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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10702549 No.10702549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as there's no NEET/Hikikomori thread at the moment, I'm going to start this one.

Please enjoy this thread.

I really need to fix my sleeping schedule...

>> No.10702551



>> No.10702552
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Ryougi is pretty great, by the way.

>> No.10702553

how can i be a truEET?

>> No.10702560
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Well, I'm going to head to bed soon. Hopefully this thread will still be up tomorrow.

Stop being a retard, obviously.

>> No.10702564

Yeah, it's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

>> No.10702566


So, by being a NEET i'm actually a retard?

Pls no bully

>> No.10702569

*Hare Hare Yukai ringtone starts up*
-janitor chokes on his hotdog and spills some mountain dew on his shirt
-"yo janny someone posted a NEET thread"-
Holy Fucking SHIT
-stuff rest of hotdog in mouth
-trip over grandma's oxygen tank and yank the tube out of her breather
-little brother on janny's computer
-throw the little nerd off
-load up /jp/
-delete thread
-check watch
-chair makes a loud screech of pain as janny slumps back in his seat
-gotta be ready for the milk threads

>> No.10702579

You actually misspelled NEET when you typed truEET, you forgot the N, which is the most important part. Therefore, you're retarded.

>> No.10702582

One day I will find a way to make money while being a NEET

>> No.10702596

How are buttcoins?

>> No.10702595

Self employment is still employment. I think the trick is to accumulate a large amount of money prior to taking it easy.

>> No.10702602


I really want to be a truEET.


>> No.10702604

But what kind of self employment will give me most money?
I've been thinking of trying the Notch method, but I'm not sure how to do it. Most ideas are already taken.
Looks like a scam. But I'm not sure. Also requires some sort of initial investment I think.

>> No.10702611

Crime is an easy fast way to make money.

I'm a getaway driver to fund my NEET lifestyle, all I have to do is keep my car running well.

>> No.10702613

Anyone in northern California wanna fuck?

>> No.10702620

How would you go about this?

I try my luck at the lottery sometimes, but that's just a silly gamble.

>> No.10702624

Too dangerous. I want to take it easy in my own home, not in jail.

>> No.10702630

Do you pick a set of numbers or let the machine pick for you?

>> No.10702636


No one has fucked you yet?

>> No.10702642

Go away.

>> No.10702645
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Cry me a river.

I don't know, really. Playing the stock market maybe? Though that also requires an initial investment.

>> No.10702646

I think the people that pick up the tickets for me use machine.

>> No.10702648

Sadly, no.

I'm only interested in /jp/ers.

>> No.10702652
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I so regret not buying a few of them when they were a few dollars.

>> No.10702655

Yeah, I'm not sure if they're worth getting these days. I don't keep track of them though.

>> No.10702657


Keep at it, dude. I believe in you.



>> No.10702672

They were too much trouble to get. I wasn't going to go to the bank to set up some sort of deposit sheet like they wanted.

>> No.10702846

NEET Pride
World Wide

>> No.10702870
File: 317 KB, 1288x1799, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of making a shirt like this for a while out of one of my favorite undershirts. Something light, comfortable, and with something on it that means something to me, in this case the Comic LO logo.

Any other color combinations?

>> No.10702885

i want the pink one.

>> No.10702890

I'm partial to the top-right or middle-left ones because I like blue colors. In actuality though there's probably no chance I'll be able to dye a shirt the exact same color as what I see on the computer monitor.

>> No.10702896

How serious of an mental disorder do you need for autism bux? Could I make the cut with social anxiety and maybe a stretch on PTSD?

>> No.10702909

I'm not from the States personally, but I've read that having SAD should be enough to get SSI.

>> No.10702911

UK NEETs. Will the changes to benefits be affecting you and how?

>> No.10702944


here in canada i think you have to have some kind of disability
i know this one guy who was so gross and looked like a troll.he got welfare and disability and walked with a cane every once in a while and he was fat
so get fat and get a cane

>> No.10702950

Get a rich boyfriend/girlfriend to provide for you. It worked for me.

>> No.10702951

If you want to keep a fixed sleeping schedule and sleep at night, you must expose yourself to direct sunlight during the day. 20 minutes is enough. If you just sit in your dark room all day, your sleep pattern will be messed up.

I take NEET walks everyday now that spring has come.

>> No.10702954


Does opening the blinds count?

>> No.10702956

What's the point of a fixed sleep schedule?

>> No.10702968

You know, I've been thinking of just wearing different colours of the same shirt every day. It would simplify everything

>> No.10702971

Maybe. I haven't tried.

I have to because of my mum. It keeps her happy and leeching is much more enjoyable that way.

>> No.10702973

I've started NEETwalking myself, definitely helps with my overall state of mind.

>> No.10702975

That would require money, motivation, the ability and the will to socialize and get out of my house on a regular basis and to grow emotionally attached to someone.
Do you have any idea how hard it would be to even meet any of those requirements

>> No.10702978
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>tfw the sun hasn't been out in 5 months

>> No.10702985

That's the plot of Welcome to the NHK. This is real life, not a chinese cartoon.

>> No.10702991


i dont sit in direct sunlight ever. all the blinds are closed and my downstairs living room gets pretty dark which is awesome because i hate when light hits my tv screens while i am using the computer
and i like the cool basement, compared to it being hot and uncomfortable

>> No.10703003

You don't need money or having to get out of your house on a regular basis. I found someone online who paid for me and came to my country to live with me. It doesn't just happen in Chinese cartoons.

>> No.10703006

I really need to fix mine too. I have slept 2 horus in the past 48 hours

>> No.10703018

It's supposed to be 95F(35C) tomorrow and I've got the iced tea on standby for when it gets too hot to sleep. This is the best time of the year.

>> No.10703024

I'm too scared to take walks during the day.

>> No.10703025
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>> No.10703030
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>> No.10703032
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>> No.10703034
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>> No.10703043
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>> No.10703045

My curtains are always closed because there's a lot of glare from my window at all hours of the day.

I want to start going for walks late at night or early morning, does that count?

>> No.10703058

Those are my favorite kind of walks.

>> No.10703062

No, since you are not exposing yourself to sunlight

>> No.10703068

Do you have any tips? I don't really know where I should go, I would like to go to the park but maybe there would be some bad people.

I live on the outskirts of the city so it's not very busy but there's not many places to go.

>> No.10703082
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NEET Health Advisory
Never visit /pol/

>> No.10703086





>> No.10703100

I'm in Japan right now. I work as an English teacher. I thought that if I came here, I could take it easy, but so far, I'm taking it less easy than I ever have in my life. I'm so lonely and hungry. ;-; I want to be hikki again.


>> No.10703101

Why don't you leave Japan and go back home?

>> No.10703103


how many japanese girl have you fucked so far?

>> No.10703104

Isn't this what you wanted? To live the dream in Japan? Come on my brother, let's rest now. Close your eyes.

>> No.10703115
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hey, some of us still have this dream.

>> No.10703122

How did this happen?

>> No.10703123


One of happenings thread about north korea

>> No.10703131

Oh, I thought he followed one of those guides that made poison or something.

Dying to nuclear bombs isn't that bad if it's quick, it's his own fault for having regrets.

A truNEET accepts whatever is necessary to take it easy.

>> No.10703132


wise words, my tomodachi, wise words.

>> No.10703142

>I really need to fix my sleeping schedule...
1. 1-3 mg Melatonin, ~1 hour before sleep time
2. no computing, video games, smartphones, whatever 1-2 hours before sleep time

Working like a madman all day is the easiest way to sleep, but I'm not going to recommend that for you.

>> No.10703157

wait, why would a NEET want to fix their sleep schedule? I love waking up/sleeping whenever.

>> No.10703158
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But then what do you do for two hours before sleeping?

>> No.10703164

Does that help get rid of eye shadows? I look like a dead person even when I get more than 8 hours of sleep

>> No.10703175

What? No. Get rid of this shit. I thought we were finally rid of your shitty blog threads.

Fuck off to any number of other boards where this shit is actually on-topic.

>> No.10703176

Start wearing makeup.

>> No.10703178

I don't know how it is with other people, but I live with a person whose voice I can't stand. It makes me angry to hear it. I have to time it so that I sleep while he's awake as much as possible. For the rest of the time I drown it out with music. If I lived alone, this would never happen. I would go to sleep and wake up at any time. This is why I'm trying to live alone, somehow, but it doesn't seem possible without work in Canada.

>> No.10703180

Why the fuck would you need to do that?

>> No.10703181
File: 56 KB, 450x600, 33274101_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop smoking. It's going to ruin my teeth.

>> No.10703182

Getting good sleep can make them less prominent and get rid of bags but the eye circles are hard to get rid of completely and could even be genetic.

>> No.10703184

oh christ it's a real fucking whine fest in here

>> No.10703190

Let's kill all the unhappy people. Make the world better.

>> No.10703192

>but the eye circles are hard to get rid of completely and could even be genetic.
I guess it can't be helped then

>> No.10703193


ah, I get you. similar thing for me. the walls in my house are so thin and I can't stand hearing the TV going in the other room all the time.

Canadian as well.

>> No.10703195

you can be as unhappy as you damn well please but like having sex or shitting, such things are best done in private

>> No.10703198

buy a box of foam earplugs you fucking pussy

>> No.10703200


most books, movies and music are made by depressed people. you'd be an idiot to think that's a good idea.

>> No.10703202

I would support legalizing public shitting and public sex.

>> No.10703203

I'm sure they'll take care of themselves eventually.

>> No.10703209
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How much are you guys raking in in autismbucks every fortnight?

I get about $800-900 and have to pay $300 to my greedy mum for board. Just applied for a $1000 advance payment so I can put together a new computer.

-Rent assistance
-Youth Allowance

I'm thinking of attending some university course so I can get education rebates, discounts, student card and of course student allowance.

Could get a lot more if I moved out of home into my own house, then I get up to $4000 split over three years ($2000 one year, $1000 the next two) until I turn 24(25?) and all my other payments will increase 3 fold.

Aussie pride NEETwide. Truly the highest NEET living standards (and HDI, don't forget muh HDI) in the world.

>> No.10703212

What's your disability? And is Youth Allowance an AU-exclusive thing?

>> No.10703214


>> No.10703215


would love to get this shit but I'm not even sure if you can in Canada, and it seems complicated either way.

>> No.10703223

I wish I wasn't born in a third world country.

>> No.10703224

I didn't think we had it that good in AU, I always thought them SSI's had it better.

I'm subsisting on $500 before rent, I live alone on canned food.

>> No.10703238

Pretend anxiety + Pretend schizo effective disorder

I thank my white ancestors every day for not being born in a third world country

You gotta step your game up. Don't be ashame, milk the system.

>> No.10703238,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10703238,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10703238,3 [INTERNAL] 

So retarded that I laughed

>> No.10703238,4 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw I wake up

>> No.10703238,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10703238,6 [INTERNAL] 




