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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1045378 No.1045378 [Reply] [Original]

Rate your power level on a scale of 1-10. 10 being the highest (which is bad).

I'd rate myself about a 3-4 because I'll engage in conversations about anime and wear anime shirts in public but you wouldn't catch me caramelldansen,quoting Naruto on myspace and wearing that pussy deflector they call a headband.

>> No.1045383

My power level is suppressed.

>> No.1045389

over 9000 rofl xD

>> No.1045390

120 watts

>> No.1045395

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.


>> No.1045396

caramelldansen in public is awesome though

>> No.1045399
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Hey man, Akiha's headband is sexy.

>> No.1045401

>anime shirts in public

>> No.1045413

3-4 would be "Hey man I saw that Cowboy Bebob shit man, it was sweet."

>> No.1045417

Really depends on what kind of power level. For me:

Anime knowledge/experience - 10 (over 600 series seen).
Video game knowledge/experience - 10 (over 1,000 games played).
Eroge knowledge/experience - 5
Video game music knowledge - 10
Anime goods - 0
Speaking about anime IRL - 0

>> No.1045421

Are you disagreeing with the fact that Cowboy Bebop is awesome?

>> No.1045423

Reading comprehension. You do not have it.

>> No.1045445


But the question is, do you own any figures or anything like that? If so do you hide them when people come around (lol, if people come around at all)

>> No.1045447

It was a question, not a statement.

>> No.1045453

You mean this guy? >>1045417

>> No.1045457

Caramelldansen in public, eh?

>> No.1045486

600? what the fuck is wrong with you. i would love to see a picture of your fatass

>> No.1045487

I enjoy manga and anime listen to japanese music and play touhou but I never talk about it irl

>> No.1045492


>> No.1045496

Took me over 20 years to see that many. And I'm not fat; I exercise regularly.

Don't worry, though, because I am ugly. If I was good-looking, then I wouldn't be here.

>> No.1045503

Not like Anonymous has anyone to talk to, anyway

>> No.1045504

Let's see:

-Plenty of anime and manga under my belt
-Some video game experience but I don't play too many JRPGs or VNs
-No anime clothing (seems tacky)
-Some anime merchandise/toys, mostly Gundams, but no figures.
-Talk about anime only with trusted friends who also enjoy anime.
-Been to three conventions and dressed up
-Parents know about my anime habit
-Taking Japanese in college and want to study abroad there.

I'd say 7/10

>> No.1045518

Can't wait until school starts up again.

>> No.1045521


Fuck, I can never sit through this. Makes me lolrage the minute he starts saying KoNAta >:D

OH, and I'd probably be 3 - talk about it somewhat casually but never profess any strong opinions/tendencies unless it was to a fellow weeaboo type.

>> No.1045532

>OH, and I'd probably be 3
So sure, anonymous?

>> No.1045534

Fagots do not brag about their AIDS. Please don't brag about your power level.

>> No.1045545

ok, then

>> No.1045560

>-Plenty of anime and manga under my belt
>-Some video game experience but I don't play too many JRPGs or VNs
>-No anime clothing (seems tacky)
>-Some anime merchandise/toys, mostly Gundams, but no figures.
>-Talk about anime only with trusted friends who also enjoy anime.
>-Been to three conventions and dressed up
>-Parents know about my anime habit
>-Taking Japanese in college and want to study abroad there.

Oh god, is this a 7? Is that a 7, anon?

Seems like I'm a 5, then. I only lack the convention experience and learning Japanese aspects.

Oh god, I'm a horrific weeaboo. Anon, how do I supress as well as you?

>> No.1045646

You COULD catch me caramelldansen if you had some sort of xray vision into my room late at night, while I'm alone.

Otherwise I own 1 anime tshirt that I wear only when all other shirts are being washed and I don't talk about anime to anyone I don't know well. If you come to my house however, anime and figs everywhere.

>> No.1045665

My powerlevel? Zero,because I don't watch shounen.

>> No.1045669

My real powerlevel is over ninethousand but its usualy supressed to like,5.7

>> No.1045681

I caramell alone sometimes too...

But... I don't own any anime shirts or clothing. But I have a bunch of manga and rpgs. I guess I'm a 5...

and I sometimes slip up and talk about anime and stuff...so make that a 6...

>> No.1045690

Let's see:
278 complete anime series over 1.1TB on three external hard drives. 50 GB of manga. 60 GB of doujin. 30 GB of weeaboo music. 40-60 GB of doujin games (ero and otherwise.)
Read/understand Japanese on a level sufficient to watch/read many raws with 0 classes.
Been to roughly a half dozen anime conventions.
Own 0 figures, 0 "goods" like pillows, posters and other shit. Own no anime related clothing.
Written smutty fanfiction on request.
The number of people who think I am into anime outside of my group of weeaboo friends: 0.
Power Level: 6 or 7, maybe 8.
Supression Level: 8 or 9.
Perceived status in real world: Normal fag.

>> No.1045797

Anime: seen over 250, maybe more than 300
Manga: never kept count but probably less than 100
I own 2 tiny Rei figurines that was a gift from a friend, don't own any other anime/vn related merchandise.
Probably less than 10 visual novels under my belt.
Actual powerlevel: 7-9
Real world supression: 10 unless I meet a fellow weeaboo who isn't a total faggot

All of my closer friends know I watch anime, read manga, and play VNs and Touhou games.

>> No.1045863


Watch almost every anime that is good. I avoid shounen shit like the plague.
200G of Touhou Music, around 50G of animu music and around 1-5G of misc Japanese music and almost all english translated VNs.
Downloaded almost or read most of manga that can be found on #lurk.
My room only have a few mangas like slam dunk, doraemon and dragonball which are like 10+ years old and a domo-kun pillow.

Never talk about anime/manga IRL, only way people can find out about it is for some reason I forgot to lock my computer at work.

>> No.1045881


>> No.1045897


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