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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 851x508, jay pee facebook face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10650315 No.10650315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do we have one (sorry if i sound new)

>> No.10650316

Of course not, and any off-site community is immediately no longer affiliated with 4chan.

>> No.10650318

No one wants their Facebook to be known anyway. No one.

Except attention whores of course

>> No.10650323

Theyre probably joking
or doing it to annoy /a/

>> No.10650327

>having a facebook account

>> No.10650326

That's a poetic way to say it.

>> No.10650328
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/g/ has one too

>> No.10650329
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>> No.10650330
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>> No.10650332
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>> No.10650334

How did you make /a/ look like that?

>> No.10650335

It's funny because he's right. Well, it's not funny. It's pretty damn depressing.

>> No.10650336

Hmm, I'm going to make one for /jp/ right now.

>> No.10650338

It has 178 likes. In the Facebook world that's basically zero.

>> No.10650339

/a/ OC is the worst, so forced and unfunny.

>> No.10650340

Please don't be a normalfag.

>> No.10650341

It's okay because he's doing it ironically.

>> No.10650343

I'm not doing it ironically. I'm aware that it's an unpopular opinion, but I actually think facebook is great.

>> No.10650344

*casts an autism bolt at u*

>> No.10650345

This is the part where we string you up.

I hope you are prepared.

>> No.10650347

Sorry, but I'd knock out any of you NEETs pretty easily if you tried anything.

>> No.10650348
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>> No.10650349

Kill yourself.

>> No.10650352

Kill yourself.

>> No.10650354

Kill yourselves.

>> No.10650355

Too much trouble.

>> No.10650356
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>> No.10650359

A skilled leader would have made them kill each other. Maybe you should kill yourself since you're obviously a lozzzzzzer.

>> No.10650365
File: 46 KB, 500x500, social media question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what point does something go from being a useful off-site resource to being blatant and unfunny attention seeking

>> No.10650368

I think you're getting into this a bit to much.

>> No.10650371

The minute its not on 4chan and still tries to associate itself with 4chan.

>> No.10650373

anus anus

>> No.10650376

Archives are useful, but I do not see practicality in a facebook page.

>> No.10650379

It's hilarious how you're here every day and night pulling just about every stunt in the book and then some to get people to reply to you.

I may have no life, or even a future to look forward to, but I know that I can always come here to see you whoring out for attention, and immediately feel better about myself.

>> No.10650383

You're talking about Trevor right?

>> No.10650385

Blame the normals taking over 4chan.

>> No.10650403

do we have our subreaddit too? :)

>> No.10650404


>> No.10650409
File: 46 KB, 500x500, girl question anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about sites like wikis
or just general archive and content hosting like suptg

>> No.10650414

Why would you feel proud of an obvious deficiency? This is probably not the only place where he fools around. People tend to be flexible and busy.

Your taunt destroyed itself unless you believe in truNEET pride worldwide. In that case, it was only destroyed in the eyes of more or less normal observers.

>> No.10650418

epic sage. I bet you're proud of yourself.

>> No.10650419

I'm not taunting anyone. If OP thinks that he can make /jp/ his blog, then so can I. :-)

>> No.10650421
File: 67 KB, 500x500, manga question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does _ebooks even mean
is it some twitter joke
tokikos twitter was text_ebooks or something

someone made one called jaypae or something but it was ironic

>> No.10650424

Why would an imageboard need a wiki?

I wasn't familiar with sup/tg/ but I think that it's reasonable considering the circumstances of /tg/. I suppose they could match games on the board itself but that might be a bit too chaotic.

>> No.10650425

Can I make ironic /jp/ facebook page?

>> No.10650427

/a/ has one for anime recommendations and stuff, /v/ has one for video game recommendations too and recommended mods and stuff

>> No.10650429

_ebooks accounts are made and posted to by a script that grabs sentences from various sources and posts them.

>> No.10650432

/lit/, /diy/ and /sci/ have them as well

>> No.10650435
File: 10 KB, 256x256, lrig noitseuq retupmoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just checked suptg and it used to have an image section with funny and useful pics but thats gone now

it also has an archive where you archive specific threads and vote on and tag them
imo thats better than just archiving every post

i think they have a wiki where they do collabs and stuff but it seems to mostly be used for jokes and memes

>> No.10650434

I'll say this - wikis and archives were useful, but they largely contributed to speeding up the rate at which 4chan fell to its demise. It should have all been contained within this website. You'd either lurk, or you you'd go away forever without making the site worse.

>> No.10650437

Maybe years ago. These days people don't barely know what lurking is.

>> No.10650438

That's the idea. I was speaking in past tense.

>> No.10650442

Someone introduced themselves on a mailing list I'm on today. He wrote two long emails, explaining his background and his opinions on the topic. He had read through the entire archives before posting.

>> No.10650443
File: 268 KB, 500x500, the yokai who read a book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see well his looked like he wrote it

personly i think theres nothing wrong with a pool of resources for newbies as an adjunct (is that a word) to lurking
look at 3 and wg for examples they have stickies with information in them
newsgroups had FAQs or whatever even though ppl were expected to lurk

the problem imo is that wikis and websites become separate communities of their own or they get too social and dramatic
look at the touhou wiki there are huge arguments on whether some fairies can stay or not

>> No.10650445

Fuck, go back to your twitter. Christ.

>> No.10650453
File: 22 KB, 640x400, c64 anime q girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10650461

Is there some particular reason you decided to come back here and make yet another series of shitty posts today?

>> No.10650467

I am from /lgbt/ I can't help it

>> No.10650472

You can't help it because you're a pathological attention whore. Presumably you weren't getting enough of it elsewhere.

>> No.10650471

How can you be from a board that's a few days old?

>> No.10650474
File: 51 KB, 500x500, anime question girl ALERT!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my posts

i dont have a twitter

if i just wanted attention i would get a twitter

>> No.10650477

Stop impersonating me

>> No.10650482


What is his twitter?

>> No.10650484

Go find it yourself.

>> No.10650486

not my post

>> No.10650490

they're not my posts either

>> No.10650491

not my post

>> No.10650508

Oh look, the retard is drooling on himself again.

>> No.10650512

Yeah, don't do that

>> No.10650510
File: 19 KB, 520x346, 1355103820948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10650524

One of them is my post. No, anon, you are the 2kike.
