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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10664353 No.10664353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10664361


>> No.10664377

Please post a full size picture of yourself, OP.

>> No.10664378

is that cirno?

>> No.10664382

uhh thanks, anyone want to find op based on how he didn't cover his profile pic, I'm busy

>> No.10664380

Why are you still stalking that J-List guy?

>> No.10664381

American touhou fandom in a nutshell.

>> No.10664386

>Touhou fandom in a nutshell.
I fixed that for you.

>> No.10664384
File: 27 KB, 400x400, peter-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10664393
File: 145 KB, 720x720, ohana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also cool headphones
and waaay better hair than anyone on /jp/ should have

>> No.10664402

I really can't understand these people. They want to be deviants but they use facebook. Can someone explain this to me? It creeps me out.

>> No.10664406
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 1345509154496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess I would get a bit butt-peeved if I did care, but I have literally 0 investment in touhou and really don't care about it one bit, so I can't.

>> No.10664411

They're ear-protectors, not headphones. I was at the gunrange.

>> No.10664431

I honestly think it's for the best. We're starting to get to the point where it's okay to be completely open about your life. Sure, there'll be some attention whoring here and some "I'm a transfat otherkin diaper fetishist" there, but eventually real-life will be exactly like /jp/. I'll be able to walk up to someone and say, "Hello little girl, I want to fondle you," and she'll say, "Well, it's not like we're in those prudish 2010s any more. Go right ahead!"

>> No.10664432

Nice tripdubs.


>> No.10664433

I'm on /jp/ and I have equal if not greater hair than the OP. Please stop projecting your own insecurities onto /jp/sies, thank you.

>> No.10664442

>this is what pedos actually believe

>> No.10664449

May I ask who you are quoting?

>> No.10664456

I am quoting >>>/g/29315195

>> No.10664458

i'd never talk with a person who has a mlp or touhou facebook picture. kimoi

>> No.10664459

>They want to be deviants
Where do they say this?

>> No.10664471

But /jp/ doesn't act like this.

>> No.10664476

having an anime picture as your facebook icon screams you're a deviant. even the op doesn't use that shit.

>> No.10664480

Really? It looks exactly like most touhou threads on /jp/.

>> No.10664487


>> No.10664491


>> No.10664495


>> No.10664492

When did openly likely what you like become wanting to be a deviant?

>> No.10664498

Wrong, /jp/ has more e/b/in memes like
>tfw no 2hu gf

>> No.10664507

Anime is normal interest nowadays.

>> No.10664504


de•vi•ant (ˈdi vi ənt)

1. deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation.
2. a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.

Since the word was created.

>> No.10664506

since when is facebook for deviants to display their mlp and anime pictures? i don't even have a facebook or use it, but people who use those pictures are creepers.

>> No.10664511

I'm not a gun fanatic. My dad and brother like guns and they invited me

>> No.10664512 [DELETED] 

Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Since the word was created. We are all deviants here.

>> No.10664513

20 year old male using a pony or little girl avatar is not normal.

>> No.10664518

How long have you been a shut-in?

>> No.10664521

No, no it isn't.

>> No.10664526

10 years. i meant as a facebook picture. use your little girl and mlp on steam or whatever it's just easier to avoid you.

>> No.10664611

The greatest proof that /v/ is full of viral marketers and that they aren't dealt with because moot's getting a cut of the profits is that threads like these are still allowed to exist.

>> No.10664618


>> No.10664624

Warosu is a reported attack site.

>> No.10664632


>> No.10664636

Shh... no tears. Only feels now.

>> No.10664638
File: 22 KB, 300x313, le jp face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10664639


okay im sorry



>> No.10664641


>> No.10664646

op, make it your new profile pic

>> No.10664806
File: 26 KB, 300x313, 1364320710128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10664806,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks a lot piece of shit janitor.

>> No.10664806,2 [INTERNAL] 

I said I was going to do it, I said I was going to do it ten times, and now I did. Heaven help me, I've done it.

>> No.10664806,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10664806,4 [INTERNAL] 

Translate it, weeaboos.
