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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1067996 No.1067996 [Reply] [Original]

So what is this "moe" about? Wikipedia doesn't really explain it. Is it just cute girls or something?

>> No.1068006

Is the girl cute?
Do you want to protect her?

If you answered yes to both of these, you've found moe. I said cute before wanting to protect, because girls with down syndrome can't be moe.

>> No.1067999


>> No.1068008

It's like an abbreviated more, as in "So cute, moe!!".

>> No.1068012

"Moe" is when little girls are crippled mentally and emotionally to the point that anyone with a penis can instantly seduce them, even their grandfather.

>> No.1068021

Yeah, whatever.

I'm bored so I'll answer an obvious troll today. Moe is generally thought of as a feeling of desire to watch over and protect a young girl or the feelings of desire for specific attributes or qualities of young girls (maid moe, ponytail moe, megane moe)

>> No.1068062

Then what about train moe? I always thought moe had something to do with having a "burning passion" for something

>> No.1068070
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Train moe~

>> No.1068074


>> No.1068077

But if i want to chop her into little pieces and serve it for dinner is moe too?

>> No.1068078
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>> No.1068086
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>> No.1068087

Whenever you get that feeling where you see a girl that you just want to hug and hold because she's so cute, that's true moe.

>> No.1068094

You'll never understand and if you need to ask you don't belong here anyway so why do you care?

Just go around and call anything you think is cute moe, but do it elsewhere.

>> No.1068090

Guys can be moe too. My penis gets erect whenever I see moe guys, just like moe girls.

>> No.1068096
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>> No.1068098
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>> No.1068097

When a girl's odd quirk makes you burn with passion and your penis stands to attention...

>> No.1068105
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Moe started out as >>1068006
but retards trying to be "hardcore" have corrupted it to mean >>1068062

>> No.1068109


>> No.1068111

>girls with down syndrome can't be moe.


>> No.1068112
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So moe I'm gonna die

>> No.1068119

Oh god I love Ren

>> No.1068120
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This is national socialist moe. There are very many types. This picture makes me want to protect her from the Treaty of Versailles and give her back the Sudetenland.

>> No.1068136

There's no explanation for moe. Just lurk for 2 measly days and you'll get it, jesus christ.

>> No.1068134
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>> No.1068139


How can a concept which cannot be explained, exist to classify characters?

>> No.1068150

It's derived from moonspeak.
Doesn't have to make sense.

>> No.1068153

I loled hard.

>> No.1068162
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Otome moe is the only thing for me.

I feel nothing when I look at "cutesy" stuff.

>> No.1068165


>> No.1068166

Moe just means fetish/obsession/fixiation at this point.

It probably was only ever used like westerners use lolicon to not sound as bad as pedophile.

>> No.1068174

This is what it is.

>> No.1068180


>> No.1068189
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>> No.1068190

Moe is an art style where they draw little girls with big eyes and fetishistic clothing and have them make cute noises in an attempt to get otaku to buy 5 of anything even remotely related to it.

>> No.1068201

You say this like it's a bad thing.

>> No.1068219

>Moe is an art style that caters to /jp/.
Summed that up for ya'.

>> No.1068217

Kagami buys moe things. Are you insulting Kagami?

>> No.1068223

Maiden moe? What?

>> No.1068224


It is a bad thing. Moe can't be forced, but as long as retards lap up shit like Lucky Star, they'll keep pumping it out. Money always trumps art.

I'll just be here enjoying my true moe which is few and far between and trying my best to ignore all the morons who criminally misuse the term.

>> No.1068235
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>> No.1068234

Now you are just being pretentious.

>> No.1068239

disgusting 3d

>> No.1068242

I fell in love with moe just like I fell in love with Jesus. True Christianity and true moe are practically inseparable in my heart of hearts.

>> No.1068245


>> No.1068252

>as long as retards lap up shit like Lucky Star
since when is lucky star moe?

>> No.1068254


No I'm not. Next time just use a catchall like faggot instead of misusing words.

>> No.1068267


It isn't, that's the point. But probably if you polled the majority the results would say it is. This is how words get corrupted. I understand moe is a tricky term to understand, let alone define, but there are so many different incorrect usages of it flying around it's amazing.

>> No.1068273

>Money always trumps art. I'll just be here enjoying my true moe which is few and far between...


>> No.1068278

Moe no longer means what it used to. You're the one using it wrong.

>> No.1068281

Since timotei and ronery kagamin

>> No.1068288
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Indeed! It's one of the many types of 2D moe moe desu. Most Anons ITT think that 2D moe (or rather, the "definition" of it) is only an artsyle, or only "cute" stuff. They would be wrong; there are many aspects to it.

Otome moe basically appeals to two types:

1) The type that likes seeing elegant, young girls remain pure, and untouched by dirty male hands. The characters here are strictly gay; this appeals to the yuri enthusiasts.

2) The type that likes seeing elegant, young girls remain pure... only because it's more satisfying to see them violated by rape, ugly guys, and giant ghost penis in the end. Appeals to those that find it attractive to corrupt that which is innocent.

>> No.1068297

a few years ago i was at an anime club get together thing at uni, and during the trivia contest one of the questions was to define moe. i wasnt allowed to answer, because i wasnt a member (well, because i didnt shell out $15, and i wasnt going to, it was my first time there), no one was able to answer and the chick running everything announced that the correct response was "moe means fetishism".

the whole night was pretty lame, but that probably the peak.

>> No.1068301

Oh yeah, Touhou sorta has a bunch of everything.

There are "no males in Gensokyo" for a reason.

>> No.1068302

You need to learn to capitalize.

>> No.1068305


Descriptivists can fuck right off.

>> No.1068312

>1) The type that likes seeing elegant, young girls remain pure, and untouched by dirty male hands. The characters here are strictly gay; this appeals to the yuri enthusiasts.

The idea that purity isn't sullied by gay sex is somewhat absurd.

>> No.1068313


me again. just for clarity, the girl running everything didnt try to define with any more detail than that. nothing specific at all, no examples, nothing. just "moe is another word for fetish"

>> No.1068317

>So what is this "moe" about?

You see, the japs nowadays, they watch the cutesy shows, with the hau'in and the baaw'in and the dance'in and the pettan; so that they don't know what true moe is all about.

>> No.1068320

I'm a real Japanese otaku and you posers make me sick!
You don't even know what moe is yourself!

>> No.1068323

I just attribute that to an "lol Japan" thing.

I'm reminded by how otaku always demand that their eroge heroines are to be virgins. Non-virgin characters are always unpopular. Silly Japan.

>> No.1068322


I don't see why lesbian sex would soil anything.

>> No.1068328

Pettan. Pettan. Tsurupettan.

Because girls are cuter when they aren't dykes.

>> No.1068329

I don't see why sex would soil anything, lesbian or not.

>> No.1068330


yes, it would be a nice habit to get into, though im not really sure why. the only time i capitalize is when im writing formally like in an essay or something.

>> No.1068340


Fictional dykes are not real dykes. There is no flannel in Marimite.


Take it to some feminist blog.

>> No.1068345

Yeah, Zun can't draw them. He can't draw boobs either.

>> No.1068356

Just because he doesn't want to(who would?) doesn't mean he can't.

>> No.1068364
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>"no males in Gensokyo"

>> No.1068365

ZUN can't draw women. What makes you think he can draw men?

>> No.1068367
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(Side note: How much longer did that Youmu thread last?)

>> No.1068370

Fucking 9th grade mentality. Grammar is for every sort of communication, not just for passing some class. You should just drop out if you can't even understand why you're learning it.

>> No.1068378

Fucking 9th grade mentality. Grammar and punctuation (' key, use it) are for every sort of communication, not just for passing some class. You should just drop out if you can't even understand why you're learning it.

>> No.1068387


Rinnosuke was created for that very reason.

He exists to put penis in the Touhous.

>> No.1068398

I'd say that's more the purpose of random villagers, giant frogs, and Marisa.

>> No.1068411

I don't think you're a house at all!

>> No.1068414

>The idea that purity isn't sullied by gay sex is somewhat absurd.
The idea that you can have sex without losing purity or innocence (i.e. that sex can be not-impure) is highly appealing, though. That's why many wish to be the little girl.

>> No.1068428


>> No.1068472


i should drop out of university 3 years into a chem degree because i dont capitalize my posts on fucking 4chan?
are you fucking serious?

>> No.1068477

Yes. Become an hero while you are at it.

>> No.1068479
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there are few things more moe than touhou stacks

>> No.1068488


I suppose you say "haha" as opposed to "lol" in your internet conversations.

What a tool.

>> No.1068497
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Pfft, this anonymous person on the internet can't type decent English!

Appalling, I say!

>> No.1068501

Like orca stacks?

>> No.1068504

You're doomed to nothing but failure for the rest of your existence.

>> No.1068508

>Become an hero

Oh please, if you want to tell me to kill myself, just do it. The fact that you need to reference a meme that developed on an internet imageboard just shows how immature you are.

>> No.1068509

I say lol, but I capitalize it if it is the first word.

>> No.1068516

This poster is using proper grammar. It must be someone else.

>> No.1068520


>> No.1068525

Calling people immature is a telltale sign of immaturity.

>> No.1068529


It's funny how it all comes back to "I'm paper you're glue", isn't it?

>> No.1068531


>> No.1068536

Troll trolling trolls.

>> No.1068541

If you don't capitalize and use commas in your head when speaking, then you don't really know English. Instead, you know a series of grunts that help you buy groceries and find mates.

>> No.1068550


Quite. I'm starting to like this capitalization thing.
I have learned the mistake of my ways, from this day forth I will always use proper grammar and capitalizations when I post on 4CHAN.

>> No.1068563


You know, there's a direct english translation for moe. It doesn't require fudging around with nuances or paragraph-long explanations.


Also grammarfags can gtfo

>> No.1068564

Bravo, you rather bizarre troll.

>> No.1068581

I say "wwwwwwww" instead of "lol".
I'm serious.

>> No.1068588


how is that trolling? it was all a response to >>1068302

>> No.1068593


>You know, there's an incorrect direct english translation for moe. It doesn't require fudging around with nuances or paragraph-long explanations. Just pick a random word out of a dictionary. It's a completely wrong definition so anything at all works. From now on moe means obtuse.

>> No.1068599

"Adorable" is a perfectly acceptable synonym for common English usage.

>> No.1068605

Well, tsunderekko are moe, so I guess being obtuse is moe.

>> No.1068610


No, no it isn't. If you want to say adorable, go ahead and say adorable. But that's not what moe means at all.

>> No.1068620

That is how it is commonly used in English-speaking countries, which is what I said and should therefore not have to repeat for your benefit.

>> No.1068632

That's not what's being said at all. Calling people immature is a pretentious act that attempts to set one above another by some personally defined set of values, which if not adhered to, apparently make the person not as mentally developed as you. It rarely has more merit than saying "ur a retart for arguing wit me."

It is primarily something one would do in that still immature state where they need to feel as much like an "adult" as possible while deriding anything they see as "not adult." Beyond that it is quite easy to dismiss anything by calling it, and by extension the person doing it, childish.

Besides that, you can't really say that making fun of a lack of proper grammar (the other angle of an hero besides the suicide connotations), or referencing it as the case may be, is more childish than some rebellion against proper language use because you don't feel it is worth using intelligent writing to communicate with others.

>> No.1068645
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>> No.1068654


>I'm a descriptivist faggot and if enough uneducated plebeians misuse a word then the meaning of that word changes.

Go cheer on the slow death of the English language somewhere else.

>> No.1068656
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>> No.1068655

Moe does not mean adorable. Adorable is more literally what kawaii means and I'm sure you don't think kawaii = moe.

可 - can ~ able
愛 - love ~ adore

>> No.1068664

>slow death
That's a positive outlook.

>> No.1068672

>It's funny how it all comes back to "I'm paper you're glue", isn't it?

Wait, what? Isn't it "I'm rubber?" How can things bounce off of paper?

>> No.1068678

No, you're just a faggot.

>> No.1068687


We were too poor to afford rubber, fuck you, we made do with what we had.

>> No.1068683

Words bounce off of paper, clearly.

>> No.1068692


It's superpaper, left over from the space paper airplanes of death.

>> No.1068695

Playing kickball with a paper ball must have been horrible.

>> No.1068701


We didn't play kickball, we played dodgeball. Or dodgerock as we called it.

>> No.1068719

That's a man's game right there.

>> No.1068731

I've never heard anyone translate kawaii as anything but "cute."

Which is not the same as "adorable," though the two are not independent.

>> No.1068739

Comma splice.
