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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 800x600, stripped by bullies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
104530 No.104530 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.104532
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>> No.104537
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>> No.104538
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>> No.104540

This was hot. I wanted to attach Antoinette to a wall with that knife and fuck Aeka in front of em all.

>> No.104560

bitch got off too easily

>> No.104567

I fapped so hard when he was knocking the shit out of Aeka.

>> No.104570


>> No.104575

In before choking a bitch

>> No.104596

Well she made such a cute noise when the punch landed it was hard not too.

>> No.104599

bullying is always depicted so harshly in japanese media... even girls get subjected to physical violence. i dont know about other people but i never see that crap except in rare cases ;_;

>> No.104625

I've seen a kid made into an outcast, tazered, his books stolen, his gym clothes ripped, and him being jumped by ~5 guys.

He ended up freaking out one day and smashed a chair into the guys back when he was doing an art project. After the fight he got expelled despite him being the victim for ~8 months. Never heard from him again, though I did find out he moved out of state.

>> No.104641

They don't give a damn about you until you're caught in the act.

>> No.104645

Why do people feel the need to make up such OBVIOUS lies. >_>

>> No.104646


Why do people feel the need to use FUCKING EMOTICONS

>> No.104653

Cause it's fun ^_^

>> No.104667

It expresses emotions xD silly Anonymous ^-^

>> No.104668

You don't belong here.

>> No.104676

Japanese kids can't be this cruel, or am i wrong? Because when there's a bullying scene in every anime, vn or drama it's something like this. Also baawww Aeka.

>> No.104697

I don't know, but it takes one Hell of a witch bitch to ask your boyfriend to rape a classmate.

>> No.104700

Oh my, is this a supa sekret club XD

>> No.104703


>> No.104706

Why are Japanese bullies able to make OTHER people outcasts? In my school everyone hated the bully, not the bullied.

>> No.104708


>> No.104711

Because it's fun to tease other people. It makes me feel less insecure about myself.

>> No.104731

They don't like the bully, they're just scared of her.

>> No.104732

*Fap Fap Fap* Sorry, what was that? I was busy watching Aeka cry.

>> No.104740

Your school is unique.

>> No.104784

There should be an ending where you let them rape her. Maybe, I don't want to save the girl.

>> No.105172



>> No.105190



>> No.105200


>> No.105197

You're a newfag and you don't deserve to know.

>> No.105201

Japan is a collective society. Therefore anyone who's enough of a Magnificent Bastard can become the head of any school and have enough cronies to keep everyone else in line. Antoinette had the entire school under her thumb.

In America, people divide into little groups and there is a lot of infighting. Any one guy trying to become head honcho will get taken down by his rivals. It's medieval Europe, basically.

>> No.105221

Shit, why are girls so mean to each other? they bitch about each other too all the time.

>> No.105235

They're all fighting for a taste of my cock.

>> No.105269

Yume Miru Kusuri. The game and uncensored cg set are both on rapidsearch.

>> No.105262


Thanks, Anon.


Fuck you, other Anon. I've been here since my boyfriend pointed 4chan out to me in early 2004.

>> No.105281

Newfag doesn't mean that you're a recent visitor, it means that you're a retard that hasn't learned anything.

>> No.105287

Oops, forgot to mention: stop sucking your "boyfriend's" cock you gay fag.

>> No.105303


>> No.105314


>> No.105318


I have asian girl crushes, so, maybe I am gay. Anyway, boyfriend stopped liking 4chan after finding out they stole their shit from SomethingAwful. Is the term newfag from SomethingAwful, since 4chan can't be fucking original?

>> No.105324

Christ, you really are a newfag.

>> No.105339


>> No.105347


Uh, yes, they are this bad. Japan's school system works less like an actual school and more like a factory. The kids aren't taught so much as they're mass produced. It doesn't help that teachers can literally do abso-fucking-lutely nothing to the kids, no matter what the kids do.

>> No.105451

Yume Miru Kusuri looks awesome.

>> No.105463


>> No.105469

newfag is neeeeeeeeeeeeeew.

>> No.105489



>> No.105491

Let's say newfriend.

>> No.105535

I regret helping you. FUCKING SAGE.

>> No.106628

hmmm... in my school, anyone with a motorcycle is considered a bully back in those days.
we ride, and we eat sandwiches together, menacingly staring at a moving crowd of individuals passing by a shopping mall.

I wonder. how different our cultures must have been.

>> No.106663
File: 228 KB, 480x593, 1204285470230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her yandere mode would look something like this.

>> No.106673

What country are you from?

>> No.106704

I heard about an eroge one time where one of the endings is this girl getting duct-taped into a cardboard box with just a hole for her head to stick out and another hole where her pussy is, and gets gangraped in a locker room or something.

Does anyone have sauce on that?

>> No.106709


are you from the 1950's ?

>> No.106712
File: 25 KB, 256x192, 1204286606455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do most of the bullies not have eyes?

Not having visible eyes = evil?
In American cartoons and stuff, evil people usually have >:) faces. But this no eyes business, it kinda reminds me of that mafia scene in Phoenix Wright.

>> No.106716

Kinda reminds me of the boss in Apollo Justice.

>> No.106737

Does anyone know this? I've been trying to find sauce for months.

>> No.106744



>> No.106761

Bullies don't have eyes for the same reason Hentai Guys don't have eyes.

>> No.106766

Aeka was the hottest of the main heroines` trio.

>> No.106798

isn't that one of the endings from discipline?

>> No.106829

I made friends with the outcast and nobody did SHIT to us.

The end.

>> No.106895

Now what they need to do is cut something sexual into her skin so it'll leave a scar.

>> No.106902

So pathetic faggots can selfinsert themselves as the bullies?

>> No.106907

after breaking the bullies hand, somehow i managed to befriend them.

>> No.107513
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 1204302443917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.107540


Why do I find this more hot then the sex scenes.

>> No.107549
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>> No.107552

Looks like something I want!

>> No.107553
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1204303161020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets kill her together

>> No.107554

read the fucking thread

>> No.107571

You are not alone.

>> No.107677
File: 13 KB, 418x358, 1204305218238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jappos mean different things by drawing different eyes.
Concealed eyes whether through glasses or some other means indicates that they're not to be trusted and will hurt you. Rapists, murderers, Gendou, and eroge protagonists usually fall into this category.
Narrow eyes means they're mature and wise. They're the ones most likely to have consensual sex. BORING.
Wide eyes show that they're childish and naive. They're the ones that cry and beg you to stop during sex but like it anyway. Generally the first step in making a moe blob.
Constantly closed eyes mean comic relief suspected sex offender.

>> No.108954

i just started playing this game last night so far I've taken the student council president's virginity and been nice to aeka and nekoko but i still wanna kill the redhead can you fuck then kill the red head? and how much longer till i can fuck the retarded girl (nekoko)?

>> No.108961

Enjoy your toxemia ending.

>> No.108963

I love how Gendo is a character category by himself.
