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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10712722 No.10712722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some nice games to play on your PC? I would rather they not be Touhou derivative works unless they are outstanding but please post anything that comes to your mind.

>> No.10712724


>> No.10712726

What about doujin games?

>> No.10712732


>> No.10712739
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Do you're job, janitor.

>> No.10712744

Oh I didn't know games were banned from /jp/ my bad...

I wonder where I should go to now.

>> No.10712751


Take your pick, jesus. I'm so fucking glad people only here for NEET threads will soon be gone.

>> No.10712758

>m-muh 2hu

>> No.10712762

But I have never used a NEET thread.

I'll ask /ota/

>> No.10712768

Is that what this reaction is about?

>> No.10712771

Who the FUCK do you think you're greening?

Whatever, same blogshite. By all means use /ota/ for talking to your friends about what MMO they are playing and what snacks they eat while playing.

>> No.10712780
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>the population is waking up


>> No.10712782

/r9k/? Really? What the fuck do they know

>> No.10712785

oh shit the 2hu autists are there, prepare your shitposting shields!!

>> No.10712789


>asking pointless questions to form a rapport with the poster so you can eventually talk about having lunch

I see through you, blogposter.

>> No.10712794

I do not know what is going on here....

>> No.10712799

What did you have for lunch?

I had cinnamon biscuits.

>> No.10712800

Further proof that blogposters are not self-aware and thus less than human, and should be banned from /jp/ on site.

Come on janny-san. End this mockery.

>> No.10712818

Yu Gi Oh Worldwide Edition is fun

>> No.10712820

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10712830

Try Kamidori

>> No.10712831

I agree, OP should have said "PC games from Japan".

>> No.10712833

"Otaku PC games" would have been even better.

>> No.10712837

I thought that would be expected since I posted on /jp/ and we don't discuss stuff other than cute girls and Japanese games.

>> No.10712846

Yeah but the autists on this board flip their shit when you don't specify the thing you want to discuss is related to 2hu.

>> No.10712848

Tragically, you're wrong.

Please be more specific in the future.

>> No.10712864


You think that's ingredient of a /jp/?
How wrong. I'm crying for your idiot,
/jp/ is for OTAKU. Not POSER.
You want to talk about "oh, it's really nice MMO","Hey, it's my Steam.".
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

>> No.10712865

Oh my bad then I will try harder in the future to not upset the users of /jp/.

>> No.10712873

This is a bully-free zone. Please be more polite.

>> No.10712874
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le crossboarder face

>> No.10712883

It's more that your "/jp/ doesn't discuss stuff other than cute girls and Japanese games" was off.

>> No.10712881

I don't play MMO's or use steam....

I was just trying to be nice and considerate.

>> No.10712885
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Calm down everyone...

>> No.10712888
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are you going to keep trying to force a conversation all day or what

>> No.10712894

It's pretty hard to dig through /jp/'s autism but some good threads that aren't wch2hufck pop up from time to time.

>> No.10712901

I'm not trying to force anything why is everyone misunderstanding my intent today?

>> No.10712896
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>> No.10712902

I don't get it. What do NEET threads have to do with this thread?

I'm really confused.

>> No.10712905

Autistic people have trouble understanding people's intentions.

I am so sorry you had to see this.

>> No.10712907
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>> No.10712911

Because they're giant sperg and don't have empathy, they're in their own little carefree world of shitposting.

>> No.10712921

what kind of person would empathize with OP

>> No.10712928

Fuck off, neurotypical.

>> No.10712924

You can empathize with any human being as long as you aren't autistic.

>> No.10712933

You mean sociopath. Autistic can empathize, they just can't read body language.

>> No.10712935

you can but why the fuck would you over something like this

like if somebody cut off his hands because he made this thread, okay, i'd feel bad

>> No.10712940

I'm a psychotic actually.

>> No.10712947


Sure you are, neurotypical.

>> No.10712950

Still a neurotypical.

>> No.10712952


>> No.10712954

b-but my psychiatric and 3 years of meds couldn't lie could they!?

>> No.10712956 [DELETED] 

"i have a dark side... a deman w8ing to come out... i dnt know 4 how long i can control it......"

- u

>> No.10712963
File: 112 KB, 618x385, hotline miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you liked Drive then you should like this!

>> No.10712971

I hate to burst your bubble, but the guy lied to you to get you to buy three years worth of medication.

>> No.10712980

Diagnosis: OWNED

>> No.10712981

I guess I'll just trust some random anonymous person on the internet instead of a doctor then!

>> No.10712985


You might want to go to a doctor to get that stutter checked you shitposting faggot.

>> No.10712990
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Don't trust any doctor who is only interested in your wallet.

>> No.10712991

that's not very nice, please take back your insult onegai

>> No.10713014

I wish my doctor would lie to me and prescribe me amphetamines.

>> No.10713247


>> No.10713270


>> No.10713271


>> No.10713324

I have two computers and one laptop. With laptop I surf net. With one computer I keep track of stocks and run probabilistic simulations.

And finally, with the other I play games. At least, that's what I intended it for. Played Civ 5 a lot but got bored. Can't think of anything else to play. mmos are shit.

>> No.10713336
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have you tryed reading >>10708720

>> No.10713352


>> No.10713363

What type of games are you interested in OP? Because I could make quite a list.

>> No.10713372


bioshit infinite is pretty popular

>> No.10713407

I like anything really but 2D platformers are my favorite.

>> No.10713412
File: 8 KB, 256x256, computer question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you played cave story

also look up thread 10663429 in the archive

a person asked for platformers and there were a lot of suggestions

>> No.10713460

>[otaku don't play MMO]

>> No.10713472


You tried All of our friends are dead?
Au sable?
Flight gear is fun if you like to fly planes.
Transcendence for pew pew, top down space shooter
Shoot first( Roguelike, top down shooter)
Space Engine if you want to explore the universe( warning: can be scary)
AI Wars
0 A.D if you liked Age of Empires

>> No.10713493
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, jokerfloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP, kawaii floor.

>> No.10713497

That looks awful, why would you do this.

>> No.10713526


Because I can?

>> No.10713530 [DELETED] 

"im fucking retarded as hell" - you, professional faggot retard

Do you even know what psychosis is you fucking faggot retard?

>> No.10713622


I want turn based games.

>> No.10713625

Oh shit he's releasing his limiters

>> No.10713625,1 [INTERNAL] 

I fell asleep

Thank you guys~
