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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 207 KB, 674x552, loli111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10409975 No.10409975 [Reply] [Original]

what is /jp/s 2 cents about smartphones

>> No.10409981

more like two sments ammiright

>> No.10409983

That picture annoys me. If I want to take a picture I'll use a damn camera.

>> No.10409989

They are dumb and for normalfags

>> No.10410000

What are her 2 scents?

>> No.10410004

I've always wanted to smell loli feet and loli armpits.

>> No.10410011

good for games

>> No.10410020

lmao I got an galasy s THREE a couple DAY ago

now i can post on /jpay/ hwile im BALLIN a t da CLUB while fukin my GIRLFRIEND AS SHE WEARS A REIUMU OUTFIT LOL

>> No.10410024


>> No.10410030

They're for normals to shitpost with while on the go.

A computer is better in every way but they don't want to drag around a laptop

>> No.10410042



>> No.10410048

Whats stoppin ya

>> No.10410059

I can't get alone with my cousin to smell her feet or armpits.

>> No.10410065

I received mine as a gift

It's nice but I have no real use for it

>> No.10410069

Smartphones are great, if you have a job and make money.
People who have smartphones or macs without a job are fucking retarded. And they complain about why they don't have money left. Which is the majority of normalgays. Which is why I hate the majority of normalgays.

>> No.10410076

How old is she?If she's young enough, just pretend to be playing around with her on the floor or couch.
And then grab her feet, smell them quick and say "stinky!!" and put them back quick. Enjoy.

>> No.10410087

I have a phone, a cheap one that I got for free when I signed up for the plan with the cellphone company. Not a smart phone but decent

Good for an alarm, clock, and when my dad calls me

thats about all I need it for

>> No.10410091

I got a iphone from my dad, but just because they only had a internet flatrate contract which was cheap enough with these.

I wish I had a samsung, itunes a shit.
But it's not like I'll replace it anytime soon unless it breaks

>> No.10410092

I have three cousins aged 6, 8, and 12. They don't really come over here and I don't go over there and when I do, we don't really do anything physical. The older one did rub her feet on the back of my head a few times but I never smelled them and they're not very soft so I wouldn't want to smell hers anyway.

>> No.10410106
File: 61 KB, 640x512, Stuff (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always wanted to smell loli feet and loli armpits.
This kinda sounds like the start of a loli thread.

>> No.10410109

Younger is always easier, you can pretend to chase them and grab their legs, and when they gently fall down and you have their feet you can get a quick opportunity.
There's no easy way for armpits, sorry can't help you there.

>> No.10410113

no really beside games what are smartphones good for

>> No.10410121
File: 1.03 MB, 1023x1500, A (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had young nieces do that with. Instead I'm stuck with nephews. Oh well I guess I'll stick with 2D.

>> No.10410127

I just don't have a reason to buy one, all I need to calling and texting. On the go if somewhere has wifi I can use internet from my ipod touch.

>> No.10410129

Good for checking email. I'm in grad school, so I get lots of mail from university updates and professors, like 20 emails a day, and it's useful to check it when I have free time anywhere.
Also my class schedules are on there, in google calendar.
Checking quick information related to my studies is quick and easy.
But if you don't have job or serious education, it's better off to save money on a flip phone. It's worth it if you're working.
Also using a flip phone stands out and marks you as poor, if you regularly interact with people that matter.

>> No.10410131

Everyone in my family is ugly. I feel like I was born into the most ugly family of all time.

>> No.10410135

If nieces are your choice and unavailable, that's unfortunate.
2D is always safer and healthier anyways.

>> No.10410146

I came from a very technologically backwards home. So now there's all this shit that I really want but I have no idea what to start with. Smartphones fall under this category.

>> No.10410147

You know what, I feel a bit saddened recently with my cousin. A few months ago my aunt took some of her children and myself on a trip overnight. I had lots of fun with my cousin, her poking me or pulling on my shirt or pinching me and running away and laughing. A few days after that she said I was her boyfriend and she wanted to live with me, but since she's only eight so I thought nothing of it. Then a few months after that (at Christmas Eve) when I was at my aunt's house one of my older cousin's friends came and my little cousin who said she wanted to live with me jumped on his back and acted towards him how I would like to be acted towards from her. I don't know if I'm imagining things but it seems like she's lost interest in me and it makes me feel bad.

Needless to say, I don't like my cousin's friend. At the table he was talking about his job and how he moved from hourly wage to salary, and then mentioned reddit. When I was sitting alone on the couch he asked if I smoked, and then said he wanted to play Magic: The Gathering with me and take me to a gay bar to teach me how to get gay guys to buy me drinks and compliment me. I don't like him one bit.

>> No.10410152

If you keep doing that, you'll be broke.

>> No.10410154
File: 87 KB, 736x718, 1340718437089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit dude you got ntrd by an 8 year old

so f*ggin beta

>> No.10410157

Well, you could always start talking to the folks in /g/. They might be able to help you. Otherwise, I just talk to experts at the store or something.

>> No.10410162

That's super depressing, even more so if you get jealous easily.

>> No.10410164

I hate that guy already. In my head he is a piece of shit that is acting like he's got his shit together when he really doesn't, but people still like him.
I feel the dislike.

>> No.10410165

>...take me to a gay bar to teach me how to get gay guys to buy me drinks and compliment me

This guy doesn't seem cool to me either if hes ok with straight up manipulating people like that.

>> No.10410168


> Otherwise, I just talk to experts at the store or something.

lelellelelelelelel34l3lelelelelelele4e4lelelelelelel xcXSDDDXXDXDDDXXDSDS

motherufckersd at /g/' are more of expertsd then tyhem, lele, like fuicking by a "smartphone"u

>> No.10410169

I wasn't really jealous, just felt a bit worse than normal.

I was in the other room watching her brothers (this is a gigantic family, 12 kids) play a game and she came and sat on the couch under a blanket and made a noise like she was cold so I offered her a spot next to me so she could be more warm. She thought about it for a few seconds and said no. I offered to turn off the fan and she said yes to that.

I wonder where it all went so wrong.

>> No.10410172

She grew up. She's a normal girl now.

>> No.10410182

It wasn't even a year ago that she seemed to like me though.

>> No.10410183

What are you even trying to get across with this broken word vomit exactly?

>> No.10410185

Maybe you smell.

>> No.10410191

a year is a long time to normal people though

>> No.10410192

That is possible. Children like good looking people.
So you might just be ugly in general. Sorry.

>> No.10410195

I personally like flip phones. I'm still waiting for America to develop the infrared tech so I can get people's phone numbers without having to painstakingly type it in on my phone and manually adding them onto my contact list. If the smartphone is so smart, why can't it even be able to do something as simple as that, right? I guess you could call them dumbphones. The worst part about dumbphones is that they're just not ergonomically designed either! Why would they make it a giant rectangle with no buttons? Pressing the keys feel so awkward because they don't ever feel like they register. Plus you can even hit the wrong keys by accident and it happens often! I also don't get the whole point of all these apps. If I wanted to play games, I can just play real games on my DS. I suppose using my dumbphone as a music player is convenient, but then again don't all phones these days have the capability? Maybe I'm overthinking things here, but I think by making smartphones so "smart" they really just created a dumbphone. I mean I can't even block numbers unless I call my phone service. I mean seriously, who thought that was a good idea? Let's give the smartphone all these features except the ones that you really need. Sigh... when will America learn?

>> No.10410197

kids can change pretty fast.

>> No.10410199

Why did Japan switch to iPhones and the like if their phones were superior?

>> No.10410209

The same night when I asked if she wanted to sit by me was on the same night she was hanging onto the back of that guy, which was no longer than three months after she said I was her boyfriend.

I guess any amount of time can change things though. For a kid that's probably a long time. Oh well, at least I'm still her cousin.

>> No.10410212

Because smartphones are technically better.

>> No.10410217

Portable dumbed down unix machines.

>> No.10410219

What makes them better? I always used to read how Japanese phones were light-years ahead of the rest.

>> No.10410220

I don't have a phone. If I need to make a call I just ask to borrow someone else's.

>> No.10410225

I think smart phones are better for people who have busy schedules and are on the go a lot. Plus there's the fashion angle. iPhones are practically must have accessories at this point.

>> No.10410246

They're useful and convenient, and generally a nice piece of technology. I think many of you people hate them by association of the "normalfag-like" behavior exhibited by many of their owners, but the devices themselves are just fine.

>> No.10410254


I have a smartphone.... It never rings.

I just check my stocks while I'm on the toilet and stuff.

>> No.10410269

I have an obamaphone because I'm poor. Its reliable and holds a charge for about 7 days, granted it gets used maybe once a week or two.

But its barebones, no camera, can't receive pictures, all you can do is call and text and check the calender. But for getting 250 free minutes a month (of which I use very few) I see no reason to want anything more.

>> No.10410272

I use a computer for everything.

When I'm traveling about it would be nice to be able to browse the internet, but I usually just settle for listening to music.

I'm not a fan of most "minigames" and I don't play VNs so the software side might be lost on me.

>> No.10410273

I do the same expect I read manga on it too.

>> No.10410275
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Everyone in my family is attractive except me because I'm the result of an affair my mother had with an ugly man. Being the ugly duckling in a beautiful family is suffering.

>> No.10410299
File: 281 KB, 700x376, 20080928141639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two threads in one! Why waste space?

>> No.10410324

>I always used to read how Japanese phones were light-years ahead of the rest.

Their phones used to be, when every company develops everything on their own.

Now we have at least 4 ARM chip manufacturer competing to make the best SoC, and two huge companies providing OS for these chips, and millions of programmers trying to make software for these OS. Only takes a while before dumb phones are outnumbered and outgunned.

Manufacturers seems to also like making them, as they have less components that is the dial / navigation button.

> by making smartphones so "smart" they really just created a dumbphone
I'm more worried about the dumb legion of generation it's making.

>> No.10410328
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Dang, dood
Just... dang.

But everyone is beautiful on the internet!

>> No.10410331
File: 285 KB, 627x800, 32e5c56a0825fa1b89752d43c04c76a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like smart phones. i never want to own one.

>> No.10410333

I like mine. I probably wouldn't have gotten it on my own, but it was a gift and it's convenient at times.

>> No.10410336

they're going to be the only phones available in a couple of years

even landlines are becoming obsolete

>> No.10410337

I miss the days before cellphones and pagers. If someone can't contact you, you can tell them you went out and they can't say "why didn't you pick up your cellphone?!"

>> No.10410341
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i understand that. but i still say fuck 'em.

>> No.10410345

descendants of people who said "the tele-phone is a menace! Down with the tele-phone!"

>> No.10410351
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Perfect thread for this

>> No.10410353

Say your battery was dead or you forgot it at home or your phone showed unknown caller and you didn't pick it up because you thought it was a telemarketer.

>> No.10410356

I want to discuss loli more but I don't know what to bring up as a topic.

>> No.10410360
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or "sorry, had my phone on silent." perfectly plausible.

i have a cell, dumbass. just not a smart phone.

>> No.10410363
File: 29 KB, 700x400, randoseru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats whats happening with cable.
The companies are forcing us to upgrade so they can jew more money.

>> No.10410365

I-I'm sorry girls! Please don't be scared!

>> No.10410366

I hate them and I can't wait for the touchscreen fad to go away.

>> No.10410367
File: 334 KB, 908x1240, 23d46fe33eab7d9a27fe630658093de5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout this -- what body part of a loli would you like to smell?

>> No.10410370

Do these things even ride in a pocket comfortably?

One time I was at a m8's house and I saw his sister hold up her iphone and duckface into the camera.

>> No.10410371

in place of what? the hologram fad?

>> No.10410373

Neck, armpits, and feet. I can't think of any non-lew places that would emit any noticeable smell.

What about everyone else?

>> No.10410377

Noone's going to stop making cheap, disposable phones for phoning. You'll see smartphones die out first as soon as someone makes a portable computing device that's actually useful.

Just say you turned it off, because. Unless you were supposed to expect the call, it's your fucking personal choice how and when you let other people disturb you.

>> No.10410378

What is with our board and odor?
also, touchscreen fad will fade once companies are forced to cut even more corners to the point where the phones are so cheap theyre impractical.

>> No.10410382

What's not to like about how a loli smells?

>> No.10410383

I just wish for phones to be actual phones, not shiny overpriced things you carry around as a status symbol.

>> No.10410384
File: 330 KB, 718x1013, e28361d5f9c1c75cd8dd02e9e3afb791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't think of any non-lew places that would emit any noticeable smell
belly button, perhaps.

>> No.10410385

If you knew lolies, you'd know that that happens all the time.

>> No.10410387

I'm just saying /jp/ really loves smells.

>> No.10410388

>You'll see smartphones die out first as soon as someone makes a portable computing device that's actually useful.
You mean like a smartphone? It's a computer with an internet connection. What more do you need from a device that's portable?

>> No.10410391
File: 302 KB, 718x1013, e8a2954296c74d859a7e177b54f267d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, yes. lingering scent of berry-scented dora shampoo. not bad.

>> No.10410392

Would that smell good though? Mine's never smelled but I've read of people who think theirs smells disgusting.

>> No.10410397

Is that Kuro?

>> No.10410395

believe it or not a lot of people who have smart phones have them because they need them

a lot of people have them as a status symbol too, yes, but that doesn't downplay the importance they have to many people

and why would you want technology to stay stagnant or regress?

>> No.10410405
File: 229 KB, 718x1013, 4e8a589c4cf132fb50198bef7e8260ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably disgusting. unless one's into that sort of thing.

>> No.10410407

The more shit advances the worse the world gets. Most of the time. No, we don't need to be online every minute of our lives.

>> No.10410414

I use my smartphone (galaxy ace) to calm myself down when I'm having a panic attack out in public. The world isn't so convenient that we can all stay in our houses 100% of the time unfortunately. Its saved me from quite a few really stressful situations where I had to lock myself in a bathroom and calm myself down on the internet.

>> No.10410411
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Yeah, growing up wasn't fun...

All my siblings and cousins were praised for being beautiful/handsome, then people saw me and wondered how we're even related... no wonder I ended up feeling so worthless... plus this is a pretty obscure problem so there isn't even the comfort of others who can relate.

But now that I'm older I'm much happier. /jp/ helps a lot with that~

>> No.10410412

Nobody "needs" a smartphone any more than a regular phone that can only place phone calls, unless you consider browsing facebook and using "apps" essential to daily life.

>> No.10410415

I hope this summer I see at least one loli wearing nice clothing. A sundress like that would be really nice to see on a cute girl.

>> No.10410423

some people need to be able to check their email any time any where. Professionals get hundreds of emails a day, and are expected to answer promptly. Plus they are an address book, a calender, etc.

Yes, a smartphone probably isn't necessary for a /jp/er, but people who have a job, a family, responsibility, etc. benefit from having them.

>> No.10410427
File: 274 KB, 718x1013, 425d25519f127ad1697b509be802d84d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw them all the time last summer. even saw one wearing shorts that were pretty short, with her legs spread wide and sitting on a ball in front of a store. wished i'd had some type of recording device.

>> No.10410433

Why in the fuck do you care what people want out of a phone? Fuck off you damn control freak.

>> No.10410435

Practically everything you can do with a smartphone you can do with a regular cellphone.

>> No.10410438

Sometimes shorts can be way more revealing than skirts. I am not complaining though.

>> No.10410448

too expensive for what they do, so I don't care about them

>> No.10410453

so what difference does it make then? smartphones are just as cheap as normal cell phones used to be, and they offer a lot more features

if someone wants to check facebook or play a game on their phone, that's their prerogative

why do so many people on /jp/ take a holier than thou position in regards to everything? you always complain about people judging you and normalfag this normalfag that, while at the same time judging everyone else in the world

>> No.10410458

Go back to reddit.

>> No.10410460

Everybody wants to look down on someone.

>> No.10410467

See, this is what I mean.

>> No.10410471

If you bought a cellphone back then, you were a tool, too. The only reason why it's reasonable now is that they are starting to be just as expensive if not cheaper than landline phones.

>> No.10410478

Nobody fucking cares. Shut up.

>> No.10410479
File: 618 KB, 1100x1473, 62239b85c6f8e6903c2831ffa3716f3436b58ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little girls hardly ever wear skirts anymore, unless it's for a school uniform, at least in my country. even dresses are kinda uncommon.

>> No.10410481
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Smartphones track their owners to a futher extent than 'dumb' phones. It's like buying a computer pre-loaded with spyware.

It's just companies and governments wanting to know more about you, your purchases, and your movements.

>> No.10410482

you care, or you would have just ignored his opinion

>> No.10410484

Here too, at least for the locals. At tourist spots families from colder parts of the country usually dress nicer so this includes skirts occasionally.

>> No.10410485

I am 100% fine with them doing that, that literally has absolutely no effect on my day to day life.

>> No.10410487

That's pretty tinfoil man.

>> No.10410493

Do you seriously think that they can't do that on feature phones? Tip, friend-o, those crappy disposable phones are spying on you just as much as any iPhone. Worse, the government wants that data because they think criminals use them (as opposed to just stealing phones). So Google knows where you used Google Wallet to buy a Dr Pepper, boo fucking woo. Delusional retard.

>> No.10410505

Feature phones don't have a GPS, so how would they do that?

>> No.10410503
File: 649 KB, 1000x1527, ed5ebdf96d4d37eab192fe733dcae961b9822ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it isn't. but it depends on your tolerance for others knowing your movements and what you do with your smart phone. most people don't care. i don't think it's anyone's damn business to know what i'm up to. so i don't want one.

i wish i had a loli sitting on my lap right now.

>> No.10410515

If a loli was sitting in your lap right now, she would know that you are a huge pervert.

>> No.10410518

Do you browse the internet using Tor, too?

Together my ISP and my credit card provider have enough information on me to basically disassemble me, I just don't give a shit. Throwing GPS data on there isn't going to tell them anything they don't already know, except maybe that Saturday is grocery store day.

>> No.10410519

do you abstain from using google, and email, and credit cards, and all of that too?

>> No.10410534

I don't think Google or the feds are in the business of burglary.

>> No.10410530

>except maybe that Saturday is grocery store day.

Guess now we know when the burglars are going to be visiting your house. See how that information is much more valuable?

>> No.10410536

Triangulation. It's mandatory in all phones for 911 to locate you. Even smartphones use it. GPS is best for high accuracy, but takes a while. (Actually, it's the exact same way they get it from GPS. GPS relies on satellites, regular triangulation uses cell towers. Since the cell towers are in fixed locations, it's faster, but the signal is within less of a margin of error, so it isn't as accurate.)

>i wish i had a loli sitting on my lap right now.
Who doesn't wish this?

>> No.10410544

Me, lolis usually smell bad.

>> No.10410545

Since when were the feds actually competent at not leaking information?

>> No.10410540

People could get that same info from just observing his house, which is what would happen in pretty every large scale burglary.

>> No.10410553

I don't think there has been a major leak of NSA information for a while. And even on the off-chance that they did, why would you rob some poor fuck when he's at the grocery store instead of some rich professional while he's at work?

>> No.10410557

If she smells bad, you know she won't nag you about also smelling bad.

>> No.10410559

when leaks do happen, they're of important information, not where anon lives and when he goes to the grocery store

>> No.10410567

But I don't smell. I shower everyday!

>> No.10410569

I've never encounter this, but I usually stay away from them. But fuck you, they can smell like anything you like in your dreams.

Please name the last time they leaked information about someone's daily habits. Please name one reason why anyone would care to steal from him just because they downloaded his schedule from a leak.

In what little interaction I've had with lolies, they are not above being hypocritical and mean (especially if everyone else is mean to you).

>> No.10410571
File: 345 KB, 522x729, 67194e9ad0c12422c4538e3ae66d0a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh stop, you flatter me.

>I just don't give a shit
that tolerance thing i mentioned. we're just different people.

>> No.10410572

It's just the important information leaks that make the newspapers.

>> No.10410576

Maybe if you are the same age as them, but to an adult?

>> No.10410579

So you can't cite any sources. Good, glad we got that admission out of the way. Perhaps now we can return to rational arguments instead of thinking Die Hard is a documentary.

>> No.10410586

I try to have proper hygine habits, but no matter how hard I try, I never can seem to remain clean or not smelly.

>> No.10410589

Yes. My cousins were very mean to me last I saw them, when they were 8 and 10. I think they picked it up from everyone else.

>> No.10410591
File: 550 KB, 1050x1398, 9bde9109ca48ed157eedb95c08142cafc58aff15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then make her take a bath. if necessary, bathe her, because she might forget to wash everywhere.

>they are not above being hypocritical and mean
kids can be so mean.

>> No.10410613

p/s 2

>> No.10410615

what's /jp/'s 2 cents on neurolinkers

>> No.10410617
File: 524 KB, 1017x1362, 54370c08dab71ae0996d78cb47f24ddaff372007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to start teasing them and poking fun at them, then. not too harshly, but just enough to put them in their place.

>> No.10410620
File: 51 KB, 300x518, PS2_Ports_ATX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.10410621

A useful OS and input device would be a good start.

>> No.10410629

I saw it in the OP post, and posted it because i saw it.

>> No.10410627

If I take a damn picture I will put up 2 peace signs like japan does

>> No.10410642
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>> No.10410644
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>> No.10410647

Pleas do not make fun of me, I am only a little girl.

>> No.10410654

That's much to bold for me. I don't even know how to respond to basic questions very well. There's no way I could tease a little girl without looking like a huge prick\freak to everyone.

iOS is garbage, but Android is mostly fine. I don't personally like Windows 8, but perhaps Windows RT will work better on an actual phone, instead of a computer pretending to be a phone. I would agree about the input. Typing on tablets and phones is a complete pain in the ass.

>> No.10410651

will you go out with me?

>> No.10410658

what is go out?

>> No.10410668

But no one NEEDS a projected keyboard.

>> No.10410661
File: 25 KB, 399x399, bluetooth-projection-keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do have projected keyboards. Hopefully they become common.

>> No.10410665

we spend time together, I can buy you things, hold hands, kiss, that kind of thing

>> No.10410672


But I'm not old enough to kiss people yet, how about hugs?

>> No.10410674

We were asked. We answer. Don't like the answer? Sorry, not everyone needs to think like you. Don't want to know what we think? Don't ask.

>> No.10410675

you wont touch me in bad places and hit me like daddy does, will you? hes mean and hurts me and i hate him!

>> No.10410682

Okay, That sounds fun, I hope we can be friends!

>> No.10410678

hugging is fine too!

>> No.10410680

Nobody needs to stick an entire computer inside a monitor, but it doesn't stop them from doing it.

>> No.10410687
File: 234 KB, 866x630, b18f66b1437fbeda117b5eada82bb821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your earlier post
>My cousins were very mean to me last I saw them
define mean.

>> No.10410696

I didn't ask you anything, the op did, I was just responding to your comment

and who is "we?" do you have multiple personalities?

>> No.10410701

A loli in your lap is a really nice thing. One of the best things in the world.

>> No.10410707

What is your number jp? I want to text you

>> No.10410709
File: 135 KB, 539x836, 627ccbbf6b19630b84002ac6d88222f84f848a32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to sit on my lap? i can give you hugs while you can help me pick out any ugly nose hairs of mine that you can see.

>> No.10410712

will you send me dick pics?

>> No.10410714

holy shit I want this

>> No.10410715

Oh, well, isn't this is quite embarrassing. They insult me, throw stuff at me with the other kids (including my brother, who is 14), tell their parents I was being mean to them, knowing that they won't believe me. I gave the youngest a gift on her birthday last year, then she threw it in the trashcan and told me that she thought I was weird and that she didn't want me to come.

God, this is so very, very pathetic. I'm being bullied by children. I want to kill myself.

>> No.10410731

What did you get her? A dildo?

>> No.10410735

One of my cousins told me I was weird, except she's 22.

>> No.10410736

Boss got us all the IPhone 4S.

Google maps, weather, and some apps are really helpful. I like the music stuff.

But if it wasn't for work, I would barely even need a cellphone.

And most people who have them don't need them.

>> No.10410748

A cheap novelty doll from some cartoon I assumed she would like. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

>> No.10410750

I don't have the luxury of owning a smartphone.
I have no money at all.

I guess that's part of being a NEET.

>> No.10410753

Maybe she thought you were being condescending.

>> No.10410756

oh jesus christ
you've got no fucking job man

>> No.10410761


What gave it away?

>> No.10410762

put some thought into your gift next time

a "cheap" toy from a cartoon you "assumed" she liked

>> No.10410766

Mine isn't anything special

>> No.10410767

Take her to a toy store and tell her to pick something out or something.

>> No.10410768

Why waste money on trying to befriend a little shit like her?

>> No.10410776

>tell their parents I was being mean to them, knowing that they won't believe me
What the hell, those kids are insanely insolent. I feel like a product of the past.

>> No.10410777
File: 475 KB, 1075x1518, b9413650c31902cc105c58c2422fe264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, you said you aren't bold, but unfortunately you'll have to grow a pair if you don't want to be bullied. like for instance:

>They insult me
pretend you couldn't care less about their insults. as though their mean words were silly and pointless.

>throw stuff at me
throw stuff back. and have fun doing it. make it like a game on your end, even if they're serious.

>tell their parents I was being mean to them, knowing that they won't believe me
can't do much about that. stupid parents will believe their kids blindly, smart parents will know what's up.

>I gave the youngest a gift on her birthday last year, then she threw it in the trashcan
might've been a good time to call her an ungrateful brat

my opinion.

>> No.10410782

Well, I don't get to see them all that often anyway.

Fuck it. I'll just give up.

I don't blame them. I'm thinking that my family thinks I'm weird and tells the kids to stay away from me. I've got no evidence for that though.

>> No.10410783

Is she really a little shit? She can't really hate him. I don't think kids hate people for no reason. Taking her to a toy store and letting her get something would probably be fun for her, and there's no way she couldn't find something she wants in a toy store.

The only difficulties is getting enough money to pay for what she wants and getting her to go to the store with you. With any luck you can tell her parents what you want to do and they'll get her to go.

>> No.10410784

it seems like she's only a little shit to this guy, so he's probably creeping on her something fierce for her to act like that

>> No.10410786

Get /fit/ and confidence and show how wrong they all are.

>> No.10410790

This could also be why she doesn't seem to like him.

>> No.10410796

I don't care too much. It's something I'm sad about often, but ultimately lack the willpower to change. I was born a weak loser and I'll die a weak loser. And if they are thinking that I am a pedophile, then they would be right. I've given no indication of this, but that doesn't stop people.

>> No.10410797

don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure it's cute!

>> No.10410801

Apart from handing out gifts to little girls.

>> No.10410804

In my experience it is well within children's capacity to be horrible, irrational little bastards. It's not really their fault but they're just at the age where they don't think things through and don't really empathize yet.

>> No.10410805
File: 255 KB, 450x626, a4bc23283183feb01499befb0f2fb376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care too much.
>It's something I'm sad about often
sounds like you care much.

>> No.10410807

Do they actually think you're a pedophile or do you just assume that? Have you done anything that would make them think that?

>> No.10410812

or it could be she smells a creepy pedophile

>> No.10410818

i want to hand out gifts to little girls.

>> No.10410817

In my experience kids don't seem to dislike me or think I'm creepy, quite the opposite. It's the adults and people my age who think I'm creepy.

>> No.10410822

Yes that is possible as well. I'm not sure kids can detect that sort of thing though, they're fairly dense.

>> No.10410827

>In my experience it is well within children's capacity to be horrible, irrational little bastards.
Children being intentionally rude towards adults outside the immediate family is completely unheard of. I wonder where the guy is from.

>> No.10410829

nah, some kids have good instincts, while others are stupid. it just varies.

>> No.10410830


I can just smell the precum in this thread. Please calm down and come back later.

You're being lewd.

>> No.10410831

eh, I'm not so sure

kids are trained by their school and parents to watch out for pedophiles

they know how adults are supposed to act around kids

>> No.10410832

happens all the time in my country.

>> No.10410835

Kids probably think of him as an overgrown kid, not an actual adult, which is reserved for "authority figures" like teachers, parents, and waiters.

>> No.10410838

Personally I just like having a portable internet browser / music and video player / ebook reader / N64 emulator / whateverthefuck. Calling and texting people is much less than half of what I use my phone for.

>> No.10410842

It was her birthday.

I regret it much.

Ugh. I really don't want to answer this question. I wish I had never posted about it. Do you realize how hard it is to be honest with myself about stuff like this?

I don't know. I don't think I have.

Other than glancing too often or something or perhaps body language, no. I've not touched another person except by accident in years. I've never asked to be with any children, alone or otherwise. I've never babysat or shown any interest in kids other than what I thought would by typical of a normal.

>> No.10410851

>Other than glancing...
wouldn't worry about it then. if they suspected, they'd grill you. and they probably would try to discourage you from seeing your cousin.

>> No.10410853

you probably just come off as really creepy anon

>> No.10410855

If you rarely leave the house, having a portable internet browser / music and video player / ebook reader / N64 emulator / whateverthefuck is less important.

>> No.10410861

Or they realize that he's no Don Juan.

>> No.10410872

that's pretty embarrassing

the parents realize he is too much of a loser to seduce their little kid so they don't even care

>> No.10410874

I remember when I was a kid and my father's colleagues or distant relatives came to visit. Awe and humility (mixed with boredom, of course) were the only things on my mind.

>> No.10410877

I don't think you're helping anon's self-esteem.

>> No.10410881

you guys are mean.

>> No.10410927

True, but when you do have to leave the house (some university courses sadly require it), having the escapism option is nice.

>> No.10410930

playing games with a loli on a portable whateverthefuck sounds like fun.

>> No.10411040
File: 430 KB, 850x850, 1350075883355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10411061

I remember seeing this on nico seiga a while ago.

I wish the artist would make an aftermath picture.

I am a fan of guro, however I don't think the artist is.

>> No.10411077

I set aside some chicken thighs last night to make a soup with tomorrow. I wish a loli were here to help out. There's like a 5% chance because it's weekend, but most likely none of my relatives will visit and I will eat my chicken soup alone.

>> No.10411497

Cellular Phones

I refuse to have a cell phone because they are tracking and surveillance devices. They all enable the phone system to record where the user goes, and many (perhaps all) can be remotely converted into listening devices.

In addition, most of them are computers with nonfree software installed. Even if they don't allow the user to replace the software, someone else can replace it remotely. Since the software can be changed, we cannot regard it as equivalent to a circuit. A machine that allows installation of software is a computer, and computers should run free software.

When I need to call someone, I ask someone nearby to let me make a call.

What to use instead? The most obvious alternative is a long-distance phone card. They are quite cheap nowadays, and they work with any phone.

>> No.10411504

I don't like them at all! I find typing on glass touchscreens time consuming and difficult, it makes me feel so dumb... and the fact that those things need to be recharged once everyday or two days is outrageous. I'll just stick to my dumbphone thank you.

>> No.10411520
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 0061696003057_500X500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading all of this thread, just OP's post

As a hiki I don't really need a smartphone, but I'm getting one because I want what amounts to a pocket sized laptop for when I'm bored with work. I bought the LG Optimus Q and am going to be picking it up today. I don't know if it'll be all that, but if it can let me read manga, browse 4chan, and listen to music while at work, I'll be quite satisfied

If nothing else, it's not very expensive on a per-month basis. I used to work for Sprint, and knowing that they charge $100 or so dollars for a plan that I am getting for $45 dollars through lesser known cellphone providers makes me laugh

>> No.10411522

I was waiting for someone to post this.
Fuck off, Richard.

>> No.10411524


Yeah, I agree about the touchscreen typing and battery power. To be honest, though, I've noticed that with my cellphone usage just browsing the internet, I need to charge it every two days anyway

The only reason I'm even getting the Optimus Q is because it has a slideout keyboard so I won't have to put up with that touchscreen typing crap. Seriously, are people so obsessed with gimmicks that they forget the importance of tactile feedback?

>> No.10411527

I own a Samsung Galaxy Ace which was a birthday present from 2011.
I only use it to browse 4chan while in the toilet.

>> No.10411538

>Complaining about touchscreen typing
Do you even swype?

>> No.10411539

I use my Sony Ericsson W810i purely for texting and as an alarm, and only have to charge it once every five - seven days. A guy I know got some new Samsung phone, left it on without doing a single thing, and the battery went down from fully charged to ~50% overnight.

>> No.10411554


God, really? I didn't know Samsung batteries were that horrible


I don't know what that is, please explain. Please note that if it doesn't provide tactile feedback, I already like it less than an actual keyboard

>> No.10411573

smart phones are a ploy. Corporations want the ability to assassinate dissidents at a moments notice, so they sell these devices. To activate, an instruction is sent to the device, at which point, the lithium ion battery is short circuited and bursts into flames. Probability of survival is 20% if in a purse, 10% if in a pocket, and 1% if held to the face while on a call.

Locations are aggregated. Tracked. Data. Analysis. Tracked. Locations, maps. Tracked. Known. Alert.

If the battery fails, a drone may be sent to the current reported gps location. Alternatively, the road directions map will guide you off of a bridge.

static maps. Not changed. Software. Is all illusions. Fiction. Presented as fact.

Triangularization is a myth. Quaduralization is required for 5 meter precision. Velocity, acceleration mapping. Accumulation.

Pizza Mushrooms Cheese. Are. Poison. Death. Inevitable. Nothing.

Cameras and microphones do not collect data on the owners of the phone, but on the individuals they walk past in everyday. When walking through a crowd, you may be photographed and recorded dozens of times. Recognition. Aggregation. Data exchange. Classification.

Pizza. Delivered. Anchovies. Not expected.

Brains are radiant. Thoughts are received with dishes. Dissidents no longer need to speak to be detected. Muscle contraction is puppetry. One. All. Always.

One power. One god. One aggregation of data. One sink to collect them all.

>> No.10411577

You draw a line between the letters you want and it makes the word. It's very accurate, too.

>> No.10411582
File: 20 KB, 400x450, cirno on the internet takataka_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see. Sounds very different. I'd probably prefer just takatakaing, to be honest, but maybe that will change

>> No.10411584


>> No.10411593


>> No.10411608
File: 167 KB, 286x361, niggggggggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10411678


What's the source, dude?

>> No.10411934

ure mum lmao

>> No.10412024

I like my smartphone

>> No.10412070
File: 49 KB, 266x400, newchap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can play danmaku in your smartphone

>> No.10412072
File: 426 KB, 850x850, sample_4f44d95a5a93f9cf11ebc1f2df8b3859518c410d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they cute nephews? lick dem shota legs

>> No.10412098

i have a smartphone

it sucks I hate it

>> No.10412104

My family has so many goddamn smartphones they are practically pissing them. My mom offered me one of the phones that they weren't using anymore, but I turned her down. I don't see the point in dragging around some touchscreen device with almost nothing but useless shit on it. It seems like a downgrade to sacrifice my phone's numpad for some smudgy screen.

>> No.10412134


You know, there are smartphones out there with keyboards. It takes some digging because touchscreens are so stupidly trendy, but you needn't settle for a touchscreen if you don't want to

>> No.10412144

I don't like keyboards either. The only thing I want from a phone is a screen and a numpad.

>> No.10412146


Fair enough

>> No.10412166

That's all I need too, a small camera on one is fine enough for extra features to me. Sadly it's becoming harder and harder to find normal flip phones, I think soon they won't even be made anymore. When what I have now dies I may not have a choice but to get a smartphone. Another thing is they break so much more easily, everyone I know who has a smart phone has big problems with it sooner or later. My little flip phone, never lets me down.

>> No.10412214

>Another thing is they break so much more easily, everyone I know who has a smart phone has big problems with it sooner or later

In fairness, that's just a natural consequence of more complicated technology. The more moving parts you have, the easier it is for things to break down because one failing gear ruins the machine

I agree though that reliable phones are hard to come by. I wonder what kind of phones construction workers and the like use? I'd imagine they'd find some kind of tough and hardy phone that would last

>> No.10412341

Smartphones don't have any moving parts. Everything is solid state.

>> No.10412369


It's a figure of speech goddamn you. The more complicated the machine, the easier it is to break down

>> No.10412382

Phones have become too much like small computers and most have become too expensive.
If I want something to call people on, I'll get an old early 2000's model.

>> No.10412396

Smartphones are great, I can browse and check my email everywhere. They make good alarm clocks as well.

>> No.10412412

I would rather have an actual alarm clock that plugs into the wall. Using a cellphone runs the risk of the battery being dead when you need it to go off.

>> No.10412446

If my cell phone service actually came with internet access I might have a reason to get a smart phone but that would be it for me. But what kind of cell phone doesn't have an alarm function? Isn't that just a standard feature that should be in all phones?

>> No.10412454

What the fuck? Did you people forget how you were when you were kids? Why bother going so far for someone that obviously doesn't appreciate you? I was always thankful for my gifts and was always respectful to adults. Kids like this little bitch being mentioned don't deserve even a pin as a present.

>I don't think kids hate people for no reason.

Are you kidding? Kids have the equal capacity to hate as adults. Did you forget? Back when I was a kid I was capable of hating someone just because their face was funny. Kids can be just as sadistic as everyone else. Stop painting this pure portrayal that only exists in the 2D universe.

>> No.10412457

What if the power goes out?

>> No.10412464

ami the only that thinks letting a kid own a smartphones is not a good idea

for god sake, there are people that would stab the poor thing just stole the phone

>> No.10412478

They are shit.

I use my old flip phone.

>> No.10412494

Phones aren't used as phones anymore. When I see someone with a smartphone out nine times out of ten they are either texting or playing a game. Smartphones are as gimmicky as you can get, the tacked on superficial apps and the selling point that touchscreens are somehow better than a physical keyboard is what makes them so popular. Also nobody knows how to make better use of the bandwagon effect than Apple.

>> No.10412496

Generally giving kids cell phones is a bad idea. First it enables them to go anywhere they want, since they live in the security that, if anything happens, they can just call their parents. Secondly, just like you mentioned, people kill for less than a cell phone. It's an awful combination.

>> No.10412500

Fair enough, I've got unlimited bandwidth on mine. Guess they're not as fun without any access at all.

I keep mine charged or leave it in the charger when I go to sleep.

>> No.10412622

I don't like smartphones, but I do have a Sony Xperia(was free with contract). Great for portable gaming and emulators.

I miss flip phones. They were fun.

>> No.10412632

Are you guys from Somalia or something?

>> No.10412633

It's just simply this would say it's this as much as I hate the way the word "creepy" is thrown around these days. Some may just come off as it to everyone.

Same here, the older everyone around me is the more they seem to hate me for just existing. Even when I was little most adults were very mean to me, even more so than now. Most kids are never really mean to me and I can relate to them much more. They can be mean and irrational of course but adults are the ones that were always actually threatening to me and now I'm that I'm old enough to be considered one I really am more of an over grown kid than anything.

>> No.10412635

I absolutely love my iPhone, I literally don't know what I would do without it.

>> No.10412654

>Back when I was a kid I was capable of hating someone just because their face was funny.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool immediately.

>> No.10412667

Keep believing kids are the pinnacle of innocence and purity.

>> No.10412713

I don't. I remember my childhood and I especially remember the guys who didn't need a reason.

>> No.10412853
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 1337921450600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2 cents
>not 2 yen

>> No.10412859

No you, weaboo faggot. get the fuck you and take your fail sage with you.

>> No.10412871

Phone discussion has been moved from Technology to Otaku Culture, janitor agreed, don't bother him about it

>> No.10412890


That's not exactly the case with computers. Just make the case out steel, and pad the spacers that keep everything in place. Nothing will ever break. You could even make it survive a nuclear blast if you wanted to. What makes smart phones delicate is the drive to keep them sleek and small. When they fall, they have nothing other to do than shatter and fly apart.

>> No.10412900

Little girls like older guys who don't like them one bit.

That's why the typical onii-chan is often a faggot who finds the loli annoying. And somehow ends up fucking her if it's a hentai.

>> No.10412928

Don't think they use drives in there, pretty sure it's all flash memory. That's why they are pretty durable.

>> No.10412929

/jp/ - phones n shit

seriously fuck this stupid piece of fucking shit board good god, i'm still mad over that "/jp/ ringtone thread a few days ago and now this

>> No.10412934
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, calm the fuck down. look at these kittens_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calm down dood we're just talking about phones, jeez

>> No.10412938
File: 26 KB, 251x371, le mishima face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to be a shitposter, huh?
It's not easy.

This guide will teach you "thirty second shitpost" technique.

The basis of "thirty second shitpost" is lowercase typing only. No capitalization or punctuation. It reflects the very nature of the "thirty second shitpost".

"What should my post contain?"
The content of the post is a reflection of your spirit. As this is the "thirty second shitpost" you should approach your keyboard with the intention of shitposting and let it flow.

At first, you might feel daunted. In this case you may look at current shitposting trends and draw inspiration from them.
As a beginner, you may copy a shitpost you have seen before and give it your own distinct touch. As you do this you will begin to get the feel and develop your own style.

As with all arts, the proper form is important. Shitposting is not as abstract as it seems.

Emoticons are allowed. However, xD, ;_;, :3 are the marks of an amateur and are to be avoided.
Genuine typing errors should be left in, but not made on purpose. Even a non-shitposter can discern an intentional typo from an unintentional one, and you will lose credibility.
There is one exception. Leaving the "S" off of words that should be pluralized. Used sparingly, this can boost your shitposting power by 15%.

Poor grammar is acceptable. Take a moment of deliberation to see if your post could benefit from it.
Many shitposts stand or fall on this point alone.

"Thirty second shitpost" technique does not place great emphasis on image uploaded. Though an advanced technique is re-using an image to establish a truly epic shitpost.

Use these guidelines as a foundation. You will discover unwritten rules as you progress.

It's said that a master cannot make a shitpost in thirty seconds, but thirty shitposts in a second.
This guide too, was made in thirty seconds.

So good luck! Find your own style and perfect it!

I look forward to seeing the power of your "thirty second shitpost"! がんばって!

>> No.10412939

And lolies.

>> No.10412942

>my family thinks I'm weird and tells the kids to stay away from me
My mother, grandma and aunt know I'm a pedo. They don't really understand anything I try to explain to them, but they seem to undestand that it isn't a bad thing.

Should I do the same with other family members? Most of them are retarded and I fear they'll tell the kids to stay away from me when they grow up a bit...

>> No.10412961

I think it would be safe not to as to not stir up as much shit as possible about it. It definitely not safe as telling them you're gay. Some may take it horribly and use it as something to fuck you over with in the future if they don't immediately go apeshit over you for it. Your choice but I don't see much good coming from telling everyone in your family about it, I mean there's no real reason for them to know.

>> No.10412965
File: 26 KB, 251x371, le mishima face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to be a shitposter, huh?
It's not easy.

This guide will teach you "thirty second shitpost" technique.

The basis of "thirty second shitpost" is lowercase typing only. No capitalization or punctuation. It reflects the very nature of the "thirty second shitpost".

"What should my post contain?"
The content of the post is a reflection of your spirit. As this is the "thirty second shitpost" you should approach your keyboard with the intention of shitposting and let it flow.

At first, you might feel daunted. In this case you may look at current shitposting trends and draw inspiration from them.
As a beginner, you may copy a shitpost you have seen before and give it your own distinct touch. As you do this you will begin to get the feel and develop your own style.

As with all arts, the proper form is important. Shitposting is not as abstract as it seems.

Emoticons are allowed. However, xD, ;_;, :3 are the marks of an amateur and are to be avoided.
Genuine typing errors should be left in, but not made on purpose. Even a non-shitposter can discern an intentional typo from an unintentional one, and you will lose credibility.
There is one exception. Leaving the "S" off of words that should be pluralized. Used sparingly, this can boost your shitposting power by 15%.

Poor grammar is acceptable. Take a moment of deliberation to see if your post could benefit from it.
Many shitposts stand or fall on this point alone.

"Thirty second shitpost" technique does not place great emphasis on image uploaded. Though an advanced technique is re-using an image to establish a truly epic shitpost.

Use these guidelines as a foundation. You will discover unwritten rules as you progress.

It's said that a master cannot make a shitpost in thirty seconds, but thirty shitposts in a second.
This guide too, was made in thirty seconds.

So good luck! Find your own style and perfect it!

I look forward to seeing the power of your "thirty second shitpost"! がんばって!

>> No.10412973

I feel lonely because I can't tell anyone about this. I'm beginning to hate everyone because they are all retarded moralfags.

I want to like my family at least, but it's too dangerous.

Why do I have to suffer like this?

>> No.10412976

Do they really go apeshit over gays?

And even if they do, most members of the family will call the homophobe a fucking retard. It's quite different when it's about pedos.

>> No.10412981

You're not alone here and I also hate everyone because of the same reasons. It wouldn't matter for me personally anyways though since my family is currently falling apart and nothings going to save it but that's unrelated. Lots of people have to suffer in silence, it's like an invisible war that goes on every day. You just don't hear anything about it because no one can even speak up since it's like having no tongue.

>> No.10413028

What do you mean it isn't a bad thing? I'm just curious.

>> No.10413033

Don't try to explain anything to them, they are all brainwashed. Logic doesn't work.

>> No.10413034

It means the person is pure and loves children

>> No.10413038

Isn't that the polar opposite of personal purity?

>> No.10413052

Why do you think it is a bad thing?

>> No.10413063

That very much depends on what he meant by "pedo". It could be anything from a harmless psychological issue(i.e. bad for him, but does not make him bad) to fucking, raping children(i.e. I hope he gets eaten alive by ants).

>> No.10413069

It's not a psychological issue.

And what do rapists have to do with anything? Just call them rapists, not pedos.

>> No.10413084

It is a psychological issue because you have a strong sexual preference upon which you can never act. This is of course not good since your options are:

A.) Fuck kids: go to special, well deserved part of Hell.

B.) Not act on it: be generally good person, but suffer decreased quality of life.

C.) Get therapy, and live normal life.

Q.e.d. pedophilia is a psychological issue.

>> No.10413088

>what he meant by
>psychological issue
>bad for him
>fucking, raping children
You are beyond brainwashed. I don't really have the time to explain anything to you, sorry.

>> No.10413093

How is it not bad for him? It decreases his quality of life and/or his value as a person. Either way, it's bad for him.

>> No.10413099

Warren Buffet does not have a cellphone, but he's one of the richest people in the world. Why would someone like him not use a ``smartphone"?

>> No.10413107

Why strong? Why only "sexual"? Why must it be a psychological issue? Can't the law/society just be retarded?

A.) I doubt I'd go to Hell even if I had "sex" with a child. I wouldn't be the one harming her.

B.) I don't really need sex as much as most males do. Being unable to talk with children because their parents think I'm "sick" or hearing moralfag bullshit every day would probably decrease my quality of life, though.

C.) Fuck you, no pedophile needs therapy.

I don't believe in Hell, but I'm damn sure you'd go there if it was real.

Fuck you.

>> No.10413127
File: 182 KB, 600x961, lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a psychological issue because you have a strong sexual preference upon which you can never act.
But they can act on it just fine as long as there are not any lying chipmunks.

>> No.10413129

We should just stop this argument now because while you're right it's not just sexual and all that it's not going to go anywhere. No one's opinions on it will be changed and everyone will just go away mad after a million posts from just the argument alone.

>> No.10413135

Because he's old.

>> No.10413157
File: 56 KB, 450x532, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think having sex with kids is harmful?

Despite the countless cases proving it is and the combined work of child psychologists the world over?

>> No.10413164

Those were false flag attacks by US government agents, who weren't actually pedophiles (pedophile means child lover) and so they didn't really love their partners and left them traumatized. That's how they got it all illegal in the first place.

Don't believe everything the media tells you...

>> No.10413170

I don't believe in Hell either, but that's beside the point. By having an in any way sexual relationship with a child, you are disturbing her mentally. The law is not retarded; children cannot consent to sex because they are immature and unintelligent.

No healthy men have extremely strong sex-drives, that's just an excuse for their poor self-control. It is a strong sexual preference because you identify as a pedophile. You appear to have an overly-narrow view of the word "sexual". Two individuals do not have to engage in intercourse for their relationship to be sexual; they don't even need to touch.

The human mind is a fragile, particularly during childhood. You are taking an overly simplistic view to the child by saying that you do not hurting her by having a sexual relationship with her. The damage you would do would be psychological, and it could be permanent.

If you feel a need to have relationships with children then this is a strong sexual preference, and not acting on it is bad for your mental health. Acting on it, however, is far more damaging to the child, which is why you must not. Thus you need therapy to help you deal with your pedophilia without acting on it.

Why would I go to Hell, assuming there were one? I have done nothing wrong, and I do not judge you unless you actually harm a child. I may have my own views on your pedophilic thoughts, but I realise you don't choose to have them, and either way you do not do badly by others because of them. Therefore, I have not done badly by you. Don't misunderstand me; I don't hate you, and I'm not disgusted by you or anything like that, I just don't want you to harm children.

A pedophile does not have to want to harm a child to harm her. Simply by being in a sexual relationship with a child you are damaging her psyche.

>> No.10413187

>Simply by being in a sexual relationship with a child you are damaging her psyche.
How can you assume this as if you know how every child's mind works? Not to mention you are probably projecting your own idea of what kind of psyche is healthy and right.

>> No.10413210

I am not projecting my view of anything, I am just retelling the results of solid psychological research. As someone who is called creepy on a regular basis, and has maybe three friends who respect him because people find him eccentric, I have a VERY wide concept of "healthy and right". However, there is a very real difference between abnormal and unhealthy. These people develop neuroses, self-esteem issues and shewed views of people and social interactions. It is because of this that they have decreased life qualities.

>> No.10413227

>I always used to read how Japanese phones were light-years ahead of the rest.
Where the fuck did read that?

>> No.10413231


While a statement can be backed by research, you can never assume it holds in absolute. There will always be cases to the contrary. This is the only error in your deductions.

>> No.10413232

why are japs so apple cock sucking faggots?

apple is a shitty moralfag company.
the irony is that the product that got them into the market isn't original at all.

>> No.10413234

>everything the media tells you

>A known fact agreed upon by the vast majority of psychologists.

They're not the same, man, besides, conspiracy theories are almost always wrong. Even though you could be right, the evidence against you is strong, and your only argument is "we don't know".

Why do you love children? All adults were children once, and all children eventually become adults. Are you going to have relationships with them when they're kids and then dump them when they hit puberty?

>> No.10413236



>> No.10413238


>> No.10413254
File: 58 KB, 261x298, 58492l2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything we know and believe is relative and there is no right and wrong.

>> No.10413262

Almost no one is sexually attracted to grannies. Would you dump your wife when she turns into one?

>> No.10413265

I like milfs grannies and lolis.

>> No.10413266

By the same logic, old people should be exclusively attracted to younger adults.

>> No.10413284

True, but that is not a sensible mindset. You have to decide for yourself what's right and what's wrong, but if you want others to do good by you you should also do good by them( if you want them to do what you want to a reasonable extent you should do the same to them). Thus, if you want to live a good life you should be good to others. We can thereby determine logically that it is right to be good to others and wrong to be bad to others. When your actions negatively affect the mental health of another person, and you're only doing it to fulfill your own desires, then that is wrong. Thus, acting upon pedophillic tendencies is wrong.

>> No.10413286

>turning your phone ``limited''
>not moralfaggotry
Also suing Samsung for really really small shit.

>> No.10413291

What do you mean they '"turned their phone "limited"'
That Samsung lawsuit wasn't morals, that was just capitalism.

>> No.10413313

Psychology: 3
Pedophilia: 0

I proclaim q'plah!

>> No.10413319


This proof still depends on a clear definition of what is and isn't harmful to others, which is the central topic in the debate.

>> No.10413320

>if you want them to do what you want to a reasonable extent you should do the same to them

>Thus, if you want to live a good life you should be good to others

>We can thereby determine logically that it is wrong to be bad to others

But what if you get what you want from them while treating them badly and get away with it? You effectively circumvent the need to do good to others in order to get what you want from them.

>> No.10413330


This also just a bad proof. It doesn't connect to right and wrong, but is just advice on how to obtain a good life. A good life does not always come from the doing the right thing and doing the right thing does not always lead to a good life, so they should not be used as a connection in the argument.

>> No.10413338

Psychology: 1
Pedophilia: 4
Apple: -2

>> No.10413341

They are inferior computers with poor controls. However recently I came to the realization that they can be used as music players. Does anyone know of any good earphones?

If you can't even stand up to children then you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.10413345

Dre Beats.

>> No.10413348


>> No.10413350

My point was not that others will be good to you if you are good to them and that they will not if you are not. I should have expressed myself more clearly. If you want others to be good to you and each other, then you need to contribute to a societal standard of kindness. This is done by being good toward others.

I would define being good to others as doing what they want( to a reasonable extent) unless you think this will have a greater negative than positive effect on people in general.

If you're going to think logically, it may be counterproductive to be completely objective.

>> No.10413353

Can we at least agree that Apple suck?

>> No.10413365

>My point was not that others will be good to you if you are good to them

> If you want others to be good to you and each other, then you need to contribute to a societal standard of kindness. This is done by being good toward others.

This is the same thing

>> No.10413426


People place faith in logic to prove a fact with complete certainty, given some set of assumptions. The process must be completely objective, and is just a series of statements where each succeeding statement is derived from statements previously proven to be true given the assumptions. It's important that the process remain objective, and that all statements are validated in this way, as otherwise, arbitrary conclusions could be derived and the process would be meaningless. What is subjective and what always will be subjective is the set of assumptions one makes at the beginning of the proof.

> I would define being good to others as doing what they want( to a reasonable extent) unless you think this will have a greater negative than positive effect on people in general.

This has too many loop holes. A heroin addict wants you to give them a brick to overdose with. The commander wants you to kill all civilians in a village. The sweat shop manager wants you to work for 50 hours with no pay. It escapes itself with the clause, ( to a reasonable extent), which then delegates to the unspecified rule of what is and isn't reasonable.

> unless you think this will have a greater negative than positive effect on people in general.

This too is complex. But it depends on what the individual thinks, so it is undefined. A leader is justified in committing genocide because they think their actions will have a positive effect on people in general.

> If you want others to be good to you and each other, then you need to contribute to a societal standard of kindness. This is done by being good toward others.

But this isn't connected to right and wrong. It is a recipe for a kind a friendly society. Have have to then define right and wrong as acting in accordance or in violation of this recipe, and some people will have a different definition for right and wrong.

>> No.10413427

No, the first statement is vague, and could be misinterpreted as me saying others will be good to you simply because you were good to them. As the second statement specifies, reality is a lot more complex than that, but being good is still worthwhile. I was just trying to avoid people going "Anon ur wrong, people can be ungrateful!"

>> No.10413458

You're right, my reasoning is somewhat circular, and it is rich in loopholes. This is because you're right, really. There are no fundamental rights and wrongs, just like there's no such thing as "important". These are all subjective concepts, and the reason they can't be explained using pure, objective logic is that they are not logical. That doesn't get you anywhere. Knowing that everything is really quite meaningless does not give you, me, or anything else meaning. So why not just say "Fuck it, I'll act as if things mattered, because I am an animal, and as such things bring me pleasure. Sure, I might know that pleasure is just chemicals in my brain, but that doesn't change anything."

The smartest man I know is pervert who loves red wine and tennis. He's a philosopher and a mathematician, and he's certainly thought a lot more about this stuff than we have. He still cares about things, and I don't see why we shouldn't.

>> No.10413484

Psychology: 2
Pedophillia: 0.5
Apple: -2
Samsung: -1
Nihilism: 3
Logic: -9000

>> No.10413515


While concepts like right, wrong, and important might not have meaning on their own, they can be logically understood if combined with a premise. Like logical procedures are important if you place value in logic and the conclusions it can derive. Or feeding the hungry is the right thing to do if you believe that you should treat others well. Or stabbing random people is wrong if you think unprovoked violence is wrong (for whatever reason).

>> No.10413536

Right, but you're being subjective. Sure, you can use a premise to analyse a hypothetical situation, but you're being subjective if you're saying "It's wrong to kill for funzies." That is a biased opinion not based in fact, thus it is not logical. In my personal opinion, it's best to just ignore the insignificance of everything, but then again I've never spoken to anyone about it.

>> No.10413559


Logic is all about connecting statements to each other using a formal system. There is no concept of truth, only statements that are connected by the logical process. In order to calculate new true statements, you must first begin with a set of true statements to start your deriving. This initial choice is where logic is subjective. You are right. I could start with some rule that then demands me to condem murder in order to keep my beliefs consistent. But I could also start with the belief that the human race must be exterminated, and then derive the rest of my value system around that.

Although even them, people are notorious for having inconsistent beliefs.

>> No.10413585

> I could also start with the belief that the human race must be exterminated, and then derive the rest of my value system around that.
Well that's the problem, isn't it? You're right, logic must begin with certain axioms, and they're not hard to find if you just ignore this whole thought goop( I'm really tired, so my vocabulary is tiny.)

>> No.10413648


Yes, there are few solutions to the axiom choice problem. One solution is to turn to a religion. A standardization of values is one of their purposes. You can draw your values from the culture you are immersed in. I personally find this behavior stunted and that everyone should develop their own. After all, why would you trust the thing that determines your purpose in this life to something so arbitrary and out of your control?

Another approach that you used in this thread is to choose a value system that would produce a good and healthy society if everyone where to use and act on it as well. Of course, good and healthy are subjective, and depend on an already established value system in order to be determined...

>> No.10413974

You guuyss, this was supposed to be a thread about smartphones

>> No.10413998

Android 4lyf!!!

>> No.10416076


Still need a source on that image, chief.

>> No.10417689

Check the other loli thread.
