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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10717794 No.10717794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, days of consistent shitposting has paid off.
But of course, there's a big fucking problem.

This isn't what I fought for.

So why? Why did you shitpost? I'm sure all of the shitposters had many reasons, especially for doing it on /jp/ of all places.

Let me tell you why I did, I'll get right to the point.
Fucking NEET threads. How the fuck this was ever accepted as "Otaku Culture" is beyond me. It's not the fact that half of them aren't even NEETs at all, it's that most of them have little to no interest in "Otaku Culture" topics.

And then naturally, having been here for a while, they glean a surface knowledge of "Otaku Culture". A few Touhou names, some music, anything it takes to fit in.
Of course, I don't think they're doing it to blend in on purpose, but it happens.

And then it gets worse. Due to the very fucking nature of these so-called NEETs the threads you'll see are "hey, what do you use to listen to otaku music?" "here's my otaku workspace, my manga collection is puny since i just started :(" "how can i NEET it up at work?"
It spirals out of control, they build a little rapport among themselves, and become walled off to the rest of /jp/.

"No bully!"

Fucking ridiculous shit.
What I'm saying is if you cut out the NEETs from /jp/ you'll reduce a lot of terrible, terrible poor-quality posts and if any other shitposters are like me, then you'll see a big reduction in shitposts too.

And then they say "we can't go to a board like /r9k/ because we're different/they're normals/whatever!" because they think that just by being here, they're somehow elevated above the rest of 4chan in terms of "post quality". So deluded...

In any case, that's it. The day NEETs are gone is the day I stop shitposting.

>> No.10717797

I shitposted for the NEET threads

>> No.10717799

I only come here for NEET threads.

>> No.10717808

I don't see how making lots of shitty threads is going to get one totally unrelated thread removed.

>> No.10717809

You are now realizing you shitpost simply because you're just an overall shitty person.

>> No.10717814

So you threw a temper tantrum over nothing, moot interpreted it as best as he could but failed, of course, and now you're in a tantrum because you didn't get what you're "fighting" for?

>> No.10717818

NEET threads in a shellnut:
>how do i make autismbux
>imma kill myself
>tfw my gf isn't real
>im so hopeless
Take that shit to tohnochan.

>> No.10717825
File: 1.23 MB, 2400x1807, GODS LURK HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's pay worship to the best funj posters ever to grace this board with their presence

>> No.10717836

I like how uncle mugen always desperately plasters his shitty e-persona in every image he can.

>> No.10717847


>> No.10717846


I'm sure it's fun to be part of the intergalactic circlejerk, but when you have to watch it's disgusting. Sorry, I'll change my ways for you.

What did you have for lunch today? I hit up the local sushi restaraunt with my girlfriend :3

>> No.10717853


>> No.10717855

R.I.P in piss Formspring dicksmiling crew.

>> No.10717858
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>> No.10717859

I don't like them either.


>> No.10717862

He is like the uncle at family reunions who gets drunk, tries to molest all the girls, breaks the TV with his face then passes out in a puddle of his own vomit.

>> No.10717870

You are paranoid. I make bad posts on /jp/ for the hell of it. I don't care about NEET or Touhou or anything.

>> No.10717873

talk is cheap, ops still gonna be here all day and night posting 20 threads an hour, then go and samefag in them all

id say ``waste time samefagging'' but its clearly all he does cuz hes powerless irl lmao

>> No.10717874

where do we go when moot kills /jp/?
