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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 800x600, ee70e197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10561023 No.10561023 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10561038 [DELETED] 

Oh lord yes.

>> No.10561049

cute image dude

>> No.10561096

fuq is this shit? abbr of なくちゃ?

>> No.10561138

It's a shortened form of 「なっちゃう」

>> No.10561143

it's 成っては=なっちゃ

>> No.10561154

it's not しまう it's てはいけない

>> No.10561215

so it's basically:

Is liking small children wrong?

or did I fuck up?

>> No.10561250

I think depending on the context it might also mean:

Is it wrong for small children to fall in love?

Not sure though.

>> No.10561261

Looking over the sentence again, I think what you said is correct.

>> No.10561275

It's most likely "You can't fall in love with children".
Dude, before trying to read sentences, you should study a bit more of grammar.

>> No.10561281

>It's most likely "You can't fall in love with children".
Don't ignore that questionmark, please.

>> No.10561284

Seeing as she's the one saying it(柚) this is probably the case.

>> No.10561286

The question makr part is pretty obvious.

>> No.10561289

It's not. She's not even a child. She's an adolescent girl.

>> No.10561300

Small children can mean only one thing, anon.

>> No.10561303

Not necessarily. Consider the following conversation:

> Yuzu: I love you.
> Man: I'm sorry, I'm an adult and you're a child.
> Yuzu: Is it wrong (for adults (implied)) to fall in love with little girls?

>> No.10561308 [DELETED] 

B-but all men are lolicons, so I can't see how that conversation would work.

>> No.10561311
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japanese so contextual?

>> No.10561318

Stop projecting, sicko.

>> No.10561327 [DELETED] 

I'm not a projecting.

>> No.10561335

Most men don't have a lolita complex. If they did, there would be more loli stuff.

>> No.10561345 [DELETED] 

There is a lot of loli stuff though.

>> No.10561350

Only in Japan.

>> No.10561352

You can't fall in love with children, you know?

>> No.10561360 [DELETED] 

Loli stuff is everywhere, it isn't just Japanese doujins and stuff.

>> No.10561361


>> No.10561367

That, she's stating what she thinks. But I would probably interpret that ? For her being not sure what to think or what to do, being an inexperienced young girl.

>> No.10561431

didn't even adapt the childish speech style and pauses, 0/10 shit translation

>> No.10561443
File: 58 KB, 1302x189, qualitytrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cudder style.

>> No.10561451

why on earth would you want her to speak like a child? with that translation she could very well be a mature adult woman.

>> No.10561544


>> No.10561559

Sure. It's from holy shit, learn to fucking google you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.10561611

/jp/ - endlessly arguing about the most basic Japanese sentences imaginable general

I seriously wonder why you guys even bother with VNs, you obviously can't understand shit.

>> No.10561616

Stop projecting.

>> No.10561622 [DELETED] 

Why on earth would you NOT want her to speak like a child?

>> No.10561685
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>> No.10561696

because thats childish? you didnt even answer my question.

>> No.10561712

Childish things are cute, sexy and lovable at the same time.

Get out, normie.

>> No.10561717

Childish things are cute, sexy and lovable when they are done by children.

>> No.10561722


pedophile detected

>> No.10561726

I thought だ and よ normally aren't used in question sentences. Was I wrong?

>> No.10561727

Sauce, please? Google didn't help me.

>> No.10561734

Of course. And the girl in OP's picture is a child.

... I guess. I hope this anon >>10561289 is lying. If he is not, why are there so many fake lolis in Japanese media?

>> No.10561737

Why are you trying to learn Japanese from a little kid?

>> No.10561746

That's too hard to understand for western pedos in denial. Japan masturbates to 2D little girls. America masturbates to old women dressed as tweens.

What the fuck.

>> No.10561747

Come on, it's really not that hard.
Just take the image and drag&drop it in google image search. It's the first result.

>> No.10561751

It uses のだ abbr. んだ. Which is used to convey an explanatory tone, along with よ for emphasis.

>> No.10561753

I once clicked on the "Teens" section on a normal porn site. To this day I still have nightmares.

>> No.10561758

It's not really a question. The ? just marks a rise in pitch.

>> No.10561782

Oh, I ignored the first result because it said something about anime.

So... Is OP's VN called Shoukoujo?

>> No.10561784

Please explain. I always thought there was no `?' in the Japanese language.

>> No.10561787

Is M*th*rl*ss a normal porn site? You can even find some Siberian Rat videos there, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10561788

They use it for novelty.

>> No.10561815

Are there any H visual novels where the girls have pubic hair? I can't fap to anything else.

>> No.10561840

That's weird. I always thought pubic hair was a total turn-off.

>> No.10561839

youre fucking disgusting.

>> No.10561870
File: 287 KB, 1200x1600, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelly feet!

>> No.10561882

Why is it a turn off? It's the complete opposite for me. A shaved pussy looks boring as fuck. I hate most hentai because of that.

I literally can't fap to a girl older than 14 without a natural, untrimmed bush (no, i'm not talking about wild forests between their legs). It just feels weird, fake and unnatural. It's like she lacks something lewd, it's the same as a girl without nipples or ass crack.

It's weird because I'm a non-exclusive pedo. I don't like women/teens as much as I like prepubescent girls, but when I like a teenager I expect to see a sexy full bush.

The worst part is that I can't find anyone like me. When I see someone defending pubic hair, they use the whole "shaved pussies are for pedophiles! you are all sick fucks" argument, which makes my blood boil.

>> No.10561896

>I always thought pubic hair was a total turn-off

If you're a paedophile maybe.

>> No.10561907

Pedo warning

>> No.10561901

shaved pussies are for pedophiles! you are all sick fucks

>> No.10561914

Why not just look at eroge with <13 year old heroines?

>> No.10561921

Wait, are you trying to make my blood boil?

>> No.10561918

Fuck you, it has nothing to do with that.

No one "becomes" a pedophile because he likes bald pussies, it's the opposite. A bald pussy is totally boring even for a pedo, we just find them arousing because that's how children look like.

>> No.10561920

It's nothing like that. I can't describe it well but it has something to do with purity.
Also, if it's not there because it's shaved that's no good as well.

>> No.10561926 [DELETED] 

Pedos don't like shaved, they like the puffy before hair grows. Once it has grown shes 2old.

>> No.10561934

I like pubic hair, anon.

There are some eroge with pubic hair in it, but it never looks good because of the censoring. Same thing with hentai. It's just not the same as doujins.

Besides only sluts shave

>> No.10561938 [DELETED] 

Oh god someone change her panties.

>> No.10561943


1. Some eroges include both kinds of heroines. Those eroges can go to hell if they feature pubescent girls without pubic hair, even if the loli scenes are good.

2. I'm 30% attracted to older girls. I like to switch to them sometimes.

>> No.10561944
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>> No.10561956

I'm not a total pedo (are there any exclusive pedos in /jp/, by the way?), but I'm very close. Maybe my opinion is a bit biased, but I don't see anything special about hairless pussies. They are only hot when they belong to a loli.

>> No.10561967 [DELETED] 

I don't think there are any exclusives. I'm not one, but loli is certainly at the very top.

>> No.10561971

Same here. Pubic hair is representative of womanhood far more than tits are. Lacking that is lacking womanhood, which is why bath-house goers look down on shaved women. "Oh, it's so clean!" No, it's "Why the fuck did you go and do that?"
Hell, even a tuft of pubic hair is fine in my opinion. Doesn't need to be a forest. But it's natural and should be represented.

>> No.10561978

>exclusive pedos
Investment banker.

It seems that recently I've gone over from 11 year old-ish loli to toddlercon. I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.10561980

Do those eroges feature TEENS with pubic hair? I've only seen women in their twenties/thirties.

I don't think it has nothing to do with purity or with being a slut. It's just that it looks "prepared" or something. For example, Nayuki from Kanon. Do you really think that she shaves her pussy everyday? Why is she completely bald down there when she fucks the main character? She may as well lack nipples and anus.

I really like Kanon, but I wish I could edit the porn scenes to add some pubic hair.

>> No.10561985

I get what you're saying, but eroge aren't supposed to be realistic. You can chalk it up to a cartoon abstraction, like "Why do these characters have such huge eyes?" or you can just see it as something for the strictly meta-benefit of the player. Real little girls don't suck on lollipops as though they're dicks, but in eroge they do.

>> No.10561991

I can't think of any off the top of my head that feature teens. I know there's some that talk about the pubic hair but it's not drawn in the cg.

>> No.10561992

Investment banker was either a troll or a pervert. I doubt he wanted to fuck little girls because he absolutely adored them in every way. Just a pervert.

>> No.10562001

He wasn't a troll, and he did want to fuck little girls. He was lewd, but not *just* lewd.

>> No.10562012

I agree. Imagine Mion from the sound novel "Higurashi" with a hairless pussy, for example. Most of her female charm would be gone and she would look like a watered down "loli".

>> No.10562014 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 1096x1600, 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so lewd.

>> No.10562017

The Innocent Grey games

>> No.10562022
File: 80 KB, 500x489, sion as a watered down loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562040

But I don't like it when lolis act like huge whores. I hate Rustle's lolis. I like lolis that behave like normal little girls (no whores, no innocent moeblobs).

>You can chalk it up to a cartoon abstraction
They should draw the pubic hair anyways, no matter how bad it looks. Even if they can't draw it well, it's always better that way. Some artists draw shitty deformed eyes instead of removing them from the faces, right?

>> No.10562047

I seemed to be an asshole, though. There is a difference between pedophiles and pedosexuals.

>> No.10562058
File: 193 KB, 850x1083, yuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just leave off the eyes.

>> No.10562065

No body hair on a girl = best.

>> No.10562071

That's how I like it. The whole area covered by hair.

The hair shouldn't be that long, though. Little hairs (2cm I guess) covering the whole pubic area. That's how teens look like. That's how I imagine Mion's natural pubic hair.

>> No.10562074
File: 34 KB, 439x668, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10562091

Human girls have hair down there. Isn't Mion a human? Why would she shave her pussy every goddamn day? Hell, why would she completely shave it even a single day?

It breaks my suspension of disbelief and I can't immerse myself in the doujin.

>> No.10562102


kyle, is that you?

>> No.10562104

I wish that person was kidnapped and tortured.

>> No.10562110

I don't even want to imagine that.

>> No.10562121

>buy pedophile mugs & shirts

tee hee

>> No.10562123

Why? She is the best Higurashi.

>> No.10562125

i cant stop laugh

>> No.10562143

It's not funny. That's what the average person thinks about you guys.

>> No.10562146
File: 368 KB, 600x847, 33769445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


loli thread?

>> No.10562152

The tag entries he put down just adds to the amusement.

>> No.10562165

Momo is now my favorite loli.

I love her so much.

So much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.10562173
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>> No.10562168 [DELETED] 

That's what the average downs syndrome patient think of us.

>> No.10562177
File: 234 KB, 1024x768, 29389339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have at least put 'freaking' in there.

>> No.10562184

They laugh because it's probably a troll.

They don't realize that it doesn't matter if it's a troll or not, because what s/he is saying is what every single retard in the world actually thinks.

>> No.10562187 [DELETED] 

She's hardly important, what's so great about her?

>> No.10562189

I want to live in that car.

>> No.10562196

You mean Momo from Michael Ende's book? That was a dirty, naughty hobo loli.

>> No.10562199

You forgot to change the keyboard language before typing that post out, d00d!

>> No.10562205
File: 404 KB, 1024x768, 24097339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must spend a lot of time in that car if if smells like her.

>> No.10562207

Please, not for one second, forget that 4chan (and the internet in general) != RL. It's easy to forget when you spend alot of time on this site, but the results can be fatal.
If anyone you know, like family or friends, finds out that you like to look at little 2D girls you can pretty much kill yourself. I'm not joking.
The person who wrote that UD entry was probably 100% serious. I'm sorry to tell you, but this is how ``normal'' people think about us.

>> No.10562210

>Fuck pedophiles

>> No.10562220

Dunno where you live
but where I live most people take the "it's okay as long as they keep it to themselves" approach

>> No.10562225

Then you live on the internet.

>> No.10562226
File: 617 KB, 899x1200, 1359654510102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fulfills my fantasies of being a little girl who falls for a strong and brave Magical Girl in shining armor. Even though she has only fallen for her inside my yuri fantasies.

She was very cute too. In my mind she looked like Momo from Saki though.

>> No.10562227
File: 400 KB, 1024x768, 20376494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. normies like to kill people they hate.

it's getting more and more abnormal to just want to live and let live.

>> No.10562229

What do you mean?

>> No.10562241

It's pretty normal to hear people say "I wish pedophiles would get the death sentence" irl.

>> No.10562239

In my mind she looked like her fatass cartoon version. I'll change that right now.

>> No.10562244

I live in Poland
93% catholic country

>> No.10562245

Lots of eastern european, african, and mainland asia countries have lots of people that have sex with children.

>> No.10562248 [DELETED] 

If that's something that happens then I need to watch more episodes.

>> No.10562250

Now that I think about it... How could a hobo loli be so fat?

Maybe the coat made her look fat.

>> No.10562252

Yeah, but "buy pedophile shirts & mugs" is still damn funny.

>> No.10562260
File: 178 KB, 715x1000, 33926035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's money involved, mostly. in those places it's an industry.

>> No.10562262

>eastern european
Russia and co.? Their lolis are huge camwhores, but I don't think they are allowed to do as they please with their bodies IRL.

>> No.10562268
File: 210 KB, 1440x810, 1362345617637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out.

>> No.10562271


>> No.10562279

I don't get it. Why would the car smell like the loli just because they are raping her?

>> No.10562281

Eastern europe is between Russia and Western europe. Also, tonnes of Russians are pedophiles. More than most other developed countries at least.
Still most people don't really give a darn

>> No.10562286
File: 637 KB, 1768x1842, 33921839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562284

No she's not human. I'd have thought her giant eyes and almost absent nose would have been a good hint.

>> No.10562285

I love Inuarashi. He's probably my favourite artist along with Aoki Ume and Shiro.
Also he recentry favourited one of my pictures on pixiv, even though it wasn't all that good. Seeing his name there felt really great.

>> No.10562292 [DELETED] 

Eastern europe is between western europe and russia. Russia has possibly the most pedophiles out of any developed country though.
Lots of people still don't give a darn if you like kids. Only white people.

>> No.10562303
File: 81 KB, 567x800, 33912829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still most people don't really give a darn
no, they do. authorities just have very little resources to do anything about it.

what's your pixiv, if you don't mind sharing

>> No.10562309

No, people don't give a shit. Have you ever been to a country to have sex with little kids? The only places that care are the ones filled with NGO's that are mostly made up of white folks.

>> No.10562314

"Oh, our hands? Well, Kei-chan, we are actually all descended from a powerful clan of demons that had boxing-gloves for hands, and settled all of their disputes in the ring!" Mion explained, punching the air.

I felt sick to my stomach-how could my dad have moved us to a town with such sickening creatures.

"Do you think they're weird? Do you?" Rena asked, frowning.

I had no response.

Mion saw my disgust, and met it with disappointment.

"Hey Kei-chan, you really think our big hands are gross? Bet you woudln't think that if I wrapped my fat boxing glove around your fur seal!"

I saw Rena turn red, pretending to be confused.

"F-fur seal? M-mion, what are you saying? What are you saying?"

Mion put on her mischievous face, and turned towards me.

"Come on Kei-chan, bet you can't last 3 minutes in these big hands!"

>> No.10562312

People think, "it's not a good thing, but what are you going to do about it?" They don't actually approve of child sex slavery (which is what it is, in most places).

>> No.10562318

Do prepubescent girls have juices? What do they need them for?

>> No.10562320
File: 219 KB, 604x981, 33907355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i took your other post to mean "nobody cares". some do, but true, many don't. especially the ones who use them to make money so they can have food to eat.

>> No.10562335 [DELETED] 

They do, but nobody knows why. Sometimes I think lolis were designed to orgasm.

>> No.10562338

Contrary to the popular belief, most little girls masturbate by the time they turn 9-10. Some do it even earlier.

>> No.10562339 [DELETED] 
File: 457 KB, 945x947, 33887190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lubrication, duh

>> No.10562341

The vaginal canal self-lubricates to keep from chaffing and to form a protective layer against infections, even in infancy.

Think of it as a wound that will never heal.

>> No.10562342

It's normal for normals to want to kill everything. The world is a scary place with so violent people that want to kill everyone else just because they are themselves. I'm afraid to express my opinions on anything at all with the current mindset of most people. It seems like the less violent you are the more in danger of being a target of it you will be.

>> No.10562347
File: 457 KB, 945x947, 33887190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli smell

>> No.10562348

My ID is 6080478.
I'm still a beginner, so please don't bully.

>> No.10562349

I seem to recognise this art style, and if it's the company I'm thinking of, all their games end up with the loli becoming pregnant.

Then pregnant sex.

>> No.10562355

You obviously have never been to another country to have sex with children. In most cases it is not slavery. In the cases where it is, I think the child sex slavery would be better than having them starved to death on the streets, or worse. They're taken care of well, in most places, actually. We have a term called "chicken coops" in many asian countries for giant complexes filled with prostitutes of all ages.

>> No.10562361

Where can I get these pedophile mugs and shirts?

>> No.10562358

Loli... pregnant? I've never understood how the hell can a loli become pregnant and how can anyone have such a fetish.

>> No.10562366

Americans are perfectly fine with their goverment killing children in wars, but will prosecute you if you go to a foreign country to touch a loli's ass.

>> No.10562369

>You obviously have never been to another country to have sex with children.
Got me there.

>In most cases it is not slavery.
I thought the younger children were generally sold to brothels and were not free to leave.

>> No.10562376

Where did you hear that? You shouldn't believe everything you listen to.

>> No.10562378

A series of articles on the web.

You don't have to give me permission to disregard things I hear or read; I'm in the process of not believing you right now.

>> No.10562381
File: 444 KB, 1000x1333, 24975673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad at all. like i could do better. i often dream about drawing my own lolis, but i haven't drawn anything in a decade, and i never drew people.

anyhow, looks good. keep at it.

>> No.10562383

Mind linking to those articles?

I wasn't disallowing you or giving you permission either, you just shouldn't listen to everything you read, especially on a topic like this. It's myopic.

>> No.10562390

It was years ago, I'm not sure I could find it now if I tried. Do you have a source to the contrary, or is this just common local knowledge.

>> No.10562397

I'd say the desire for normals to kill pedophiles comes from their inability tell apart pedophilia from child abusers.

It is quite rational to think that if you destroy one life, your life should be destroyed. They just need to learn that someone that just pokes at a child, just deserves a poke back.

>> No.10562399
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x1080, 33865266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand prolapsed vaginas myself, but well, it's only cartoon porn.

>> No.10562402

It's just local knowledge, though there's plenty of paedos who can attest to its veritability. If you had someone that made you money, I'm sure you wouldn't treat them poorly.

>> No.10562407

Lots of people still think people who like children shouldn't exist.

>> No.10562408

I wouldn't treat them poorly, but I wouldn't allow them to leave, either.

>> No.10562428

I wouldn't let them leave because they're 10 years old, in a corrupt, shithole country, and have nowhere else to go.

>> No.10562430

Drawing little girls is alot of fun and very rewarding but comments are kind of rare on pixiv so it's hard to get feedback on how I'm doing.

>> No.10562437

Unless they're really in imminent danger of being murdered, I can't see much worse happening than being kidnapped and sold into slavery.

>> No.10562435

Yes that too but there's also another part of it that just comes from them not liking it altogether just because they've been told their whole lives what is wrong and right, and ate it up without question. All in all I think normals are just usually extremely violent in general because they've been raised to be that way.

>> No.10562439
File: 1.00 MB, 1135x1500, 33850614-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it seems it'd be that way. unless you're exceptionally good i would think most don't bother to comment when they're just stopping by for a fap.

>> No.10562451
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>> No.10562449

It's not really slavery. If you were an 8 year girl in cambodia what would you do? Wander the streets, or go to a place where you have a bed and food, although you have to have sex everyday. In lots of situations they can leave, but why would they?

>> No.10562454
File: 89 KB, 500x715, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10562456

Starving to death sounds worse than that.

>> No.10562465

Do 8 year olds use that kind of logic?

>> No.10562471

I guess you slept outside every night when you were a kid because it was fun. But yes, even toddlers prefer warmth and company that can provide food. Even year old monkeys do.

>> No.10562472


>> No.10562477

But sex is their worst enemy... right?

>> No.10562478

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.10562483

It is?

>> No.10562485

Oh boy, good thing they put that warning right there.

>> No.10562494

They'd rather spend the night in the street than be scarred for life!

>> No.10562498

I don't think so

>> No.10562500 [DELETED] 

Fugging doesn't scar anyone for life, at any age.

>> No.10562501

Quid pro quo is just as bad as slavery.

>> No.10562506

I don't see how.

>> No.10562507

How would any of us know? Fugging could scar us for life if we made the attempt.

>> No.10562508

I think they were being sarcastic.

>> No.10562511

The guy could have easily provided food and shelter without demanding sex. Just being in the presence of a cute kid should be enough payment.

>> No.10562510 [DELETED] 

Kodomo Miracle Parfee? What is that?

>> No.10562515

I think it's supposed to be kodomo milk parfait.

>> No.10562516


>What is that?

A work of art.

>> No.10562517

It's みるく, not みらくる.
As in Kodomo Milk Parfait.

>> No.10562518

Some places do, until they're at a better age, like 15 or so. Then they have to earn their keep or find a job elsewhere if they want to stay there.

>> No.10562540 [DELETED] 

Well then, sounds hot whatever it is.

>> No.10562541

I liked this thread better when it was about how bad /jp/ is at Japanese.

>> No.10562543

Especially if it's with someone you love.

Why do normals deny it?

>> No.10562547

I agree. What would you and the kid talk about?

>> No.10562551

It's a pretty decent loli eroge, pretty short though. If you're going to play it, I recommend playing the DVD version with updated graphics.

You're a college student and while you love the many beautiful girls you see around you in college you prefer elementary school girls. Your girlfriend is 10 year old 5th grade elementary school girl Ai Hasegawa. She's happy to be your girlfriend but discovers that her best friend Aya Sakurai has a crush on you too!

Ai loves both you and Aya so she decides it's ok to share! She brings Aya to your apartment and asks you to take her first kiss. Where will you go from there?

>> No.10562553
File: 65 KB, 480x320, kodomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does that shit mean children?

>> No.10562559

I love how childish the plot is.

Do the original graphics look like they were drawn by a elementary schooler? That would be good.

>> No.10562560

The island (and animal) are called Komodo. Are you dyslexic?

>> No.10562564


>> No.10562568

The thing I like most about 私立さくらんぼ小学校 games is that they never fuck around with that "every character is at least 18 years old" stuff.
I wonder why most companies put that in their eroge.

>> No.10562570

Get a load of this retard.

>> No.10562574

Censorship if always horrible and every person who agrees with it deserves to die.

Except when you want to erase a shitty VN adaptation from existence, that is.

>> No.10562578

How is that childish? Sounds like something that could happen IRL.

>> No.10562579
File: 335 KB, 400x566, imopremo_pac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiritsu sakuranbo shougakou. where is their new game from c83.

>> No.10562590

A new 妹ペット? I haven't even played repure yet.

>> No.10562591

They just do it cover their ass from people that would make a big deal out of it.

>> No.10562594

>Don't ignore that questionmark, please.

Oh boy. You don't really read many VNs/eroge, right? They use question marks all the time in declarative sentences.


Because fuck you. You don't need context to understand that sentence.

>> No.10562606

premo came out like 5 years ago, anon. im talking about the new "route of..." game. it looks amazing.

>> No.10562612 [DELETED] 

That looks amazing but the DVD part confused me.

>> No.10562627
File: 120 KB, 795x594, SnapShot_031300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10562630

Loli tomodachi.

>> No.10562632

I live in Hungary, but all hell would break loose if someone would be with a loli (that is under the age of consent, 14).
Is the acceptance of 'pure love' a slav thing?

Anyway, I love all of you guys, hang in there and I hope the best for you. I love that there's a place on the internet where I can talk about these things freely.

>> No.10562633
File: 405 KB, 1024x576, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562650

I'm pretty sure he was talking abut the 2D kind.

>> No.10562660
File: 284 KB, 400x565, kyouko_rbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just post more shiritsu sakuranbo shougakou.

>> No.10562668

Please do.

>> No.10562774

I'm sure he wasn't

>> No.10562788

Then read the comment he was replying to >>10562207
>If anyone you know, like family or friends, finds out that you like to look at little 2D girls you can pretty much kill yourself. I'm not joking.

>> No.10562850
File: 639 KB, 850x639, b944bd22d17a0ec2c49c5b73492de4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should really have an official weekly little girl thread.
I wonder if the janitor would allow it.

>> No.10562882

Why did they commit suicide at the end?

>> No.10562880

Sauce, please.

>> No.10562887 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 1024x768, 32596775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ANY loligames translated yet?

>> No.10562902

There's no place for them. But mostly, they're faggots.

>> No.10562914
File: 782 KB, 1168x758, 1361554072468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, translation at 99%.

>> No.10562915


Better fire your anki up, because it will never happen.

>> No.10562916

What was this game called again?

>> No.10562923

Don't we already do that? It's pretty common already.

>> No.10562939

Why would you want someone to ruin them with english?

>> No.10562948

Sure, that's not what I meant.
Wouldn't it be nice to have one big, central loli/little girl thread with backlinks to previous threads and all instead of a dozen small threads littered all over the place, most going off-topic really fast and getting deleted?
Someone should try making one.

>> No.10562956

I don't think backlinks to previous threads would be needed since it would in fact the main be the main thread. Sounds good though.

>> No.10562962

No we don't need any more general threads. 4chan is not a forum.

>> No.10562970 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 478x458, ev0728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I forgot thats only 1% from being finished.
Can't wait.
It'll happen sooner or later.

>> No.10563020
File: 593 KB, 850x600, gwss3_3_top_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROUTE OF ICHIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god finally the motherfuckers finished The Girl and the World and the Sword of the Sweets with the only girl anyone was interested from the beginning!

Truly, truly, it is a great time to be alive.

>> No.10563024

sorry, meant to quote this.

Anyway, awesome

>> No.10563061

>It'll happen sooner or later.

I really don't get you people.

>> No.10563057 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 694x608, 38292981n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for quoting me anyway, made me feel relevant.

>> No.10563074

Peasants will always be peasants, and /jp/ is full of them. There is nothing you can do. They won't wake up one day and realise how stupid they are for playing a game in a language that it originally didn't come in. Nor will they all of a sudden decide to try to learn the language, so as to not have such a sub-par experience. Just forget about them, and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.10563081

2D or 3D /jp/?

>> No.10563082 [DELETED] 

Translators can't be all gay, one of them will break down and do Crayon Tulip eventually.
Lolicons are patient.

>> No.10563090

Not patient enough to spend an hour a day practicing japanese, I guess.

>> No.10563100
File: 50 KB, 500x129, ICE BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10563110

3D children > 2D adults > 2D children > 3D adults.

>> No.10563116 [DELETED] 

I did the language for 3 years at university but transfered to a school without, and stopped. Learning it at home isn't as good.

>> No.10563125

university classes and classes in general are slow as fucking molasses and you need to learn by yourself if you want to have any hope to read an eroge within 10 years

sorry you suck friend

>> No.10563133

It's the complete opposite though. What did you learn during that 3 year period? Proficiency up to JLPT5? Pathetic.

>> No.10563134 [DELETED] 

I don't suck, be nice. What did you do, those anki reps everyone talks about?

>> No.10563146

All I can recommend is go to japan, you will have to learn the language unless you want to just stay in your apartment all day.

>> No.10563154

Please rid yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10563165

10 years? It seriously takes that long?
In that case screw it, I'd rather just wait for a translation, even if one never comes out.

>> No.10563170
File: 428 KB, 989x1500, IMAG0647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>natsuha image
I fucking love that game, even if I can't understand most of it at my level

>> No.10563172

Learned kana, read a couple grammar textbooks, learned 2000~ most common kanji through anki, poorly forced my way through yotsubato and azumanga, am now doing core 6000 vocab on anki.

It's been 7 months and change since I started learning, and I think I've got a pretty good pace. I can read simple sentences, short paragraphs and I think in another 5 months I'll be able to read eroge decently.

What did you accomplish in your 3 years of classes?

>> No.10563177 [DELETED] 

How come you want me to rid myself out of /jp/?

>> No.10563180

No, you can read an eroge in like 100 hours if you study regularly and don't overload yourself with info in the beginning. Probably within a month.

>> No.10563183

fucked ur mom

>> No.10563192


>> No.10563186 [DELETED] 

I left off after about 100 kanji and basic math skills, date/time.

>> No.10563193

That's not an accomplishment, everyone's done that.

>> No.10563198

It takes a year at most to reach VN reading level. 2 years+ for harder titles.

This of course if you're willing to put down at least 2 hours minimum every day.

>> No.10563203

You can probably read more than you think. I haven't finished kanji and I can read medium level sentences (longer and more complicated compound sentences).

>> No.10563205

Are those yours? And where do you live?

>> No.10563238


That game even has 2 onaholes

>> No.10563244

I'm currently learning the language, but I want to play a lot of shit right now. That's why translations are good.

I'll have a sub-par experience if I slowly read the thing using my weak Japanese and a dictionary.

>> No.10563254

you can read almost everything using a text hook

>> No.10563262

>I'll have a sub-par experience if I slowly read the thing using my weak Japanese and a dictionary.

That's why you don't read anything before properly being able to analyze a sentence and comprehend.all of its components.

>> No.10563272

This anon is right. 3D children aren't perfect, but having a lewd relationship with one is more satisfying than fapping to loli.

It's impossible, though.

>> No.10563287

You can still have lewd time though.

>> No.10563291

It's not the same. I want to experience it for the first time without having to stop after every sentence. Only English can do that.

>> No.10563300

Cruel, cruel cocktease.

>> No.10563310

What? I meant sex. You just can't have an open relationship because they're kids, but you could have a relationship with one if you went to some other country and had enough money.

>> No.10563321

Some day you will wake up and be able to read Japanese traditional literature.

>> No.10563313

Then keep working on your Japanese; your day will come. You can't just study study study and expect to instantly be able to read what you want. Trying to read things, easy or hard, will be a fantastic learning aid.

>> No.10563319

Weird question: if I didn't have penetrative sex with a kid, but did other lewd things, is it still illegal?

What if we just stood naked together and masturbated? I mean, it's not illegal to bathe a child.

>> No.10563320

3D children > 2D children > 2D adults > 3D adults

Fixed. Most 2D adults suck because they lack pubic hair. It's annoying and unrealistic.

>> No.10563328

You, MILF autist, and I CAN'T READ JAPANESE guy should just get together and fuck already.

>> No.10563323

To like small child, is it wrong?

>> No.10563335

>stop after every sentence
Just read and study more. Increased reading speed comes with time. And if you have to stop after every sentence you lack grammar and vocab.

Personally I'd say that JLPT1 vocab level(10000 words+).is essential when it comes to more story driven VNs. Same goes for grammar.

>> No.10563342

In some countries the law might be able to punish you, but in some not. Also I doubt you'd get caught.
is natural and not wrong

>> No.10563351

Where? I don't have anything against nigger lolis, but they aren't my type.

Even if the loli was a cute slav, I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy it. Paying for sex? Sex without love? Children working as prostitutes instead of playing? Getting arrested by the FBI after I return home?

I'll pass.

>> No.10563352

I started reading flyable heart after 3 months of learning japanese and I didn't stopped in every sentence.

>> No.10563354 [DELETED] 

It sticks better when you can actually use it in conversation, which is hard to get.

>> No.10563358

>Lots of eastern european, african, and mainland asia countries have lots of people that have sex with children.

I sometimes consider purchasing a foreign child for sexual purposes, but I think it might not be worth the trouble to keep them locked in a basement for years.

>> No.10563359

It's funny because I'm two of them.

>> No.10563374

It's fun for them
Asia, Africa, Eastern europe
Only idiots get caught

>> No.10563376


child as provide for (family)

>> No.10563380

Is it worth the wait? Are the translations really that bad? I mean, it can't be as bad as watching some shitty adaptation.

>> No.10563390

Depends on how well both are enjoying it really but I agree, there's nothing better than sex without strings attached. It wouldn't be bad but it wouldn't be as good at all.

>> No.10563410


Ask me why you'll never be able to read untranslated stuff.

>> No.10563422

Why does Japanese have so many kanjis? Most languages don't have anything like that, just a normal alphabet. Were they really necessary?

The purpose of a language is to communicate with other people. Art doesn't need to be involved. Why are there so many kanjis? Couldn't they just have created a simple, non-artistic writing system?

>> No.10563433

>Are the translations really that bad?

Not really. But just like in any translation minor things get lost along the way. A lot of expressions based around emphasis and whatnot that's hard to make a proper translation of without it sounding like crap.

Whether it's worth the wait or not is for you to decide. I think learning Japanese should be something one must enjoy to succeed in, if you can't put up with studying something that's long term you might aswell just give up. The fail ratio for Japanese is high enough already.

Because the Japanese language is too homonymic. Removing kanji would make the language even more contextual than what it already is.

>> No.10563448

Japanese is simple. Anyone who wants to learn it and doesn't is a lazy slacker.

>> No.10563464


Because written Japanese without kanji looks like someoneiswrittingwithoutpunctionandentirelyinlowercases

Also, Japanese has lots of homonyms which can only be distinguished by the proper kanji. I'm pretty glad about it, actually. It makes reading much faster. It's your problem if you too lazy for it.

>> No.10563462

Japanese come from Chinese. It is a very old language, so have many characters.

>> No.10563465

I recognized that company just from the thumbnail. Does that make me a pervert?

>> No.10563474

>Japanese come from Chinese.


>> No.10563478
File: 234 KB, 799x602, Stay_classy_shiritsu_sakuranbo_devs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That came out? Damn, I need to catch up, I never even finished Route of Ayano.
When I heard they weren't doing anything at Winter Comiket I thought I'd have at least another 6 months to delay.

>> No.10563475

Who cares, normie.

>> No.10563486

>Japanese is simple.

Haha, no.

>> No.10563480


Fuck your crossboarder-lingo, /vg/ scum.

>> No.10563494

I think about getting a mail order loli bride often too. Are there any relevent onion links, etc?

>> No.10563489

I recognized the company just from the thumbnail and happen to have 2 bedsheets and a pillow case from 3 of their games. Does that make me a pervert?

>> No.10563496

Post pic.

>> No.10563503

Why were people so retarded back then?

It's like the roman numbers. If they had zeros, it wouldn't be such a clusterfuck.

>> No.10563504

I want to know more about your bedsheets and pillow case. Does that make me a pervert?

>> No.10563505

No, but it makes me jealous. I hope you cuddle with them every night.

>> No.10563511

I know that kanjis are very important, I just don't understand why they decided to create a language that needed kanjis. It's hard as shit and it could have been avoided.

I'll ask the same about the Chinese language.

>> No.10563514

It's funny how people that are unfamiliar with the language think removing kanji would make it easier to learn.

This is obviously not the case if you've spent some time with it.

>> No.10563521

Why do you play a game where you hang out with little kids? Why can't you be a normal man and drink with your friends in a bar, son?

>> No.10563525

That's not what I'm saying, goddammit. Read >>10563511

>> No.10563526

>I just don't understand why they decided to create a language that needed kanjis

They didn't? I'm not sure if you are serious.

>> No.10563529

>Why do you play a game where you hang out with little kids?
Because they'd arrest me if I hung out with kids in real life.

>> No.10563531

>hard as shit
It only takes 2 months at most with SRS. 6 months to grind 10000 words.

>> No.10563534

I know several languages. Japanese is not difficult. The grammar is very simple. Japanese is simple but tedious. Do you know Japanese?

>> No.10563545

It wasn't necessary.

Europe, for example, is full of languages that don't require you to learn 10000 different characters. We can communicate with each other just fine. Why did the asians create something so complicated even though it wasn't necessary?

>> No.10563551
File: 347 KB, 1516x1001, IMAG0649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like Nonohara Miki's lolis

>> No.10563555

Because looking at young girls is pure bliss.
I couldn't think of any greater joy.
Their bodies, so pure and untainted. Their smiles, as bright as the sun. Their melodious voices.
I wish I could look at them forever.

>> No.10563554

The language only makes use of 3000 kanji at most. And that's for text heavy VN titles like Dies Irae, Muramasa and Albatross.

See >>10563514

>> No.10563567

I get it, but that doesn't answer my question.

Why are some languages more complicated than others?

>> No.10563565


You can ask the same thing about the English language and it's lack of phonetic consistence. Why does the "a" in "hat" sound so different from the "a" in "hard"? Total not necessary.

I suggest you do read about the history of Chinese characters (and why they are necessary) and how they came to Japan.

>> No.10563570

I'll do that. Thanks.

>> No.10563579

Because there is more than 1 language. If there is more than 1 language, then one of them must be more difficult than the other.

>> No.10563595

The difference between some languages is too big.

>> No.10563602
File: 7 KB, 480x360, BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10563618

Why are you so mean?

>> No.10563629

Is that Mei Shoujo merchandise? I didn't even realize they'd made some. Pretty jealous.

>> No.10563632

Why is there more than one language? It's the 21st century, shouldn't we just insist everyone speaks English as their first language already?

>> No.10563656
File: 576 KB, 1500x1064, 100_0938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a regular size pillow case with Saya's head doing the same "pose" on the other side.
They pop up on Mandarake from time to time

>> No.10563662

Have you ever ejaculated on one?

>> No.10563663 [DELETED] 

Where you make the monies to get this stuff

>> No.10563665

I'd love to own one, but I'm pretty queasy about getting one 'used'. Unless I'm lucky enough to find one still sealed in original packaging, I think I'd pass.

>> No.10563696

Almost all of the h-goods (dakimakura/sheets/etc.) that go up on Mandarake are unopened. If you see 未開封 in the description, you're good to go.
One of the dakimakura I bought was listed as *開封、少々いたみ (opened, small amount of damage) in the title so there was no fine-print hiding. It was absolutely flawless and I got it for almost half off the normal asking price.

>> No.10563733

Really? Thank you, I didn't realize unopened was the norm not the exception on Mandarake. I'll try keeping an eye out, Mei Shoujo was great.

>> No.10563736

All pedophiles must be murdered.

>> No.10564538

With more exposure you'll eventually learn how questioning tones are used in Japanese. She's not asking a question. The questioning tone goes with the meaning of よ.
The question, if you want to think of it as one, is "you know that, right?"

>> No.10564548

It's an EOCS (ソフ倫) rated game, so they aren't allowed to use the word "子供" on a character you can have sex with. They get around this by saying vague things like "小さい子"

>> No.10564569

I agree, it's kind of boring without it.
It's especially weird in any game that mixes child characters and adults, because it loses an important contrast between the two.

>> No.10564621

Only stores that carry doujin stores will cary games not rated by one of the two eroge ratings boards, EOCS (ソフ倫) or CSA. Normal software stores require the ratings.

Neither ratings boards allows characters in sex scenes to be under 18. They also forbid words like "child," "middle school" "elementary school" and elementary school backpacks.

Doujin works can do whatever, but they don't get the kind of distribution that rated games do.

The biggest doujin download store, DLsite, also has similar restrictions. (They even go so far as to censor the pro manga ebooks they sell.)
私立さくらんぼ小学校 has some censored versions of their games for sale on DLsite. They're uncensored at other download stores like DMM, Melonbooks, etc.

>> No.10564731

Can someone help out please? There is no torrent version of Route of Ichigo I can find anywhere. Or Route of Nana for that matter though who cares about her anyway?

I have to torrent because my roommate/landlord refuses access to the router.

I just don't know what to do. Route of Ayano was one of my favorite games by Sakuranbo Shougakko and the whole time I was disappointed there was no Ichigo route, now there is and I can't play it. God, I think I'm going to die.

The only other option I have is buying it but I don't know how to do that without using my credit card and I'm not exactly thrilled about buying lolige with a credit card here in the US. If there is a way someone could suggest I am just THAT DESPERATE.

>> No.10564764

It's not like the credit card bill shows what you bought. It's just a store name. It looks the same regardless of what you're buying.

>> No.10565018

There's a guy going to jail for having loli on his computer in Idaho. And I know, Idaho is a shit level backwards state that should be thrown out of the union already but goddamn and loli ISN'T EVEN ILLEGAL but they'll still get you because technically ALL pornography is illegal in the US but they won't bust you for it unless they don't like it.

It's like making coffee illegal and waiting outside a starbucks for someone you don't like to walk out then busting them for drinking coffee.

so loli on my credit card? How about no.

>> No.10565088

The whole point is that there would be no "loli" on your credit card.
The stores you'd be buying games from are general stores that carry all sorts of stuff, not Lolis R Us.

Mandarake carries Sakuranbo's games.
Do you think the police investigate /a/nons every time "Mandarake" appears on their credit cards for buying used figures?

>> No.10565096

......., yes

>> No.10565250

I heard that a lot before. I don't really know what makes people think they can give a ton of people who haven't even done anything illegal the death sentence.
It's funny because it seems pretty common for the same people who want to do things like have all pedophiles killed to also be the types who brag about how open-minded they are and how much they love love and peace. Just a bunch of pretenders, those pretentious young "activists". They're only in it to feel good about themselves.

>> No.10565433
File: 188 KB, 500x706, d3668f3354ccf82b7cc8caf9ce4bbb71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown or white - which one do you like?

>> No.10565555

It is not like I talk english so that doesn't matter.
See French in 17th.

>> No.10565762

I love them both.

>> No.10565762,1 [INTERNAL] 

oh look
