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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 637x477, 1270582777042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10640314 No.10640314 [Reply] [Original]

How would Gensokyo be different if Marisa wasn't there?

I bet it would be a great place. No one would have to worry about nasty, dirty round-eyed devils stealing all their stuff.

>> No.10640335

Marisa is the secondariest 2hu.

>> No.10640400
File: 1.03 MB, 1713x1200, 1351251577002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pettan pettan..

>> No.10640401

You know that image isn't of Marisa, right?

>> No.10640402

Marisa a shit.
Reimu a great.

>> No.10640410

I think you're a bit blind.

>> No.10640415

Pretty sure I'm not.

>> No.10640423

This scene left such a bad taste in my mouth that I stopped reading shortly after.
I still have the disc collection left practically unused, because I was naive enough to waste money on importing it.

>> No.10640425

Then why would you say an image that is obviously of Marisa is not of her?

>> No.10640429

Because it's not Marisa.
I promise.

>> No.10640452

Jeshika is Marisa's cousin.

>> No.10640462

You should have kept reading, there were much better reasons to drop it.

>> No.10640468

If it's supposed to be Marisa, then why was Trurupettan playing?

No true Otaku would ever make that mistake. Can't explain that without magic!

>> No.10640465 [DELETED] 

Epic memebox my /a/-related friend.

>> No.10640471

Thank you!

>> No.10640477

Jessica is very talented!

>> No.10640483

Will someone please comment on my post instead of the damn picture?

>> No.10640484

Everything about Jessica pissed me off. What an annoying little cunt.

>> No.10640487

So you refuse to repeat it in red?

>> No.10640492

Was there anyone that didn't deserve to be hated?

Allow me to try again. It has been a while since I have done this.

>> No.10640489
File: 502 KB, 1470x1088, 70a14bf6ef6ed2c5fe36b5ef1176557d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an image that is everything about Jessica!

>> No.10640493

How did they know about touhou in the 80's?

>> No.10640497

Kinzo had amazing foresight.

>> No.10640506


That episode was written by a bad forger.

>> No.10640500

How did they know about Nico in the 80s?

>> No.10640509

I wouldn't put it past him

>> No.10640514

How is she worse than the others? They are all worthless little shits.

>> No.10640510


Touhou was invented in the 60's.

>> No.10640513

It seems you refuse to repeat it.

>> No.10640529

Jessica felt the most like a real life teenager.

>> No.10640527

ZUN wasn't the only person in history to visit Gensokyo and return to tell the tale.

>> No.10640530

Though I swear those other two would have used to work though.

>> No.10640670

Its so sad that this isn't even big compared to the other gaping holes in that piece of shit series.

>> No.10640731

Marisa is a shitty character. She probably doesn't put her feet in the human village because of the shame she must feel. I bet people bullied her a lot for her crazy witch pretend play. Youkai only put up with her because the pity they feel is much stronger than the urge to eat her. Not that there's much to eat. She's skin and bones and hasn't had a decent meal in years. Meanwhile Reimu doesn't mind her because Marisa is pretty much the only contact with humanity she ever has. That's changing fast, though, because Sanae moved to gensokyo and she has a lot more in common with Reimu than Marisa ever had. Soon enough Sanae will become the second main heroine and Marisa will follow in on the footsteps of her "master" and become a fond memory about people with no taste in characters.

>> No.10640778
File: 79 KB, 300x341, Marisa is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now look guys, you made Marisa cry.

>> No.10640784

Why all doujin artist always depict Marisa as tall blond witch? She is canonically the shortest main character in Gensokyo. And can even pass as loli.

>> No.10640805

I'm stealing all your images.

>> No.10640811

Serves her right, the bitch. A little bit of karmic justice at last. And this won't be the end of it. You better save those tears for later because your tribulations are soon to come, you pathetic excuse for a thieving bitch.

>> No.10640821


shut the fuck up you stupid nerd

>> No.10640835

People say she left her parents. I say her parents abandoned her. Rinnosuke must be a hell of a strong guy for her to never get harmed, since I don't think all youkai pity her. It's more like Rinnosuke doing all the pitying and cleaning everything up backstage. I wonder when he'll come to his senses and realize Marisa is a lost cause.

>> No.10641261

Wow, I've never seen so much jealousy in one thread. Just because Marisa is the most well liked the popular person in Gensokyo doesn't mean you should take your frustration out on her.

>> No.10641515

Your shit.

>> No.10641612

> Rinnosuke must be a hell of a strong guy
Rinnosuke is a weakling according to PMiSS, and direct statements by ZUN on the Gensou BBS.

Marisa is protected by spellcard rules, her own strength, and being best friends with the most powerful person in Gensokyo.

>> No.10641724


She is best friends with Yukari then?

>> No.10641733

Shame on most of you in this thread. Marisa is who all of you should strive to be like. A rather ordinary human, taking on gods, immortals, aliens and the like with nothing more than practice and a little borrowed help.

>> No.10641736

Okay, I'll start on that tomorrow.

>> No.10641742


> −『幻想郷で一番強いのは誰か?   ( TYSI 21歳)』
> ZUN:
> 誰だろうね(笑
> これはやっぱりねー……霊夢じゃないかな?当たり前のようだけど


>> No.10641749

Translate it weebs.

>> No.10641779

Basically he says that Reimu is obviously the strongest in Gensokyo.

>> No.10642567

>nasty, dirty round-eyed devils
but marisa is japanese, not white.

her name for one, if she was white it'd be written with katakana like alice's, not with kanji.

>> No.10642573

why should i strive to be an ordinary human, taking on gods, immortals, aliens and the like with practice and a little borrowed help when i can strive to be a youkai with everything above.

>> No.10642673

What if Umineko was played out by Touhous? Would Reimu be able to find the gold?

>> No.10642755
File: 176 KB, 800x1148, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-episode-x-1101286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10642757
File: 191 KB, 1200x841, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-episode-x-1101287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10642759

I think Marisa is pretty great and stuff.
I'd have a beer with her.

>> No.10642762
File: 123 KB, 800x1148, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-episode-x-1101288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then Marisa was a minigirl.

>> No.10642812

Life would be great without Marisa. She was the catalyst of hopeless masquerade. Before, humans didn't really have to worry about incidents because they were never actually involved. Then came this scrawny little bitch who lies and steals for them just because "it's fun". Thanks to a stroke of luck she got her hands on a portable WMD so they can't do shit about it. Meanwhile the Hakurei miko (one of the worst to ever have that title) doesn't do shit because she's on a passive-aggressive bitch fit. Maybe if you actually helped the village they'd give you donation and you wouldn't have to settle for the shitty company of a shallow dumb blonde bimbo, don't you think?

>> No.10642814

>Able to find gold.

Haha, no.

>> No.10642817

I completely agree with you except on the Reimu part. I think she's just in a toxic relationship with Marisa because she was the only human stupid enough to approach her without being afraid.

>> No.10642831

That's a pretty uncute way to see things. I don't want all this uncute hate in my totally cute Touhou.

>> No.10642834


Is this a fat joke?

>> No.10642836
File: 220 KB, 640x480, 1350496173780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica is pretty sexy and kind of cool. Plus, she's a real romantic, and I appreciate that in a woman. I wouldn't mind ejaculating in her at all!

>> No.10642913


>> No.10642952


> Implying you wouldnt mind ejaculating into anything

.. But yeah, most people wouldn't mind ejaculating in her either.

>> No.10642970


I-I am no slut, Anon! I very much *would* mind ejaculating in most things


>> No.10642979


M-moot, stop telling me I entered the wrong password! I need to edit my post on 4chan because I fucked up the spoiler tags, gosh!

>> No.10642990 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10643001


Screw you man, I'm a rebel. I live on the edge. I'll abuse spoilers like I abuse your mom jokes, and there's nothing you can do about it except frown at your monitor and sigh at my posts!

>> No.10643010

and you, stop feeding the trolls.

all your posts do is give attention and egg them on to do it even more.

plus uncalled for catchphrases like yours or the greentext ones are against the global rule 3.

>> No.10643014

Since when is asking people not to misuse spoilers an uncalled for catchphrase?

Are you the reason why asking people who they're quoting became a bannable offense?

>> No.10643017


I don't understand. I wasn't trolling. I was just making stupid jokes and meandering on about nothing important. And he wasn't really using a catchphrase. Maybe he *did* want me to just not misuse spoilers

Why do you do this, Anon?

>> No.10643045

your exact wording of it was repeated so often it became a meme, like the "who are you quoting" one.

2 pages of the exact same thing.

over 100 fucking pages and counting, and by 100th page it's still 2012.

>> No.10643049

i'm sure people will stop any minute now

any minute now


>> No.10643063

How is it his fault people keep misusing spoilers?

>> No.10643258

why can't he simply go away then? it's not his job to moderate 4chan, especially through spam. he can click report button.

if it gets deleted, good for him. if it repeatedly doesn't, it's not against the rules so he has no case.

>> No.10643260

Do people really hate Jessica? She was one of the few likable people on the island and was definitely the cutest (but her only real competitors were an autistic brat and furniture).

I bet Marisa's slut of a mother fucked a gaijin.

>> No.10643280

Self-moderation is what keeps /jp/ from turning into a shithole.

>> No.10643283

self-moderation only works when there's actual moderation around to back it up

>> No.10643288

and see how much it helped.

100+ pages of "who are you quoting" spam.

result: green text is still strong, absolutely zero effect. hell, i'd say the effect was actually opposite, more greentexting to spite the butthurt spammer.

>> No.10643289

2011 is proof that i'm right

>> No.10643286

/jp/ is proof that what you just said is wrong.

>> No.10643293

Well, for obnoxious spammers and people flooding /jp/ with botnets, yes. But for normal everyday business, self-moderation works surprisingly well. People post in threads they care about, and shitty threads disappear fast.

>> No.10643359

Would you rather fuck Marisa or Jessica-Marisa?

>> No.10643368

Shut the fuck up.
Can't you see we're busy discussing why /jp/ is so shit?

>> No.10643371

Jessica Marisa hand down. Because it would mean TWO fandoms instead of one.

>> No.10643379

Please do not use the crossboard feature.

>> No.10643390

I'd rather have her dress up like Alice.

>> No.10643413

>crossboard feature
are you on crack or something?

>> No.10643501

Marisaa has a penis.

>> No.10643553

I lol when I play this stage in ougon

>> No.10643554


>> No.10643549

Basically he has nothing relevant left to say.

>> No.10643577

now I got it
she was probably desperately trying to give him some sort of clue about Beatrice before her time runs out

poor Jessica

>> No.10643651

right, but marisaa does

>> No.10643706

Have you ever read Umineko?

>> No.10643717

I read it 4 time

>> No.10643747

Gensokyo would be a paradise and the games would lose one of their down sides. Why is that obnoxious bland bitch still a playable character when girl like Sakuya, Youmu Reisen and Futo are considerably better than her? Hell, you could've brought Yuuka back as a main character or made Alice one.

>> No.10643755

Oh? I'm sorry then. But have yo read your "Umineko no Naku Koro ni EpisodeX Rokkenjima of Higurashi crying" where that scene is from?

>> No.10643759

sorry I will check my english-speaking privilege and go find that

>> No.10643784

Basically people like you who chime in out of nowhere and think you can read the minds of other posts are fucking retarded and should die.

>> No.10643810

The first rule about anything Ryukishi07 writes is that no one is to be hated. At worst you may pity her.

>> No.10643854
File: 63 KB, 620x349, Typical Nip boxer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, a transvestite boxer (or something) dressed up like Marisa to dance and sing at the K-1 fighting tournament.


>> No.10643858

What the hell?

>> No.10643896

does that reisen have a dick?

>> No.10643904

He's not a transvestite, he just likes to crossdress before boxing.

>> No.10644131

Yeah, big difference.

>> No.10644621
File: 427 KB, 641x481, marisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be the song she was singing?

Maybe it's more coherent in Japanese.

>> No.10644625
File: 555 KB, 634x478, I wonder which one sold the rights to that story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higurashi was published there too.

>> No.10644626

Did you go and find that just because of this thread? Get a life!

>> No.10644631

Pffh. You'd never understand.
