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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1050692 No.1050692 [Reply] [Original]

OK guys I have a problem here, it's been a whole year since i decided to take Japanese classes and I've been learning a lot since then but suddenly my mother started bitching about it for no apparent reason.

She says it's a waste of time and I'm only doing it because I like japanese cartoons and games and this kind of people have no established life, I'm afraid what she said does match with my current self but I have other plans for the future and she just doesn't listen to me.

Without enough arguments to persuade her I came here to ask for new ideas. Please tell me how you guys got a job with the help of the Japanese language, your wages and how you traveled to Japan.

>> No.1050696

Guy in the middle has the same haircut as I do.

>> No.1050699


Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Must be tough.

>> No.1050702

When it comes to language study, there are no winners.

>> No.1050710

>>japanese cartoons and games
>>this kind of people have no established life

And she's fucking right.

You look like a faggot by the way, those japs are whiter than you, you should really be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.1050701


Grow some balls faggot

>> No.1050713

That picture again?

In before "welcome to 4chan".

>> No.1050718

Welcome to 4chan, everyday,repost day, etc

>> No.1050720

Fuck off and die, worthless weeaboo.

>> No.1050731

The only reason to learn japanese is to translate visual novels and porn anyway.

>> No.1050736

I'm making a perfectly fine question here, I don't know why you guys are so angry.

>> No.1050739

>my mother
Maybe you should stop being fucking pathetic? Oh, I forgot. This is /jp/ and everyone lives in their mother's basement and is still taken care of like a baby.

>> No.1050744

What they're trying to say is stop being a pussy and tell your mom to fuck off and do whatever you want with your life.

>> No.1050746

Sorry to inform you, but your mother is right.

I learned japanese and now the only thing I do all day is play imported games and translate manga chapters.

>> No.1050755

It never hurts your resume to say that you know another language.

As for me, I went in to it with the goal of being able to read Japanese literature, and along the way picked up a new goal of going to Japan to study the satsuma biwa. I've managed to find a Biwa tutor here in the USA, so for the moment I'm learning without having to leave the country. But Japanese fluency has helped enormously as I have access to the vast amount of writing about the instrument.

Ultimately I still hope to go to Japan and study under a master one day.

Learning another language is always good. Whether it's worthwhile to learn Japanese in particular, depends on why you want to learn it.

It didn't get me a high-paying job as a translator or anything, but I absolutely do not regret learning Japanese. It broadened my horizons, and I discovered the instrument that I love.

>> No.1050760

>The only reason to learn japanese is to translate visual novels and porn anyway.
That's about all I'd use the language for...

>> No.1050766

Ignore her and continue your Japanese classes.

It's better being a loser with Japanese knowledge than being a simple loser.

>> No.1050770

And your answer is that just because you know Japanese doesn't guarantee you a job, and if all you're in it for is anime and video games, yeah, you're not gonna amount to anything.

>> No.1050780

Start charging for translations. People will pay lots of money to have their futa fucking shotacon doujin translated.

>> No.1050785

this includes you amirite?

>> No.1050788

Learning a language is as good as what you make of it. Knowing the fact that you browse /jp/, she's probably 100% right. Enjoy your animu, mango and visual novels.

>> No.1050803

OP, learn master English better.

>> No.1050813

>suddenly my mother started bitching about it for no apparent reason.

Newsflash. This is what they do. About everything. Hurry up and move out so she can only do that to you over the phone. That way, you could caller ID your phone and ignore her like a real adult.

>> No.1050836

Pick up german or french and learn that too. As long as there are different languages people will need translators.
If that doesn't pan out well take a teacher training course.
But that's all you can go with languages solely.

>> No.1050841

Pretty much this. Also seriously, Japanese is a waste of your time but it's not like you would do anything better with your time so continue with it.

>> No.1050847

I used to have problems like that with my mom too. She was a pain in the ass and bitched with me everytime I get home because of that I stayed almost all the time at my friends house. Then someday I said to her "shut up I do anything I want with my life because I'm not your toy" and she became speechless. Since this day just brings up the sexual preference subject once in a while. I guess I'll never get the respect I deserve at her house but I can't move out yet so I have to deal with it somehow.

>> No.1050856

OP, let me give you a serious answer.

Point out to her that there's more to it than just anime and video games. Japan is a major economic power, and is a close ally of the USA. Therefore, being able to put on your resume that you're fluent in Japanese looks very positive.

The fact that it is very different from English (as compared to Romance languages, or other Germanic languages), means that learning it forces you to think in different ways. Put simply, as an American, when you learn Japanese (or other very linguistically foreign languages like Chinese), it expands your mind.

And then there's Japan's rich literary and musical heritage.

>> No.1050861

You just need to ask yourself whether you want to be a filthy, worthless weeaboo. Or a filthy, worthless weeaboo who plays japanese games and watches japanese cartoons without having to wait for translations.

>> No.1050870

Hide your power level, idiot.

>> No.1050874

That's the reason why I revealed my sexual preference to my family after I moved out from my parents residence.

It saves a lot of trouble.

>> No.1050879

We all know that learning japanese is a dead end.

you'll still be ronery.

and a lot lot more, you'll just obsessed yourself with more shit, more and more and more and more shit.

>> No.1050881

It's one thing to hide your power level from strangers or classmates and shit but hiding your power level from your family is a waste of effort and retarded.

>> No.1050884

Can your mother speak more than a single language? I don't know if you're from America or not.

>> No.1050887

How is it a waste of effort? How is it even hard to do? I would think it would take more effort to let them know.

>> No.1050890

Is it little girls?

>> No.1050901

It means you can't have any figs, no animu desktops, no weeaboo shit in your room.
Waste of effort.

>> No.1050903

it's gonna become a shithole soon, when they allow quoranimals, chinese and koreans in.

>> No.1050945

Jobs you can get in Japan with no Japanese known at all:
-English teacher

Jobs you can get in Japan with an elementary Japanese level:
-English teacher

Jobs you can get in Japan with a fluent, JLPT 1 Japanese level:
-English teacher

>> No.1050964

The more you know Japanese, they less they want you to teach though.

In actuality, your experience with Japanese language is inversely proportionate to the job opportunities for you in Japan.

Low Japanese level = Many Jobs (all teaching english)
High Japanese level = No jobs (unless you lie when you apply for teaching english)

>> No.1050985

>It never hurts your resume to say that you know another language.
I would consider wasting all that fucking time learning a pointless laguage a bad thing in a potential employee.

>> No.1050994


>Just be glad this isn't /v/, or else the entire game would have been spoiled in the first post.

Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.1051004

Fuck yeah dude, he should be using his spare time to get sum girls, drink sum beer and roll with da niggas dawg.

>> No.1051006


Is it bad I knew exactly what that image was going to be before enlarging it?

>> No.1051010

/b/ is for girl advice.

>> No.1051011

You could argue that you want to be a translator, but you'll need to know more languages than just Japanese and english. There are a lot of translators out there, and most of them speak more than one language which makes for a poor resume compared to others when you're trying to get a job.

If you're planning on being a translator for anime, manga and all that, work on a new plan. I'm not saying that you won't be able to get a job like that, but go for something less specific where hundreds are ogling the same 10 jobs.

As for business, most Japanese that left Japan that I've encountered in my line of work (IT) speak English well enough to get the job done. The ones that don't speak a single word of English are usually accompanied by those that do. I can't say how it is for other lines of work, but that's been my experience.

As for plans for the future, you should check with your teachers what your options are if you can't figure it out for yourself. Look around at vacancies that require Japanese and see what other requirements they have.

Having said that, I've met a lot of people who ended up in completely different directions than what they studied. The weirdest one was a historian becoming an IT manager (and a decent one, not one of those full of marketing blah blah). It all depends on how your life unfolds. Having a degree in your pocket doesn't always mean you'll end up where you imagined yourself ending up.

>> No.1051015





>> No.1051013
File: 766 KB, 806x625, 1217383687760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just means you know it's the best part of the route.

>> No.1051017

Why the fuck do people fall for these obvious trolls?

>> No.1051031

Learn Korean instead. They have a better language anyway.

>> No.1051030

Nice work everyone, guilting the OP in to deleting the only worthwhile thing in this thread.

>> No.1051040


Do not trust Coco for cute guys! Run, Sora, run!

>> No.1051052

Coco has some sort of Saya syndrome.

>> No.1051050

>>1051031 Korean
>>better language

Enjoy your foul animal noises.

>> No.1051079

Someone who's fluent with a language can often be an asset if the language is relevant. If the language is not relevant to a job you'll hardly ever get asked about it unless it's the only thing on your resume.

Highschools here (YUROP) teach 3 foreign languages (french english and german) with spanish being an optional 4th one for extra credit, and two optional dead languages (latin and greek) but you can replace those with extra math and science.

If you know English and French you'll get far enough internationally. Germans speak english well enough (most of 'm even without the accent), since they get it in highschool and have to rely on it for international business.

>> No.1051081

They hint a lot that the events that take place when you're playing as Takeshi and the Kid aren't the same. I didn't get it immediately when I saw that CG, per se, but by that time I had already suspected that the Kid you play as was not the Kid you see in Takeshi's routes.

>> No.1051090

obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.1051092

The clincher was not showing Takeshi's face during his scenario, and only showing a small part of Kid's face during his You Good Ending. There was no other reason why they'd that kind of thing. Of course, it didn't help that I thought the guy in Sora's locket was Takeshi (2034).

>> No.1051111

Saying on a resume that you know Japanese, or relatively any hard language, is a plus. Asides, why does it even need a real practical value? Learning languages is fun.

>> No.1051133

Also, I know how to play guitar, violin, wrestle freestyle and folk. Why? Because it's fun and gave me something to do. I'll probably never use it, but it is just a talent I have now. Boards like 4chan are the ONLY places I have encountered where people hate others for having an interest like Japan... and it's even sadder because you all have the same interest.

>> No.1051138

I know a lot of people that disagree with that statement

>> No.1051141

Animu figs: Locked in a cabinet with a key + combo lock
Animu desktop: on my computer, which is locked by password at all times I'm not on it (hentai is encrypted)
Watching animu: on a laptop with headphones, laptop also password protected. I also lock my door while watching.

People think you're a secretive fuck trying to hide CP or something, but unless they're really persistent, they won't pry. My animu heart is ironclad.

>> No.1051147


I suppose it depends on what you're applying for. I know several owners of large investment banking and law firms and they agree with that statement.

>> No.1051148

With which statement?

>> No.1051149

you mean fapping to loli doujins and insulting people on the interbutts?

>> No.1051151

well then they're fucking doing it wrong.
don't learn a language if you don't enjoy it. that's fucking stupid

>> No.1051146

they teach french everywhere, nobody uses it though

>> No.1051160


>> No.1051198

I'm guessing from that statement that Spanish is optional in the US?

>> No.1051205

blick winkel = mongrels

>> No.1051206

far as I can tell, it is. I took 5 years in high school, dont remember a damn thing.

Now I'm about a year or 2 depending on how you count, into Japanese in university and I'm already better than I was in spanish.

I'm having loads of fun learning a "hard" language

>> No.1051226

>>5 years in high school

>> No.1051228

OP here

nevermind, I figured it out

>> No.1051231

protip: i started in 8th grade

>> No.1051233

I'd never let my mother offend my otaku pride like this.

Last time my mother did it I stayed one whole month without cleaning my room. Serves her right.

>> No.1051242

( , ,)

>> No.1051259

8th grade = high school?

for the record translation is a boring, tedious job

>> No.1051269

our school system was divided up in a fucked up way. 7th grade on up was in a newly built building, so anything from 7th up was "high school"

>> No.1051276

Why buy figs if you're not going to display them?

>> No.1051281

I'd expect nothing less from Anonymous!

>> No.1051327

That guy on the left is fucking wasted.

>> No.1051368

study a few other Asian languages like Korean and Chinese and tell your mom you want to work for the government as a translator so you can help fight the terrorists

>> No.1051386

I, for one, welcome my Chinese economic overlords. Japan and America have no choice but to bow down before their growing economic power!

>> No.1051389


No Anon, you are the terrorists.

>> No.1051751

What shit media comes out of China and Korea that a student would be able to practice their languages with?

>> No.1052097
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>> No.1052114

My Japanese language got me a job in video game testing; from there, I moved to software testing for Microsoft. I make ~$20/hr, which is chump change compared to most of the other guys I work with.

Game testing is no picnic, though. Takes a special sort of masochist to do it for as long as I did.

>> No.1052293

the last year i have the same problem but i have good notes in mi college and past nihongo no ryoku shiken level 3 show mi certificate and mi mom stop bitching but is hard studi school and japanese and I have to work in spring break to safe money but in one year i go for 4 or 5 years to japan as an exchange studen

>> No.1052302

Try to take some English classes in the future.

>> No.1052303

>level 3


>> No.1052352

>She says I'm only doing it because I like japanese cartoons and games

>> No.1052355

>She says I'm only doing it because I like japanese cartoons and games

Punch her in the face.

>> No.1052408

It is a superiority issue. Mothers bitch about shit, it does not matter what you do or how well you have done. You should take it in perspective, her complaint is you are interested in language. Great, take a month off the lessons on moonbabbles and spend that time learning how to drink hard alcohol and start pawning her possessions to pay off your gambling losses.

Then have a little heart to heart about which you she would rather complain about. Also mention she is out of the kitchen and should be finding ways to pad your inherritance... or at least shut up until she can behave like a rational adult.

>> No.1052437

This is copypasta, you faggots.
Lurk more, each and every one of you.
Jesus Christ.
