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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10533499 No.10533499 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about liberal naming?

>> No.10533504

No idea what that means and google comes up with nothing.

>> No.10533512

Giving your children unconvential names/readings.

>> No.10533513

Okay, that's pretty good.

>> No.10533514

Is it close to the americans who call their kids after ponys or WoW characters ?

>> No.10533516

I'm just a loser NEET who will never father any children but I think it's bad for the kids in school. Otherwise it's nice for a change. Some always pick up if they get famous.

A lot of these are hilarious if you don't find them outright sad, though. Who the hell names his child Pandora in Japan of all countries?

>> No.10533519


>> No.10533520

Are Pikachu and Akuma still banned names?

>> No.10533531

If you want to give a kid an unusual name, go ahead. If they hate their odd name and want to change it, then respect that. Hell, my real name is Rian, they either get my sex wrong, or the pronunciation wrong.

>> No.10533534
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Hi Rian.

>> No.10533537
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My parents and the registrar official are on my Must Kill List.

>> No.10533538

>lion king
And he had a kanji for 'tiger' in this name. Interesting.

>> No.10533539

Yeah Battler comes to mind.

>> No.10533540


>> No.10533544

umineko solved in the first chapter

>> No.10533542

Is this a thread where we post our names?

My name is Dani I don't know if it's common but I don't think it's rare.

>> No.10533547

Your name is shit!

>> No.10533554

Lion King and Four Heavenly Kings are the best

>> No.10533555

I have an absolutely regular name, and I still hate it. And my surname is even worse, to the point I might change it in the future.

>> No.10533556
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Someone on /jp/ has Niku as their name.

>> No.10533557

You pronounced it wrong!

>> No.10533563

You think Rian is bad ?

My name is Darius. Either people pronounce it with a "shh" at the end or they think I'm a nigger.

>> No.10533577

How do I get a job here?

>> No.10533592

At least it's not Xerxes.

>> No.10533593

That's mean

That's my older brothers name

>> No.10533594

>Sakura Kyouko
Haha that's kinda nice.

Lion King is the worst one on the list, really.

>> No.10533595
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Can you beat Shiki?

>> No.10533602

You're named after a really cool shmup, what are you complaining about?

>> No.10533617

Fucking parents.

>> No.10533625

I would really like to know who came up with that name.
There’s also that chart with newborns and whacky names, like 熊貓 (パンダ)

>> No.10533626

Left Nr. 11:

沼尻 = swamp ass?
oh come on wtf

>> No.10533637

玉 instead of 王?

>> No.10533639


>> No.10533644

玉 = jade = symbol of emperors and kings

>> No.10533650


It's not read that way at all


They can't make up readings. It seems fake.

>> No.10533653

>They can't make up readings
That’s what they’re doing, though. You know, 心 is not normally read "haato".

>> No.10533654

>They can't make up readings.
How do you propose to stop them?

>> No.10533658


My only confusion is that they can just use the correct way and it would be correct, they didn't need to change it at all.

Why would they make a unique name even more unique?

>> No.10533660

The kind of person to name their child 星の王子様 is probably whacky enough to replace 王 with 玉.

>> No.10533659

Because that's what hipsters do.

>> No.10533664


I could understand one or two in the same class, but a class full of them, it just doesn't seem right.

We need more background information.


I'm not really surprised. If I had a student with any of those names, I'd laugh.

>> No.10533667
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>I'd laugh

You are a bully!

>> No.10533671


I'd laugh at the parents

>> No.10533675


this shits going on youtube

>> No.10533703

this is a fake right?

>> No.10533753
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>大地 = Tera

>> No.10533760

I call bullshit. This can't be real.

>> No.10533781


I don't even know what to say.


>> No.10533790

>feelio when haato turns out to just be another brown eyed brown haired nip looking kid instead of a cute blond girl with magical powers

it suck :(

>> No.10534346
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>> No.10534421
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>> No.10534440
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>> No.10534472

> 一二三
Best name

>> No.10535947


What is it?

>> No.10535999


>> No.10536008


This isn't China.

>> No.10536027


You broke the language.

>> No.10536022

紅 満子

>> No.10536031

I mean
紅 萬子

>> No.10536034

Holy fucking shit. Some of these are so horrible I can 100% be sure the parents are stupid fucks.

What the fuck is 星の王子様 and らいおんきんぐ
Pandora? Heart? Fucking ridiculous.

I thought the "Hashtag" named baby in the US was the shittiest name, but it's leagues better than some of these.

>> No.10536036

Really though, Japanese parents have so much more options for naming their kids whacky stupid silly names because due to the disconnection of kanji and pronunciation they can make jokes on lots of levels.

Since that’s the surname, it’s safe to assume that person or at least the father is (of) Chinese (descent).

>> No.10536042

Guess how 光宙 is read

>> No.10536052



>> No.10536054

Tell us.

>> No.10536066


>> No.10536075

Raged a little.

>> No.10536078

Oh God damn.

>> No.10536084

That makes me think it's a joke. Note that the kanji is actually 星の玉子様 (玉子=たまご) which makes it a complete joke

>> No.10536100

Egg king from the star? lol

>> No.10536112

Ah thanks, did not catch that.
Lots of these names are good for harddrives/computers/networks, not children.

>That makes me think it's a joke.
Do you mean the name, or the print-out is a fake and just a joke, since it's so ridiculous?

>> No.10536149

All of it, but I guess that's probably supposed to be obvious. It's just hard to tell because I know people do give ridiculous names to their kids, even in English. Jermajesty and such.

>> No.10536240

You can for names. I mean, Hell, Light in Death Note has his name written as 月, and as posted earlier, Battler's name is most certainly not pronounced how you would expect 戦人 to be pronounced. He even points this out at the very start of the VN. Then you get 一人 in Ghost in the Shell, his name is pronounced Kazundo, not Hitori. Aramaki actually mispronounces his name in the first meeting.

It's notable enough in fiction, and as the picture proves it's also possible in real life.

>> No.10536461


Akira (Light Novel writer of Kyouran Kazoku Nikki) writes his name as 日日日

>> No.10536464

Why do people use kanji for nature-related stuff in their children's names?

>> No.10536470

What do you mean? Japanese names are very often nature-related.
Why is this weird?

>> No.10536485


It's just a history thing. Western culture is deep rooted in religion, so most of our common names are of religious descent; most of the names of the disciples are taken from Hebrew words meaning 'God is great' and shit.

In Japan their history is slightly more nature-oriented so naturally the names come after natural things mainly. Most east asian countries are the same.

>> No.10536490

Pen names are a bit different matter, I think.

>> No.10538894

More DQN name fun

>> No.10538954


I hope it's a girl.

>> No.10539131

Who names their kid ‘anal’?
Maybe he/she was conceived anally.

>> No.10539154


>> No.10539206

I'll just call him Ni-Three.

>> No.10544056 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10544093

And if he never ends up even playing baseball...
The fuck
Doomed to financial failure?

>> No.10545044

Oh dear, it's Marisa Stole The Precious thing all over again.

>> No.10545065

What are some good japanese names that don't sound overly japanese in english?

>> No.10545104

A rare instance of Japan being progressive. At first, you're bound to run into several weirdos (Raionkingu, etc) but over time it will normalize.

I fully support this.

>> No.10545111


Why didn't they just write 王子 instead of naming him an egg, and calling him a prince?

>> No.10545143


Not meta enough.

>> No.10548103

玉 is probably a reference to jade rather than eggs.
