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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 779x861, 13010267686166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10369596 No.10369596 [Reply] [Original]

NEET lifestyle thread.

What are you NEETs up to?

>> No.10369598


>> No.10369606

Going to bed now. Will you tuck me in and give me a good night kissu?

>> No.10369602


>> No.10369603

Congratulations on your thread.

>> No.10369604


>> No.10369605


>> No.10369608

I've never posted in thread before, and I'm afraid it'll get deleted. I'm already getting sweaty palms thinking about it.

>> No.10369609

Did that guy rob the grocery store or what?

>> No.10369610

Absolutely nothing..

>> No.10369618

Did I choose an acceptable picture for the OP post?

>> No.10369619

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10369613

maybe he's in jail now

>> No.10369614

Idk thread got deleted.

>> No.10369623

Afraid not. Better luck next time.

>> No.10369624
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Much better than a boring Kaguya or Anzu pic

>> No.10369625
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Yes, I approve of it.

>> No.10369626


>> No.10369628

Kaguya or Anzu is better.

>> No.10369633

I am taking it easy. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.

>> No.10369640

>The Story of a Man Who Outsourced His Work to China so He Could Watch Cat Videos All Day

>The study documents the scam of a developer, who is referred to as Bob. He worked at a "critical infrastructure" company in the U.S. and started outsourcing his work to China underneath his company's nose, and would only pay those people less than one fifth of his six-figure salary.


tru corporate NEET right here.

>> No.10369643

>Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.
why? are you jerking off 11 times?

>> No.10369648

maybe it's sunday today wherever he is, so he's a neet today.

>> No.10369649

It seems there's not much to talk about without repeating every thread.
Even the little things I'd like to hear, maybe it could grow.

I found some a bunch of old music I though I lost the other day, going through it again makes me feel like I can get through this week.

>> No.10369655


Check out this new song about Otaku that I made, /jp/.

>> No.10369659

>maybe it's sunday today wherever he is
whoa, you just blew my mind

>> No.10369661


damn this is a good idea.

>> No.10369667

why the fuck does he have russian games in the video at 1:02?

>> No.10369671

the depressing fact is that even if i could turn back time, i would still end up like this.

>> No.10369675


>> No.10369676

fug ;_;

>> No.10369684

I wish I could turn back in time. I'd be a fluent japanese speaker now ;__;

>> No.10369701

Any of you want to get together to learn or do something together?

>> No.10369702

I have to do all the things that I put off today and yesterday.

It's always sunday and nighttime here.

>> No.10369711
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playing maple because it's the only thing I consider worth doing anymore, and because my computer can't run anything better.

>> No.10369714 [DELETED] 

At work listening to Idolm@ster songs.

>> No.10369716

Tea party pls.

>> No.10369742

I used to play Maple on dial up, it took 5 seconds after hitting a monster to kill it because of the lag

>> No.10369743


>> No.10369744

but janifag removes any thread that mentions tea party...

>> No.10369762

i wouldnt attend.
No tea can taste good with teacups filled with tears and missed opportunities.

>> No.10369763

Which ones? I've listened to 自転車, いっぱいいっぱい, and フラワーガール today. Also a bit of 恋をはじめよう

>> No.10369783

I finally beat Beldr on day 3 of Devil Survivor, I was seriously so stuck on that boss. I guess my team was just complete shit, but it had gotten me to that point pretty easily, so I just kept going at it. Finally decided grind a bit and grab a demon with the double attack phase thing, finished him off my second try.

>> No.10369804
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>I have to do all the things that I put off today and yesterday.

>> No.10369844 [DELETED] 

Vampire Girl, some Haruka stuff, and 765Pro remixes.

And usually bouncing between r/a/dio and /jp/ radio depending on the queue and DJ.

>> No.10369861

It's 2 am and I'mt thinking about cooking scrapple or something.

Should I /jp/?

>> No.10369866


>> No.10369870
File: 362 KB, 800x1138, 31686052_big_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got screwed on eBay. I naively shipped the item before the guy's echeck cleared and now it was canceled.

I hope Paypal will do something about it.

>> No.10369871 [DELETED] 

Go for it.

On the way home from I'm gonna get some shit to make brownies.

>> No.10369874

ebay won't do shit anymore if you aren't the buyer, sorry to break it to you but you got scammed out of some dosh

>> No.10369879 [DELETED] 

If I could turn back time I would stop the big bang and make sure none of us ever existed.

>> No.10369881

lifestyling my NEET hikki life

>> No.10369882

>I naively shipped the item before the guy's echeck cleared and now it was canceled.
atleast you've learned a valuable lesson

>> No.10369886 [DELETED] 

Just start the OP like this:

NAME: Original Poster



>> No.10369889

fug. At least I can leave him some scathing feedback and file a dispute.

>> No.10369891

Echecks are easy to scam with, just never accept them.

>> No.10369892 [DELETED] 

If I were him I would've used a one-off account through a proxy and had it shipped to someone else's house.

>> No.10369893

Trying to decide on what game to play, but there are none that I really want to play.

>> No.10369907

Talk with me on MSN.

>> No.10369909
File: 394 KB, 419x850, 29656558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the account did have existing feedback. Even I wouldn't have been dumb enough to trust some new user.

>> No.10369914

How much money did you lose?

>> No.10369919

Then give me your email so I can add you :T

>> No.10369927

Oh, another one that wants to talk with you. Anyway, I'll talk with you another day.

>> No.10369930 [DELETED] 

Well of course it had existing feedback. A smart scammer will have at least 20 botted accounts for that purpose.

>> No.10369943
File: 359 KB, 1663x1045, mmorpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my MMORPG. I have, probably, 1% chance of being successful enough to stop leeching from my parents and living with the money I make with this.

>> No.10369946

What is it written in?

>> No.10369952

I got the NEET talk a few days ago

"I just don't want you to be 40 years old and doing nothing with your life. You aren't even living, what do you want to do with your life?

Explained to my grandma that I would work if I could get a job that required minimal socialization. She suggested convenience store clerk whatafuck.

>> No.10369955 [DELETED] 

More like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% chance, baka.

>> No.10369954 [DELETED] 

If you're not writing it in C or assembly you need to kill yourself now.

>> No.10369966 [DELETED] 

I'm glad I have good parents. "What are you planning to do in life anon?", I say, "I just want to do a minimal amount of work and take it easy", them, "Sounds like a good idea."

>> No.10369970

XNA and C# client-side, C# and some external libraries server-side.

I am a shitty programmer and that is why I use shitty technologies.

>> No.10369972


>> No.10369973

>a job that required minimal socialization. She suggested convenience store clerk

>> No.10369978

That's really cool Anon. Even if you don't succeed with that idea, it should help give you valuable experience for any future titles as well. I'd like to start learning C# and become a master game developer some day too.

>> No.10369981
File: 110 KB, 360x346, 1332941805778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up, anon! You can do it.

>> No.10369985

I already made it. I just need art-assets + sounds which I will steal from old 2D games.

And then start a server and make an installer and viral it on shitty boards like /v/

>> No.10369991 [DELETED] 

Remember to have the server run only on a ramdisk and periodically back up to a NAS.

>> No.10369992

i dont think you'll be very successful using diablo 2 graphics

>> No.10369989 [DELETED] 

You're going to sell it? How are you going to cover the costs of a server?

>> No.10369990

$95 and a figure

>> No.10369993

People love retro!

>> No.10369994

which figure?

>> No.10370000

I already have a business partner who has servers. He will host it.

That is why I said I have a 1% chance

>> No.10370003

and a 100% chance to get sued if you make any money with it

>> No.10370008 [DELETED] 

Don't ruin my gawaii uguu dreams desu ne~

>> No.10370012

Here, gonna sleep now, feel free to add me later, sakura.

>> No.10370013

I added you make sure you add me. Also please don't be one of those creepy anons.

>> No.10370014

I would play it.
All I want in an an MMO is an open directionless world with grindy gameplay with vague story.

>> No.10370017

I plan on modifying the graphics so they don't look stolen

>> No.10370018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10370023 [DELETED] 

Have fun in jail jamal-kun.

>> No.10370038

At what age do most people start to reproduce? I don't want any Christmas cake.

>> No.10370041

Getting a job or I will starve to death within 3 weeks.

>> No.10370045

But you set an age already by saying Christmas Cake. That leaves you with 25 and below.

>> No.10370054

Damn. I just want my own kid.

I want to have a biological son but I'm afraid the mother will take it hostage and demand child support from me.

>> No.10370056

oh suigintou. you truly were the best rozen.

>> No.10370064

She still is, faglord.

There's a 3rd Season in the making.

>> No.10370072

really? I didn't want to get my hopes up.

hopefully suigintou stops being tsundere and is in shinku's bloomers by the end of it.

>> No.10370097


Yes, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.10370125

I've been NEET for 2 years and i finally got a job last week, i gotta say earning your own money feels kind of good. I guess i'll only visit you guys once in a while.

>> No.10370133

Three weeks is a while to come, something might work out

>> No.10370134

there's physically no way to actually stop you anyway, just don't mention anything about it.

>> No.10370148

as if we won't be able to tell an outsider's posts with ease

>> No.10370155

Can't you shoplift or hit the bread lines to avoid starvation?

>> No.10370159

please remember to remember your dreams tonight

make sure to post them here when you wake up


>> No.10370191

Out of NEET bux, need to to unNEET myself or I'll be a Street NEET.

>> No.10370196 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 299x197, 1300416049248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my neeto autism money is almost over

i have about 1 month of freedom left then i have to be forced to work or prove i'm still ``disabled'' again


>> No.10370199

I think you guys are bullshitting.

>> No.10370205

I don't know about the other guy but my situation is for real. Canadian disability is shitty because they always try to "fix" you so you can "get a job".

>> No.10370206

It's the neetpocalypse.

>> No.10370236

so prove you're still an autist. what does that even involve in canada? I assume just another interview with a doctor

>> No.10370241

Cut yourself up a little. Nothing says "I'm mentally impaired. Please give me money, government" like a few self-inflicted slash wounds.

>> No.10370262

No, it's true. I even have to declare bankruptcy now because I'm that out of NEET bux.

>> No.10370300

My doctor said I could get sectioned if I didn't "engage" with my psychologist. I also got a letter saying the same thing.
I've only had the psychologist come to my house two times now for 20 mins each time and they're threatening to section me? What the fuck.

>> No.10370314
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>> No.10370318


>> No.10370333
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Infact the only thing "wrong" with me is I have trouble eating alot of solid food, and some unexplained pains, probably due to my low weight.
Anyone know if these section threats are bullshit? Because if not I'm going to stop seeing this psychologist.
As far as I'm aware, I thought they only sectioned people who are a danger to themselves and others.

>> No.10370355

Just stole acne medication from the supermarket - I put it in a basket with some other cheap stuff, and as I put another item in there, I picked up the box and slipped it in my pocket.

Feels slightly bad, even though it's overpriced as fuck.

>> No.10370376

I talk to myself sometimes since I'm home alone a lot and I've noticed a trend.

~ 6 months ago I used to say "fuck you" or "fuck everything" a lot but recently I've been saying "I'm going to kill myself" or something along those lines.

Should I be worried? I've never thought about it seriously and I don't think I would ever actually do it.

>> No.10370396

Suicidal sentiments are often a sign of mental illness, even if you don't have any intention of actually doing it. You could probably benefit from seeking professional help.

>> No.10370401

I already am for other stress-related stuff.
I guess it's not helping very much.

>> No.10370409

de ja vu

someone said this exact thing like 3 months ago

>> No.10370428

They did? Hmm what the fuck.

>> No.10370471
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Go worship falseNEETs somewhere else you fuggin homos.

>> No.10370488

Went to bed last night at 6PM, woke up tody at 5AM. Thinking of having breakfast for a change. Probably biscuits and gravy again.

>> No.10370510

I've been a NEET for eight years, I've had to claim incapacity benefit for most of that time, I've become rather good at filling out the forms, if I wrote a guide would any other NEETs find it useful?

>> No.10370526

I'm having breakfast for the first time in months, it's good. It dosn't feel like breakfast unless you wake up before it.

>> No.10370544

I do this a lot too. I think my brother heard me screaming "I'm gonna rape you" one day. He never said anything though

>> No.10370545

>I thought they only sectioned people who are a danger to themselves
sounds like you are severely underweight and refuse to eat so yeah, they're gonna lock you up and forcefeed you like a duck

>> No.10370597


Yes, very much.

Which country do you live in?

>> No.10370747

UK. I'll start it tonight, I've got an ESA form to complete, so it should be easy enough.

>> No.10370870

any other NEET's with shit tier internet?

can't really watch youtube videos or anything like that, takes forever to download anything feels like dial up

>> No.10371017 [DELETED] 

Just steal some shit, get caught, start screaming "FUCK THE MAN", and then go to prison and get free food?

>> No.10371063

Slow internet is horrible.

>> No.10371065


>> No.10371077

Text browsers can be pretty alright. Some are able to load images inline.

>> No.10371101

It's been 10 months since I've graduated, still a fucking useless unemployed piece of shit.

Ah, how I wish can go to the other side now.

>> No.10371122

I had to go outside today and it was awful

>> No.10371139


My only source of internet is from my neighbor. Fast during the day (when they aren't home) slow in the late afternoon.

>> No.10371161

What's a section threat Madotsuki?

>> No.10371166

I remember that

those were the darkNEET days....

>> No.10371177


>> No.10371200


>> No.10371234

They aren't bullshit, it's because you don't eat and they see you being "low weight" and think you have some sort of disorder. Just say you have trouble eating solid food but you still make sure that you eat healthy
When you are autistic enough that they threaten to force you into a mental hospital, it's mostly just for retards who actually tell their psych that they are suicidal, want to hurt people or don't eat.

>> No.10371541

bump for neets

>> No.10371544
File: 222 KB, 786x1017, 1358457247957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A red warning for snow has been issued by the Met Office
>BBC meteorologist Derek Brockway said a red warning is "rare and means take action"
>This snow is expected to be particularly severe between 3am and 9am and is likely to lead to widespread accumulations of four inches with six to eight inches over higher ground.

>> No.10371552

are you going to do a sports update after the weather update?

>> No.10371565

Taking 8 dicks for drug money.

>> No.10371573
File: 156 KB, 897x579, 1358455151433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you looking forward to Spring Breakers, NEETs?


>> No.10371580

That's pretty cool. At least you don't have to pay for it. How is the speed at night?

Also, is it an open network?

>> No.10371581

Read this Anon's posts:

Incorporate them into the guide.

>> No.10371647

I remember that thread, he gave some good advice. I will add it to the guide I'm writing. I also have the marking criteria for what's known as the "Allwork Test." It works simply by accumulating points by matching descriptors, for example if you tell them that you need to be left alone for six a more hours day, you get two points. The threshold for benefit is around twelve points. ATOS really do not give a fuck if you are ill or not, you could be in a wheelchair with no legs but if you don't have enough points, the cunts will say you are fit to work.

>> No.10371695

I failed my ATOS test and I'm reapplying now. I did some googling and a lot of people with some pretty impeding physical problems were rejected.

It'd be nice to have that Anon back because I don't know if there's a quota or what, but you really do have to ham it up and convince them you can't wipe your own arse. Even if you have a real disability that benefits like ESA were designed for. It's sad, really.

>> No.10371718

I went for a drive today. I saw two Lamborghinis and a low flying military type helicopter which was probably a test flight from the nearby Boeing factory. There was a camera in the car but it only got the helicopter and one of the cars.

It was all very exciting and fun. I'll have to go back in a couple of months when the wildflowers are growing.

>> No.10371724

do you guys play the sims ever? I'm torrenting a sims 3 bundle with all of the add-ons for it, seems kind of fun living a life you'll never live yourself

>> No.10371757

pls leave normal

>> No.10371773

That game was too confusing for me. I ended up walling my guy's bed so he was stuck laying in it. He'd wake up, make some weird noise for a while, and then fall asleep. After a while I put a window in the wall and when his wife came to look through it I walled her in too.

Is it possible to make an adult be friends with a child? If I play it again I want my guy to know all the lolis in his area, and maybe even invite them over to his house for weener roast and smores.

>> No.10371792

>I ended up walling my guy's bed so he was stuck laying in it. He'd wake up, make some weird noise for a while, and then fall asleep.

my life

>> No.10371852

Sims is too much like real life. I fast forward through everything.

>> No.10371855

You can be friends (and even call them up on the phone when they are not at school) but you can't do any romantic to them.

>> No.10371974
File: 71 KB, 255x207, 1325647191001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate four whole chocolate chip cookies.

I feel like an American.

>> No.10371985

lol Europoor. I'm 6 feet tall, 150 pounds and I can eat a whole box lying in front of the TV.

>> No.10372002

im american and a bit skinnier than that but i do the same thing.

its sad because i can feel myself becoming more unhealthy as I age and i know im going to run into problems later.

>> No.10372018

You can eat my asshole if you want something nutritious for yourself.

>> No.10372023

lick my dick

>> No.10372029

Aw, man...
Fine, but do me next.

>> No.10372040

I had five kiwis and three glazed donuts for lunch earlier today.

>> No.10372045

.... the bird?

>> No.10372052
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Guys I'm seriously worried. They were these. Will I get fat? I feel so fat right now.

>> No.10372057

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a heart attack first.

>> No.10372078
File: 221 KB, 947x602, kiwis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fruit, silly.

>> No.10372079

nice hairy knuckles

>> No.10372083

What the hell why didn't you make chocolate chip cookies? Premade ones are shitty 100% of the time.

>> No.10372088

Can you invite them to do things? I don't want to do anything romantic. I just want to have some pure giggly fun with some lolis.

>> No.10372093

Who is so autistic they make their own chocolate chip cookies? Do you squeeze your own oranges too? Crush your own coffee? GTFO dork.

>> No.10372102

Pretty sure you can invite them to parties to drink sugarjuice because The Sims is a family-friendly game and alcohol doesn't exist.

Also anything a Sim can do with his own children I'm fairly certain they can do with child-friends. Playing with toys together, that sort of thing.

>> No.10372122

I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that it's impossible to have a long-lasting, meaningful relationship with a person outside your family.

Here's why: relationships with your family members are the only relationships that aren't mutually beneficial in some way.

All the relationships that a person forms along their way through life are made for some kind of gain, either monetary or emotional. Or based around some temporary activity like school or place of employment; which means they're doomed from the start.

I guess my point is that it's impossible to form meaningful bonds with people that are not your family. It doesn't mean that most families aren't shit, though.

What do you guys think?

>> No.10372115
File: 47 KB, 275x275, Porlex_Grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do juice my own oranges. I have about a half dozen orange trees on this property. I also actually do grind my own beans as well. I have a hand grinder just like the one pictured. If I had the means to roast my own I would too.

Homemade chocolate chip cookies really are a lot better than anything you can buy. Just the classic Nestle recipe. They're great.

>> No.10372124

Old man hands

>> No.10372125


>> No.10372131

Perfect. I might redownload it and give it a try.

>> No.10372133

Ground coffee loses flavor within minutes of grinding. You should grind your own if you care about quality. If you're a real coffee nerd you can roast your own too, but that's less important.

>> No.10372135

Chocolate chip cookies are the most commonly home-baked cookie in existence. So to answer you, you don't need to be autistic at all.

Oreos are the most common store bought.

>> No.10372142
File: 92 KB, 399x403, orange-juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thread about this on /ck/ but not many people cared:

How much juice do you get out of an orange? I tried once with one of those pyramidy juicer things and I got maybe a third of a glass of juice out of one orange.
Is it better to just buy cartons? If so, from concentrate or not from concentrate?

>> No.10372170

If you're going to make orange juice from oranges, you will need a lot of oranges. I get about 1/4 a cup of juice per orange. These ones are a bit small though. I dunno about buying orange juice.

>> No.10372171

I feel the same way. My father always hints to me that he thinks I should be looking for a girl or a future wife, I only see myself actually caring about my close family members.

I care about people to a certain extent but I don't feel like I'll ever care about someone enough to want to be with them forever

>> No.10372177

You are buying the wrong type of orange. Buy Valencia or pinapple oranges.

>> No.10372178

Home made orange juice will always taste better and be more fresh, as well as probably being more healthy. But really it comes down to how much you are willing to spend if making it yourself is going to be expensive, and if the taste or other benefits make it worth the extra money.

Personally I live in florida and there are quite a bit of trees around here so I have never had a problem with it financially

>> No.10372195

They're just oranges from the backyard. This neighborhood was built in an orange grove, and for some reason that makes me want to say they're navels but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.10372205

Is there a guide like this for USA NEETs?

>> No.10372211

I don't like orange juice

>> No.10372260

How much can I jew in the UK (Northern Ireland) in terms of NEETbux? I'm 20 and have no proper disabilities, would I only be able to get jobseekers (£55 a month and having to pay only 25% of my rent) or can I get more somehow?

>> No.10372265

so bored that I came here

>> No.10372270

I like orange juice and chocolate chip cookies

>> No.10372282

I like both of those things but I don't think they sound good together

>> No.10372286

I want to go to the psychologist but my mom doesn't want to pay or take me there.
What do i do? I feel like i have alot of mental problems but no one wants to help me.

>> No.10372288

Do you like chocolate chip cookie dough? Do you like chocolate cookie dough ice cream? It's a very good flavor of ice cream.

>> No.10372289


Your problems can't be severe enough to need professional help if you're willing to openly talk about it with her.

>> No.10372291

I dont want to go and tell my whole life to a person that does this for money but it's over 5 years i'm like this, i feel lonely but i hate 3DPD but still i feel lonely and i need someone 2 talk to and i'm afraid maybe in the future i try to murder someone

I'm also thinking of buying a cat

>> No.10372293

I'm also thinking of you leaving this thread and board.

>> No.10372296

You mad?

>> No.10372302


You don't buy cats you steal them

>> No.10372322

Exact opposite for me. My mother wants me to go somewhere and will pay for it, but I don't want to go. There's no problems. She just thinks I have problems. It doesn't sound convincing at all when I say that but it's the truth.

>> No.10372355

>I dont want to go and tell my whole life to a person that does this for money
I know how you feel, but please think about their side too. They've studied for 5 years or more and some would do it for free or less costs, but people need to earn something to eat.

>> No.10372412

I don't want to support a pseudo-science by giving its proponents an audience.

>> No.10372447

Psychology may not in fact be a real science in the most limited concept, but this doesn't mean that all its credit goes to waste. It is a not an old area, so there is still so much to learn and study. When you say it I have the impression you think that the psych researchers just sat all day speculating mystical things. If that's the case, try to have in mind that much work was and still is done, and that psychology isn't a unified subject that thinks it can know everything about the mind.
Sorry for talking about this subject on a NEET thread, I don't want to derail it. I will stop posting.

>> No.10372459

I feel like this but I don't know how I would ever bring up the subject with my mom. I guess I'll never get those sweet autism bux.

>> No.10372473

Could someone explain the process of getting autism bux?

>> No.10372481

I keep telling my counselor I'm not thinking about suicide but she probably knows I'm lying. (I'm the guy from a previous thread who has tried to end his life 3 times.)

I hope the brain hospital people don't take me away before I finish my list of things to do before I die.

>> No.10372492

So my cat likes to eat off the same plate as me and it's not worth the effort trying to stop him since I never have guests over for meals anyway. What should I avoid putting in my dinner to stop my cat getting sick? Chocolate, onions, and plant matter high in carbohydrates, obviously... what else? Anyone else eat with their cat like this?

>> No.10372498

try searching the archive for "autism bux" maybe you'll find something

>> No.10372500

I don't want to support charlatans, either. Most "psychologists" are so far removed from the actual "science" of psychology, that they're little more than average joes with a knowledge of some fancy words.

>> No.10372502

Nobody is going to tell you how to defraud the government.

>> No.10372503

Lurking and the archive can.

>> No.10372510

If you have a list of things you "need to do" before you die, you're delusional. You don't really want to die.

>> No.10372515

>I'm the guy from a previous thread who has tried to end his life 3 times.

Just be honest: you didn't try at all. I say this as someone who was hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

Killing yourself isn't physically difficult. You didn't try.

>> No.10372522

Cats can't taste sweetness.

I learned this recently and also posted about it recently.

It makes me feel sad.

>> No.10372530

That's gross, dude.

>> No.10372531

Having guests over is the only reason to not eat from the same plate as your cat?

He licks his butt with his tongue after he shits, and you don't know what kind of shit he gobbles up while you're not looking.

Besides, most human food is harmful to cats because of additives, spices, etc.

It's bad for your cat and you, just give him normal cat food like skinless chicken breasts or some canned cat food from the store.

>> No.10372532

How can you say you made a suicide attempt if you didn't attempt suicide?

>> No.10372540

He successfully attempted suicide, like how I just successfully thought of attempting suicide.

>> No.10372542

Because in retrospect I realized I didn't intend to succeed. I suppose a few people genuinely try and fail for some sort of technical reasons, but jumping off a building or strapping a helium mask to your face is fairly binary. You do it, or you don't.

>> No.10372559

Speaking of that, why do people even bother with methods with a very low success rate like pills or slitting their wrists?

If you're bothering to do it, why not go all the way and make sure you succeed?

>> No.10372564 [DELETED] 

I've been watching animes and reading mangas and playing Corpse Party: Book of Shadows. I'm currently drinking and replying to this thread.

>> No.10372566

Impact deaths leave a huge mess, poison gas suicides are hazardous to those around you, and masks require a concrete advance planning step.

>> No.10372570

There are several effective methods that are quick, painless, and don't leave any grossness to shock your relatives with. Read Final Exit or The Peaceful Pill Handbook.

I refuse to believe someone in this day and age would seriously think about killing themselves and not do half an hour of research on how to do it well. And if you're seriously messed up, well, just throw yourself off a building without thinking about it.

>> No.10372574

>Impact deaths leave a huge mess, poison gas suicides are hazardous to those around you

And? When you're dead you're not going to give a fuck what happens to anyone else, you'll be incapable of doing so.

>> No.10372575
File: 437 KB, 800x650, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try give up neetdom
>move to germany because better safety net
>move to city because big tech company there so lots of tech jobs
>finish move end of summer
>big tech company closes german branches right after
>job market now flooded with people from said company

>also cant use safety net because wife isnt german

Back to NEETdom only with higher living expenses

>> No.10372577

because most people just want attention

>> No.10372587

Everyone gets this, but it's just considerate. Even if I know I don't get to see the reaction of people I help/troll online, I still do it.

In a way it comes back to the "why care about anything if you're just going to die?" question. In my last moments I'd like to know my family aren't going to be freaked out because I am a blob on the sidewalk.

>> No.10372589

Most people don't go out how to research anything properly before they do it, let alone suicide. A highly analytical person might, before buying a pair of headphones, look up what people recommend and which best fits needs. Before starting an exercise program, they would decide on a regimen that best fits their needs and pace themselves reasonably. A lot of people just go out and buy a pair of whatever looks good, or decide they're just going to do a whole lot of sit-ups in one day end up super sore and quit it.

It's even more pronounced when you have a good idea of how you're going to do something. Let's say you have fuck-all with Microsoft Excel experience, but for various reasons you've been forced into a situation where you do have to do various calculations. If you think you're a smart guy, you're not going to bust out the Excel manual because even dumbasses know how to work a spreadsheet. You're just going to go with what you think works.

Combine that with the idea that pills seems to the uninitiated like a very easy way to go, and it's not surprising why more people don't "do it properly." If you're naive you might believe that all you have to do is wash down half the bottle with vodka, go to sleep, and never wake up again.

>> No.10372604

You know, you might be right. I generally assume other people are like me because I don't know many other people, but I've had my fair share of easily-googleable questions in my lifetime.

Still, I think genuinely wanting to kill yourself and being in a sane enough state of mind to plan it in advance would make you think "Oh maybe I should find out the best way to do this."
Even if it's spontaneous there are pretty surefire ways to end your life. I suppose that's where survival instincts kick in, though. You don't really want to cut your throat that deep or put that bullet through your head.

>> No.10372606

Well, better go back to turkey!

>> No.10372611

Trying to fix my sleeping schedule. I went to bed in 01:00 but I kept waking up, so at 04:30 I just decided to give it up for the day.

I also tried getting into Twitter but it's really useless.

>> No.10372615

Hah. Was moving back after studying in the states and then neeting it up for a while.

>> No.10372616

>I also tried getting into Twitter

How do you even get into Twitter? Don't you just post events that happen in your life? Who would be interested in reading it and being your friend or whatever? Just seems silly.

>> No.10372637

>How do you even get into Twitter?
Good question, I didn't know so I just deactivated my account.
>Don't you just post events that happen in your life?
That's pretty much all you have to do there unless you're a news agency or a game publisher maybe.
>Who would be interested in reading it and being your friend or whatever?
No one I guess. I wouldn't be interested in reading it either but some people have over a 100 followers and their tweets were worse than mine.
>Just seems silly.
It is, but I was bored.

>> No.10372648
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At this rate of sageru we will make it to page 10 in an active thread.

>> No.10372651

Goodnight friends.

>> No.10372654


>> No.10372659

Uncle Remus guide

>> No.10372695

It's only on the second page or so, and it's only a good thing.

Means there are only good posters in here. Seriously though, I'm not saying that everyone who uses sage is a guaranteed good poster, but almost everyone who bumps is a retard.

>> No.10372803

Are there any alcoholic NEETs here?

Ho do you manage to balance your budgets and afford the booze?

>> No.10372822
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>> No.10372838


begging family for money, still young enough where they think i will shape up but they are just kidding themselves

>> No.10372912

You think they would revoke your spending privileges.

>> No.10372931

What do you guys usually do with your time? I want to know how your typical day goes. Don't just say "nothing".

Anything counts.

>> No.10372927


you'd think, but I don't spend on anything else except ramen and cereal so they think I'm "frugal"

although im sure they will stop giving me money fairly soon once they realize how useless it is, then gensokyo here i come

>> No.10372942

i browse 4chan a lot

>> No.10372939


breathing, watching television, reading shitposts while shitposting on /jp/, playing video games, staring at the wall, daydreaming, masturbating, eating

I think thats it

>> No.10372941

Sleep, eat, play video games, watch anime, fap. Not necesarily in that order.

>> No.10372960

Thank you for replying, your replies are valuable to me.

>> No.10372958 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't really consider myself an alcoholic since I don't drink every day, but I pay for my alcohol with disability checks.

>> No.10372963

I actually have an odd hobby

I almost daily write a very long and detailed email to moot, it's always something that is supposed to demean him.

For instance, yesterdays email was about how bad he's been running the website, stuff like image thumbnails going down a lot and gateway errors recently. Other times I may insult him on how he looks in a photo I find of him.

he never messages me back though

>> No.10372975

Cloudflare has a free service plan, but I'm not sure what moot uses. I doubt it's the $3000 plan. That leaves either the $20 or $200 plans.

>> No.10372976

Playing DotA (and other games, but mostly DotA), exercising, watching anime and film, listening to music, wanking, thinking, and internet stuff.

>> No.10372984

My NEET status might be ending tomorrow. If I'm correct, then it will only be for a month or two, because I haven't had any money in years.

I am shaking right now though. It's the first time I have to go to sleep to wake up for a certain schedule. It's the worst feeling in the world. I hope I die in my sleep, /jp/!

>> No.10372990 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't really consider myself an alcoholic since I don't drink every day, but I pay for my alcohol with disability checks.

>> No.10373017

Today I woke up, made some tea, made breakfast, picked some oranges and played with my cat outside, went for a drive, came home, went to the store for my mother, came home and had dinner, and now I'm about to take a shower then get in bed to masturbate and sleep. Days when I wake up in the mornings are the only days when I actually do things. If I wake up early again tomorrow I'm probably going to go for a hike or wander around the city on foot.

This isn't a usual day though. Most of the time I wake up around 3-7PM, so I spend the vast majority of my days laying in bed and masturbating, watching shows and playing games, or messing with cameras and computers.

Whenever I'm at home I'm also browsing and posting on 4chan.

>> No.10373036

I bet you are white. Like 20 bucks.

>> No.10373062 [DELETED] 

Please don't go outside anymore. The outside is bad.

>> No.10373081

I hope you pass on in your sleep too, and that your last dreams involve all the things you love.

>> No.10373085 [DELETED] 


What the fug, get out of here you drunk pig

>> No.10373096 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10373100

Thank you so much. I need your love more than anything right now. I'm going now. I'll see you in another life. Oyasumi.

>> No.10373109

I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule for a couple of days by staying up all night but I keep falling asleep.

>> No.10373110 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10373116

>I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule for a couple of days by staying up all night but I keep falling asleep.

That's exactly what I'm doing right now actually, I have to keep awake and not sleep during the day because I have to do some stuff, I think tonight is the night I finally stay awake though

>> No.10373134

Did you email him about deleting /jp/ yet?

>> No.10373142

That's hilarious.
I wonder if he finds you amusing or just blocked you long ago.

>> No.10373139

I almost had a laughing fit at the store again. I'm not really sure why this happens. I get in a really giggly mood and end up finding the stupidest things humorous:

Cat food having pictures of cats on it
Black man unable to find syrup
White man taking a long while to locating vanilla ice cream in the freezer
Small dogs barking at nothing in car with windows rolled down
Huge supply of firewood in front of the store is probably there because the wood doesn't even burn
Pulled into parking spot next to a car looking into it only to be met by the gaze of an angry ginger kid listening to hiphop loud enough to hear it from my car
Teenage boy looking utterly confused while looking at the parking lot from the grocery store doors
Beastie Boys on the radio

Looking back, a lot of them aren't even funny. When I saw them though, I had a hard time holding back my laughter and sometimes even failed (cat food having picture of a cat and Beastie Boys, but nobody was around to hear my laughter).

Sorry for this post I'm in an oddly talkative/active mood at the moment.

>> No.10373153
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>Cat food having pictures of cats on it

>> No.10373156

I have that too, sometimes.

I also remember all the silly posts on /jp/ and laugh to myself about them when I'm outside.

Are you a mac user, by any chance?

>> No.10373157

Not a Mac user, I use XP.

>> No.10373158

Thank you for the report. Please continue doing these regularly.

>> No.10373161

I really like these kind of threads because of posts like >>10373139 and >>10372963.

Please keep on posting, I really enjoy it.

>> No.10373166

I'm on the computer posting on 4chan and about to watch Puchimatsu.

>> No.10373168

Does anyone buy lottery tickets? I do whenever I have spare money, one day I'll win and be able to NEET it up for life

>> No.10373172

Have any of you talked to people from /jp/ outside of /jp? If so, how was it?

>> No.10373212

Not ever.

>> No.10373259

I drink at least enough to get a nice buzz once or twice every day, but I don't get hangovers, so I'm not sure if I qualify as a alcoholic.

My parents pay for it.

>> No.10373290

Lately I've been feeling more horny than normal. I masturbate three times before I go to sleep and even then I sometimes end up having a sex dream (although no ejaculation). Even so, for some reason I really want to stop masturbating for a while to see how it affects me. Mostly, I want to see if I can produce some sort of precum and I want to have a wet dream. The longest I've gone without masturbating before was three days and all that changed was getting horny too easily. If I stop I should eventually start to produce some sort of precum and have a wet dream right?

>> No.10373306

Even when I used to masturbate for at least 3 hours a day, sometimes literally all day, I still was producing precum.

>> No.10373316

I don't know about you, but I'm actually more aroused when I masturbate more. It's sort of a vicious circle, because I would rather do other things.

Try to not masturbate for a day, see how it feels.

>> No.10373323

you need to edge to get precum

>> No.10373361

Also, why would you want to have a wet dream? It's not anything special, and it's annoying when you're trying to sleep.

I guess the dreams that precede it are cool, though. You can suck your own dick and you cum a lot.

>> No.10373366

Do you really? I thought it just happened when you got really horny.

>> No.10373386

Is this your 10th time masturbating or something?

>> No.10373474

No, not at all. I used to edge almost excessively a while back too but the only difference it made was more semen coming out and with more force. Never any of that clear slippery precum I always read about.

>> No.10373521

That's weird. I heard that some people don't get precum at all, though.

Make sure you're hydrated, drink plenty of water. If you've never had it, then maybe it's not meant to be. Are you watching good porn?

>> No.10373532

For some reason I once had a rock hard bonner for a couple of hours in my pants. Once I decided it was enough and that it was time for a good fap I noticed how fucking wet my boxers were.... I had never seen that it... It was like my penis was preparing for some how urethral sex...

>> No.10373547
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The guy ended up paying. It was all a misunderstanding!

I knew I shouldn't have doubted my fellow man.

>> No.10373630

I don't like having excessive precum. It makes my lube tacky.

>> No.10373720

✓ Nice
✓ Epic
✓ I like it

>> No.10373806

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10373824

Of course they don't, pure little girls would never murder their parents so naturally they wouldn't do drugs.

>> No.10373827

Are there any countries where you can have financial aid and housing by the time you move on to it permanently?

I'm scared.. I'm scared for my future. Or should I just kill myself or commit suicide?

>> No.10373830

>kill myself or commit suicide
Interesting wording

>> No.10373850

They are different.

>> No.10373922

If you intend to kill yourself, it's committing suicide. Even if you kill yourself in a weird way (e.g. suicide by cop).

>> No.10373925

If you are going to kill yourself you should at least abduct a cute schoolgirl and rape her for a couple days in your basement before you do it.

>> No.10373933

Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

>> No.10373930


It's impossible to abduct a little girl.

>> No.10373947

Make some chloroform, dickcheese.

>> No.10373978

When a company called me to work for them as a call agent in a call center I decided I might better my life and try to fight NEETdom.

They subsequently refused me after having me run along with them one day and having me make some calls. I did pretty ok, not bad, but I'm sure other people who are by nature more talkative do it better.

I was really happy when they didn't take me though. I was getting really anxious that I'd might have to work and go outside and deal with people. It wasn't work I wanted to do either. I really hate this sort of work. I only really just took it because they offered it since I never actively look for work myself.

When I listened to my voice mail today, as I woke up around noon (they called at the ungodly hour of 9am[!]) the reason given that they wouldn't take me was: "that you seem to smart for the job and that you'd get bored fast"

Is this what it is like to be a misunderstood genius, /jp/?

>> No.10373988

Playing touhou and reading manga.

>> No.10374013

>Is this what it is like to be a misunderstood genius, /jp/?

It's just a polite way of telling you that you're a worthless piece of shit they don't want.

>> No.10374024

Yes, I figured it might be that. Thanks.

I'll never make any ventures into the job market again now.

>> No.10374072



I also used to gamble online.

I stopped after I got into shit though. I had to put all my money onto a 1/3 chance to win back my loses and miraculously succeeded.

I was ready to kill myself if that roll failed.

>> No.10374080

holy shit you were lucky as balls

>> No.10374125

i really like rolling around on the floor. i just got done rolling. im very sweaty so im going to take a shower now.

>> No.10374128


>> No.10374131


actually i think im going to roll around a little more. ill take a shower later.

>> No.10374135


thank you

>> No.10374236

Dosing 1064mg of DXM polistirex today, along with 300mg dph.
It should be a solid third plateau dose, as I weigh 205lbs.

>> No.10374244


your heart rate and blood pressure will skyrocket!! you could die... please dont do it..

>> No.10374279


>>10374244 here

have you taken dph or dxm before?

>> No.10374286


He's dead.

>> No.10374293
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>> No.10374296

I ordered some nitrous oxide today. I'm not expecting much from it, but I guess experiencing with new things won't hurt.

>> No.10374299 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 870x656, sudo does it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate u sudo

>> No.10374308


>> No.10374310

I'm gonna sniff some glue and drink diesel today

>> No.10374322


well at least keep a phone nearby in case anything really bad happens

>> No.10374338

I fucking hate that "rule."

>> No.10374353

Why would anything bad happen? Those aren't even very high doses of either drug. I've dosed 1500mg of dph before, and I always take 200-300mg of dph when I take dxm.

>> No.10374390
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you should always prepare for the worst. 1.5g of dph sounds insane.. you must have seen some crazy things. im going to take a nap. sweat dreams /jp/

>> No.10374391

Today I woke up at 8 AM and spent the next four hours drinking two cups of instant coffee, reading a used copy of an etiquette book, and thinking deeply about how no one will ever marry me or love me, so my life goals should just be "accumulate enough wealth to dote on your neices and nephews and support your siblings in hard times."

ln that case, it doesn't matter if I get a high-paying job, as long as I'm frugal and save up money. I'm going to be that one eccentric but kindly older relative. It seems like an acceptable path in life, right?

I just don't want to be useless garbage forever.

>> No.10374399

I haven't slept since Monday night, and I still can't sleep. I just don't know anymore.

>> No.10374505 [DELETED] 

If that isn't a high quality image, I don't know what is.

>> No.10374628

Laughing uncontrollably at things that aren't funny is actually a legitimate medical condition, it's called labile affect. I suffer with it so severely that I get autism bux for it.

>> No.10374635

Why is /jp/ so shitty today? Where are all these kusposts coming from? Why don't moot just delete this board already? Why do I still care?

>> No.10374755

/jp/ sucks when there isn't a comiket going on

>> No.10375132

Make a new thread we need at least one not bump limit thread at all times.

>> No.10375240

That's when it sucks the most

>> No.10375286

Make a new thread, neurotypicals.

>> No.10375374

I miss suwako

>> No.10375622

What's the post limit these days? Something like 500? Or maybe that's other boards

>> No.10375907

300. Thread hit the bump limit hours ago.

>> No.10376410


-Jewniturd, 2013

>> No.10376419

Why? Just use the catalog and sort it by last reply

>> No.10376921

What do you usually eat? Does your mom cook for you?

>> No.10377055
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How was you're day guys? Anyone got the flu? I hear it's wrecking the normies hard as Heck.

>> No.10377314


>> No.10377500


>> No.10377633

I've always wanted to learn to play the piano, and being a NEET I finally have the time. Is it possible to learn to play one without actually having a piano or leaving the house?

>> No.10377711

Nah, I don't think so. I tried, but it was really hard. You need to practice for it to get committed to memory.

>> No.10377774

A lot of the learning is technique. You need to know how to press the keys at different speeds and times. You can learn all the diatonic scales in half an hour, but actually learning to play them takes a little longer and real world effort.

Of course, you could just learn music theory and make music electronically. Look up Ravenspiral's guide.

>> No.10377790

Could you tell me a bit more about learning music theory? I'll read the guide, but I probably won't be enough. What else should I read?

I really want to make music, but I don't know any theory.
