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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 500x300, pixiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10859587 No.10859587 [Reply] [Original]

What add-ons does /jp/ use for pixiv?

Pixiv Translation Plus looks like a great one, but it's not working for me. What other translation add-ons actually work?

>> No.10859589 [DELETED] 

I use my premium account :-)

>> No.10859591

I'm pretty sure pixiv has a decent enough translation for stupid niwaka like yourself

>> No.10859597


>> No.10859598

top relf

>> No.10859603

says the retard using boorus

>> No.10859599


>> No.10859601

pixiv simplifier and endless pixiv pages
pixiv has a native english translation so there's no need to use addons for that

>> No.10859602


>> No.10859615

Is there a script that automatically loads the original image file and places it where the sample would be? I don't like having to click to load up the image.

>> No.10859623

Where do you think you are? This is /a/pol/v/ territory now

>> No.10859618
File: 25 KB, 400x430, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10859621

At least I don't use language like that. "retard" "top relf" etc, I think you belong in /a/. I'm not insulting you, I'm redirecting you because that board's culture seems to suit you more.

>> No.10859626

Pretty sure shitposting is far more associated with /jp/ than /a/.

>> No.10859625


>> No.10859629

It's time for you to return to your home board.

>> No.10859639

I have them already. It would be nice to know if anyone has a working script to translate the tags.

>> No.10859635

Why are you retards incapable of staying on-topic?

>> No.10859644

You're terrible at reading.

>> No.10859640

If you hate /jp/ so much, what are you doing here? If /a/ is so much better, why not return to it?

>> No.10859649


>> No.10859650

PTP seems to be working fine for me.
Well, does it translate tags? No, right?

>> No.10859654 [DELETED] 

I didn't say either of those things, you colossal shitstain. Fuck koff.

>> No.10859660

I didn't say either of those things, you colossal shitstain. Fuck off.

>> No.10859681

I wish there was an addon that got rid of all the secondary shit.

>> No.10859678

I've been thinking of getting premium.

>> No.10859685

What for?

>> No.10859691

How many favs do you guys have? I'm at almost 2.8k

>> No.10859703

0, I just started a week ago. This site looks really shitty even being able to understand the Japanese, .

>> No.10859709

I follow 128 people.

>> No.10859791

Please stop, boorus are as important as pixiv itself

>> No.10859794

Boorus just collect whatever people think was good that was posted on pixiv.

>> No.10859807

But you're just looking at filtered things random anime retards found to be worth posting.

>> No.10859803

Exactly why they’re good. And the ridiculous tagging.

>> No.10859814

there are a lot of good art that got deleted in pixiv

>> No.10859819

That's true I guess.

>> No.10859825

Boorus also collect from places that aren't pixiv.

>> No.10859829

What is there? Niconico, anything else?

>> No.10859834


>> No.10859835

Twitters, artist blogs.

>> No.10859881

>Translation for pixiv
just die already

>> No.10860035

I never remember about nico seiga. Does it get much content that isn't also posted to pixiv?

>> No.10860049
File: 123 KB, 425x718, 13291829_big_p4 - 東方 X booru娘.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv Downloader so you can satiate your autism and fill your hard drive with 2hu pics.

>> No.10860081

why install more shit when you have rikaichan and know your favorite touhous' names by heart

>> No.10860110

Same. I would install something like that.

>> No.10860115

0. I simply save the pictures I like. Depending entirely on the Internet is a bit stupid IMO.

>> No.10860117

I stopped saving images I find on 4chan and the internet and instead saucenao the artist and add him so I can see everyone's new works every day.

>> No.10860126

I use a series of bookmark folders that I spent weeks carefully organizing, and am still frequently adding on to it. Once you start using the pixiv encyclopedia to find all the child and parent tags of other tags, it actually becomes more convenient than boorus. I'll never using a booru site again, it makes me feel disgusted just to think that I was ever okay with only seeing things that were hand-picked for me.
Find tags you like on pixiv > find artists > find the blogs, websites, etc. of those artists > find their works, be it doujinshi, CG series, or whatever > repeat

>> No.10860127

I follow them too. I don't see how following someone means you can't download their pictures.

Also, no artist is perfect and saving absolutely everything is stupid, so I simply save what I really like.

>> No.10860133

I'd just be busy for the next 20 years if I had to go through my 3k artists and save all of their saveworthy images.

>> No.10860145
File: 517 KB, 1200x1500, 2082052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few artists that exclusively post there, although not many

>> No.10860170

"Not browsing nijie"

>> No.10860285

I do sometimes but it seems to be the exact same porn artists upload to pixiv

>> No.10861430
File: 569 KB, 1192x1192, 実梨@ついった - ribbon* (32393828) オリジナル .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10861448

Anyone else get linked to pixivß when you direct link sometimes?

>> No.10861456
File: 20 KB, 172x140, followers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I never draw anything!

>> No.10861458

Are they some random people or the artists that you faved?

>> No.10861468



you can just disable the booru function yourself

>> No.10866269

Favorite artist 'private' for lolicon
Favorite artists 'public' for everything else

I have been using the downloader in overdrive since I heard about the new regulations coming soon. Seems like most of the artists in my 'private' list will vanish in the near future.

Cool thing is, I actually post my own artwork which has been receiving decent views getting me followers. I have even PM'd back and forth with one of my favorite loli artists who understands English pretty well, and he has traded uncensored versions of his work in exchange for photographs of my little sister and her friends (I am a photographer and all the images are tasteful non-nudes).

>> No.10866273
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 13673507485051475866028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New regulations?

Is Pixiv getting rid of loli?

>> No.10866282

>and he has traded uncensored versions of his work in exchange for photographs of my little sister and her friends

How do you feel to know he's using them as models for his work?

>> No.10866283

The Japanese governemnt is cracking down. Is was always bound to happen eventually.

>> No.10866293

Proud actually. I take really good shots and I'm honored they are being used by a competent artist. I haven't seen anything which I can say definitely used one of my images as a reference yet though.

>> No.10866294


>> No.10866306
File: 84 KB, 700x790, 23522567-978277807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kicking myself extra hard for repeatedly deleting my loli collection.

When do people expect the hammer to come down?

>> No.10866312

I feel sad every time I see an amazing drawing with very little views and ratings and a terrible drawing with tons of views and ratings... why does it have to be like this?

>> No.10866317

Everything currently in existence will continue to get traded on non-Japanese sites for the foreseeable future. It just means the stuff being produced in Japan will be radically reduced to a trickle (because there will always be someone making underground loli work).

>> No.10866325

I know what you mean. I always assumed it had something to do with an artists presence outside of pixiv. For example, if they had a blog where their main fanbase already goes for new artwork, there will be less views on their pixiv account.

Also there might be artist circlejerking. Below average artists supporting other below average artists.

One thing I noticed is that even on images which have huge numbers of views, they hardly ever receive any comments. Do all Japs suffer from extreme social anxiety, even online?

>> No.10866326

It'll mean flat chested oneesans and milfs.

>> No.10866327
File: 537 KB, 1600x1200, 143019491668814500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm guessing that I won't be seeing much of anything anymore from more well known doujin artists such as Gainamon?

Oh well. I look forward to seeing what Tijuana bibles the underground will start putting out.

>> No.10866332

Decent artists who can actually earn a living off their work will be hit the hardest, as it will not longer be legal to sell their products. Overall, the amount of quality loli will be drastically lowered, as all the best artists will have to find alternative ways to make a living.

>> No.10866333
File: 270 KB, 700x809, 29361867_p11823779872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though to tell you the truth I don't actually look forward to what the underground will start producing, since I doubt very much that the underground will bother with anything vanilla or lovey-dovey. More than likely it'll be all ahegao mindbreak rape with little girls being drowned in the semen of gigantic pig orcs with five foot dicks ;_;

>> No.10866336

First Rustle says that he's going blind

Now this

>> No.10866338

If artists don't have to worry about selling products, they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want. We could see some really interesting developments in the realm of loli doujinshi.

>> No.10866347

>More than likely it'll be all ahegao mindbreak rape with little girls being drowned in the semen of gigantic pig orcs with five foot dicks ;_;

bu-but I like Fatalpulse, ever since he learned to draw torsos properly...

>> No.10866386

I thought fatalpulse was a girl?

Or am I thinking of someone else...?

Either way, I am a tender soul and cannot stand to see little girls be hurt in such degrading manners.

>> No.10866390

You're thinking of Mil(Xration)

>> No.10866400

You follow 3k artists? The problem here must be your standards. I only follow 50.

>> No.10866403

Right, that's who I was thinking of. Thanks.
She always draws the chubbiest, most delicious women.

>> No.10866424
File: 471 KB, 1275x906, 35303533_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love straight shota too.

>> No.10866440

I want to be a chubby xration girl that gets molested by dozens of men until my eyes are rolling in the back of my head as the semen of fifty dicks seeps out of my ruined vagina

>> No.10866714

Use the downloader now and download everything tagged with loli, you might need a few terabytes though.

>> No.10866734

Saving images is way too addicting.

>> No.10866764

I don't use add-ons, nor do I follow people. But I do save images;very often, in fact.

>> No.10868725
File: 53 KB, 418x487, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way/ addon to open the full image directly>

also, my stats from my 3 day old gallery
