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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10440170 No.10440170 [Reply] [Original]

How come the japanese people suck at making good plots and at storytelling?
Most modern animes and VN have clichee characters which make terrible decisions which make one cringe in order to make the story progress.Even their movies are like that

Meanwhile most western mediums have better plots

>> No.10440170,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why did everyone like Akira? It was pretty and stuff, but the story structure was all over the place and they kept pulling in random shit from nowhere.

>> No.10440174

How come? I find most of the eroge plot to be pretty entertaining, and nowadays anime that air throughout Japan are pretty original regarding the scenario and characters (okay, not so much, but stil).

>> No.10440175

Basing conjeture on modern anime is just plain fucking dumb, go back to /a/ and stay there, go improve your trolling.

>> No.10440176

>A young highschool boy/girl was living a normal life UNTILL...

>> No.10440177

you mean vn is any better? stay cool /a/ brother. fuck off.

>> No.10440179
File: 93 KB, 492x371, 6f35b8e63c23d32dec9c2233acc8b5b3e1d9e655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon, you're on 4chan, a weeaboo website, boasting about western writers being better than Japanese.

You're not a very good weeaboo, ain't you?

>> No.10440180

have you SEEN Battle Royale? or what about all of those Japanese movies that other producers base their movies off of?

>> No.10440183

OP brings up a good point. Stop being so hostile because he mentioned "anime" once.

>> No.10440185

You mean you were serious?

Japanese video games are still on top of quality. What do you have to argue against that, you dumb, smelly /a/ crossboarder?

>> No.10440187

He throws up a bunch of words and doesn't give any arguments regarding them, though.

>> No.10440187,1 [INTERNAL] 

Because the animation was gorgeous and revolutionary.

>> No.10440195

The plots are fine. The decisions the characters make is predictable and what ruins it.

>> No.10440204

Most things are shitty and derivative no matter if they are Eastern or Western. The only reason so many anime are repeating themselves now is because the studios NEED money and if the make whats popular they will get it no matter what the quality is like.

>> No.10440203

It makes me want to swear off VNs forever when the protagonist is made to do some dumb shit so that the writers have good framing for something to happen in the story.

>> No.10440208

>the studios NEED money and if the make whats popular they will get it no matter what the quality is like.

That's so so so sad.
It's not only in the anime industry but in many others too.
If you try something new and creative you will fail

Gameplaywise, maybe.
But most of the time their plot is predictable and boring too

>> No.10440209

>How come the japanese people suck at making good plots and at storytelling?

Next time post a pic that doesn't disprove you right away.

>> No.10440218
File: 169 KB, 1280x800, katawa shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how it feels for Japanese corporations to be outdone by a small team of hobbyist Americans?

Better art, better story, better writing than the Japanese VN industry as a whole.

>> No.10440223

I did chose this picture because touhou is the exception

>> No.10440224
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>I wonder how it feels for Japanese corporations to be outdone by a small team of hobbyist Americans?

I bet it feels like the Redcoats felt as their rows of rich, well-trained soldiers were decimated by outnumbered but vastly intelligent American guerillas.

Our smarts got us our country, and it will get us the VN industry, too.

>> No.10440230

Just because it has a exceptional premise doesn't means that the writing is good.
See Sword Art Online, cool premise with lots of potential being ruined by shitty writing.

I haven't played KS so I can't tell how true it is in this case

>> No.10440235

>Better art
Anything not drawn by Raemz was ugly as sin and they used photoshop filtered BGs

>Better story
Besides the cripple elements it's typical VN drama.

>Better writing
Please read Emi's route again

It took years to make and it was subpar as a finished project.

I am waiting for Shock Cacoon to be finished.

>> No.10440236


The writing is great. You are missing a lot by not playing it.

>> No.10440238

What? No. The redcoats weren't used to war. Their battles were closer to shouting each other to submission, not wholesale slaughter.

Thus why they lost.

>> No.10440243


The Americans weren't used to war either. Checkmate.

>> No.10440244

Don't delude yourself.

The writing in Emi's route is so bad and bland that the whole plot is already spelled out to the reader as soon as Emi's mother does not want to talk about her husband. You meet her mother really early. It is one of the most predictable routes in any VN. Even old VN like One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e have better and less predictable writing.

>> No.10440245

KS faggots will take any chance they get to plug their shitty games please keep it in /vg/.

>> No.10440249

A mysterious young woman appears! She's injured and/or amnesiac! Better let her stay with me instead of taking her to a hospital!

An orphaned/abandoned little girl appears! Better take care of her instead of handing her to authorities!

>> No.10440259

I have never seen the the western one...

>> No.10440269

Western plots suck dix as well. Keep in mind media needing to have a plot and stuff is a western way of thinking, as we often see in animu is plotless shows that still gather a large fanbase, cause some shows work on a purely aesthetic level rather than as a story.

>> No.10440285

How are japanese books like?
Do they suffer from that too?

>> No.10440287

Does he need to? I've seen enough anime to know exactly what hes talking about.

>> No.10440295

What the hell are you talking about with that West example? I've never seen Die Hard with Little Orphan Annie.

>> No.10440299

Watch/read something out of the normal. Thought provoking material exists out there.

I'd compare the moege and romcoms to something like hollywood action crap/twilight in terms of plot.

>> No.10440303


Anime has been declining and running out of fresh ideas. Every new LN/manga is based on Oreimo or generic big shows of the year.

Very few people put effort into it. We can't argue about something that's known to be shit and has little to do with this board.

>> No.10440311

I think Hourou Musuko was one of the better anime of the last couple of years and if the plot was something more normal and aimed at girls it could have become very popular.

>> No.10440331

Are you honestly basing your judgement of quality of japanese writing on cartoons and video games?

>> No.10440337


Please don't say this word I don't even use it to talk about western animation it sounds disgusting to me for some reason.

>> No.10440350

I agree. It feels like you imply that they are made to be infantile and simple whereas most of them are not. I'd rather eliminate the word cartoon from the dictionary.

>> No.10440351

you're insinuating that touhou doesn't have clichee characters?

>> No.10440357

If we are talking canon only then the characters are great with depth and not clichee at all

>> No.10440358

Alice is canon tsundere, see IN

>> No.10440359
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>> No.10440360

Leon, Alien 2 (attempted), all dogs go to heaven, Punky Brewster, immediately come to mind. Pretty sure it's common in fairy tales and superhero comics.

>> No.10440364

Can someone provide some Western or Japanese examples with good plot ? Any medium.

>> No.10440366
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>It feels like you imply that they are made to be infantile and simple whereas most of them are not.

>> No.10440367

It doesn't matter if it disgusts you, it's the right word. They are cartoons, and you don't expect high quality writing from cartoons.

Go read proper books and then judge if Japanese people are good at writing plots and characters.

>> No.10440376

Touhou has iconic, archetypical characters paying homages to millenia of Japanese culture and tradition.

>> No.10440370


Leon was blackmailed into keeping quiet by the bitch and Alien 2 was in the middle of a xenomorph infested planet where everyone was dead

There's not much they could have done about it

>> No.10440377

Say animation please.

>> No.10440380

Cartoons. Deal with it or kill yourself back to /a/

>> No.10440391

Cartoon is a word used to describe a caricatural line drawing. What you're thinking of is "animated cartoons", a subset of traditional animation composed of sequences of such caricatural drawings. The word is commonly misapplied to other types of animation by ignorant idiots.

>> No.10440389


Just because you like masturbating to them doesn't mean they have depth

>> No.10440398

Just because you are too dumb to play the games and read canon material doesn't means they are clichee

>> No.10440399

No only ZUN!bar is allowed to use that word! Until he comes back don't use it. Americans are always making gross sounding words for no reason (And they sound even worse with their gross accents)

>> No.10440401

So it all comes to this...arguing about calling Anime "cartoons.

Why is this still here.

>> No.10440406


>arguing semantics

They are cartoons, that's what they are known as, that's what they will always be called

>> No.10440410

We are arueing about the word itself and why it's used in the first place it sounds so classless and dirty compared to "animation" or "animated series".

>> No.10440414


The fact they are badly made characters based on overdone archetypes makes them clichee

If you really think Touhou characters are well made and well developed you are a really uncultured and misguided person

>> No.10440420

They're not based on "overdone archetypes," they're based on mythological and historical figures. Mostly.

>> No.10440416

>classless and dirty
>children's cartoons
>children's cartoons

>> No.10440425

You can't be uncultured in general because culture doesn't simply imply the knowledge of formal and sophisticated things. For someone that only only plays touhou games, he will be uncultured for you. But the truth is, your knowledge of culture isn't superior to his knowledge.

>> No.10440424

>Touhou characters
>Any personality or depth

Nah, they're just empty shells with less than a page of dialogue per game. This is exactly why Touhou is popular: fanon can do whatever they want with them and turn them into tsunderes, hikikomoris, gluttons, masochists, perverts, and so on.

>> No.10440426

This is what secondaries actually believe

>> No.10440431


>this is how delusional "primaries" are

>> No.10440432

Not all animation is for children and even if it is sometimes deep subject matter is added into the plot (Such as "Courage the Cowardly Dog").

>> No.10440433

I hope this is just one guy arguing with himself.

>> No.10440434

Wow this board is obssessed with Touhous for some reason

>> No.10440435

>characters flat as a salt prairie
>b-but my canon material!
next thing you're gonna say Doomguy is deep

>> No.10440436

Yet another shitstorm /jp/ can't even avoid.

>> No.10440438

Well like I said, if you would have actually played the games and put some effort into learning about the characters, even if it was just reading their page on the wiki, you'd know how wrong you are.

Canon personalities are much more fleshed out than any shitty clichee meme the youtubefanon can come up with

>> No.10440443

It's one guy trolling overtime and other people bored enough to entertain him.

>> No.10440438,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is that really it?

The animation was fantastic, so was the sound work, but the story was dumb and all over the place, as if twenty different people wrote it. Since it was based on a comic, I thought they would have the overall story and pacing down.

This seems to be a problem with a lot of Japanese work in general. Maybe it's just because they don't always follow the three act structure, and that messes with my Hollywood-programmed brain.

>> No.10440441

Silent Sinner in Blue alone has over 300 pages of dialog and interaction between characters.

>> No.10440442


Obviously you never played doom and just watched the movie you secondary noob

>> No.10440443,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Canon personalities are much more fleshed out than any shitty clichee meme the youtubefanon can come up with

It's one ``Personality:'' line in a text file, dude.

>> No.10440445

Its like you've never read any of the manga, or any of the supplement books.

Welcome to the containment board.

>> No.10440446

How easy it is to troll /jp/. Any comparison between Western and Japan/Touhou can draw a big amount of shitpost and angry weeaboo.

>> No.10440450
File: 410 KB, 562x800, orenohellspawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the anime original please stop posting okay

>> No.10440451

What's wrong about some good old angry discussions?

>> No.10440452

I'd very much like you to point me to all those other works that employ the same character types that Touhous represent, Mr. Cultured Person.

>> No.10440454


If you had half a brain you'd realize how wrong you are

Jesus Christ how can there be anyone dumb enough to think 2hou characters are well written

>> No.10440460

>300 pages of dialogue
Oh, so like, 5 pages of actual dialogue in the whole entire story.

>> No.10440457

The problem is that there's no actual discussion, just a lot of "uh-huh" and "nuh-uh"s being traded back and forth. It's just pointless shit slinging.

>> No.10440458

There is no quality nor fun in it, just stress inducing.

>> No.10440459

Put some effort into actually learning about the characters instead of spouting memes on youtube and you'd know

>> No.10440464
File: 32 KB, 397x392, marisa reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clicheness kinda stopped after EoSD, but even then it was pretty much just limited to Sakuya, Patchouli, and Hong.

Unless you consider "western style witch" to be overdone, maybe 40 years ago.

>> No.10440462


>> No.10440467

well it's your fault for getting rused.

>> No.10440468

0/10 you're not even trying anymore

>> No.10440466


That image should be with a Pinkie

Pinkie's are the cutest

>> No.10440471
File: 298 KB, 768x1024, 0f7b633a64a784ac48cb078fcf8151ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, because I like feeding you to see what excuse you'll come up with next.


Have some interesting background on Mokou.

>> No.10440469


Put some effort into reading a book instead of obsessing over your badly drawn japanese lolis and you would realize how retarded you are acting

>> No.10440473

Jokes on you, I spend 10 hours every week sitting in a library and reading books

>> No.10440474

Do you want more words?


>> No.10440475

>Jesus Christ how can there be anyone dumb enough to think 2hou characters are well written
Seriously. It's like trying to convince a ponyfucker that MLP characters aren't deep. They just block out reality with their autism.

>> No.10440481

As the person who turned the discussion in the Touhou direction, I assure you I did it solely to derail the thread and troll crossboarders. Mission accomplished, as you can see. Watch our /a/ guests wondering when did the thread stop being about anime and struggle to comprehend the idea of not being ashamed of what you like.

>> No.10440477
File: 2.74 MB, 1500x1158, 14673947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most characters have a solid amount of characterization. Not a lot of details, but enough so that there's a solid basis for people to explore and speculate in secondary works.

Then there's characters with shit-all for characterization, one picture and two lines of dialogue, which are only liked by retards looking for something, anything unpopular to project onto.

>> No.10440482

Are you the one who's playing retarded, or is that someone else who picked up on what you started?

>> No.10440486

Tokiko plays an extremely important role in the story and ZUN's genius shines through every line describing her.

>> No.10440505

Characters with official art are way too mainstream for me. Mizue no Uranoshimako is my favourite Touhou.

>> No.10440641

western storytelling often revolves around a young man/woman who oppose the villain. he makes friends and battles the odds and makes significant changes. it follows the heroes journey. its a very pure story and the audience can easily connect with him, knows what he wants, and roots for him.

japanese storytelling corrupts these ideas and oftentimes overcomplicates the plot in an effort to appear deep. these unneccessary complexities only confuse and alienate the viewer. we often get a huge cast most of which do nothing for the plot and the end is usually resolved with a tired deus ex machina, sometimes many, further complicating things and not adding any real human emotion or any actual depth.

>> No.10440651

The large majority of Touhou characters have no character development and are basically just living obstacles. The midbosses, for example, don't even get dialogue.

>> No.10440654

Code Geass would like to have a word with you :P

>> No.10440656

The Geass is a deus ex machina

>> No.10440661

XD epic thrawleen

>> No.10440679

What the fuck is a thrawleen?

>> No.10440683

You mean Code GAYASS?

>> No.10440689
File: 49 KB, 500x129, ICE BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuggin owned brah

>> No.10440694

>deus ex machina
I'm sick of this shit. Why can't the Japanese make good endings? Fuck Madoka

>> No.10440706

Midbosses are a small minority of Touhou characters. And even then, every named character gets expanded upon in supplementary material.

Now, if you count nameless fairies as characters, you might have a case.

>> No.10440709

This is the pinnacle of shitty Thread. There's someone complaining about deus ex machina as if Madoka was the first thing to ever come up with it in years, I can't believe it.

Fuck, why am I here, you guys are a big embarrassment.

>> No.10440722

When did I say Madoka was the one that started it? Are you retarded son?

>> No.10440720

I know, the proper way to annoy people with Madoka must include the words "deconstruction" or "deep" in some way

>> No.10440724

TV writers are terrible at making endings, this is a universal fact. Usually they just cancel the series and don't bother at all.

>> No.10440725

The first time the Madoka deconstruction troll came to /jp/, I got in an argument fifteen posts deep about Derrida before I realized that the other guy was just making shit up as he went along.

>> No.10440726

>character development

I don't think it means what you think it means. And Touhous receive significant character development. Just look how much most of them have grown compared to their first appearance.

>> No.10440738

A lot of them only get one appearance, it's super tragic.

>> No.10440743

That makes them deep

>> No.10440741

Apart from Reimu, Marisa and a few others, they only have a first appearance.

>> No.10440745

That makes them disposable characters.

>> No.10440752

You guys appear to be completely unaware of anything Touhou related that's not a mainline game.

>> No.10440760

Which mediums are you retards talking about? Vidya? Literature? Comic books?

>> No.10440781

Most of that is just fan work.

>> No.10440778


Actually, the plural is just "media".

>> No.10440780

Some of them have dialogue, profile, AND an article, but that's not enough information to conclude that there's been character development.

>> No.10440795

Characters don't need to make drastic changes in order to become interesting characters. After all, why would some 1000+ year youkai suddenly develop into a completely different character. Most of their development happened in the backstories already. It's like in Lone Wolf and Cub. Itto's character never changes in any way over the course of the manga. You get to see some backstory now and then but his character is set in stone by past events already. The A-Team is a whole group of characters who never get any new character devolopment(aside from maybe Face a bit) yet they are still beloved characters. Or Sherlock Holmes. He always stays the same in every book.

No change isn't always a bad thing.

Of course if your just complaining about characters never appearing again or enough, that's another thing.

>> No.10440803

I think anon referred to the 6 manga series and the 6 books that are all canon.

>> No.10440808

Thanks for answering my question!

>> No.10440817

And appearances in subsequent games. And appearances in manga and novels. Characters from the earliest Windows games must have already netted dozens of them, certainly too much for me to count (but one can always check on the wiki).

>> No.10440842
File: 452 KB, 1600x1186, touhoutrains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is this nice picture some anon made which shows which character appeared in which game. This does not cover appearances in endings, mangas or sidestories though.

>> No.10440851

This isn't optimal for characters which reappear in extra stages

>> No.10440872

Take Rumia for an example she shows up twice total. Once as a stage 1 boss and once in shoot the bullet.

>> No.10440884
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>> No.10440901

Plus BAiJR, PMiSS and GoM. The usual suspects. And a few random appearances in Sangetsusei.

Now, that's arguably still not much. But that's Rumia. Take anyone from EoSD who isn't Rumia or Flandre. You're getting a long list of games and printed works, including parts specifically written about them or told from their point of view.

>> No.10440903


>The Geass is a deus ex machina

Not really, since it has limits and is established pretty early on, but I guess a few people love throwing that word around.

>> No.10440906

Is that one panel where she doesn't even say anything the best you can do?

>> No.10440911

You know, the appeal of touhou is the freedom and the vagueness so that people can speculate and fill in the gaps.

This little panel says alot about her actually

>> No.10440914


But you shouldn't use that as an example of good storytelling.

>> No.10440915


>Meanwhile most western mediums have better plots.

That's SO much bullshit. All mediums have a ton of crap, no matter their origins.

>> No.10440918

She actually appears on more pages in that chapter, but oh wonder you can only post 1 picture with every post. How about reading it yourself?

>> No.10440920

Why not?
I like this vague and often lighthearted storytelling alot more than a teenager boy and his angst about doing mistakes

>> No.10440926


I never said you couldn't like it, but even a formulaic magical girl show is better than that.

>> No.10440930

Not really.

>> No.10440940

That chapter of the manga does tell a story, it's just that Rumia is not the main character of the story.

>> No.10440936

Because he isn't storytelling, he's making a panel with no dialogue and you are doing the storytelling. It's like one of those insert your caption here contests.

>> No.10440937


They usually have smaller casts and more of those characters get a chance to do stuff even if it's predictable.

>> No.10440949

>Touhou has good storytelling because it's vague and I have to make all of it up myself

No wonder you guys have autism.

>> No.10440954

B-b-b-but you don't understand how deep the characters are.

>> No.10440960
File: 155 KB, 373x254, Rumia_loev_Myon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This little panel says alot about her actually

Oh, but there are others that say even more.

>> No.10440967

I've got a feeling that you will hate every character who has less story time devoted to her than the entire Shu Kingdom in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. There is a difference between main/major character and supporting cast/side character. Ever watched James Bond? Ever seen much character development for the female M, aside from 10 minutes in The World is not enough? Why would you believe that every single Touhou character has hundreds of pages devoted to her? Your story will suffer more if you can't get your priorities straight and establish a main focus for each story arc. Focusing on every single character all the time would slow everything down to a crawl and result in even worse pacing than present in War and Peace.

Rumia happens to be one of the minor characters

>> No.10440977

>Focusing on every single character all the time would slow everything down to a crawl and result in even worse pacing than present in War and Peace.
Winds of Winter out in 2017
Dream of Spring out in 2025

>> No.10440980

Are we being raided?

>> No.10440991

Yes, any opinion that doesn't match your own is from a dreaded raider.

>> No.10440991,1 [INTERNAL] 

what are some guud /co/ stuff? i like sao type shows

>> No.10440997

Even if it was originally a raid, it was averted pretty quickly. Now we're just trolling ourselves as usual.

>> No.10441007

So mean, I'm the OP of this thread and I was simply bored and wanted to discuss something with my beloved /jp/

>> No.10441020

But there was some discussion. I can not continue it though because i have not read A Song of Ice and Fire and i do not want to argue based on stuff about the books found on the internet.

>> No.10441022

Female M is a construct of Hollywood. She doesn't exist in the books.

>> No.10441025

Who the fuck actually reads the books and manga?

>> No.10441033

If you are on /jp/ you should read them

>> No.10441033,1 [INTERNAL] 

youu will like batman

download batman

>> No.10441040


>> No.10441041

I do. I enjoy them. I'd like to think there are others who enjoy them as well.

>> No.10441044

Why would you not read both? They are way shorter than any other books mentioned in this thread. You won't need 50+ hours for the Touhou books.

>> No.10441046

Well you'd be wrong.

>> No.10441050

I knew you'd say that. Oh well, now I know for sure you're a troll.

>> No.10441058

If it's interesting, I'll read it. If it loses my interest, I won't go all the way through just because it's Touhou. The one with Reisen 2 was like that. I lost interest.

>> No.10441082

They're also a lot less interesting than the other books.

>> No.10441135

I respect your opinion, even though I disagree with it.

Note that they're books for fans. Many of them require familiarity with the setting or expand on things that would be of interest to you only if you're already a fan. It's perfectly understandable when a random person would get bored with them.

>> No.10441135,1 [INTERNAL] 

I hate the Touhou comics.

Shmups aren't supposed to have a good story or engaging characters. That's one of the reasons Touhou is good. ZUN obviously put effort into spell cards and names and so on, but the characters are boilerplates lifted straight from mythology and anime archetypes. Turning that into comics is just dumb, it's like making a Gran Turismo comic.

>> No.10441291

Agreed. Obsessing over the characters as if they were more than just weird caricatures of Japanese mythology is seriously retarded and autistic.

>> No.10441291,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm with you. It's cliche to whine about "secondaries" at this point, but people who are legitimately into the cardboard setting of an arcade-style game are idiots of the highest order. It's a shame there are so many of them on /jp/. I wish we could ban all Touhou discussion at this point and let people talk about the game itself on one of the video game boards.

>> No.10441291,2 [INTERNAL] 

We should just allow the Touhou/STG threads since they actually discuss the games, and the posters there are swell.

Almost everything else should go elsewhere, e.g. /a/ for the comics and /c/ for the Danbooru dumps. It can go on /jp/ if it is part of a larger discussion, e.g. someone is discussing doujinsoft and someone brings up MegaMari, or people are talking about doujinshi and someone posts a Patchouli x Alice comic.

>> No.10441902

Did it never happen to you that you read or watched a story and liked a character so much that it inspired you, perhabs to become a better person?

It happens to me often.
Let's not take touhou as an example.
After playing Yume nikki I was inspired to help people like Madotsuki and felt sad for many days afterwards even though her character is as barebone as it can get and surrounded by speculation and interpretation.

>> No.10441963

How's that autism going for you?

>> No.10442023


This post reminds me of that image of a child with aspergers saying how Naruto made him a better person

>> No.10442027

Guess I have brain problems, can't be helped

>> No.10442043

Puts me in mind of those touhou wife guys

>> No.10442051

There's plenty of western tv shows and books without overarching plots. It's not like japan invented slice of life comedy.

>> No.10442119 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, Jim-Carrey-Laughing-in-Ace-Ventura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Touhou autists are hilarious.

CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEN and Cirno bakakakaka are deep like the deepweb amirteguize?

>> No.10442131 [DELETED] 

What's up with all the people misusing the word autism so much today?
Next I'm going to be called a faggot, weaboo or nigger?

Take your silly meaningless words back to your homeboard please

>> No.10442138 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up weeaboo faggot nigger.

>> No.10442138,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's not my fault she has literally the best hair in the entire cast.

>> No.10443493

150+ of you didn't take a second to try and remember if you've seen this kind of thread before? Typical shit stirring thread. Not enough of you killing yourselves out of /jp/ evidently, even the ones that think they 'belong' on this board and are trying to 'defend' our tastes.

>> No.10443606 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 339x300, Too many normalfag crossboarders on jp lately.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10443616
File: 497 KB, 800x600, OFLOj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rin's route was the most pretentious bullshit I've ever seen or read in my fucking life. Only routes worth anything were Lilly,Shizune and Emi.

Lilly because it was standard VN. Like I know for a fact I've seen this plot in multiple different VNs. Only difference was the heroine was blind.
Shizune was only good because you got to fuck the annoying fatty.
Emi was only good because you got to fuck her in the ass.

Katawa Shoujo is shit and doesn't even live up to the hype in anyway. The best girl was the one who didn't even get a route.

Go back to >>>/vg/

>> No.10443623

>150+ of you didn't take a second to try and remember if you've seen this kind of thread before
150+ of us are having an enjoyable conversation.

>Not enough of you killing yourselves out of /jp/ evidently, even the ones that think they 'belong' on this board and are trying to 'defend' our tastes.
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

>> No.10443624

Because every post is about trying as hard as possible to fit into /jp/ instead of just stating your personal opinion right?

>> No.10443628

Seriously, why are you so butthurt about the discussion going on in this thread?

>> No.10443632 [DELETED] 

It's a pretty shit thread. Half of it is guy doing the "characters from Touhou Project are one-dimensional caricatures and people who like it are projecting nerds" and four or five people taking the bait.

>> No.10443633

It's a pretty shit thread. Half of it is one guy spamming "characters from Touhou Project are one-dimensional caricatures and people who like it are projecting nerds" and four or five people taking the bait.

>> No.10443636

It's natural to pretend to have certain opinions for the sake of discussion

>> No.10443637 [DELETED] 

And, now that I scroll up, most of the rest of dumb opinions, trolling, and reverse trolling. So overall the thread is 90% shit (which is pretty ordinary, for /jp/.)

>> No.10443639

And, now that I scroll up, most of the rest is dumb opinions, trolling, and reverse trolling. So overall the thread is 90% shit (which is pretty ordinary, for /jp/.)

It wasn't for the sake of discussion. All he did was repeat the same thing while tossing insults. If he actually wanted to have a discussion about characterization of Touhou Project characters he could have had it; he went out and straight up said that he was just derailing the thread and trolling nerds when he was done.

>> No.10443641

> he went out and straight up said that he was just derailing the thread and trolling nerds when he was done

Well, that's the most effective way to have discussion.

And you said it yourself, /jp/ having threads where people are playing pretend and trolling each other is standard, so I don't see why you are so upset about this one specifically

>> No.10443650

>Well, that's the most effective way to have discussion.
The quantity of the discussion goes up the the quality of the discussion is shit. If I wanted to watch monkeys throw shit at each other I'd visit /pol/.

>And you said it yourself, /jp/ having threads where people are playing pretend and trolling each other is standard, so I don't see why you are so upset about this one specifically
Just because it's standard doesn't mean it's not shit.

>> No.10443650,1 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. STG is still /jp/. It'd be nice if everything else went. Interest in the "Touhou universe" is the worst thing to happen to /jp/, and the series itself.

>> No.10443650,2 [INTERNAL] 

Canon discussion is much more interesting than STG in my opinion. People have different interests than you, deal with it.

>> No.10443668

Cute image man.

>> No.10443687

But why would you go out of your way to call this one shit?

Oh I know.
It's because you feel offended by the opinions which may or may not be faked

>> No.10443767

It's mostly because the people discussing are fucking retards like you.

>> No.10443767,1 [INTERNAL] 

Give me an example of a good ``canon discussion''. It doesn't have to be a real example, just a hypothetical example of something you would find interesting.

STG threads are fun because of the player involvement. Anon #1 makes a replay, Anon #2 streams a spell card, Anon #3 got a good score. Conversely, what are canon threads? Lists of facts? Even when newbies are asking questions, STG threads are entertaining because of each player's contributions and opinions, which matter to other players.

>I just scored 650,000 with ReimuB on Lunatic.
Interesting, I want to know how you did it.
>Sanae's hair is green!
Yes, that is something that is true.

>Here is a replay of my NDNB run.
That's great, did you have trouble with the final spell card?
>Here is a picture of Reimu in a bikini!
Yes, yes it is.

>How do I beat Illusional Misdirection?
I beat it by making small, focused movements and...
>Do youkai eat people?
You would know if you read the stories.

>> No.10443767,2 [INTERNAL] 

You can speculate about many aspects of Gensokyo and it's inhabitants. You can also discuss about possible situations for the future games. You can debate about how accurate Akyuu's records on SoPM and PMiSS are, and argue about why do you think so. There are many things to discuss about.

>I just beat my first touhou game in normal!
Ok, cool.
>How much did the effects of the PC-98 games story change the current Gensokyo?
I believe that it's because...

>UFO is shit. TD is awesome.
No, TD is shit. UFO is awesome. (conversation full of shitposting and enraged people ensues)

>Ok guys which touhou games do I play
Godammit how many times will you guys ask? It's x, w, y...

>Which races do you believe that will be likely to enter Gensokyo in the future?
As for that, I've taken a look at japanese mythology and I believe that...

Anyone can nitpick. And Sanae hair being green wouldn't really qualify for canon discussion. It's just straight up shitposting. The same as throwing shit at each other because your e-penis in Touhou is bigger or smaller than anon.

>> No.10443767,3 [INTERNAL] 

>How do I beat Illusional Misdirection?
i can't believe that there are people skilled enough to reach sakuya without knowing what streaming is

>> No.10443767,4 [INTERNAL] 

>Implying any of those discussions actually happen


>> No.10443767,5 [INTERNAL] 

If you want to discuss those, go ahead, but we both know those are rarely how threads play out. Maybe you were accommodating me because I'm a fan of the games, but your examples are still largely about the games rather than the "mythos".

Unless it's news or a debate, nobody gives a shit about your opinion on Touhou canon. You can recycle the same old trivia once in a while (hurr durr lafcadio hearn) but besides those there's nothing left. I care about some stranger's personal experience with the games because that in itself is content and creates discussion. Personal canon threads are straight-up blogging irrelevant to everyone but the OP ("My waifu is Cirno-chan!"). Everything else is either just pointing out facts ("Sakuya is tall!") or asking dumb questions ("Is Marisa a youkai?").

If I wanted to read about Touhou characters, I would read the fucking books.

>> No.10443767,6 [INTERNAL] 

Content is discussion. Regardless if there are people that ask such idiotic questions, it is rather a preconcieved opinion to believe that discussion will only bloom by the circumstances that you judge favourable(in this case, a stranger's persona lexperience with the game).

The characters can still be discussed because they do have a certain amount of depth due to their multiple appearances in games, books and manga. The universe can still be discussed because it is highly opened to interpretations due to a lack of an official map, detailed structures of locations and other things.

A thread may start simply as an affirmation or a question, but it can eventually give birth to a plethora of posts that have a huge focus in discussions rather than the tastes of each Touhou's anus.

To go as far as thinking straight-up that they should be banned and exiled of /jp/ is foolish, considering that they are still an important part that comprises this board and has always comprised (because even in the first days of 2008 we did have our own share of secondary roleplaying). If they will or will not create discussion falls upon the users, the same being applied to the STG general and even VN threads.

People have different definitions of "interesting" and "quality", and be it good or bad, we're the minority here (assuming that you too strive for the creation of touhou threads that are canonically closer to the original Gensokyo). As long as there are people that are willing to discuss about which panties do touhou use, this will not change.

And the "fucking books" aren't even 100% accurate due to being from Akyuu's point of views. Therefore they can still be discussed and argued upon. You might figure out some things about them or speculate by discussion. If I'd wanted to know if anon-kun just cleared lunatic on PCB with a ridiculously high score, I'd go to his blog.

>> No.10443767,7 [INTERNAL] 

My point is that it's entertaining or interesting to know what someone on the internet did in an STG in the STG thread. It is not interesting to know a poster's opinion on the Touhou universe (e.g. who their favorite Touhou is) because we don't know that person, and it is not interesting to be told a fact about the Touhou universe (Marisa wears a hat) because we already knew it or could learn that from the games/books, which are actually entertainment.
Maybe you disagree. Maybe you are bitter and think STG players are attention whores, whereas it's pretty enjoyable seeing which Touhou people would like to fuck or learning that the characters built a rocket ship in a comic you've already read. My point is that this is exactly the difference between a personal post and mindless blogging. If I was on a hiking forum and someone told me a hiking story, that's entertaining storytelling, or if they're talking about equipment that's useful to me. If, however, someone on Tumblr is talking about what bands they like, that's not useful to me at all, nor is it if they tell me things I already know.

If you're confident we can have a good Touhou canon thread that has actual discussion instead of image dumping, catchphrases, and innuendo, then go ahead and post one. If there are things to debate, post a debatable topic (flame bait like "flandre is teh shittest touhou amirite" doesn't count). Otherwise, there really isn't anything I can think of. Unless you're ZUN, I don't give a fuck what your opinion is, and unless you're me, I don't care about what you just read in a comic.

>> No.10444811

>guy spamming "characters from Touhou Project are one-dimensional caricatures
>he went out and straight up said that he was just derailing the thread

Nigga, you're mixing two different people up. I know because I'm one of them and not the other.

And no, this thread is pretty bad for /jp/ standards, but it's to be expected. No moderation able to recognize OP as a shitty troll (too busy deleting PC-98 threads, I assume) and no shitposters killing shit threads in an instant, and that's what we end up with, retards actually writing responses to a statement so ostensibly stupid and inflammatory that it should have fallen off the board without receiving even one. And then what you complain about is a successful attempt to basically turn the topic around by 180 degrees? What the fuck, anonymous person, what the fuck.

>> No.10444811,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Nobody gives a shit about your opinion on Touhou canon.
Nobody gives a shit about your gameplay experience, either. Wow, you captured a spellcard that you hadn't captured before! Congratu-fucking-lations, you want a medal for that? Get a blog, faggot.

Or you could accept that different people care about different things.

>> No.10444894

Threads that draw out the retards are good. It means you can give them shit for being retarded. Otherwise they just hide beneath the surface and you don't realize you've been surrounded by retards until it's too late.

>> No.10444894,1 [INTERNAL] 

These nerd subjects are not exactly highbrow content to begin with, so you don't need to differentiate between one guy's super cool tale of no lives lost or another's guy story of him jacking off to Sanae's butt. Might as well be arguing about nothing.

>> No.10444894,2 [INTERNAL] 

You should post a story of you jacking off to Selvaria's breasts.
And then Suigintou comes through an interdimensional portal and gives you a rimjob.

>> No.10444894,3 [INTERNAL] 

That sounds like it would end up being a better thread than this one, but I don't have the talent for writing such stories.

>> No.10444894,4 [INTERNAL] 

You could reduce anything to that formula, though.

To put it another way: people go to the board just for the STG threads and they're held in high regard. Meanwhile, even Touhou fans complain about the Touhou canon threads.

>> No.10444894,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's mostly a function of there being a whole lot of one and a single thread of the other.

>You could reduce anything to that formula, though.
A lot of posts have redeeming quality, like those which contain information of general interest and not just information about what person A thinks or did or likes.

>> No.10447147

>and that's what we end up with, retards actually writing responses to a statement so ostensibly stupid and inflammatory that it should have fallen off the board without receiving even one

What a weaboo.
Can't handle the fact that your glorious japanese cartoons have the storytelling of a cheap drama show?

>> No.10447159

>The plots are fine. The decisions the characters make is predictable and what ruins it.


I've allways thought: what an interesting setting but then, cliches come in and ruin everything.

>> No.10447183
File: 102 KB, 400x400, lemutetoohoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're not into otaku culture.

>> No.10447190

So being into otaku culture is that you gladly eat up everything japanese like a weaboo?

>> No.10447261

blablabla OPINIONS

>> No.10447265

well the way you're kind of holding it all in contempt makes me think you don't any of it.

>> No.10447282
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr weeaboo

>> No.10447293

All jokes aside, insisting that japan is good at writing plots and refusing all critique is pretty weaboo

>> No.10447316

OP is delusional as fuck. Fuck off if western shit is not shit in your opinion please. OP has probably never even seen an anime. LOL Fuck off.

>> No.10447317

insisting they're bad is what then? a westaboo?

i'll bet you think think superman can beat goku and everything nerd.
