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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 545x700, xmzgK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10334712 No.10334712 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, is this even legal?

>> No.10334718
File: 188 KB, 482x512, 1356395050631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you in the US or Canada? No. Probably a lot more countries too.

Good luck even getting someone to arrest you specifically for "cartoon porn" of any kind though.

>> No.10334721


I meant yes, not no.


>> No.10334725

Its illegal in Canada shiterg commander

>> No.10334732

That's because Canada is a leftwing shithole.

>> No.10334734

Thats because your ass is so lose even your mom's pennis dick could fug it shitnose

>> No.10334745
File: 180 KB, 1000x1500, b75746bc30abbae84cf38f445afe5412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you nooblords, take it to MSN or Skype and stop shitting up my thread. Lets learn to appreciate some recorder.

>> No.10334761

I do not use either of those as I am not a normal.

>> No.10335410

CUTE homu dude!

>> No.10335419

In some places in America like New York it is.

>> No.10335421
File: 188 KB, 600x906, f77ea17d268df139a6d72a6c4890e130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These recorders are too lewd.

>> No.10335423


>> No.10335442
File: 704 KB, 1284x1445, 1354766365263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the tall one, she looks like she's built for fuggin

>> No.10335447
File: 314 KB, 744x1160, c651743f9edcbdd0f7384f5be1f13dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop right there criminal scum.

>> No.10335452

your pic is too cute

>> No.10335465

The shortest one is the best because she refuses to wear panties. The middle one is a yandere. The tall one is boring.

>> No.10335468

>refuses to wear panties

>> No.10335476
File: 260 KB, 913x692, 5388143035bc5ad7e2a4b3a541992d30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recorder class should be made compulsory in every country.

>> No.10335494

I don't want to get arrested for using google to reverse image search.
What show is this from?

>> No.10335502

To Catch a Predator

>> No.10335504
File: 161 KB, 1280x1440, [HorribleSubs] Mitsudomoe 2 - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.07_[2011.02.07_20.34.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mitsudomoe is >>10335442

>> No.10335508

But they look like bootleg flutes. They probably sound horrible.

>> No.10335511

At least in this show, the youngest sister isn't a complete bitch. Unlike in a certain other show that recently started into its fourth season. Even though every season after the first one was utter shit.

>> No.10335513


To Go Fuck Yourself

Recorder classes were pretty boring at school. You didn't miss much

>> No.10335517

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10335527

please don't talk shit about taiga. hitoha is exactly like taiga

>> No.10335523


>> No.10335545
File: 412 KB, 600x825, 499523aa63bdb0e19dac067e3ed7e536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute not pedo

>> No.10335554

>the youngest sister isn't a complete bitch.

She kinda is sometimes, but mostly spend her time being too awkward like that girl in that manga /v/ likes and /a/ sent dicks to

>> No.10335555


so what show is this one from, i'm confused now

>> No.10335558 [DELETED] 


>> No.10335559

It's not my fault I'm not popular?

>> No.10335562
File: 119 KB, 704x651, 1297138906011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335564

Chubby rori is my fetish.
no 3D pls, american facial feature are ugly.

>> No.10335566

Who the FUCK are you quoting dood?

>> No.10335568

the one where the mc hates lolis

>> No.10335586

and that one is called?

>> No.10335589

The OP crossposted the image from a thread in /a/. I don't know this because I browse /a/, though.

>> No.10335591

fine I will give you even more hints. girl on the left is a ninja. one of the show char is spammed as kaguya. just reverse search it on Google. I promised the fbi still not lock you up.

>> No.10335599

Huh? Naruto??

>> No.10335604

naruto has a kaguya lookalike?

>> No.10335605

What the fuck is wrong with you, and why are you even on this board?

>> No.10335620

post more mitsuba

>> No.10335624


I just typed in ninja kaguya on google and it came up with loads of Naruto links...sorry ;_;

>> No.10335629

don't you mean second season?

>> No.10335644
File: 1.12 MB, 2064x2998, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335659

please don't confuse me (the one worried about getting locked up) with this other fucktard.
My sincerely apologies.

>> No.10336056

So now I'll have to use proxy when browsing /jp/?

>> No.10336064


>> No.10336070

``Fuck off with your' '... what?

>> No.10336120

ginger chips sean

>> No.10336455


>> No.10336519


tl;dr: if it's a little lewd and judged obscene by a panel of idiots or if it's very lewd and deemed lacking in useful value, you get up a fine and/or up to ten years imprisonment (which is raised to up to twenty years if she's younger than 12).

This applies whether it's a photograph, a drawing, a sculpture, or a cartoon, and the law explicitly states that the children don't have to exist. Ask yourself: if this was a photograph, would I be worried? If so, you should be, because this is the same law.

>> No.10336650
File: 42 KB, 417x558, A_GidioCcAAe4wXs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10337656
File: 33 KB, 350x350, girlsgarden_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a law like that, you should be asking yourself whether you should just act out the image/comic in real life and take the same sentence.

Maybe that's the plan, make it so people might as well commit an actual crime, then blame it on drawings inspiring them.

>> No.10337690

Why can't I enjoy things I like? Okay, fine, CP is illegal because of real children and I understand this, but loli doesn't makes me a rapist or a paedohpile or a child molester, it's just porn. I WANT TO FAP TO WHAT I ENJOY, YOU CAN'T FUCKING TELL ME TO WHAT SHOULD I MASTURBATE GO DAMMIT. FUCKING AMERICAN LAWS.

>> No.10337702

America doesn't want you to masturbate.
They want you to procreate, because Whites are contracepting themselves and "da spics" aren't.

>> No.10337711

>Whites are contracepting
Because white women would rather fuck black guys and white men would rather fuck asian girls. It's all white's fault.

btw im jewish

>> No.10337743

What is the appeal of long skinny dicks? There's no point if you can't feel them inside you.

>> No.10337756

Maybe you should do some exercises or stop sticking baseball-bats up your asshole

>> No.10337779 [DELETED] 


>The court further rejected Whorley’s argument that the cartoon drawings were not depictions of actual children, and were therefore outside the ambit of 18 U.S.C. § 1466A(a). Rather, the court read the statute to encompass not only photographs and drawings of real children, but even drawings of purely fictional children.

Judge Niemeyer also rejected the defendant’s argument that the court’s broad reading of the statute must leave it unconstitutional. The argument centered on the Supreme Court’s recent holding in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 535 U.S. 234 (2002), which overturned a broad statute banning all depictions of children, including virtual children, engaged in sexual activity.

Stop posting outdated laws.

>> No.10337860

It has to be ruled as obscene, like looking at porn on a public terminal. People really blow these things out of proportion. Just because did something obscene and was arrested for it you think loli is illegal.

>> No.10337884

Who do asian men and black women fuck?

>> No.10337901

>It has to be ruled as obscene
This would be fine if the concept of a jury didn't exist or it was just strictly a specifically defined set of things a judge could run something by and decide if it fit.

As it is, a jury will say any porn is obscene. And anything without balloon tits is pedophilic.

>> No.10337924

It was obscene because he was looking at it in a public location. It's the job resource office, not XXX viewing gallery.

>> No.10337926
File: 94 KB, 300x300, bufu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each other
>tfw qtπ azn bf

>> No.10338684

why is my family crest in the BG of this image?

>> No.10338715

>draw obvious 2 year old body
>she is 100,000,000,000,000 years old according to story
Do I still go to prison?

>> No.10338723

Asian men are into bestiality.

>> No.10338750
File: 506 KB, 900x900, 43cc191dedd56eec51ef04c39ef92045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bestiality if it's 10%!

Is she having sex? Does she act like an adult or a 2 year old?

>> No.10338765

She is having violent orgy sex with over 20 men and she acts like an adult.

>> No.10338796

Don't post Elin pictures. They remind me of everything I've lost.

>> No.10338957
File: 624 KB, 1071x1482, cd2c22a9b0c02c3f25bf4d9c1ba9cf74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae favorite musical instrument.

>> No.10339030

It's not illegal per se to play the recorder with your cunt, but it might count as public indecency.

>> No.10339085

That is an exercise in jurisprudence and not actual codified law. Title 18 deals exclusively in the judiciary with living, breathing people. It is also a well known throw back to before a time when anti-sodomy laws were enforceable. (Prior to Lawrence v Texas, 2004)

If there are other charges, Title 18 can be used to add charges in order to facilitate additional prison time if the defendant is deemed a danger to society, but it has long been ruled in the Supreme Court that drawings, parody, cartoons, comics, and animated features do not fall under the domain of Title 18.

In and of itself, it is an unenforceable law. It is simply still on the books.

[takes off lawyer hat]

tl;dr OP's pic is legal.

>> No.10341781

For something to be obscene in the U.S., it has to depict "hardcore sexual activity." (1973 Supreme Court ruling).
A "little lewd" does not qualify.
You need either extreme genital closeups, bodily fluids/excretion/scat, masturbation, or penetration.
Official goods for non-adult anime are ever going to go far enough to be obscene in the U.S.

>> No.10341798

The recorder is nice and all but let's not forget to give credit to Goemon's translucent shirt.

>> No.10341799
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, kaguya_a_cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya a cute.

>> No.10341810


Sooo, mr. Lawyer, how would you explain this then?


>> No.10341843

That's Canada, silly.
They don't have FREEDOM there.

>> No.10344308

Did you even bother following up on that story?

"The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the Comic Legends Legal Defense Fund are pleased to announce that the Crown has withdrawn all criminal charges in R. v. Matheson, the case previously described as the “Brandon X case,” which involved a comic book reader who faced criminal charges in Canada relating to comic books on his computer. The defendant, Ryan Matheson, a 27-year-old comic book reader, amateur artist, and computer programmer has been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing."

So, cleared of all charges. And this is how all cases go if you just get yourself an attorney. (Shit countries won't get you one since they want you to be a criminal)

>> No.10344319
File: 1.22 MB, 2100x2100, shijuuhatte-48-positions-sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was subjected to abusive treatment by police and a disruption in his life that included a two year period of being unable to use computers or the internet outside of work, severely limiting his life and education. Mr. Matheson has agreed to plead to a non-criminal code regulatory offense under the Customs Act of Canada. As a result of the agreement, Matheson did not stand trial.
He got shit on for two whole years and ended his misery by agreeing to a plea bargain because, customs saw an anime picture on his computer, searched his computer for four hours, found this picture which constituted child pornography, and chucked him into a cellblock.

What a victory for freedom.

Careful, don't save this picture and travel to Canada, because it could happen to you.

>> No.10344323

If you haven't gotten the fuck out of the Anglosphere and Western Europe and into a saner country at this point I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10344344

>It has to be ruled as obscene, like looking at porn on a public terminal.
>It was obscene because he was looking at it in a public location.
So photographs of children masturbating are fine as long as I look at them in my own home?

It's a codified law because it's part of the United States Code. If this wasn't law, then photographs of children masturbating would not be against the law. This is the law that makes that legal.
>Title 18 deals exclusively in the judiciary with living, breathing people.
Did you even read it?
>(c) Nonrequired Element of Offense.— It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

>For something to be obscene in the U.S., it has to depict "hardcore sexual activity." (1973 Supreme Court ruling).
They use the Miller test.
Also, the US child porn law has two "paths" if you like: sexually explicit conduct (defined elsewhere) and obscene; or
>engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and
>lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value

I don't see why you nerds are so stubborn to admit that cartoon child pornography is illegal in the United States. At least two people have been fined or imprisoned because of cartoon child pornography alone. You don't have to agree with that (I certainly don't) but don't spout ignorant lies about how the law doesn't exist or doesn't count or whatever. My favorite is the guy who claims that, because the law hasn't been challenged, it's perfectly legal to download child porn.

The CBLDF guys are bros.

They're not so bad. Lost Girls is cartoon child pornography (Alan Moore admits it) but by the time it was being sold in the UK, they pretty much said, "Well, whatever. Let's just let people buy it."

>> No.10344393

All of the people who got hauled in for loli seem to me to be people who are particularly bad at concealing it.

>> No.10347980

>I don't see why you nerds are so stubborn to admit that cartoon child pornography is illegal in the United States.

Probably because you have to stand firm or the normals come shifting the border all the way over to "It is illegal to see a girl's toe". It always happens at the MMO forums.

"Of course they have to censor it, the girl has small breasts and a beard, clearly a child since women has big breasts. What is that? It's a dwarf? No, it is a child, look at how short it is!"

>> No.10353112


>> No.10354358
File: 500 KB, 939x928, ps1358065848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except they seem to have learned their lesson at the border. I got 2 hours of inspection coming home with asshats thumbing through these books and 100 others, and after 2 hours of digging not a single thing impounded.

>> No.10354378
File: 1.57 MB, 640x324, brule.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not use either of those as I am not a normal.

Oh wow, I haven't cringed this hard in a while. Visiting /jp/ was a shitty idea.

>> No.10354380


i can't believe you cringed

>> No.10354407

how do you get a job at border patrol again?

>> No.10354475

i agree that minami-ke is complete shite

>> No.10354480

Please go away /v/-kun.

>> No.10354493

"Just visiting" /jp/ is always a shitty idea. I hope you learned your lesson, crossboarder-kun.

>> No.10354871


LINE is where it's at.

>> No.10355094


>>10341781 here, if you read my post again I think you'll find it's saying basically the same thing you did. (The Miller test was established in the 1973 case.)

The point is that OP's image doesn't meet any of the qualifications you posted. It's merely "indecent," not "obscene."

As for your separate argument regarding pornograpy (which OP's image is not an example of). I'm not involved in that.
