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10580256 No.10580256 [Reply] [Original]

Being human in Gensokyo must be rough, growing old while everyone you know stays young forever.

>> No.10580270

Then become a youkai!

>> No.10580269

Not this shit again.

>> No.10580277

Sakuya is hundreds of years old

>> No.10580281

Hits me right in the feels, considering i'm getting older myself.

>> No.10580347

Only because she freezes time.

>> No.10580351

Sakuya is a Lunarian

>> No.10580382


>> No.10580406

Not really, humans get to reincarnate or float as ghosts. Youkai just cease to exist when they die.

>> No.10580412

Of course she's human, otherwise ZUN wouldn't have made her the main character of PCB.

>> No.10580876


>Youkai just cease to exist when they die.

Wait, when did I miss this?

>> No.10580888

But hey, human existence is 100x times more important than youkai existence. That is why they are so damn jealous of us.

>> No.10580896

Touhous don't age.
Not canon.

>> No.10580923


you didn't. he's talking out of his ass.

>> No.10581047


I feel like living as long as a youkai would become extremely boring to the point that I would want to kill myself.

>> No.10581055

Life is that boring?

>> No.10581061


Not initially.

I guess i'm going on what my grandfather once said, in that he was just ready to pass-on because he had "seen it all and enjoyed life to the fullest". Life can just get stale after a while.

>> No.10581248
File: 136 KB, 850x695, sample_d95766364309b20e330f997975e058117cb627b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too late for the old touhous thread?

>> No.10581259

I bet Alice would stop loving Marisa as soon as she becomes visibly older.

>> No.10581263

Age has no bearing on the purest form of love.

>> No.10581282

I wonder if there will be a touhou game about the descendants of the current human cast.

>> No.10581327


>Life can just get stale after a while.

I don't understand how this can be the case. There are always new things happening, things that you can't predict or create yourself. The amount of different things you can experience in life is limitless. How on Earth could life become stale?

Mokou's melancholy over her immortality never made the least bit of sense to me. Why would you ever want to die? At what point do you decide, "Welp, time to stop experiencing anything ever."? I'd drink the Hourai Elixir in an instant. The only point at which I'd want to die is if there really is a Heat Death or some other sort of 'end' to the universe, beyond which nothing would EVER happen.

>> No.10581346

>At what point do you decide, "Welp, time to stop experiencing anything ever."?

I'd only really ever decide that if I were in a situation where I am feeling Very Bad and there is no end in sight.

>> No.10581351

Youkai only exist because they're believed in. You wouldn't believe in something you *know* is dead, right?

>> No.10581354

What about moon rabbits?

They don't seem to need to be believed in.

>> No.10581359

>Youkai only exist because they're believed in.

I thought Gensokyo was for things people DIDN'T believe in?

>> No.10581358

>I don't understand how this can be the case.

Because life on this Earth is fucking boring as hell. Those "different" things to experience are all variations of the same boring shit. The underlying feelings involved are all the same, as well.

I agree on the Hourai elixir, though. I'd drink that shit in an instant. Maybe the world will much more interesting in the future.

>> No.10581365

Are the moon rabbits even youkai?

>> No.10581367

If you're shit you can decide you want to die no matter how old you are
even 15 year old can say he "seen it all and now it's time to rest"

>> No.10581370
File: 537 KB, 700x950, 3c0e5a0df427b1a3fbd16568bea848d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

It's doubtful if they are youkai.

What does that even make them? Some crazy subspecies of magic-human? (Like a Lunarian)

>> No.10581389

Which is why the escaped our world. It has too much disbelief.

>> No.10581461

Youkai exist because humans made them up to attribute various things they couldn't explain and/or were afraid of. Once humanity got past the fear or began to accumulate knowledge, the belief in the youkai began to fade. Hence Gensokyo or become nonexistent. In Gensokyo similar concepts apply, but in such a fantasy land with its rules and magic actually showing up everywhere it would be pretty difficult for a youkai to die unless they stopped doing anything, and everyone forgot they existed, or something.

There's quite a bit more to it and it's really hilariously meta, but yeah.

>> No.10583250

Tell that to Elvis fans.

>> No.10583687

Not becoming immortal, or at least stopping the aging process in such a magical land is only for lazy people.

Bombs away?
