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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 815x777, NSJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10731226 No.10731226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear Diary,

I spent all day today deleting threads on /jp/. Just like every other day. It feels so fulfilling to have finally found my niche in life -- to wipe the asses of complete strangers on the internet, only for them to immediately come back and shit themselves again. If only my mom were here, she would be so proud of me!

Oh wait, she's calling me now. We're having meatloaf tonight! Oh boy!

>> No.10731234
File: 7 KB, 186x220, NSJsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10731236

And yet I envy him his position.

>> No.10731268

-mom calls me down for dinner

-kick little brother playing pokemon out of my seat

-fuck yes its macaroni and hotdogs

-Android starts ringing "U.N. Owen was her" really loud

-mom yells at my brother to turn down his gameboy and he starts crying

-check the text "yo janns somebody makin fun of u on jp lol"

-mutter "god damn it"

-my grandma gasps and starts reciting scripture, she's been on edge since I told her I converted to shintoism

-grab the bowl of mac n winers and run to my room

-mom yells that was for everyone

-"mom I need it I got to go to work"

-she says if I don't bring it back she won't let dad come and pick me up this weekend to go to the beach


Being Janitor is hard

>> No.10731274

You actually went out of your way to write a nice little story while impersonating the janitor.
I respect your creativity, but it's not very funny and will probally just provoke mindless spam since you are probally part of that shitposter group.
I do like that twist at the end though, it made me smile a bit.


>> No.10731273

I love how mad you kiddies get when the janitor deletes your uninteresting garbage threads.

>> No.10731280

nobody asked u

>> No.10731282

*Hare Hare Yukai ringtone starts up*
-janitor chokes on his hotdog and spills some mountain dew on his shirt
-"yo janny someone posted a NEET thread"-
Holy Fucking SHIT
-stuff rest of hotdog in mouth
-trip over grandma's oxygen tank and yank the tube out of her breather
-little brother on janny's computer
-throw the little nerd off
-load up /jp/
-delete thread
-check watch
-chair makes a loud screech of pain as janny slumps back in his seat
-gotta be ready for the milk threads

>> No.10731283

my sides have breached the lelosphere

>> No.10731294
File: 1.98 MB, 324x239, NSJ logins to jp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10731296
File: 30 KB, 475x352, janny squealing to a mod about a milk thread in progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hears phone vibrate*

-"yo janny someone posted a picture of Milk again"-

Oh my fucking god

*push mom over and charge upstairs to the computer*

*delete the image within 15 seconds of it being posted*

woo that was a close one, /jp/ is safe yet another day from otaku culture

>> No.10731298

So many /q/ueers assmad that their shit threads are being axed.

>> No.10731304

why does everyone act like their is only ONE janitor

seriously guys

>> No.10731309


I like picking on whichever janitor(s) is active

>> No.10731310

Please do not bully janny ;_;

>> No.10731315

You can still blogpost guys. Just use the crossboarder-tested, janitor-approved anki™ reps thread. Just disguise your blogging with bits of info like "did 3 cards today". It seems to be working out really well for those who are doing it!

>> No.10731316
File: 88 KB, 482x369, me waitin for janni to delete my otaku culture threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10731318

I don't understand why people think it's fun to spend all day "taunting" the /jp/ janitor or that any of the mods who see and delete the threads even bother to read them, let alone care. Why not spend the time fapping or something?

>> No.10731321

You can blog about anything in any thread as long as you're not obvious about it.

>> No.10731323

They obviously read them and they obviously care, though.

>> No.10731324
File: 271 KB, 460x436, 1353375530151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh trust me
They read them

There's nothing like steaming a janitor. Its a great sport.

>> No.10731326
File: 1 KB, 50x50, jannie destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to miss him when he's gone. Funposting will never be as great.

>> No.10731327

go to warosu, basically they circlejerk over this shit, or at least a third of them do

>> No.10731328

Janishit loves the taste of my turbo turdie!

>> No.10731331

wow dude how much of a homo can you be...

>> No.10731347

Do you think the janitors are upset when they see these posts?

Personally I like to imagine them crying while telling themselves that they're truly appreciated by the silent majority.

>> No.10731331,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny must be eating dinner or something. /jp/ is vulnerable!

>> No.10731355

Das it feelio when janitud's banus explodes frmo da fuggin' OWNAGE that he was served and covers me in his fuggin SHITE JUICE LMFBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.10731355,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is unfortunately true. It is also the main reason why there are always so many terrible Touhou threads up 24/7/365?? (forgot how many days are in a normal year, sorry)

>> No.10731363

omg is heok

>> No.10731365

If I was a janitor I'd smile to myself everytime I delete a post, knowing that these little children in their irc channel are upset about their cry for attention being deleted before anyone could really notice

>> No.10731366

On a scale of 0-11, how much fun are you having in this thread?

>> No.10731367
File: 1.53 MB, 480x270, 1365368083036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left
janny boy on the right

yea i'm spankin his punk ass and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me

>> No.10731369

1/11 because it's too slow.

>> No.10731370

but there are better ways to deal with those people

i made ticks delete her twitter and try to commit suicide

>> No.10731371


/jp/ is being shitty again

>> No.10731372
File: 317 KB, 800x900, times running out janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irc channel

fuck off with your Illuminati conspiracies

>> No.10731374

If I wanted this kind of posts I'd go to /s4s/ or /b/

>> No.10731376

11/11 at first because I thought it was gonna get deleted but now i'm on a reasonable 8/11

>> No.10731377

If you won't go to the shitposts, the shitposts will come to you.

>> No.10731375

le similar irc conspiracy theory face:

>> No.10731379

hey fag your tumblr is shitty

it takes effort to have such a shitty blog on such a shitty website congrats here's a trophy made of shit
*squeezes it out*

>> No.10731381

You know, I've been thinking about this for a while now.
There are quite a few people here who have nothing to lose, so why can't they go out and kill these shitposters for the good of /jp/?

>> No.10731382
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 13507225144120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the janitor even know that he's being anally ravaged right now?

He's gonna blow a gasket when he gets back and sees this.

>> No.10731383


keepin janny up at night knowing there are groups out there waiting for him to slip up

>> No.10731385

They're lazy.

Same reason they don't do anything else.

>> No.10731386

Just to get a rough idea of the numbers here, all silliness aside, how many of you also don't (or no longer) care about Touhou, VNs, etc., and come to /jp/ exclusively for threads like these?

>> No.10731387

I used to appreciate the janitor's job until I got banned for completely arbitrary reasons during and after the apo/q/lypse and then I noticed the hypocrisy in his ways and now I'm on a mix of pity and despise for that soul.

>> No.10731391

Basically everyone who doesn't have terminal autism.

>> No.10731392

*raises hand and giggles innocently*

>> No.10731398

I think the best part of steaming jannies is we all know how fast they burn out. Thats why there are probably 3 of them working the board now.

its like replacing lightbulbs

>> No.10731399

I still care about touhou and VNs. I only come to threads like these when I am exceptionally disappointed with the janitor. No, I'm not disappointed with him all the time.

>> No.10731401
File: 44 KB, 600x450, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically one of our janitors and his mom.

>> No.10731402
File: 41 KB, 600x450, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if he's still a janitor.

>> No.10731406

I never liked Touhou.

I used to like coming here to talk about Japan. Can't do that any more.
I used to like coming here to talk about learning about the language. Can't do that anymore.
I used to like talking about light novels and light novel characters. Can't do that anymore.

So yeah, the only reason I come here now is to shit on the autistic /q/tards who ruined the board I loved.

>> No.10731407


I used to respect the /jp/ janitors until i got banned one day. Turned out It was a mass all posters in a thread ban that all had the reason "Sharing personal contact info".

>> No.10731425

is this one of those lateral thinking riddles?

like he can literally talk (aloud) about those things?

>> No.10731426
File: 20 KB, 272x316, shooter man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk u jp


>> No.10731428

I enjoy all the /jp/ stuff. That doesn't mean I don't want to have fun.

Shitposting has been a part of /jp/ culture whether the newcomer janishits like to believe it or not.

>> No.10731429

this is fucking hilarious

too bad they don't issue threadbans more often

>> No.10731432

I got a one day ban for saying "epic use of hidden surprise bars, m8" to someone abusing the spoiler function.

Now I am scared to post ironically at all.

>> No.10731433
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 1350722514120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a post, did you guys not see it or something?

>> No.10731435

old shitposting was more imaginative than posting the same picture of a dick a hundred times

>> No.10731437
File: 488 KB, 488x448, le milk sneer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Japanese interests are banned
You're only allowed to talk about touhou or ASIAN-ONLY idols. And even then half the touhou threads get deleted for no apparent reason.

>> No.10731440

That sounds like a pretty called-for catchphrase. If that isn't called-for, then what the HELL is?

>> No.10731442

posting a bird 100 times instead is more imaginative, i agree

>> No.10731444

Praise the lord. Shit like that should be shoot-on-sight.

>> No.10731449


Thinking up a good shitpost and finding the image that matches it perfectly isn't as fun when it gets deleted in 15 seconds.

No creative posts for you. Enjoy your niggy and dick threads.

>> No.10731452

i guess it wasn't more imaginative at all

it was just less obstrusive

>> No.10731452,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is going on here? Why is nobody replying to my posts?

Am I hellbanned or something?

>> No.10731452,2 [INTERNAL] 

oh man he's so fucking steamed right now, I can feel it all the from here

>> No.10731452,3 [INTERNAL] 

He'll snap soon enough.

>> No.10731452,4 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit, check out this wizard of the future

i guess this is why the tru/jp/ers use foolz right nerd?

>> No.10731452,5 [INTERNAL] 

Dude wut r u talking about? Foolz is epic.

>> No.10731452,6 [INTERNAL] 

I don't remember seeing it. But my attention span is prett

>> No.10731452,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,8 [INTERNAL] 

Get new images.

>> No.10731452,9 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10731452,10 [INTERNAL] 

You're old news, dude.
No one gives a fuck about you anymore.

>> No.10731452,11 [INTERNAL] 

u mena "ℱoolz"

>> No.10731452,12 [INTERNAL] 

Bullshit. I'm Trevor. Big T. T-Dawg. ***The Trevonator***. It's impossible for people to not give a shit about me.

I don't know if you knew this but I'm kind of a big deal around here. I suggest you do your research before spouting retarded shit like that again.

>> No.10731452,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,14 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you?


Now fuck off.

>> No.10731452,15 [INTERNAL] 

Is little Trevie angry?

>> No.10731452,16 [INTERNAL] 

This post got at least three replies, but none of them were archived?

>> No.10731452,17 [INTERNAL] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10731452,18 [INTERNAL] 

I posted one of them and I can confirm this (it was before the last post ITT too).

moot also posted recently and his posts were skipped.



>> No.10731452,19 [INTERNAL] 

>moot also posted recently and his posts were skipped.
They were also skipped on Foolz.

>> No.10731452,20 [INTERNAL] 

benis :-DDD

>> No.10731452,21 [INTERNAL] 

Light novels were banned by shitposters that only want to ruin the board. Next they will be after idols... I don't like idols but they've been here since day one and it would feel pretty fucking weird for them to just not be here anymore...

They also help keep /a/ out, thank god.

>> No.10731452,22 [INTERNAL] 

I'd be alright with the s/q/uad getting idols banned
Fewer threads for me to hide

>> No.10731452,23 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up /q/ueer.

>> No.10731452,24 [INTERNAL] 

Only light novels with animated adaptions were banned since shitposters kept abusing the light novel rule to discuss anime.

>> No.10731452,25 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a fucking /q/ueer, dude.

>> No.10731452,26 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah right, only a fucking /q/ueer would support more moderation. Get the fuck out of here, /q/ueer.

>> No.10731452,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,29 [INTERNAL] 

It's hard to put into words just how shitty /jp/ is. Even the undeleted threads are just as asinine as the deleted ones now.

It's like ironic poetry in motion or something. Does anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.10731452,30 [INTERNAL] 

By the way that was a complement.

>> No.10731452,31 [INTERNAL] 

s-s-s-s-sour grapes

>> No.10731452,32 [INTERNAL] 

How's the weather in New York City?

>> No.10731452,33 [INTERNAL] 

Zun!bar doesn't live in NYC.

>> No.10731452,34 [INTERNAL] 

Also fucking fantastic. It's been like 70 degrees now all week/

>> No.10731452,35 [INTERNAL] 

Nah. If that was true, then I'd be joining in with the rest of the native /jp/ers ITT on their quest to make the train wreck even bigger and crazier.

>> No.10731452,36 [INTERNAL] 

Yes you do

>> No.10731452,37 [INTERNAL] 

So are you telling me if you got your tripcode unbanned on 4chan and a full pardon you still wouldn't post on /jp/, Zunby?

>> No.10731452,38 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.10731452,39 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't been on /b/ since at least 2005, kill yourself.

>> No.10731452,40 [INTERNAL] 

It was unbanned a few months ago.

>> No.10731452,41 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you are telling the truth. If so I am actually impressed.

>> No.10731452,42 [INTERNAL] 


these niggas
i laff so hard

>> No.10731452,43 [INTERNAL] 


Excuse me but I invented that word.

Don't use it without my permission again.

>> No.10731452,44 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say you can reply to me?

>> No.10731452,45 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,46 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say you can reply to me?

>> No.10731452,47 [INTERNAL] 

Eventually all our named posters will become the same person.

>> No.10731452,48 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say that you can say "did I say you can reply to me?"

>> No.10731452,49 [INTERNAL] 

Where else is there to go though? Outside? The internet is really boring these days.

>> No.10731452,50 [INTERNAL] 

*whips out knife*

>> No.10731452,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,52 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes I feel like everyone on warosu besides me is actually zun!bar talking to himself

>> No.10731452,53 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes I feel like everyone on warosu is a massive nerd except me.

>> No.10731452,54 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,55 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,56 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes I wonder if anyone else on Warosu knows that feel when no gf

>> No.10731452,57 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,58 [INTERNAL] 

the joke is that it's actually the opposite lel

>> No.10731452,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,60 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10731452,61 [INTERNAL] 

