with decent reading speed.

>> No.10963245

>Do 10, thrice a day.
Is there any decent way to do this with Anki? 30 new cards per day, in 10 card sets?

>> No.10963246

How long did it take you to get to that level?

>> No.10963252

Around a year and 2 months has passed since I started.

>> No.10963257

That's pretty fast. What did you use if I may ask? I'm currently finishing katakana so I'm going to start kanji by this weekend.

>> No.10963262

I gave up a few months ago.

>> No.10963270


>> No.10963273

Set it to 10 new cards. Then later change it to 20. Then later change it to 30.

>> No.10963279

Studied for 3-4 hours a day at the start grinding kanji with onyomi (and some kunyomi) readings for around 2-3 months using Anki. (Kanjidamage deck + website)

After that I picked up Tae Kim, made notes as I went for around a month or two. Revisited it twice and started making my own sentences from the examples given.

And then I picked up CorePLUS and grinded vocab while reading things the remaining time. Did a lot of Dictionary of Japanese Grammar reading as well as doing personal translation of things to English.

At around a JLPT1 vocab level as of now. (10000 words+). I really need to refine my grammar skills though so that's what I aim to do this summer when I'm off school.

>> No.10963285

Well I thought that but it doesn't really seem desirable because all review cards will be in first session. I guess I'll try this for few days.

>> No.10963290

Thanks. Since I'm currently NEET, I figured I should just practice learning more and make it as a hobby then habit.

I love consuming Japanese media like the other guys but I would also like to help give back to the community without adding watermarks everywhere.

>> No.10963294

do any of you guys use a particular deck?
i started with the KD one since it had the on,kun and jokugo in the cards, but i don't like the order of the kanji anymore

i was thinking of making a new one with the order from rkt or jltp but with all the data from kd, but i don't want to get too tired of copying and paste all the data from kd to anki

althought i already do this for my own kanji and vocab deck

>> No.10963302

I don't have one yet. I'm not even sure how to start after stepping out of katakana.

>> No.10963310

I wonder how many people post in the VN thread where they discuss untranslaed VNs. I wonder what it feels like to have ascended so high.

>> No.10963329

It's like your floating on Cloud 9. The satisfaction you get when people cry for translations is a feel like none other.

>> No.10963360

That's what I asked myself right before I gave up.

>> No.10963374

Who's up for the Kanji VS Vocab discussion?

>> No.10963382

Set card reviews to zero until you want to do them, nerd.

>> No.10963385

Just reached 1200 kanji yesterday. Finished TK's guide some few months ago.

>> No.10963388

I have four decks

1. RTK Writing: Front - meaning of kanji; back - writing. 3,000+ kanji,

2. RTK Reading: Front - kanji, words; back - readings. This has several thousand vocab words.

3. Vocabulary - More vocab words, front - word; back - reading, definition

4. Sentences - This is a deck I got off of Anki that has all of the sentences from Japan Time's Japanese Grammar Dictionaries

>> No.10963392

Nobody because Kanji wins, period.

>> No.10963393

Oh and deck 3 is coreplus, and I just suspend all of the cards that I have in the rtk reading deck.

>> No.10963395

>ascended so high.

Nope. Most VNs are written in retard-tier Japanese. Conversational Japanese ins plenty if you don't plan to read riaL-soft titles or a couple of other games with advanced language. Though you'll almost automatical be able to read harder stuff after a couple of easier written VNs. Most people vastly overestimate this stuff.

Too bad you people get intimidated by a couple of glyphs.

>> No.10963397


Don't wait any longer, start reading stuff.

>> No.10963399

Yeah if you want to measure your progress better, pick up a Japanese novel or some more scholarly non-fiction and see how you do. It's good to read stuff like this occasionally anyway to keep your abilities honed.

>> No.10963404

I'm doing Heisig, and nothing else. Maybe when I finish I'll do some Genki/Tae Kim and then... Anki vocabulary decks? I dunno.

>> No.10963410

Yeah finish Heisig before moving on. Try to get through it quickly, though.

>> No.10963414

But I want to do reviews in every session and amount of cards which need to be reviewed isn't constant so it can't be divided for every session with maximum reviews/day. It would be neat if minimum interval could be set less than 1 d.

>> No.10963428

Set the max reviews to 0. When you get ready to review change it to 9999. This shit isn't hard.

>> No.10963429

>But I want to do reviews in every session

But yeah you'll just have to give up on that. I don't see why it would be important to do this anyway.

>> No.10963481

I find it more effective way to learn when session has both new and old cards mixed. Sometimes I accidentally remember the order (after x there will be y) instead focusing on connecting the meaning and the kanji.

I could try to set review limit to 10 for first session, then increase it to 20 for second session and then increase it to 9999 for third session. It might be too much hassle tho.

>> No.10963489

I just reached 1000 kanji today. I'm trying to start a vocab deck but it's going slowly.
Not sure if I should start TK right now or in a few weeks after learning some vocab,

>> No.10964008

Make two more decks. Set your original deck settings to 30 new cards and 9999 review
Set your 2nd deck to 20 new cards and 2/3 of your highest review count in the stats page. Set your 3rd deck to 10 new cards and 1/3 highest review. Adjust occasionally.

Now all you have to do is drag the original deck in and out of the other decks.

>> No.10964105

>It would be neat if minimum interval could be set less than 1 d.

Wouldn't it? It's pretty laughable that people accept a software that sets you retarded arbitrary limits like that.

Actually, no, it's more laughable how they always go out of their way to defend this crap.

I'm still using Anki 1.2 where you could fix that, but it required plugins that are probably not available for download anywhere anymore. You could try Mnemosyne, though I did not use it much (since I have my decks on Anki already) and I can't guarantee it's not broken in some other way.

>> No.10964277

But you could. No need for plug-ins too. People complain too much even when there's no need to.

>> No.10964365

Can't you just set cards to review in a random order?

>> No.10964991

Is there a phrase for "Welcome Home Dear"? Spoken by two lovers or a married couple?

お帰りなさい(okaerinasai) for family
お帰り(okaeri) for casual
いらっしゃい(irasshai) for more of a visitor

But is there a loving version?

>> No.10965078

>for family
>not loving

>> No.10965104

You just attach the dear, just like in English.

>> No.10965125

Family is for beating.
Lovers are for loving and beating

>> No.10965146


Is there even a word in Japanese for that. Closest thing would be あなた, I guess. But that only works if you're a married woman.

>> No.10965164

Do they have common pet-names? Like Honey, Dear, Sweetie, or Dr. Zaius?

>> No.10965169

Really? But how should I do that? I still lack vocab.

>> No.10965172


>> No.10965177


>> No.10965189

Male equivalent is 君

>> No.10965216

Attach the petname of your choice at the end of お帰り.

>> No.10965226

I should add that it's not really common, though so you should just stick with お帰り.

>> No.10965236
File: 29 KB, 640x480, dnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

You pick up vocab by reading stuff. Or did you think that grinding kanji and random vocab will somehow help you read?

>> No.10965253

B-but /jp/ told me all I needed was that vocab deck!

>> No.10965267

flyable heart is good

>> No.10965274

In all seriousness, I don't know why there's an obsession with grinding common kanji and vocab. Yes, it helps but only to an extent. Reading will allow you to practice grammar, learn new vocab/kanji, and most importantly learn the context in which words commonly appear and how they relate to other words.

Just think of how you read in your native language. Reading is done holistically.

>> No.10965275

What are you favorite kanji?
Mine are 魔、鬱、死、憂、屍 and 鬼

>> No.10965282

I'd say it's still worth grinding RTK and doing some basic vocab + grammar rather than jumping straight into reading.

After that though yeah, context all the way.

>> No.10965283


>> No.10965287


>> No.10965289

Why so negative, anon?

I don't know many kanji, but I really like how 気 and 恋 look.

>> No.10965290

He's saying anata is used as dear, retard.

>> No.10965299

male equivalent is 貴男

>> No.10965300

"Kimi" is also used to express affection on par with "dear".

>> No.10965301

Only women use anata as dear.

>> No.10965302
File: 138 KB, 600x800, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

死 殺 拷 暗 憂 鬱 邪 悪

>> No.10965317

Yeah, no. I'm grorius japanese4, I should know.

>> No.10965335

It is and no one cares.

>> No.10965339

They aren't that obscure, anon. If you wanna go full retard, try this:
刷 閖 劒 冑 薹 籥 楹

>> No.10965340


>> No.10965344

It is not, nerboturd.

>> No.10965346

He obviously wasn't going for obscure Kanji, you should check the meanings.

>> No.10965347

I never said they were obscure. I was trying to be dark and edgy, okay?

>> No.10965350

So those basic kanji are obscure for you?

>> No.10965404


Below is free translation(or "Engrish").
I wish as will be your reference.

but on the other hand,
the tree's outrageus size is contrasted well with the wall just looks like one of bricks around the flower bed.

>> No.10965669


>> No.10967535

There is no accompanying picture; it came from a novel. The only thing I can add is that they are viewing this from a cliff and it is a ways off but not too far that they can't see how the castle walls are constructed (because the wall structure is described). The only thing that describes the castle walls physical makeup is 取り囲む石組みの城壁.

I may have just been over thinking it.

>> No.10968051
File: 72 KB, 900x456, image000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fantasy novel?
I made a pic. I hope that will help you for your understanding.

>> No.10968792

Is this a double negative provisional construct?


I assume it means something along the lines of "If I don't directly stimulate the nipples, it might have less of an effect."

The 「言って」 in that sentence really confuses me though.

Someone correct me please.

>> No.10968853
File: 31 KB, 682x566, guide to learning japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10968864

Translate it weebs

>> No.10968871
File: 14 KB, 559x342, koi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started seriously studying japanese in january
it's been on and off because of school and work

but now i have hiragana down, some katakana, and some kanji

i also have a penpal whom i met on my trip to japanm so she helps me through occasional emails

>> No.10968888

Go away. Kanji is important.

>> No.10968937


>> No.10968948

Learning all the jouyou kanji only takes a month or two.

Only doing vocab is stupid, and a pain in the assfuck when you're reading blurry manga scans and can't make out shit and don't know the particular compound that's used.

Wasting too much time on doing individual kanji however is a waste. Anything over 2 months is a waste of time.

>> No.10968975


Looks for me like a quote, though somehow the と or って is missing. I would translate it as "Are you perhaps saying that it won't have an effect if I don't stimulate the nipples directly?". Take that with a grain of salt, though.

Context would be great in that situation, so just post the whole h-scene, you dirty little rascal.

>> No.10969028

Probably as you say, as the image the text is displayed on is in a flashback-ish type of setting.


>> No.10969051 [DELETED] 

how is this otaku culture?

>> No.10969124
File: 53 KB, 427x636, 6ca9cc49fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW when I can turn off subs and start to understand whats going on somewhat. I still suck though and its taking forever on account of I ussually sperg out and waste time playing video games and shit

>> No.10969209

It's not like you don't learn the Kanji when you just do vocab.
You essentially do the same, the only difference is that you learn the pronounciation in context.

>> No.10970146

That's a almost typo.
would be the exact text.

>> No.10970404

>I ussually sperg out and waste time playing video games and shit
Try playing them in japanese or buy japanese games then.
Even sanic has had japanese options for over the past decade.

>> No.10970503

People use 言って all the time.

>> No.10970516

Nevermind. I'm retarded and didn't read the sentence.

>> No.10970876

Does anyone know if the Obenkyo app is any good? You can sort the kanji by school level and it has two test modes.I'm using it to learn Kanji while I comute.
Should I use Anki instead? If so which deck should I use?
I'll try this out.

>> No.10971393

you don't have to believe me anon :)

>> No.10971638

>mfw when I know what what the Kanji is supposed to be in English but I don't know how to pronounce them in Japanese

>> No.10971660

RTK is 3 volumes, you know.

>> No.10971665
File: 247 KB, 1555x1649, learning japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started with Namasensei's Hiragana video lessons

but i only watched up until Sa shi su se so

wish me luck /jp/

>> No.10971676


Is it just be or is his accent very heavy?

>> No.10971674

Just use Heisig's kana book. You'll learn them in a few hours. There's no point writing all that shit over and over.

>> No.10971683
File: 181 KB, 1600x976, Kana Study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only rewrite like up to 10 times per kana and I can already memorize them so its no big deal...but my sister rewrite them 50 times in her book...but atleast she finished her hiragana while im still stuck with Sa-so

heh...gotta study faster, gotta go to japan this november

>> No.10971742

/jp/, I started studying Japanese in 2008 and I still can't read any VN without the heavy help of JParser, because my vocabulary is very poor.

The reason for this is that I learned grammar and kana pretty quick in the first month, but like most people, I gave up in the memorizing part (kanji/vocabulary) because I have embarrassingly poor memory. I eventually stopped caring until this year.

I want to continue my studies, what I'm doing now is forcing my way through VNs with JParser (actually works but it's tiring after a while) and Anki+Core 2k/6k, but I keep forgetting many of them.

Should I try something else to speed it up? Should I work only on vocabulary? Or just kanji alone first? Is having the JLPT tests as motivation a good idea? I've noticed that writing kanji helps. I have poor memory but I really want to try this time.

>> No.10971756


>> No.10971801

What type of learner are you? It doesn't look like you're a visual learner but more of a tactile learner which means that yes, you're the type that has to write things out a bunch of times in order to remember.

>> No.10971813

I remember a psychologist telling me that I'm an auditory learner, and I'm pretty sure that's true, but I don't think that would help in this case. But yeah I'm not a visual learner at all.

>> No.10971861


Maybe a simple site like this can be a starting point for you.

>> No.10971865
File: 460 KB, 1085x1600, Wa_3_098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971873
File: 442 KB, 1080x1600, Wa_3_099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971875

Add lots of words but don't expect to master them within a month. Use the audio available with Rikai/TTS/Grab it from wherever. Use context such as sentences using the word. Read a lot without resorting to tools that immediately give you the meaning even when you don't need it.

>> No.10971891


Most commonly used words and phrases with audio.

>> No.10971907

Thank you very much.

>Read a lot without resorting to tools that immediately give you the meaning even when you don't need it
I try to remember the meaning when it's a word that I have seen before instead of hovering to see the meaning. I only hover when I haven't seen it before or when I fail to remember. If I don't use such a tool, I would be reading without understanding big part of the text. I wouldn't be learning that way or would I?

>> No.10971919


>> No.10971977

You'll never (or very slowly) learn when you don't understand anything. Learning from context is great once you've got a good grasp of the language but is too slow when you're just starting out. Just make sure that you actually try remembering/figuring out from context the meaning of what you're reading.

>> No.10972025

They don't mean not to use tools to look up words, they just mean don't set it up so that the definition/furigana appears even when you don't need it. Make it so that you need to do a copy paste, or at the very least hover over the word with your mouse to look it up. That way you can at least attempt to guess it before seeing the reading and definition.

>> No.10972064

Ah yeah. In JParser you have to hover over the word, like Rikaichan. I disabled furigana because, as you say, I instincively looked at the furigana first.

On basic colloquial conversations this isn't a problem, but I need help otherwise.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

>> No.10973049

I tried to translate.

The tree was in the center of the island.
It is a flat island.
There are walls of stone surrounding the island, the town can be seen in it.
The island also is large correspondingly, the tree will be visible to an ordinary size by optical illusion.
But at the same time,
The high wall of castle which looks just like one of brick around the flower bed exaggerates that the tree's outrageous hugeness.

I thought,
石組みの城壁 walls of stone
それなりに大きい large correspondingly
煉瓦一個 piece of bricks
まるで...に見えてしまう looks just like ...
普通によくある大きさ an ordinary size
呆れた巨大さ outrageous hugeness
際立つ exaggerate

>> No.10973454

very helpful thread

>> No.10973619

This thread is interesting. Its general countenance is what the DJT was about a year ago. Shame the DJT these days drowns in shitflinging a bit too often.


>> No.10977009
File: 96 KB, 800x1048, 2011-11-11-beartato-talktowomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10977034


It feels good to to see I recognize the fear kanji as just learned it yesterday

>> No.10977092 [DELETED] 

In regards to Anki 2.0, is there a way to see how many cards you have studied out of the entire deck, or a % of the deck you have seen/studied? I can't seem to find this stat anywhere.

I want to know how many words I've studied in the Core 2000 Vocabulary deck.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.10977107

You have studied: "Not Enough"


>> No.10977146
File: 6 KB, 491x187, g the Kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day has come! I need to call this little bastard here as a specific character to learn its stories.

What about... Mr T?

>> No.10977167

How many cocks did you suck today?

>> No.10977178

Are you frustrated?

>> No.10979032

I can't wait to get to the stories with Mr. T. I might just surge there today..

>> No.10979412

But the Mr T stories suck. I'd rather choose someone meaningful to me, like Gintoki

>> No.10979895

Yeah whenever there's a large amount of kanji in a row with stories like this it gets really easy. There's another group later with Spider-man.

>> No.10980012

>mfw everyone who does RTK thinks they're actually learning something
>mfw they finish and realize they're pretty much in the same position they were before they started

>> No.10980016


>> No.10980026
File: 348 KB, 696x522, 1352962816126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw do all 3 volumes and leave being able to write 3,000 kanji with 5,000+ word vocabulary

>> No.10980029


It's hilarious

let morons be morons

>> No.10980034

>mfw you're doing it right now but are too far in to turn back
>mfw I started reading after a week of learning vocab because I learned the common stuff first and not at the end

>> No.10980036

Anno's desk looks exactly like mine, with the altoids mints lined up nicely on the keyboard.

>> No.10980040

that's ulillillia's desk

(I have to lookup the spelling of his name every single time, stupid autist name)

>> No.10980047

>>mfw I started reading after a week of learning vocab because I learned the common stuff first and not at the end

#wow #woah

>> No.10980066

You're only making yourself look dumber since you can start reading from day 1

>> No.10980071

>look at it

look it up, I mean.

>> No.10980068

>mfw I started reading after a week of learning vocab because I learned the common stuff first and not at the end

You realize that if someone is doing RTK there's nothing stopping from doing other things, right? If you don't know a word you can look at it, and it's not like the useful kanji are all at the back of the book, many of them are early.

>> No.10980075


>mfw you don't follow AJATT

>> No.10980101


is all i know so far, started 1 week ago

>> No.10980103

It's never as effective as just learning common -> uncommon, through words and not by themselves.

>> No.10980107

That's pretty horrible, might as well just give up. I know you might think I'm trolling, but you won't ever learn Japanese at that speed, so you're ultimately just wasting time.

>> No.10980124



>> No.10980127

Learning what exactly?

>> No.10980129

I'm learning Chinese and I wish exhentai would distinguish between Mandarin and Cantonese

will I get b& if I tag them myself?

>> No.10980133

Ignore this troll.

>> No.10980139

Kana > Vocabulary + Reading

I don't know why people have to make up convoluted methods when this is the only guide you'll need.

>> No.10980141

that nigger is still making money from that? He puts out a video like every two years

>> No.10980146

sure buddy

>> No.10980147


memrise is for the kana drill. It will test you on everything including the "not in use" sounds.

And that's not RTK, it's heisig's kana book to help him remember what kana looks like. Even if it was RTK, RTK is the best.

Ignore this troll.


>> No.10980151

>I don't know

>> No.10980153


yeah I never liked him...

>> No.10980160

>learning mnemonics for kana
5 hours for the first day, and then 15-30 minutes every day for about a week.

>> No.10980178

Everyone who recommends RTK just did RTK themselves (or are currently doing it) and want to convince other people to do it so they don't feel so bad. Misery loves company.

>> No.10980179


But but you don't like flowers?

>> No.10980188

>But but

>> No.10980194


Are you having fun learning たいon reading for 40 different characters+radical+mnemonic for reading and radicals?
But but is a meme? Enlighten me.

>> No.10980202

I don't know what you're trying to say. I don't use RTK.

>> No.10980203

if you are this guy, are you having fun not being able to begin reading?

>> No.10980211


I was referring to kanji damage which is fine.

>> No.10980218

No, KD is just as bad as RTK

>> No.10980228


I was going to type up an argument but you found your way to learn and it works for you. Congratulations.

>> No.10980864

Is there anywhere that I can get a good vocab deck for Anki1? Their site only has decks for Anki2 now but I'm so used to using Anki1 after half a year of RTK that I'd prefer to continue with it.

Also what deck do you recommend for vocab? I finished JLPT 4 months ago and have been waiting to finish RTK before moving on.

>> No.10981159

>It's never as effective

Both are equally effective because you're learning the same material mostly. Which path you should take depends on whether you want to learn to write and also whether you have any trouble with distinguishing and recognizing kanji without mnemonic support, as many people do.

>> No.10981201

Point being, many people when they try to go straight to vocabulary end up seeing a bunch of meaningless scribble nonsense and don't have a foundation from which to distinguish them. Some are easy, sure, but many will appear extremely complex and hard to differentiate from other. This one looks like it has some kind of line thing here, and then this shape, uh, and this one has a different line shape, etc. And this difficulty becomes increased by compounds, which become even more abstract. If you have a sufficient visual memory to go straight into this, that's good for you, but many don't. Saying that going straight to vocab is the only method needed is simply trolling. And if you need to study kanji, well the quickest way to get through that is one of the methods that organize them in the way that makes them easiest and fastest to learn by supplying an unconventional ordering, a mnemonic basis, and the elimination of repetitive writing drills (RTK, KD).

>> No.10981254

You don't have to memorize all 2000 something Jouyou just to be able to recognize radicals and distinguish kanji. You could just do 50-100 and then look up new radicals when you come across them. You wouldn't have to waste more than 2 days on KD/RTK

>> No.10981259

Theres two types of learners, ones that just learn vocabulary, and ones that get really intimidated by Japanese, don't even try it, think that if they do they will just see a bunch of scribbles, and take months to learn kanji before actually learning part of the language.

>> No.10981265


>> No.10981272

Or you could knock it all out of the way quickly and move on with your studies rather than having to deal learning them as you go.

>> No.10981287

If you can get through all 2000 in two weeks with good retention then good for you, but I think it takes longer for most people. Not to mention you will have to keep doing reps if you want to remember them because it could be a full 'nother year till you see something like 桂 or 詔 "in the wild"

>> No.10981295

Yeah if you can't do it in two weeks it's useless. I'm fully convinced you people are trolls. Done here.

>> No.10981297


Two weeks? Why are you so impatient? Using an SRS is like learning kung-fu. The normal rate is 90 days and you keep reviewing as you keep learning Japanese until you can recall them like drinking water.

>> No.10981304


He is just lazy. It's pretty hard to do something everyday to make a habit out of it.

>> No.10981305

Because you could have spend that 90 days learning Japanese. Anyway, there are 1500+ kanji past the Jouyou that you need to learn, many of which are just as common as some Jouyou, why do you set your mark at the end of the Jouyou?

>> No.10981313

>Because you could have spend that 90 days learning Japanese.

You heard it here first. Kanji aren't part of Japanese.

>Anyway, there are 1500+ kanji past the Jouyou that you need to learn, many of which are just as common as some Jouyou, why do you set your mark at the end of the Jouyou?

RTK teaches 3,000.

>> No.10981316


Who said I set my mark at jouyou? RTK goes over 3000 kanji and since some people here (like me) have all the time in the world it really shouldn't take me 90 days to get to 2000. I'm lazy too.

>> No.10981343

So you want to spend even MORE time memorizing stories instead of learning to read?
Really, the second you guys get to reading real japanese you'll come across kanji that aren't in RTK. What are you going to do then, make more stories and add them to your kanji deck to collect them all?

Sometimes I wonder if there are any RTKfags that have actually graduated from RTK.

>> No.10981355

Fucking epic. Criticize for only doing jouyou then when people say that it teaches more than jouyou criticize for spending more time learning. Truly epic.

*tips fedora*

>> No.10981360


Type one kanji (besides that horrendously big one) that's not in RTK. Just one.

>> No.10981386

Sorry, I don't remember exactly what is in RTK, but here are some likely guesses: 蚯蚓、躊躇,犀

If you think I was ever actually criticizing for only doing the Jouyou, you need to practice your reading comprehension. I was only claiming that it was an arbitrary stopping point. It should be obvious that memorizing Kanji will have diminishing returns as you memorize more of them, and I think 2000 is long past the point where it is worth it.

>> No.10981403

Can you learn 2000 Kanji in 90 days and REALLY know them? Are you learning the readings or just the meaning?

Seems like an awful lot.

>> No.10981413


Damn son, those kanji won't appear in a typical JRPG I'm sure. Right?

>> No.10981414

RTK only teaches the meanings, which often times aren't even all that accurate.
inb4 RTK2 teaches readings, except I doubt anyone in this thread has ever done it

>> No.10981420

Are you kidding? 躊躇 is ridiculously common.

>> No.10981429


Yeah. They are in heisig,though. I just checked.

Numbers 2996 and 2994

>> No.10981434

How much time per day though, anon?
Some of us arent blessed with loads of free time...
Unless you suppose life to be only wake, work, japanese study, and sleep...

>> No.10981441


2069 last one

蚯 and 蚓 is far off...

>> No.10981481

> decameron
> wut

>> No.10981495

It means a period of 10 days you fucking mong.

>> No.10981498

With some help from a couple minutes of peeking through my anki deck:


I'll admit, RTK3 had more than I expected, although I don't think most people do RTK3 to begin with, and I certainly am not recommending it.

>> No.10981502

I did all three volumes.

>> No.10981511

You're only half write


>> No.10981524

yeah most of RTK3 is a waste of effort considering how rare they are, but there are a few like 誰 that are used everywhere but aren't in RTK1, probably best just to add in kanji as you come across them onceyou're done with 1

>> No.10981534

誰 is in the 6th edition of RTK1, as it was revised to include the new 2010 jouyou kanji, of which 誰 is one.

>> No.10981538

Learning the kanji is *how* you learn to read. If you know the kanji meanings you can understand enough to get the gist of what's happening you'd need a ridiculous amount of vocab to get the equivalent understanding

>> No.10981540

Congratulations on wasting even more time than the average RTK fag.

>> No.10981553

>thinks that understanding the meaning of some kanji in a sentence means he understands the sentence

>> No.10981546

Thanks dude.

>> No.10981548

Ah guess i have an old version then haha.

>> No.10981557

Actually, I'm quite sure you could do the same in about 2000 words. One word per kanji. Plus some people actually prefer to know how to pronounce words, and as a beginner you need to look everything up anyway to check for rendaku and unusual pronunciations.

Really, do you think there's some important innate meaning to the kanji that is separate from how it is used in words?

>> No.10981555

Yeah. Also sites like jisho.org that give RTK numbers give the numbers from older editions, so they're not reliable for current information.

>> No.10981561

combine that with any high context material and it's more than enough. It's by no means perfect, but a hell of a lot faster then grinding vocab both in time per unit and number of units necessary

>> No.10981568

You can understand manga just by looking at the pictures, it doesn't mean you can read it. The only way to actually read something, is to actually read something.

>> No.10981570

The thing is you're learning three times as many things slowing you down to reach that point. IE meaning rather than meaning and suffix and pronunciation.

>> No.10981571

One more thing to clarify: all three volumes have new editions now to reflect the 2010 jouyou update. So the new volume 2 matches the new volume 1, and volume 3 is fixed accordingly, e.g. 誰 is no longer there.

>> No.10981577

You cannot read without knowing how to pronounce the words, retard. I bet you just finished RTK and you're desperately trying to convince yourself it wasn't a waste of time.

>> No.10981579

If you don't know the pronunciation, you aren't reading, you're guessing a story based on what the kanji are.

>> No.10981589

and picking up the pronunciations organically through furigana along the way with no effort while enjoying yourself

>> No.10981585

That's a cool trolling technique, denying the ability of people to understand texts that contain words they don't know by using context.

>> No.10981588


So what ever happened to rtk>taekim>sentence mining?

>> No.10981593

>reading manga

>> No.10981596

Also works great for VNs, which are a great learning resource.

>> No.10981597

>reading porn slideshows that are somehow more advanced than manga

>> No.10981613
File: 35 KB, 600x600, strømforgrener..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kind of funny that because I use my Japanese mostly for video games, I've learned all these words for various types of attacks (反撃 挟撃 etc) while I don't know many words for trivial day to day stuff.
But my English is kind of the same.
RPGs have taught me words like pauldron, but just now I had to look it up to find the English word this (apparently they're called power strips).

But is this really a problem?
I have no plans on moving to Japan (or any English speaking country), I use both languages just to play video games, watch movies or lurk various websites. I like to travel (have yet to visit Japan) so I'd use the languages while abroad but as a tourist I'm sure I could get away with not knowing the word for power strip.

>> No.10981617

>mfw I started actually reading after a week of learning vocab
>mfw RTKfags invested months of time in order to guess at sentences
>mfw they actually think thats reading

>> No.10981620


>> No.10981634

sounds legit

>> No.10981643

Nothing wrong with more vocab. If English was (or is) your second language, you would still want to know the words elf, dwarf, ogre, etc right?
I feel like the everyday words like names of food and shit is stuff you'd figure out very quickly if you every do go to japan.

>not knowing power strip
Just remember, if a girl offers you コンセント, its clearly an invitation for sex.

>> No.10981649

and potentially extremely kinky electro-sex as well

>> No.10981650


>mfw you still don't get the point of srs

You know, it’s funny, but…

It sometimes seems like a lot of people get upset when:

I remind them that Heisig said it was OK to give yourself the keywords and story as a hint, and
I tell them to continue doing their kanji SRS reps until the kanji cards fully mature, i.e. until the intervals extend beyond their lifetime.

I mean, what am I supposed to say?

“Learn kanji in the most painful way possible and then quit before any of it sticks in your memory” ? :)

I’m just saying, dawg: if you have an answer of your own you like better already…then there’s no need to ask, right?

>> No.10981661

Well maybe I'd learn power strip if there was a movie or RPG where the plot centered around one, the quest for the legendary power strip or something like that.
Get to it USA, UK or whoever.

>> No.10981663
File: 35 KB, 960x720, phase.chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.10981669

Learning Kanji before Kana?

>> No.10981677

What makes you think I don't know about SRS? I SRS vocab, not kanji, because kanji by themselves are worthless.


>> No.10981676
File: 106 KB, 550x412, aokigahara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree.

kanji has pronunciation and meaning. but if japanese is not the native language, i'm pretty sure we all subconsciously give the kanji some meaning in our native language (what else can we do?).
therefore, wouldn't just learning the meaning of the kanji be sufficient to understand a sentence or story or whatever?

for example, a Chinese friend can get the gyst of japanese texts via kanji (obviously he doesnt know the pronunciation but understands the sentence because of the MEANING)

>> No.10981684

Yeah that's something I disagreed with khatz on, only takes a day to learn hiragana or katakana so no real reason to delay.

>> No.10981690

The point of doing kanjii is to jump start to reading native high context material as fast as possible. Vocab is useless to SRS, clozed sentences/passages are much better

>> No.10981692

>not sentences

>> No.10981696

It's not at all. I know you want it to be, but it's not. It's the difference between 見る and 見つける and 見える and 見せる. And what if someone decided to write it みる? Well then you'd have no clue at all (and yes people often, not just in kids stories, write words with kana only).

>> No.10981704

So when that happens you look it up in rikaichan, feel dumb for a few seconds then add it to your sentences deck.

>> No.10981699

>i'm pretty sure we all subconsciously give the kanji some meaning in our native language (what else can we do?).
Not necessarily, the meaning of 誑 is 誑かす. The meaning of 狂 is くるう, etc. The meaning of 薔 and 薇 are who the fuck gives a shit, because together they mean ばら.

And there are tons of words that don't mean what you would think, or have more subtle meanings than the kanji would suggest. But what you are talking about might be sufficient to get a decent understanding. It just wouldn't be enough to actually read and learn the language.

You can learn words just by recognizing the kanji, without learning pronunciation if you want. But then there will be no chance of recognizing them if you hear it spoken.

>> No.10981708

>jump start reading
>waiting a few months to do anything at all

>reading the same sentence over and over again
>not just actually reading things and SRSing vocab

I bet it Khatz told you to jump off a bridge you'd do it.

>> No.10981714

So how can you say pronounciation is pointless?

>> No.10981725

Because you pick it up organically. It's a lot easier to learn several parts to a word (kanji suffixes pronunciation) separately then all in one lump

>> No.10981732


What can I say? I'm a masochist.

>> No.10981736

More like a month max, and being able to read essentially anything mainstream with context at a third of the time as a vocabfag

>> No.10981738

It's easier to learn any one individual part maybe, but you're going to have to learn them all, and doing it separately is actually just wasting more time in the end.

>> No.10981753

Seeing some words in a sea of paragraphs isn't getting the gist of anything.

You obviously don't speak Japanese.

>> No.10981754

You're so delusional. You can't read anything if all you've done is RTK, and you can start reading after a week of learning vocabulary. Once you actually make a little bit more progress you'll realize how stupid you are, thinking you actually know how to read.

>> No.10981756

Only if you believe that it's impossible to pick things up from context. Anything you pick up from reading is that much more you don't need to study explicitly.

>> No.10981763

Except that's exactly what my original point is. You don't need to learn kanji or readings because you will just pick them up from vocabulary, which you will just pick up from reading. I'm saying RTK is useless.

>> No.10981781


oh ye, of little faith...why do you reject the teachings of Khatzsama?

>> No.10981783

you can read limited scripted texts. I'm well past the RTK stage, and it helps even months down the line when you see a word you've never seen before. Oh shit 不特定多数 break it down to kanjii oh not special determined many number, unspecified large number, wow that makes sense

>> No.10981801

so you're reasoning is learning two parts to a word(ignoring kanji) is easier than one, interesting. Also you need to take into account that it takes a while to get familiar with the moon runes making focus that much more important

>> No.10981807

Are you implying that you wouldn't know those kanji through vocab? They are all extremely common and you would already know all of their meanings, except my way you wouldn't need to wait a couple months to actually start learning.

>> No.10981816

I'm on Heisig frame 970 and there is nothign you can't do to stop me.

>> No.10981817

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10981823

Learning kanji gets you reading faster and more in depth, rocket science it aint, it's enough to get by and is a hell of a lot easier than learning meaning and suffixes and pronunciation

>> No.10981835

I literally just showed you earlier that just knowing the meaning won't help you with reading.

>> No.10981843

That it's a lot easier to learn the meanings than the words because it's a subset of the word. Gives you a reasonably accurate reading 9 times out of ten. Also english doesn't use kanji so it's unfamiliar and needs focus.

>> No.10981844

When I decided to learn Japanese I wanted to do it thoroughly, i.e. to be able to write, read, listen, and be able to communicate effectively. RTK was essential for me, as it gave me the skills necessary for writing in a short time. If some of you feel that writing is unnecessary, that's fine for you, I suppose, but my goals and use of the language is not the same as yours.

>> No.10981849

Were you the guy who made the dumb argument that not knowing the reading but understanding the pronunciation didn't count as reading?

>> No.10981854

RTK2 teaches readings. Alternatively they can be picked up through vocab which is now easier to remember and less abstract due to having a basis of kanji to work with.

>> No.10981855

*understanding the meaning

>> No.10981856

Writing is really the only advantage of RTK, and that is it's main purpose. I feel bad for people who think they are actually learning to read through it though.

>> No.10981860

Yeah RTK2's a waste of time

>> No.10981872


you aren't talking to me anymore, that's some other guy.

>> No.10981874

It made vocabulary infinitely easier for me as well. I wouldn't say writing is the only benefit. It would help people who have trouble with vocabulary due to difficulty differentiating kanji.

>> No.10981879

In order to read you need to know how to pronounce a word, and know what it means. You're going to have to learn both regardless. RTK doesn't give you either, where learning vocabulary gives you both. Anything you learn from RTK will just be naturally picked up through learning from vocabulary too (except writing, it's intended purpose). I'm not going to post anymore because it's just going in circles.

>> No.10981880

Oops, meant to take out "infinitely" because it made my post sound silly.

>> No.10981888

People with your mentality always seem to completely ignore the fact that many people have trouble learning vocabulary this way because kanji are too hard for them. They need something to bridge the gap. The fact that a method worked for you does not mean it is going to work for everyone else.

>> No.10981892

you will have to learn both, noones arguing that. And it gives the meaning 7/10 times, it's a hell of a lot easier to learn vocab too even if it doesnt hve the right meaning. Which is easier, 馬鹿 horse deer =ばか=idiot or squiggle squiggle=ばか=idiot

>> No.10981943

i don't lol that's why i'm here

>> No.10981946

>squiggle squiggle=ばか=idiot

Yep, this is what going straight to vocab amounted to for me. It just didn't work out.

>> No.10981992

in any case, i think there are a lot of different opinions here on what constitutes vocab, meaning, and reading...

so this discussion is a little fruitless since we are fighting different things based on different personal interpretations of 'vocab' and 'meaning' etc

>> No.10981996
File: 517 KB, 1275x1650, 69958936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RTK is incredibly lame.

>> No.10982068

I always misread that as turtle

>> No.10984599
File: 492 KB, 250x188, 1366016740908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned my katakana and hiragana. Is it possible for me to start reading simple eroge or manga while looking up every kanji I don't know (that'll be every single kanji then)?

It's probably a bad idea, but I think I need to hear that from someone else.

>> No.10984626

You look up words, not kanji.

>> No.10984926

Can you explain?

I'm pretty new to all this.

>> No.10985012

Kanji and words are different, just like letters and words in English.

>> No.10985347

I just did the kanji 1000 in heisig.

Yay milestones!

>> No.10985348

would you say some kanji are words but not all words are kanji?

i.e. the word Saturday contains 3 kanji, 土曜日, each with its own individual meaning, but when combined means Saturday 土曜日

>> No.10985365

okay so what can you read or pronounce?

>> No.10985370

I can read your mom and I can pronounce "fucking your mom"

>> No.10985376

RTK syndrome

>> No.10985661

You must be doing Kanjidamage, not RTK.

>> No.10986471

>squiggle squiggle=ばか
Not the person your arguing with but if you cant recognize kana after seeing and learning them multiple times then your fucking up. If you cant mentally recognize a kanji you've learned through vocab multiple times how the hell is RTK going to help you at all?

>> No.10986577

This. The point of RTK is to forget everything you learned anyway. You're not supposed to remember the stories and meanings after a certain point, which makes it all the more pointless. It's like the people who always talk about going on a diet, and plan it all out, but never actually do it and remain fat. RTKfags are on the level of university students. They don't actually learn anything, they just dance around it and like to plan a lot until they're bored and eventually either give up, or start actually learning and realize how stupid they were before.

>> No.10987105

Think before you speak
Oh wait, I almost forgot who I'm talking to

>> No.10987214

The only fags that complain how shitty is RTK are the fags that never tried it.

>> No.10988223

Well I have tried it, and I think it was kind of a waste of time.

>> No.10988281

Why is this thread even still alive? All its turned into "my way is the best way" shitposting. You can tell that everyone arguing about this hasn't been learning for very long or has failed once already.

>> No.10988604

It's mostly just one "side" that's going "my way is the best way"
