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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10718839 No.10718839 [Reply] [Original]

Have you done your reps yet?

>> No.10718852

I haven't done anything for a week.
Now I am afraid to start

>> No.10718865

I noticed the robotic voice of my flashcards sounds a lot like KOSMOS.
``targetto rocku shimasu'' *le blank face*

>> No.10718901

5000 cards mature. And in the process of doing them.

>> No.10718922

I haven't done it in 2 and a half weeks. I'm terrified that I fucked it forever.

>> No.10718939

How about, instead of making foreigners do this, the Japanese just use roman letters? 26 reps and they're done.

>> No.10718952

Most people here are already past the writing system.

>> No.10718957

It's more fun the way it is now. Because that way you have higher brag rights and can pull your dick in front of people more.

>> No.10718962

jacking each other off about how high your numbers are: the thread

>> No.10718966

What if instead of writing, Japanese goes back to being a vocal language like it did before Chinese letters were introduced.

>> No.10718976

Jap's should seriously do this. The italians recognized that roman numerals are inferior.

>> No.10719007

Japanese use arabic numerals, too.

>> No.10719030

Your point? They shouldn't have stopped absorbing better systems there.

It would only take few decades for everyone to get used to or die for the new system.

They would suck so much on english anymore either... You know, that language, that pretty much every siviciliced person on this planet understands.

>> No.10719039

Is this suppose to be ironic?

>> No.10719046

ITT: butthurt failures that are too lazy to learn japanese and blames the writing system

>> No.10719054


The writing system is pointlessly complicated. I realize learning its ins and outs his a key part of your self-esteem but insulting people doesn't change this.

>> No.10719058

Acting like a retard is only funny when it's actually funny.

>> No.10719066

Do you play easy mode on Touhou too?

>> No.10719076


The point of a game is to be a challenge. Things in real life should be simple if possible.

>> No.10719081

I just aren't a native english speaker, so I made a few mistakes.

Learning english was easy though, unlike this archaic moon rune language.

>> No.10719089

It is simple when you get use to it. In fact, Chinese letters are more effective in expressing the meaning of each word than Latin characters are.

>> No.10719101

Everything is simple once you're a master at it. I heard this about Chinese letters before though. How do you mean?

>> No.10719127

Even if you want them to drop kanji (god knows why), kana is already a better writing system than roman letters. And if they really wanted something even better than that, they'd use hangul.

>> No.10719142

Each radical within a character can be thought of as one letter, and the compilation of these letters forms a character. Each radical has their own meaning that contribute to the meaning as a whole.

For example:
女 means woman.
石 means stone.
together, they form 妬, which means jealousy.

As you study, you will find patterns like this one, like 女 within a character usually will mean that the character is some sort of emotion such as 嬉, 嫌, and 好, but sometimes the character may also be some sort of woman such as 嫁, 婦, and 娼.

>> No.10719156

I don't know. Removing kanji would make stuff even harder. At least that's what I've noticed grinding vocab.

I always have problems with memorizing kana-only words. Always.

>> No.10719157

Whatever. Any alphabet is fine.

I appreciate the time you took to write that all out but surely in a lot of cases the radicals have nothing to do with the kanji they're in either in terms of pronunciation or meaning and that's got to be confusing. Not to mention that English has plenty of phonemes which essentially have the a similar function to the reoccurring characters you mention their at the end.

>> No.10719202

>you're baka gaijin writing system will never be as sugoi as magnificient nihon writing

>> No.10719223

Try a couple months, anon. Do it now.

I could recognize about 1000, but now I'm not so sure. I need to get on that...

>> No.10719232

English grammar is anything but simple. There are natives who can't even get it right.

>> No.10719279
File: 8 KB, 800x400, ronrey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I remember lonely,

>> No.10719285

English grammar may or may not be simple, but that is not the issue here. Latin writing system is simple, and that is what we are discussing.

English "grammar" is not even the main problem. It is that english pronounciation rules are not consistent with the way that words are written. There should be only one whey to pronounce the letter "a", yet there are multiple.

Languages like finnish (and japanese syllabaries) are consistent in the pronunciation.

>> No.10719290

>idiot that hasn't spent enough time with japanese to realize that kanji makes things easier and pulls shit out of his ass

>> No.10719294

Every newbie to Japanese.

>> No.10719298


You can learn to read English, in a fashion, in less than a day. How long does it take to be literate in Japanese?

>> No.10719303

>English grammar may or may not be simple, but that is not the issue here
That's my bad, I thought you were talking about adopting the language. And grammar is part of the problem. English grammar rules are just as inconsistent as pronunciation rules.

Now to address your actual point, the Japanese cannot adopt a simpler alphabet without their written language devolving into a mess. If you have ever tried reading romaji transliterations, you'll know it's incredibly difficult to read due it's syllabic nature leading to excessively long words and even harder to understand due to homophones.

>You can learn to read English, in a fashion, in less than a day.
Lol, what? No you can't. If you think familiarity with characters constitutes "reading", then you can knock kana out in a day as well.

>> No.10719304

Can you please elaborate?

> pulls shit out of his ass
No really, please elaborate. I'm waiting.

>> No.10719308

By read I mean pronounce. I shouldn't have to clarify that for you.

>> No.10719312

>I shouldn't have to clarify that for you.
Actually you should because knowing the pronunciation of a character is completely different from literacy. And if that's your argument, kana is easier to learn to pronounce.

>> No.10719314

Pretty much this. Everyone that think this are fucking morons.

Good luck memorizing a billion homonyms in a clusterfuck of roman letters or kana. Kanji exist to split these apart to some degree and making it easier for gaijin to learn the language.

>> No.10719317

>By read I mean pronounce.
You cannot do even this in a day.

Read this: >>10719285

>> No.10719323


You can't just learn kana and use that to read out whole sentences. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That's why I said after a fashion. Even if your pronunciation is slightly off chances are you can still be understood

>> No.10719333 [DELETED] 

>You cannot write japanese with latin characters.

Every language can be expressed with latin characters.
This is just a fault of the popular, yet stupid, romaji system. I'll make a better system. I'll call you when I'm done. Here hold my beer.

>> No.10719335

Just put it down somewhere. It'll get warm if I hold it.

>> No.10719341

>Every language can be expressed with latin characters.

That may be the case. It isn't going to make it any easier though.

>> No.10719342

>You cannot write japanese with latin characters.

Every language can be expressed with latin characters.
This is just a fault of the popular, yet stupid, romaji system. I'll make a better system. I'll call you when I'm done. Here hold my beer.

sry the edit bro.

>> No.10719345

That feel. I have to come up with mnemonics for all of those. Thank god for kanji.

>> No.10719356

Why is the CorePlus so shitty after getting to around 7000 words?

Tons of dupes and weird readings.

>> No.10719386

Many of those "kana-only" words actually have kanji, just unused in regular writing (or, in many cases, used quite often ever since computers with their IMEs and unicodes came along and made them viable again). You could try learning those. Helped me quite a few times.

>> No.10719416 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 800x668, 1336712213436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Genki

>> No.10719420

I guess I shouldn't be surprised this exists.

I kind of want this, but more of it and better.

>> No.10719428

There are those click-noise languages. I don't think you could express those with latin characters.

>> No.10719432
File: 33 KB, 256x243, man01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that even it exists but fortune summoners porn don't

>> No.10719434 [DELETED] 

Pretty cute that NEET blogshitposting gets thrown out the door but /lang/ blogshitposting gets to stay.

>> No.10719435

Use apostrophes and shit

>> No.10719439

How the fuck would that help?

>> No.10719452

They would denote where you'd click. Bungo bon'go 'ambino.

>> No.10719454

Otaku: 1

>> No.10719458

Whatever the score may be at the end of the day, hypocrisy wins.

>> No.10719463

These are languages that consist entirely of various click noises. Not just one, not in combination with other noises, just click noises, and lots of different ones too. Experiment a little, see how many different noises you can make with your tongue and mouth that doesn't invole your vocal chord. It's quite a lot.

>> No.10719475

Oh well fuck em. I'm sure they have their own system.

>> No.10719472

It was for the board's own good.

>> No.10719482

hahaha have fun with the homophones

>> No.10719491

>japanese too hard
>kanji too hard
>et cetera....
the usual

>> No.10719494


Its true that they often dont have anything to do with the kanji they are in. but like RTK told you you have to make stories to remember them.

Woman + stone is jealousy. I remembered this kanji with the following sentence: If a woman sees another womans big (jewel) stone she becomes jealous.

>> No.10719498 [DELETED] 

this retarded argument every single fucking time

how do they communicate when speaking, genius? do they need to write down everything they say to each other because it's impossible to go by context?

>> No.10719505

He's talking about the vocab grinding process. It's harder to push through without kanji.

>> No.10719506

I don't think anyone in this thread has said the language itself is difficult

>> No.10719513


>> No.10719523


Whereas in English you just need to remember how the word sounds to write it down. Telephone is going to be written tellyphown or tellifone or something like that and if you're typing it will autocorrect to what you need anyway. No mnemonics required.

>> No.10719525

They write it in their heads and telepathically transmit each sentence into the other person's mind.

>> No.10719526 [DELETED] 

And keeping language blogshitposting is good for the board how exactly? Both themes era equally harmful.

Indeed. Everyone is entertained talking about other languages An off-topic thread that's gone off topic. Lovely.

>> No.10719534 [DELETED] 

Both themes are* equally harmful.

>> No.10719536 [DELETED] 

how is this related in any fucking way

>> No.10719541

Get a load of this sperggeneral. Maybe you should just ignore this thread if you don't like it.

>> No.10719542

Yes you can. Especially since kanji will often be simplified into their kana readings. There's a term for it, but I've forgotten what it is. With hiragana alone, you should be able to "read" children's books. Of course, without grammar, you aren't actually reading anything.

>> No.10719543 [DELETED] 

Go back to /q/ if you must whine. Or didn't anyone pay attention to your previously made thread on the matter?

>> No.10719553 [DELETED] 

A thread with no place in /jp/ with people telling me to go back to /q/ to say the obvious. I don't know how many layers of irony your post has but I think I can't penetrate them.

Why are NEET threads not equally ignored then?

I'm not even NEET. I just don't like hypocrisy.

>> No.10719554

Reading a children's book all written in shit doesn't cut it. I'm talking about newspapers and websites.

>> No.10719568

do you even read Japanese?

>> No.10719569

Again, most things concerning the public will have both the kanji and the kana pronunciation. I just remembered, it's called furigana.

Even if you knew all of the alphabet, you wouldn't be able to read newspapers and websites. English is notoriously inconsistent in its pronunciation and anything above children's books will likely contain words that are too difficult for someone who has "learned english" in one day. Kana will be pronounced the same way (except in particles) every single time. Face it, Japanese is an easier system to learn by your definition of "reading."

>> No.10719571 [DELETED] 


now elaborate

>> No.10719577

It's because NEET threads attract /r9k/ and /soc/ shit, while Japanese threads are only really appropriate for /jp/ and /lang/, but /lang/ is practically dead.

>> No.10719614

>English is notoriously inconsistent
That's true but it's always exaggerated during these arguments.

>Japanese is an easier system to learn by your definition
If everything is written in kana which we know it is not

I'm going to bed now we'll resume this tomorrow.

>> No.10719641 [DELETED] 

Language learning threads attract people with translation requests and other weeaboos who don't know a single shit about the language and will demand you spoon feed them every information and resource they want. Meanwhile there's enough of a /soc/ part to these threads since everyone is enjoying a good old blog festival about their cards like they're in some tarot convention.

>while Japanese threads are only really appropriate for /jp/ and /lang/, but /lang/ is practically dead

At least don't be a retard and lurk the board before spouting fake nonsense. /lang/ is alive and kicking with a japanese language discussion right on top. Last reply on April 7th. Or will you miss the image feature that is always here to allow you to post reaction images, anime girls and screencaps of your progress no-one cares about? You should be used to slow boards since we're on /jp/, but considering there's a sister thread on /a/, I sometimes wonder about the origin of some of the posters in these threads.

Why are my off-topic posts in an off-topic thread getting deleted when there's tons of off-topic discussion going on in this off-topic thread?

>> No.10719645


>joining a discussion in an anki thread
>think the jap. language is stupid

just let us alone

>> No.10719647

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10719651 [DELETED] 

Because Janny is buttfrustrated.

>> No.10719665

you don't

>> No.10719703

And they're here to stay. You whining or expressing your opinions in this thread isn't going to change anything. Deal with it.

>> No.10719718 [DELETED] 

Why are you so sure that they're here to stay? Are you perhaps the OP who happens to be the janitor?

My opinion is fact: these threads are off-topic. There are boards dedicated to this topic's discussion (and if you really need images to bloat your ego, I advise you to go back to /a/ where these threads in their current form origina from). They have no place in /jp/. You dismiss all proof and tell me to deal with it. You and whoever else feels entitled enough to be on your side do not belong here. Yet you damage /jp/ to accomodate your shit instead of either adapting to the board or leaving it.

>> No.10719721

(originate* from)

>> No.10719744 [DELETED] 

Who NSJ/a/Y here?

>> No.10719794

This nerd is on fire!
Nah, but really I wouldn't give two fucks if lang threads were to be banned from /jp/. And as you said there's /lang/(which is a hundred times better than these threads). I'd still rather have this thread instead of something that's even shittier.(NEET threads).

>> No.10719826

Japanese isn't hard. It's just that it requires a lot of effort. Some things are hard because they are difficult to understand. Others are hard because they require a lot of work, but the work itself is simple.

>> No.10719827 [DELETED] 

Something being allowed just because it's one notch less shittier than other shitposts is not enough reason to let a thread stay.

>> No.10719847

>And as you said there's /lang/(which is a hundred times better than these threads).
Japanese /lang/ thread is actually good? I thought everyone was just trolling to get people to go away.

>> No.10719849

Anki is awful, still can't understand how it gets so much praise

>> No.10719862

I'm curious.
Would you still dabble about NEET threads if the official rules got updated with it being removed from the list?

They're awesome.

>> No.10719911


>> No.10719951

Try Memrise. It broke when they updated the site, but it might be fixed now, I'm not sure.

>> No.10719963

Obviously it doesn't work for everyone, it's definitely better than flash cards though.

>> No.10719967 [DELETED] 

Why are you blaming anki that you're an idiot?

>> No.10719983
File: 363 KB, 975x2664, anki-stats-2013-04-07@21-02-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how am I d-doing, /jp/-sama...? ど。。どうもありがとう。。すみません。。。

>> No.10719992

>anki in english
doing wrong

>> No.10719994

has anyone tried just studying a bunch of cards in like a day and then reviewing them over another 2 days, or should I just stay steady?

>> No.10720016

I don't see anything wrong with that, especially for a beginner.

>> No.10720286
File: 472 KB, 1007x2664, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i should really delete old cards.

>> No.10722347

What is a good grammar deck?

>> No.10722348

What they could have done is leave a bunch of kanji lying around for the homophones and get rid of all multi-kanji and non-homophone words, using kana instead. AND introducing fucking spaces into their language, which would make a jumbled mess of kana readable unlike when you write everything together. You'd be left with a perfectly readable language with two alphabets and at most 600 simple kanji, and you could forget about their different onyomi because each of them would represent a word with an unique reading, since all the words where they appear with different readings would now be either represented by another kanji or written in kana.

>> No.10722371

Tae Kim Clozed deck. I really recommend going through it once if you haven't already and then from the examples trying to form and create your own sentences. I learned a lot from that.

Or you could create your own deck as you learn.

After Tae Kim you could go through something like Dictionary of Japanese Grammar. Highly informative and is overall more complicated as it uses linguistic terms.

>> No.10722372

But I already know about 1000 characters. Are you trying to waste all the effort I already put into the language just so you can be lazy?

>> No.10722374

Grinding kana only words is a pain.

>> No.10722381

Kanji doesn't actually make japanese harder to learn, and anyone who thinks it does isn't far enough into their studies to have an opinion that means anything.

>> No.10722382

meant going through the written guide before going through the clozed deck*

>> No.10722390


I am in the process of learning it, that's why I'm complaining. Shit gets really confusing after the first 600, and that's where I'm at. Yeah, at this point I can recognize absolutely all the radicals in the new kanji, but that doesn't make them any easier to learn. It might be wasted effort but it would be better in the long run.


No more than grinding words in any other language, kanji is just an extra liability.


Yes it does. I can watch anime without subs most of the time but I can't even read manga without having to look up shit every panel, much less VNs or books.

Why are you guys against something that would make learning and using the language faster and optimized?

>> No.10722391

Wouldn't it be easier if they just replaced every language with esperanto?

>> No.10722392

Kanji isn't even hard to learn.

Learning 贔屓 is easier than say pennsylvania. Once you've reached a certain level, all you need to really know is 貝x3 & 尸+貝. It only looks "hard" if you have no idea what you're doing.

You just need to brute memorize each spelling for every single English word with weird as fuck spellings from fuck knows where in Europe.

>> No.10722393

We need 漢字 to write 漢語. It's as simple as that. We can't really reduce the number to 600, or any other number for that matter.

>> No.10722399


Nah, it would devolve into an unrecognizable mix of unintelligible dialects.

>> No.10722403

Not with the internet and worldwide media.

>> No.10722404

Get back to me when you've grinded at least 5000 words and tell me if you think memorizing vocab using kana only is any easier than words using kanji.

You'll probably change your opinion about that when you get there.

>> No.10722408


Come on, in japanese you need to brute memorize each spelling for every single japanese word with weird as fuck spellings from fuck knows where in China. And there are more radicals in kanji than letters in the english alphabet.

>> No.10722410


I will, I'm just bitching to reset my frustration meter so that I can keep on grinding.

>> No.10722412

>grinding words
fuck off
Those have harder vocab. If you know the words already, you should be able to read them after seeing them in kanji once or twice, and therefore should learn to read very quickly if you actually put some effort in. If you don't know the words yet, then you can't really blame it on kanji then, can you?

>> No.10722413

Can we trade places? I find reading and writing in Japanese to be much easier than speaking or listening to it. If I come across a word I don't know, I can always infer on the kanji's meaning to know what the world means when I'm reading, but I can't do that when I'm listening to someone. It's like trying to read with only kana. It makes my head swirl.

>> No.10722417

>tfw 7000 words and 80% of your word resets are kana only words

>> No.10722420

What are some good drugs for motivation and improving study capacity? I'm always afraid of studying because I think I'm wasting my time if I am not doing it with 100% attention, so I need some medicine.

>> No.10722421

> in japanese you need to brute memorize each spelling for every single japanese word
Are you serious? Are you some retard brute memorizing 今年、来年、今週、来週、今月、来月?How much simpler do you need it to be?

>fuck knows where in China.
China is one country, one language, one set of root words to learn. Europe is a clusterfuck of different shit.


>> No.10722422

Maybe you have a learning disability?

>> No.10722430

not really. 7000 words in 4 months is pretty good

>> No.10722426

ことし isn't the best example to use there.

>> No.10722431

>China is one country, one language, one set of root words to learn. Europe is a clusterfuck of different shit.
Not really, there’s a ton of different dialects that are about as different from each other as European languages from one family are.
And the Chinese words got to Japan in waves, so the Japanese pronunciation for kanji does differ from when and where the words were loaned.

>> No.10722435



Oh come on, those hardly count as an example. You do have to brute memorize what 今, 来, 年, 週 and 月 mean.

>> No.10722438

>Not really, there’s a ton of different dialects
Yes, really. Ancient written chinese is all Classical chinese no matter what part of china you were from. Hell, classical chinese was used in Japan, Vietnam, and every other shitting country in the region with the same set of characters, meaning, and grammar for centuries.

Only verbal languages are dialects, and Japan doesn't give a fuck about Chinese spoken dialects.

>> No.10722440

I bet your statistics are shit though. Post your chart.

>> No.10722443

You have to remember what next, previous, week, year and month mean in English too.

>> No.10722444

>and Japan doesn't give a fuck about Chinese spoken dialects.
Japan does. The pronunciation of a character in Japanese is often traced back to the time period it was loaned in and where they got it from

>> No.10722445

>and Japan doesn't give a fuck about Chinese spoken dialects.
Where do you think the onyomi came from?

>> No.10722448

As much as I'd like to shit on onyomi, japanese would actually be much more confusing with kunyomi only.

>> No.10722451

Uh, this is almost certainly the wrong place to ask, but could an anon get help starting off? I really don't know where to begin.

>> No.10722454
File: 472 KB, 1423x2664, anki-stats-2013-04-08@19-28-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 ppl whine about the number of crams the first/second month

>> No.10722455


>> No.10722456

It doesn't matter, they're all set in stone in 2013. You learn them, you're done.

泡包砲胞 is all hou.
令冷齢玲 is all rei.

It's the easiest shit in the world.
If you just stop bitching and used that time to actually study the language, you'd be much further ahead by now.

>> No.10722458


The kana. Don't even get started on other shit before you can read kana as fluidly as you read roman letters.

>> No.10722461


>If you just stop bitching and used that time to actually study the language, you'd be much further ahead by now.

Isn't this true for absolutely everything in life?

>> No.10722462

What makes you think I‘m bitching? I’m just telling you that the readings of kanji in Japanese are definitely based on various locales in China depending on which wave the character got to the country.

>> No.10722467

nice post

>> No.10722469

thx bb

>> No.10722633

>inb4 ppl whine about the number of crams the first/second month
well, you've stopped now, so it seems like you've learned the lesson, no sense in complaining now

>> No.10722691

How do I completely delete decks? I have a couple of them lying around that I never used and it's bothering my autism.

>> No.10722696

Is there any way I can add in the missing jouyou kanji that is shown in kanji stats? I've got about 115 left and its a pain manually adding them in. I just want them all added at once and I'll make a mnemonic on the spot when I go through them.

>> No.10722702

>You can click the gears button to the right of a deck in order to rename or delete decks, or customize their options.
refer to the manual next time.

>> No.10722730

>貝x3 & 尸+貝
exactly, radicals.

>> No.10722754

Is there any deck with the radicals only? I'd like to study them separately before I get into more complex kanji.

>> No.10722877

What are you guys studying Japanese for? VN? LN? Manga? Anime? All of the above?

Personally, I started out studying for manga and VNs, but as I got more advanced, I branched out into all of the above + regular Japanese novels.

>> No.10722942

I just thought it was something more interesting and worthwhile to do than sitting around masturbating all day.

>> No.10723042

Why does it matter if they're jouyou or not? Just add kanji when you see them.

>> No.10723058

Maybe he's preparing for JLPT or something.

Though, I have to agree the jouyou list isn't worth crap. You have shit like 揃、呑、闇、闖、and 睨 being all over the place.

>> No.10723104


I started almost 8 years ago. My original intention was for use in watching raw anime, but it became an entity in itself.

I study Japanese for the sake of studying Japanese.

>> No.10723147

So what's wrong with either of them, exactly?

>> No.10723230

They're non jouyou (except 闇) and commonly used.

>> No.10723244

402 cards in 35 minutes.

Maybe I should add 1-2 more decks.

>> No.10723250

へ へ
の の

>> No.10723262


>> No.10723296

>Have you done your reps yet?
5x5 squats
5x5 OHP
1x5 deadlifts

>> No.10723304

I want to live in Japan.

>> No.10723319


Then go live there. You'll actually learn it much faster if you are forced to live surrounded by it. You will also learn actual japanese instead of anime and vn talk that will make you sound like a little girl.

>> No.10723338

>They're non jouyou.

Oh, right.

Not knowing this piece of information (and assuming they are) made me interpret your post as the exact opposite of what you were trying to say.

>> No.10723361


>You will also learn actual japanese instead of anime and vn talk that will make you sound like a little girl.

This is a myth.

The problem isn't that anime, and VNs don't speak Japanese, the problem is that they won't teach the cultural associations in language, before the words are learnt themselves.

A problem from the other perspective may be a Japanese not understanding the concept of swearing - they have heard "shitty" used as an adjective in a show, then use it liberally at a business lunch with an English speaking client, without realising the social faux-pas they have committed.

Giving advice like that is relevant to only those at entry level, and is somewhat damaging to anyone beyond that. Anime and VNs are fine learning media, provided you learn what gendered language, and humble and honorific forms are first.

>> No.10723390

People who tell others not to learn from anime et al. are probably the same people who insist on teaching verbs in their polite forms.

>> No.10723401

>sound like a little girl.
I don't think that calling yourself 俺 and the others お前 or てめえ sounds like a little girl

>> No.10723409


>people who insist on teaching verbs in their polite forms

I took a brief course in college, but dropped it almost immediately due to this.

It is so deconstructively backwards that I cannot fathom why this became the norm, aside from an assumption that students would emigrate enmass midway through courses and offend an entire nation.

>> No.10723487

I'm pretty well done with kana and I've decided to get into kanji but I'm pretty confused... If I see the character for child, do I pronounce it shi or ko?

>> No.10723490


>> No.10723498

Ok, so ko. Why? What difference would it make to pronounce it shi?

>> No.10723500


This is why you learn words, with their kanji, not learn kanji on their own.

>> No.10723507

It's simple: Onyomi for compound words, Kunyomi when it's used in a word by itself

Nah, I'm just kidding about it being simple. There are exceptions EVERYWHERE, but the basic method is sound

>> No.10723515

I don't understand. Isn't ko the word pronunciation of the character child?
Am I just retarded here?

>> No.10723517

But what's the point of pronouncing a word two different ways?

>> No.10723518

Just as an aside to this... What do people actually do to learn a new word or kanji they come across? Write it down a bunch of times?

>> No.10723528

Let's put this this way: if you see the character "o", how do you pronounce it? /oʊ/? /ɑ/? /a/? /o/?

>> No.10723532


子 is ko, yes.

Within a compound, it may be ko, go, shi, ji, or even other exceptions.

There is no rule to this, which is why kanji should be learnt with the words.

>> No.10723538

/o/ because i'm not a dirty anglo scum

>> No.10723540

But that's a letter. The character for child represents an idea... Right?

>> No.10723541

e is a letter, it doesn't mean it's a word by itself.

For words go to jisho.org

>> No.10723545


>> No.10723562

If a letter, which represents a sound, can be pronounced in a multitude of ways, why are you expecting a kanji, which represents an idea, to be pronounced in one way only?

>> No.10723581

I... I feel like I'm missing something. In english, the object we call a child is pronounced in a specific way so that when communicated, the object to which itself sis understood. Calling a child both ko and shi sounds seems to me the equivalent of calling it both child and rake sounds.

>> No.10723583

The object itself*

>> No.10723598

Nobody ever said it was pronounced し. Did you even click on that link I posted?

>> No.10723600


There is more than one word for child, in English, is there not?

Some words even have multiple readings, in English.

>> No.10723607

In English, the idea of child is not always pronounced the same way. For example, in the word "child" it is pronounced "child", but in the word "pedophile", it is pronounced "pedo", in the word "pediatrics", it is pronounced "ped", and in the word "kindergarten", it is pronounced "kind".

>> No.10723630

Only easy kanji has a lot of irregularities, like 子

>> No.10723983

>闖 all over the place
what the fuck are you reading. I've only ever seen like one word with it, and I think I've only seen it once in some ultra-hipster-kanji nitroplus VN

>> No.10723992

A better example would be how child is pronounced completely different in "children".

Btw, does everyone else find the new 4chanx update to be as shitty as I do?

>> No.10724001

What are you talking about? It's even in shitting OreImo, for fucks sakes. It's not some super-duper-hard shit.

>> No.10724028

Being rare doesn't mean it doesn't show up. It just means it doesn't show up frequently. Even if one author uses it in a relatively easy work, it can still be rare if most authors don't use it at all. Especially compared to things like 闇 which show up like twice a minute even in easier works.

>> No.10724061

I-I haven't even finished learning Katakana...I'm just so unmotivated. I don't even know how to use Anki.

>> No.10724067

Is it worth it to learn the kunyomi of each kanji, or is the onyomi almost always used due to jukugo?

Also, thoughts on the Kanjidamage method?

>> No.10724077

Might as well give up now as you will not succeed and it will only be a waste of time. Goodbye.

>> No.10724082

plus 良 and 来

>> No.10724086
File: 2.72 MB, 640x360, 1358606775982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'll prove you wrong! I'll keep learning, and fucking show you, random anon! JUST YOU WATCH.

>> No.10724118
File: 104 KB, 593x356, faget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724128


>> No.10724144

No but seriously, I wasn't trying to do that. You should really just give up now. You'll thank me later.

>> No.10724154

I'm not going to give up! I will show you!

>> No.10724275

Good luck

>> No.10725665


can someone explain what does this part mean:

>> No.10725681

Which order should I do, Tae Kim for grammar and then vocabulary grinding, Tae Kim for grammar and then straight into VNs and similar and learn all the vocabulary on the go, or study of radicals to search for individual kanji with ease and then grammar?

>> No.10725694

Casual version of てしまう=ちゃう combined with the verb 「する」 conjugated to past tense resulting in 「しちゃった」.

Used to express an action that's done or happened unintentionally.

>> No.10725760

It seems you don't know your kanji yet. I would start with kanji if I were you.

>> No.10725919

You're an idiot.
Whatever you do, make sure to learn things one at a time! You wouldn't want to get overwhelmed right?

>> No.10726076

I have two questions if anyone could help

1. Do the words 近くて and 遠くてindicte direction of movement or just position?

2. Is 切り離す残酷な夢 present tense or future?

>> No.10726436

>近くて and 遠くてindicte direction of movement
>direction of movement

>> No.10726463

2 is not even a sentence, it's lacking a verb

>> No.10726473

Position. There are verbs for that reason like (近づく) as both of those you listed are adjectives meant to be used for describing things.

>> No.10726472

>1. Do the words 近くて and 遠くてindicte direction of movement or just position?

Just position. As far as I know.

>> No.10726515


2 is non-past.

Present tense isn't really a thing in Japanese.

Even ている verbs are just ongoing actions.

>> No.10726777

Gone through all cards from JLPT 5 to JLPT 2. Having more trouble memorizing JLPT 1 vocab for some reason.

>> No.10727558 [DELETED] 

Is it bad practise to learn words as kanji if they are mostly spelled with hiragana? For example, 内輪 has easy kanji but it's spelled with hiragana most of the time.

>> No.10727569


Ok, thanks. I had a feeling but I just wanted to make sure.


I believe 切り離す would be the verb. On that note, is a "cruel dream" doing the cutting or is something cut "like a cruel dream"?

>> No.10727581

The opposite.

>> No.10727601

I do that all the time, I always write 有難う but I mostly see it ありがとう

>> No.10727621 [DELETED] 


Verbs before nouns like that are equivalent to adverbs.

走る人 ≡ person that runs

食べてる猫 ≡ cat that is eating

切り離す残酷な夢 ≡ cruel dream that detaches*

*I assume this is detachment from reality, or dispelling an illusion, but I don't know the context.

A sentence doesn't need a verb or copula, >>10726463 is wrong. That's probably a little too much to go into right now.

An example of a real verb would be:

残酷な夢が切り離す≡ for the cruel dream to become detached

Read up on transitive, and intransitive verbs to find out why it would be "to detach the cruel dream".

>> No.10727624 [DELETED] 


>why it would be

*why it wouldn't be

>> No.10727639


Verbs before nouns like that are equivalent to adverbs.

走る人 ≡ person that runs

食べてる猫 ≡ cat that is eating

切り離す残酷な夢 ≡ cruel dream that detaches*

*I assume this is detachment from reality, or dispelling an illusion, but I don't know the context.

A sentence doesn't need a verb or copula, >>10726463 is wrong. That's probably a little too much to go into right now.

An example of a real verb would be:

残酷な夢を切り離す≡ to detach the cruel dream

(sorry if someone saw the other version - I make a lot of mistakes and get easily confused)

>> No.10727655


I see, thanks alot.

>> No.10728264

u-um where is a good starting point?
I keep lurking in /jp/ but I always miss the links...
any kind anons wanna help?

>> No.10728284

I don't usually link cross-board but /a/ has a decent guide for self-learners.


>> No.10728288


>> No.10728292

I got 404
and the reason I was asking was since the last reps thread I saw (about 2 days prior) had links/guides in it

>> No.10728312

Could've just used the archive.

>> No.10728317

I tried searching, apparently my google-fu isn't strong enough

>> No.10728324

What? The thread I linked is still up.

>> No.10731053
File: 25 KB, 334x310, 1356883911112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many new words can you add each day without getting too much to review? I'm thinking in the long run.

>> No.10731054

I was doing 30 kanji per day(+words associated with each one) at my height, and I felt like I could do more. I gradually slacked, going to 20, 10, and now 5. It's not a really super important for me to learn them at such a high pace now that I'm at around 2600-ish now.

>> No.10731061


Depends how powerful you are.

Some can manage 500 reviews a day, some will struggle with 50.

If you do add too many, you can always stop, and spend time working down the reviews, then add more cards when you can handle the rate.

>> No.10731070

Thanks. Yeah, I think between 50~100 reviews a day is enough for me, so I'm trying to figure out how many new words I can learn every day.

>> No.10731071
File: 1 KB, 218x53, ss (2013-04-10 at 11.45.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10731075


Mine says "studied 95 cards in 75 minutes today". Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.10731076

You must be very powerful, being able to handle 600+ a day (assuming they weren't just piled up).

>> No.10731081

for just reading/recognition? not really. I was writing every single kanji at least once when I had 400 reviews a day,I imagine 600 for just recognition isn't much worse.

I just do it as soon as I wake up.

>> No.10731086

50 new cards a day equal to 300~ reviews a day on average for me. So around 20 would be optimal.

Not really. It's just that I'm much more productive during public transits compared to doing them at home. At home I usually take hours to complete them because of procrastination.

>> No.10731083

Something to note is that if you add say, 50 words per day, you'll average at around 500 reviews a day. It mentions this in the manual.

>> No.10731090

This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Thank you.

>> No.10731095

Why would you be retarded? His screenshot is completely out of context of what he is studying, how he is studying, how old of a deck that is, how long overall he has been studying, etc.

>> No.10731105

So, do you guys plan/ever plan int he past how much you'd want to finish within X amount of time?

I found telling myself "I'm going to finish jouyou kanji in 3 months" gave me the motivation to channel my autism powers into anki.

>> No.10731108


4189 cards for review.

For the first time in months I'm reviewing more cards than are becoming due, per day, so I should eventually clear this, which is my current goal.

>> No.10731118 [DELETED] 

10000 words within 7 months, doesn't have to be 10000 mature though.

131 days in and at 6923 with 5000 words mature.

I might drop CorePlus though after finishing JLPT1 as that's the only JLPT deck I have left and just add words from material I read instead.

>> No.10731123

10000 words within 7 months, doesn't have to be 10000 mature though.

131 days in and at 6923 with 5135 words mature.

I might drop CorePlus though after finishing JLPT1 as that's the only JLPT deck I have left and just add words from material I read instead.

>> No.10731168


Actually, scratch that.

I am abandoning the deck and starting a new one based on words I actually encounter - not what is in newspapers most often.

I should have done this 3 years ago.

>> No.10731293

3 years to learn 4000 words? I learned 4k in like 3 months and I wasn't even trying that hard.

>> No.10731302

Y-You too buddy...

>> No.10731337


I have been going for 6 years. I meant that I should have stopped 3 years ago when it became apparent I should change, but I ignored it.

There's no point comparing my timescale to anyone else's, as I am inept, but will persevere.

>> No.10731358

I can never find the motivation to study. I just get overwhelmed after awhile and fall behind until I just stop doing it only to try again a few months later with renewed hope.

How do you keep on it /jp/?

>> No.10731380

You just get used to it after a while. It becomes a routine basically. If you've even invested a month's worth of time there's no way you'd want to give all that work up.

>> No.10731560

Stop listening to ankitards and go read an easy eroge.

>> No.10732260

So Anki allows me to sort by a chosen field in its browser but won't let me sort the actual viewing order of the deck? What kind of shit is this? Is there an easy way to do this?

I just downloaded a 3300 四字熟語 deck that has a graded (A, B+, B etc.) frequency field so I want the most frequent cards first. For some retarded reason the shared deck didn't come that way.

>> No.10732279

Freeze everything beyond A, finish that, unlock B, finish, unlock next, etc...

>> No.10732826

What's the deal with という? I was reading the grammar guide and this thig is all over the place, and each time it means one thing. At first it was for quotes but it seems it can be used for just about anything. What exactly does it mean and when is it used?

>> No.10732835

Just as you already realized, its meaning is dependent on its context.

>> No.10732836


Then I should assume half of the time it's a generic verb you throw in when you don't want to use any other verb, for the sentence to make grammatical sense?

>> No.10732864

Seriously, someone explain it to me too.

>> No.10733711


download proper grammar books like A Dictionary of [Basic, Intermediate, Adanced] Japanese Grammar.

>> No.10733790

good idea, thanks

>> No.10734421

No it just makes you sound like a masculine prick

>> No.10734426

>anime and vn talk that will make you sound like a little girl.
I want to be a little girl though.

>> No.10734493

masculine prick == alpha

>> No.10734494
File: 12 KB, 1317x121, translateplox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you translate this please?

>> No.10734501


Hello, my name is ken, and this is my story:

Once when I was a boy in middle school a young Japanese girl came to our class from glorious Japan and intended to teach us about her rich and glorious culture but I was an immature foreigner and I thought I was too cool for that so I acted like an idiot. But she was still kind to me and treated me like a friend. I was moved and from that moment on I decided I would learn Japanese and fly over to glorious Japan so I can thank her for changing my life.

>> No.10734524

First, nothing prevents you from looking up all the foreign words yourself. Second, this text won't be funny if you read it without having studied the language yourself.

>> No.10734591

It's not funny even if you do understand.

>> No.10734644

Well, I chuckled reading it.

>> No.10736412

I read the guide that's usually up on /a/, and do people actually use kanjidamage? Do you find it effective? Maybe I'm just inept, but it seemed to make things more confusing for me.

>> No.10736428

It really helps to read the How To guide if you haven't already

I like it. It's a very bare bones approach to Kanji, but it works

>> No.10736563

I don't use it. English is not my native language so all the slang goes way beyond my head.

>> No.10736621

I just read that "guide" out of curiosity, and it's a pretty long and convoluted way of saying "choose a method you like and practice a lot".

>> No.10736727

>download old pokemon ROM for nostalgia
>start playing
>fuck this is in Japanese... wait a second.
>continue playing, looking at dictionary occasionally
>learn a lot of words just from dicking around/seeing them again and again

I've learned more Japanese from just playing this game than in any of my textbooks.

>> No.10736731


Bleh, I envy your ability to keep going even in the face of having to look shit up in a dictionary.

I don't think I even finished a single chapter of Yotsuba& because having to look up a word every other speech bubble broke the flow and took fucking ages.

Maybe I'll try Sweet Home in Japanese. I actually like that a game a lot.

>> No.10738247

Which advanced japanese textbook do /jp/ recommend?

>> No.10738263

Visual Novels.

>> No.10738279

I used it. Mainly because of lack of experience. Turned out well in the end even though I probably dicked around with kanji too long. Doesn't really matter now because I'm done with JLPT1 soon.

>> No.10738288

But it isn't working for me.
I read eroge every day without any problem but I can't read even a 2 sentences wikipedia article.

>> No.10738309

Read DOIJG or DOAJG. Make sure to form and create your own sentences from the examples given to get the most of it.

>> No.10738401

that doesn't make sense

work on your vocabulary or something

>> No.10738436

If I were you, I would pick some interesting article from wikipedia. Then I'd sort out all words and grammar that I didn't know and add to anki. Just make sure to pick something that has vocab you're interested in.

>> No.10738441

Does anyone know where I can find a list of words in F/SN sorted by frequency?

>> No.10738563

What to put on the front side of cards, the english meaning or the kanji?

>> No.10738572

Depends on what you want to memorize.

>> No.10738585

Well I figured I'd mostly want to read stuff, so I've been putting the character on the front side...

>> No.10738626

I just tried one of those Gung Ho shots. Managed to study for like 6-7 hours.

inb4 ステマ

>> No.10738686

>mfw circles are easier to draw but the made the sun a stupid square

>> No.10740717

Which online dictionary should I use if I want to search for kanji and words by components? I was told to use jisho here, but I've found the radical system to be a mess. I can't just copy and paste the characters because I want to read from an eroge, so I'm stuck with searching for the with radicals. However, half of the time the word I'm looking for doesn't appear even when I'm sure I've selected the right radicals. Should I just switch to using some text extractor instead of looking up kanji by radicals?

>> No.10740742

>Bleh, I envy your ability to keep going even in the face of having to look shit up in a dictionary.
>I don't think I even finished a single chapter of Yotsuba& because having to look up a word every other speech bubble broke the flow and took fucking ages.
>Maybe I'll try Sweet Home in Japanese. I actually like that a game a lot.
I'm having a similar problem. I feel obliged to add any word that pops up in the text to my deck so that I could read it later without having to slow down anywhere, so I can't read more than a few speech bubbles or sentences at a time. The same thing used to occur earlier when I was studying English, also. I wonder if this can be considered a manifestation of OCD. By the way, I found 苺ましまろ to be generally easier to understand than よつばと without a dictionary.

>> No.10740758
File: 165 KB, 943x608, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

>> No.10740765

There is also this thing:
However, I think you are right that it will be more efficient to use a text extractor. You don't need to machine translate extracted texts, so everything should be fair.

>> No.10740769


Yes. What's that?

>> No.10740773 [DELETED] 


I use it sometimes, what >>10740765 suggested might be a little more comprehensive.

>> No.10740777


I see, thank you.

>> No.10740778


I use it sometimes, what >>10740765 suggested might be a little more comprehensive

>> No.10740794

Sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.10740821
File: 55 KB, 1024x674, wanwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like zkanji. It has tons of features.
You can look up kanji by radicals or by writing the character correctly. You can also find complex characters through simpler characters.
Has animated stroke orders for each character. Example sentences for most common words which are broken down into clickable indvidual words you can look up.
Very convenient dictionary which can deconjugate words for you.
Even a built-in srs thing and a test mode which I use for vocab.

But you may also want to just use a text hooker+any dictionary you like in your situation.

>> No.10741444

When i try to download a shared deck, i am "unable to connect to server" anyone know how to solve this?

>> No.10741473

update your anki

>> No.10741497

I've just updated, and i find this new layout confusing. Where do i look at the different cards already in the my, what you did in the old anki by pressing browse?

>> No.10741507

How do you download shared decks with anki 2?

>> No.10741519

You click on the decks tab and on the bottom it should say "Get Shared" click on that and it'll open up your browser then you simply pick a deck and download it

>> No.10741591

How do i make the japanese plugin work with anki 2?

>> No.10741699

fuck off

>> No.10743164

Im using 3 decks for anki.
1 for vocabs
1 for kanjis
1 for listening comprehension

Last one is very important imo.
you will learn a lot new words this way

>> No.10743174

>Last one is very important imo.

Could you recommendations for a shared deck?

>> No.10743191


Im using this for a few days now. Never done a listening anki set before, but I already see how I get better at understand the words, and especially where one word ends and beginns.


>> No.10743200


Thank you. Much appreciated.

>> No.10743228

Does online syncing work properly in anki, these days?

In the past, I had a several thousand card deck all reset to new cards when I used a second computer - is it safe to use it on multiple computers, now, or should I not risk it?

>> No.10743232

Thanks for this. Looks very handy.

>> No.10744680
File: 35 KB, 500x298, 1331707365140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

違える [ちがえる] v1,vt
(1) to change/to alter
(2) to mistake/to make a mistake
(3) to fail to keep (e.g. one's promise)
(4) to dislocate (e.g. one's neck)


Have you dislocated your neck today, /jp/?

>> No.10744687

I've found it pretty dangerous. My Internet connection isn't always very reliable and if it gets tangled in the syncing process the whole deck gets corrupted.

>> No.10744694
File: 54 KB, 291x362, arararararararagi that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744695

I'm not sure what you're trying to say or what you're amused by

>> No.10744723

woah! is that a feel?!

>> No.10744754

Is cramming bad or something? Why do you guys hate it so much?

>> No.10744762

Same thing here. My WLAN connection isn't particularly good, and will crash with an 90% probability each time I sync Anki. Doing a full sync of a 10MB deck is very annoying.

>> No.10744780



all the characters have clear cut pronunciations (besides は and へ when used as grammatical particles) in Japanese.

but in English, pronunciation is a fucking dragon that you have to slay with your bare hands

>> No.10744792

/jp/, is it true if I only listen to niconico streams for listening comprehension I will sound like the nico robot when speaking Jap?

>> No.10744880


Isn't cramming a technique where one reads a huge amount of information, for an exam the following day, then completely forgets it?

That's the opposite of space repetition.

>> No.10744984


I have no problems with syncing my PC with my iPad. Once you synced all your decks you only need to upload and update a small abount after each finished deck.
lets say I have finished all 100 repetitions for my kanjis. I close anki on my PC and he syncs in like 3 seconds. very unlikely that the wlan connection will be interupted in this time

>> No.10745696

Yeah but kana isn't the only character set you learn in Japanese.

>> No.10745701

There's nothing wrong with cramming words you learned for that day or forgotten words or something.
