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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10630797 No.10630797 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10630809

I don't understand it

>> No.10630814

kane is pedophile.

>> No.10630821

Just the typical fanon filth.

>> No.10630822

Keine is very "experienced"

>> No.10630837

at what?

>> No.10630838 [DELETED] 


>> No.10630848


Fuck this doujin, by the way. Decent enough the whole way through, then the last page fucks over the whole thing.

>> No.10630855

I can tell right away this was translated by CGRascal. I love that guy!

>> No.10630870

I don't understand how he's still so terrible after all these years.

>> No.10630871

Maybe she shouldn't make promises to innocent boys she can't keep

>> No.10630891

Don't go blaming her for the kid growing up to be an evil rapist.

>> No.10630889


>> No.10630900

The FUCK. What is with Japan and making every god damn man painted out as some sort of rapist. I'm sick of this FUCKING misandry.

>> No.10630909

You said it bro #/r/mensrights

>> No.10630928
File: 354 KB, 1200x1691, alice attracts rapist shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scenario looks familiar

Don't you just love faceless little boys?

>> No.10630943

I know, right?

You know those doujins where a bunch of faceless village men tie up and rape a Touhou, and part of the village populace knows what's going on? I want more of those books to end with a mob of angry village guys busting down the door and saving the day.

>> No.10631002

That would be such a wonderful ending to that Avion Village series.
One of the rapist is chatting with some guy at a bar or something, and brings up the situation. The guy he's talking to is outraged, gets in a argument/fight with the guy, finds out people like Keine and Kasen and Reisen are among the victims, spreads the word, and an hour or too latter there's an angry mob banging on the door to the rape basement.

I can dream.

>> No.10631022

and then at least a single volume dedicated just to the rapists having even worse things done to them
the ideal.....

>> No.10631034

>studied various things

Bad translation, or just bad dialogue?

>> No.10631037

Oh no, nothing like that.

>> No.10631045

why not?
wouldn't it be fun to see some torture done, real torture, the one that doesn't have sexual sub-tekst to it?
combine it with moral satisfaction and you've got a win win situation

>> No.10631049


>> No.10631054


>> No.10631057


>> No.10631059

I disagree.

>> No.10631089

The next book in that series is about Sanae, the most prominent of the people behind all the rape. So you'll get some of your karma after all.
Thing is, it's just going to be more rape, and there's also Kaguya/Eirin behind everything AGAIN, so it's not like anything's going to get better/anyone's going to be freed, so I don't know why they're even bothering...but whatever.

>> No.10631140
File: 147 KB, 800x800, 1289185223946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no straight shota doujinshi that don't involve rape or reverse rape?

>> No.10631150


Because then no one would read it.

>> No.10631151

>reverse rape
No such thing, If a male's penis is erect, it isn't rape.

>> No.10631155

That's not how it works. Arousal does not equal consent.

>> No.10631167

In a mans case it does. He has an unlimited amount of semen so even if you "forcibly" extract some from his body there is no damage done.

>> No.10631169


>> No.10631175

The fuck? I' not a lesbo

>> No.10631180

It has nothing to do with damage. It's like saying getting a footjob from a loli does no damage.

It's still going to be considered rape, and you're still going to jail.

>> No.10631187
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 1229081941723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlimited amount

>> No.10631188


I would read consensual shota fucking.

>> No.10631191

Actually not. Most developed countries only classify penetration as rape.

>> No.10631197

I'm happy for you.

>> No.10631204

Can a kid's penis even get erect? I never think lewd thoughts when I was that age!

>> No.10631217

I think so. I never thought anything lewd until I was 16 or something though so I'm not sure.

>> No.10631229

I was thinking lewd thoughts around 7 and pleasuring myself a bit before that because I remember having the same fetishes when I was somewhere under 7 but no younger than 5 that I still do now.

>> No.10631238

When I was a kid mine got erect sometimes without me wanting it to and it also got erect when I had lewd thoughts, though I only masturbated when I was 18.

>> No.10631241
File: 711 KB, 2503x3657, cat vector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how did you even know what that was? I didn't even comprehend what sex really was when I learned it in middle school (I thought it was about peeing into a girl's peepee and just laughed at it) and even when I did never got interested since it was for naughty kids. I didn't even know what a fetish was until end of high school.

>> No.10631270

I remember mine used to, it was strangely connected to the need to pee.

>> No.10631282

I knew what I liked and I knew it felt good. I don't know how I knew but I just did and wanted other people to do it to me. When I first started cumming (can't remember exactly when) it was interesting to me because I had no clue what it was but I actually liked it. I never had any fantasies of fucking any girls though, only handjobs and later blowjobs. I still don't and that's all I'm really interested in.

>> No.10631357

I remember having erections very young but I didn't know what they were or how they happened until very later.

>> No.10631376

Keine rape makes me very angry. It's a different sort of anger than usual.

>> No.10631383

you're lying

sex is taught in elementary school and even at this point everyone knows about it and a lolclasses with a lot of pervy jokes follow

I was watching porn ever since I was 10...or 11.

>> No.10631406

Underage please leave

>> No.10631409

You post on redddit too?

>> No.10631418

I didn't have it taught to me in elementary school, I didn't know exactly what it was but I just loved to do it and had fantasies over other people there. I first saw porn on the internet around my 2nd year of middleschool I believe. It had older women so I wasn't turned on at all. The only porn I can find online I like just has to do with my fetishes even if I don't like the people doing it alone. So it doesn't interest me really, I have my imagination.

>> No.10631420

What the fuck. When did that get there?

>> No.10631421

There were brief classes, but I didn't understand and didn't pay attention. I think it may have to do with a)me not understanding what a vagina was, since the teachers were super vague about the whole thing, and b) I didn't know what an erect penis was. I didn't know a penis could go erect until I had an accidental erection in high school and thought I had some disease.

And I was in a special advanced class and my close friends had no pervy jokes whatsoever, and I was taught to keep as far away from any of those "naughty" things that "bad children" like the same way I was taught to stay away from drugs. People on the bus were probably making pervy jokes but it just passed over my head.

>> No.10631481

I think not ever having had an erection until high school is probably more indicative of having a disease than having an "accidental erection".

>> No.10631486

Puberty is a mental disease.

>> No.10631490

How do you have an erection by accident.

>> No.10631491

I agree.

>> No.10631497

There was never sex ed in elementary school.

>> No.10631504

I'm sorry I can't tell what you are trying to say, I have autism and it makes hard for me to tell what people mean.

>> No.10631506

there was in mine

>> No.10631507

There was at mine.

>> No.10631564

I was screwed on a test I was not prepared for and the pressure of it all caused me to get erect and cum and I had no idea what was happening from the strange sensation

>> No.10631582

I remember when I thought lewd thoughts about some others in my school and got an erection when I had to walk. Nobody seemed to notice though, shows through so much more in the lower grades when you had that stupid dress code and the pants you had to wear showed it so much.

>> No.10631604

That's more of a "I had an erection and then ejaculated" than an "accidental erection". I don't really think you can have an accidental erection, you can have an erection at an inopportune time
but "accidentally" is not a word I would use to describe the event.

>> No.10631616

When do you start talking about Kayne

>> No.10631643

What are you trying to say?

>> No.10631649

Is it possible to have an intention erection? It's just something that sort of happens on its own.

>> No.10631664

I will assume you mean "intentional", and yes. You can arouse yourself by thinking about things that you find erotic. Or by watching porn. You should probably just read the wikipedia article on erections.

>> No.10631683

Holy shit, I just realized I can't, not without any sort of external stimulus. I'm thinking lewd thoughts but nothing is happening.

Is this what ED is like?

>> No.10631694

Just try to remember the last doujin you fapped to or something.

>> No.10631703

I'm trying. I'm trying everything, like things in my visual memory (art, doujinshi, VNs), to picturing myself in situations (fugging, fondling, licking), to imagining things happening before me in 3D dimensions. Nothing at all is happening.


>> No.10631705

>He wants to fuck.

>> No.10631706

Did you close your eyes?

>> No.10631719


>> No.10631718

I did. I even turned off my monitor.

I hope this doesn't escalate and I end up raping someone or something.

>> No.10631725

Now you can only be turned on by 3D loli, like that Law and Order episode.

>> No.10631728

Oh god it's like one of those Chick tracts.


>> No.10631732

Try it some other time, maybe you can't get it up right now because you are too worried about whether or not you can get it up. Also try drinking some water.

>> No.10631747

No, I think you are just getting old.

>> No.10631790 [DELETED] 


>> No.10631834

Are you going to continue in another post?
Why aren't you finishing your sentences with a period like civilized people?

>> No.10631837

I liked this thread more when it was about Keine and/or rape doujins.

>> No.10631863



>> No.10631896 [DELETED] 

Shut up you pedantic little shit.

>> No.10631955


>> No.10631985


>> No.10631991

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10638138

Would have been better if /ss/

>> No.10638148

> >you
> Who are you quoting?
Man, are you retarded?

>> No.10646477

It can't be helped.

>> No.10646545

You bumped a thread that's two days old since the last discussion.

>> No.10646599

Who are you not quoting?

>> No.10646621

Why does Keine get raped so much, she's supposed to be one of the most human-friendly touhous.

>> No.10646631

that's why

>> No.10646698

That's pretty rude of the resident slenderman-youkai population.

>> No.10647652 [DELETED] 

there's one with Yukari's "eating" a boy

>> No.10647677

She doesn't get raped that much.
Does she?
