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10938618 No.10938618 [Reply] [Original]

Anzu is happily employed. Even that hiki guy ended up being forced into a job. All's well ends well.

>> No.10938627

Did she stay at the toy shop? That seemed like a nice job.

>> No.10938629
File: 93 KB, 351x241, 1354089278999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 houses so when my parents will be gone I'll just rent one

>> No.10938630

Nope. Full time white-collar 9-5. She's not even a freeter.

>> No.10938636

Working is bad.

>> No.10938637

Well, maybe more like 5-9 for corporate Japan.

>> No.10938654
File: 91 KB, 804x786, nietzsche-leisure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.10938664

I remember first posting this manga on /jp/

>> No.10938672

Nietzsche did make some money writing all his shit did he not? People still make money from publishing and selling it even now right?

That's perfect. It parallels Anzu's situation. Become NEET idol and get paid for it.

Wow. It almost seems like the two had a job!

>> No.10938673

I know you and I hate you.

>> No.10938687

>happily employed

This is a very rare thing. People hate working. They hate doing something they have to do for 50% of the day. So in the end they hate 50% of their life. Work is death. People forcing others to work are sociopaths.

>> No.10938691

There's nothing wrong per se with laboring, the issue is the view that it is an end in itself, something that is innately good and should be pursued to the exclusion of leisure and happiness.

>> No.10938692

Used to be chair of classical philology, 300K+ starting definitely. Sure as hell didn't live his life exemplifying NEET. He left due to illness but still tried to keep working on his stuff.

>> No.10938693

a lot of people like their job, especially elite jobs

>> No.10938706

That and people often take for granted what they have. Watch what happens when those whiners get laid off or otherwise become unemployed. Even with EI/savings or becoming disabled and getting autismbux, they'll start whining about how they miss their work days.

>> No.10938705

But the elite makes like 1% of all people. The majority is stuck with awful jobs they endure just to survive and consume.

>> No.10938717

1% is defently to low. Let's say 25%

>> No.10938718

Some people like their work and field even if they're not making 7 figs and getting a corporate jet. Think scientists and artists. Working adds important meaning to the lives of many.

>> No.10938720

The only reason why someone would miss work is because he misses having a lot of money he could spend. They are masochistic people like workaholics, or people that have easy jobs but these are rare. Does the cashier love his job?

>> No.10938724

Those are still the minority.

>> No.10938734

Some people are easily satisfied or just natural slackers (don't want more responsibility as mgt). Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Costco cashiers and those in high-end stores like their jobs. Costco cashiers for example make 16+ an hour (10 min. wage here, WM cashier 11 start) and the company is renowned in retail for having a strategy of keeping workers happier and turnover low.

Liking a job for the standard of living it brings to you is still quite a valid reason for liking it.

>> No.10938733

You can see that attitude in OP's post. "All's well" because the people moved from a position unemployment to employment. Working is viewed as an end in itself, laboring in itself is to improve one's situation. This is nonsense.

>> No.10938736

On this planet, a world of unbounded opportunity awaits new workers, whether they lust after wealth, crave the popularity or simply yearn for adventure around the world.

Starting as a new worker in a university, people can choose from hundreds of knowledge to train and develop. The choice of skills to train is entirely up to the people. There are no mutually-exclusive branches in a skill tree that is both wide and deep. Over time, a person can be honed into a specialist or adapted for many situations.

>> No.10938746

>This is a very rare thing. People hate working.
Your statistics conflict with mine.

>> No.10938755

>The majority is stuck with awful jobs they endure just to survive and consume.
Stop quivering and go to school. That's what the entire universe wishes.

>> No.10938769

Working shitty jobs is a rite of passage - not a career end - for many. That VP or Managing Director? Yeah he also worked McJobs before back in HS and university. Not nearly all of them are 'stuck' in those jobs. Some can move up to assistant or store manager and make a decent liveable wage.

>> No.10938782

If people really love working why are people so mad at NEETs? If they don't work for the sake of money alone why can't they give a bit of that money to me so I can be happy?

>> No.10938797

Greed and selfishness are essential to human nature. How are you so surprised that people would rather keep their money as opposed to paying it for a complete stranger to lounge about on their ass? They get absolutely no benefit from such a payment.

>> No.10938806

>why are people so mad at NEETs?
people don't care

>> No.10938811

>They get absolutely no benefit from such a payment.

They would get my eternal gratitude.

Why do so many people donate then?

>> No.10938813

>Greed and selfishness are essential to human nature.

Prove it.

>> No.10938820

Why are you trying to reinforce your delusions instead of studying?

>> No.10938821

For their own gratification and 'image'. Even the 1% will tell you how important image - at least appearing to be good people - is. Also, for tax benefits and for future vested interests (they'll ask you to vote, vouch or otherwise praise their campaign/corp/whatever).

>> No.10938829

So they appear as good people by donating money to me. I don't need much. Just enough for a one room appartment, food and internet.

>> No.10938825

Because I hate studying.

>> No.10938842

Image is nothing but demonstrated ability is everything. Hadn't buried yourself in your room so early on, you could have noticed that adults regard turd polishers as complete clowns.

>> No.10938853

Why do you hate it?

>> No.10938862

I do have interests but once it try to get into detail I lose it. I guess I am just stupid. I also have a very short attention span. And I hate deadlines and tests.

>> No.10938878

Most of the world's population lives in countries with higher gini coefficients. The trend towards inequality is increasing. This includes very developed, 'civilized' countries like the US and Japan. People want to take as much as they can period.

2004 WB estimate is $1~ trillion in bribes paid annually around the world. 60% of all global trade routed through tax havens. Tax Justice Network recent report estimates people are parking $21 trillion in offshore tax havens.

Also, communism and other let's all take care of everyone schemes fucking up big time for a huge chunk of the world's population in USSR, China and other nations (inequality has skyrocketed with so-called crony capitalism). It's fucked up in west too. Austerity no more state care is now the keyword even if the deficit wasn't necessarily caused by social aid programs.

Lots of evidence everywhere. Fucking google the rest.

>> No.10938882

Did you mean "once it stops serving my impulsive mood swings and actually starts teaching me something that I could serve my community with"?

>> No.10938888

>People want to take as much as they can period.
You're a ``fucking'' grade A social scientist.

>> No.10938887


>> No.10938893

>Image is nothing
I work. Do you even politics - even just office politics? How you appear to others is essential. Even in for-profit corporations high level leaders appearing as evil grinches is bad for PR and asking for trouble from the hippies.

>> No.10938898

It's a coherent sentence, isn't it?

>> No.10938903

I don't understand how it relates to what I said.

>> No.10938905

>How you appear to others is essential.
You don't need to appear if you are.

>> No.10938913

How do you square your view with the propensity of people to hold religious or philosophical viewpoints which limit selfishness and such behaviors? It does not seem that the majority are engaged in unabated selfishness.

>> No.10938920

But sometimes it goes against your own goals. For example your corporation makes a living destroying the environment. Launching a huge PR stunt for 'CSR' and throwing some chump change towards planting a few trees can help mitigate your bad image. Or you are a public official but don't want to pay that much taxes. You outwardly encourage people to do the right thing but use corporations and tax havens to reduce your taxes yourself. It does get awkward when people realize the stunt though like with Romney or Shell.

>> No.10938923

If you'd like to know your IQ, why don't you get tested? Even geniuses can be spineless slobs.

>> No.10938925

Nobody likes them. But people like the result they give, so they bear with it. Stop thinking that being honest with your faggotry justifies it.

>> No.10938932

Simple. Religion itself has a terrible history of selfishness, bigotry and intolerance. Why is it that the catholic church was swimming in gold while its own believers suffered in the fields? Or get sent to their deaths for virgins or forgiveness from their god? Marx was only partially right. Religion can be an opiate, but it has also proven to be an extremely potent tool for the elite. One that allows them to control and goad the 'believers' into committing genocide or whatever on their behalf. Does it really make a difference whether you simply say 'I command you to do this for me' or 'YOUR GOD commands that you do this for me'?

>> No.10938944

Oh, I'm not just picking on catholics. All major religions are guilty of this. They were created as an instrument of control. Even after the so-called seperation of church and state, their influence runs deep. It's GOD bless America and in GOD we trust. The army has the endorsement of GOD.

>> No.10938938

>For example your corporation makes a living destroying the environment.
That's why you study so hard that you can secure an ethically satisfying place for yourself. People aren't forced or even guided to be finance sharks, managers or leaders.

Relatively questionable places attract people with relatively good money. It's a universal truth.

>> No.10938940

I did not get it tested but I highly doubt I am above average.

I dropped out of college 3 times. I just can't do it. All I can do is browse the web the whole day and go to walks. I am just not made to do something productive.

>> No.10938960

If you have been to college, you must have noticed that no one really hates anyone or gets genuinely angry.

>I am just not made to do something productive.
Have you tried establishing a social life?

>> No.10938970

I don't like talking to people and I hate everybody because everybody is more successful than me. I am insufferable.

>> No.10938963

It's funny that you reference Marx, as he would be the first to tell you that our behavior is socially conditioned, and that you're an idealist idiot for believing in some mystical "human nature." lrn2materialism

>> No.10938968

>shitty jobs
This has got to stop. Artificial employment wastes too many resources and encourages waste and laziness.

>> No.10938976

Artificial employment rescues text-allergic people from degeneracy and crime.

>> No.10939043
File: 69 KB, 306x229, police_shooting_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degeneracy only exists with outside support.
More like it rescues them from what they truly deserve.

>> No.10939098

>Degeneracy only exists with outside support.
A stolen bag of bread is a token of support for the thief.

>> No.10939120

It's funny because here in Finland law enforcement people love the welfare system. It makes their job safer and easier.

>> No.10939121

What about the bullet freely given?

>> No.10939139

God forbid somebody actually has to do their job.

>> No.10939159

Everyone has to. It's just that some people are completely hopeless and it's better that they're drinking their brains away instead of forming gangs and robbing people.

>> No.10939168

What do you need bullets for? Drawing pleasure from such things is not healthy.

>> No.10939175

Agreed. Religion is just all nice sounding words but all too often no one does what they preach. Kinda like how communism only looks good on paper. I'm inclined to agree that religion can be as much a terrifying weapon as it is an opiate though.

>> No.10939183

Dunno about greed but it'd be hard to argue that self-preservation instincts aren't ingrained into us. Few people are born who don't give a fuck whether they feel pain, live or die.

>> No.10939194

>Few people are born who don't give a fuck whether they feel pain, live or die.
I think they're usually deemed insane.

>> No.10939196

Sure, there's a definite biological component to our behavior. However, we can't discount our social environment. For example, most people would have difficulty killing another person, even if they knew they could get away with it. They've been socially conditioned that murder is a "bad thing," and for good reason. The same applies to other human vices. The idea that humans have a nature that is prone to sinfulness is a religious idea.

>> No.10939198

I'd still rather be blowing their brains away.

>> No.10939203

I wish I had that sickness. I hate pain.

>> No.10939201

Some people are actually born without the ability to feel pain (CIP). That's kinda cool and at the same time kinda dangerous. You might not realize you're in bad shape until it's too late!

>> No.10939207

Congrats for being an antisocial person.

>> No.10939213

It would be okay until you got infections from wounds you didn't notice, or serious illnesses that you could not spot because you didn't feel any of the pain symptoms, etc.

>> No.10939226

Oh. I don't believe the you are born preprogrammed in detail thing at all. However, I do believe we're making a pretty shoddy effort conditioning people to be ethical. If you're born seeing hypocrites, criminals and unethical behaviour and perhaps even experiencing it, how likely is it that will leave an impression on you? Especially that it's socially acceptable to do it. Not killing perhaps but how about tax evasion? So many people - by far NOT just the 1% - skirting taxes is one of the reasons why Greece is in the hole! Many of those in power who are supposed to be the shining role models are also total dicks.

>> No.10939229

I would not care as I wouldn't feel any pain. I could get into fights without caring about being beat up. I would become a badass policeman that is not afraid of getting hurt.

>> No.10939242

I don't think you get what I mean. You'd probably die earlier because of some problem you weren't able to notice. Like I mentioned, you could get an illness that causes painful symptoms, which you wouldn't feel, and it would probably be too late for you once you realized something was wrong.

>> No.10939246
File: 395 KB, 1000x1500, 1289389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Police? Boringggg. If you're bright or religiously devout you might get scouted for something much more interesting. Think the intelligence services would love an op like that. Bonus points if they're a sociopath who doesn't feel empathy. They can also give you a cute dress disguise and an umbrella-gun if you're into that shit!

>> No.10939247


>> No.10939252

I'm actually prosocial because I believe that people should not be forced to give their wealth to criminals.

>> No.10939262

No you're not.

>> No.10939263

Religion does a pretty shitty job teaching morality. Especially when your priests are molesting you and they won't be called to account haha.

>> No.10939305

My parents own a buttload of land
My brother is retarded so I can probably get it all from him for a 3DS or something

NEET gentry forever #swag #yolo

>> No.10945253

Are there any manga similar to this one and NHK? That is, the central theme being struggling without and into employment.

>> No.10945286

They'll be judged before the Christian God.

>> No.10945311
File: 92 KB, 775x633, rin4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me most people - including those in that religion - would rather have some form of justice NOW. If it was Rin as opposed to a fat middle aged man it might not be as bad.

>> No.10945363

>or even guided to be finance sharks, managers or leaders.
For all the religion and philosophy teaching you to be compassionate and selfish, there's plenty of the same teaching you to do the opposite. From 'greed is good' capitalism (especially crony and corrupt derivatives) or the media showing you how frequently it happens and blowing it up even more.
